Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3]

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Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3] Page 12

by Lara Jones

  He wrapped his hand around her upper arm and walked with her to the door. “Of course, I can.”

  Mora dug her feet in and gritted her teeth. “You really are a bas—”

  “Do we have a problem here, boss?”

  Her chin immediately dropped to her chest, and she nearly uttered ‘goddammit,’ biting it back at the last second and keeping it in her head. No, not him. Anyone but him. Alec was the last person she wanted to see.

  “No, I think we’re doing okay, aren’t we, honey?” Liam asked sweetly.

  Mora looked up at him through her lashes. She wanted so badly to wipe that smug look off his face, but she knew they could, hell, would punish her for hours if they wanted to.

  “Right, Mora?” Liam asked. Alec had told him about the incidence outside of the Jacobson house and about how furious it made her when he mentioned the butt plug. Alec said she turned almost purple from anger or embarrassment or both. He guessed both.

  “Yes,” she hissed out between her teeth.

  “Good. Let’s go.” He tried to pull her into the hallway and frowned when she grabbed onto the doorjamb.


  “What do you mean, no?”

  “We can wait here until Alec leaves. It’s only polite, right?”

  Liam and Alec shared a look and both bit back their chuckles.

  “No, that’s okay, Mora. I can walk behind you,” Alec said as serious as he could be at that moment.

  Mora looked up to glare at him and felt the heat of a blush move over her face. Son-of-a-bitch. He knows I have a plug in. Dammit. “No that’s oka…”

  “No, I insist.”

  “No, reall—” she tried to mutter.

  “Ladies first,” Alec said with false boredom.

  “You son-of-a-b—”

  “Mora,” Liam threatened in a deep, gravelly tone. “Watch it.”

  Her little fists tightened, and she stomped her foot. “Liam, make him go.”

  “Why?” he asked innocently.

  Her eyes narrowed at him. He knew why. Liam and Alec were messing with her, which pissed her off. Her first urge was to kick both of them in the shin, but she decided the only way to play this where she came out on top was to go with it with as much dignity as she could.

  Both men started getting nervous. They found when Mora was quiet, she was usually planning something.

  Mora straightened and smoothed out her shirt. She didn’t even try to pull away from Liam because she knew he wouldn’t let go. “All right,” she said in a small, sweet voice. “I was just trying to be polite. Let’s go, Liam.”

  She almost lost it and bit the inside of her mouth until she tasted blood when they both looked at her in horrified suspicion.

  Liam was the first to recover. “All right. Well, see you later, Alec.”

  “Sure thing, boss. Bye, Mora.”

  Mora ignored the humor in Alec’s and raised a hand. It was an accident that her middle finger was higher than the rest. “Bye, Alec.”

  Liam got her out of the building and into his truck. He smiled when he noticed she fidgeted, trying to get comfortable with the plug up her ass. “Doing okay, honey?”

  Mora’s teeth and jaw ached from clenching them together so much. “I’m just peachy, darlin’.”

  Liam choked on a laugh. “That’s real good, sweetheart. Let’s head home. Dylan should be home shortly.”

  Mora pulled back on a snort. “Oh, goody,” she whispered sarcastically under her breath and crossed her arms over her chest.

  He looked out his side window because if she caught him smiling she was bound to kill him.

  Chapter 18

  Liam dialed Dylan after he heard the bathroom door close behind Mora.


  Liam rolled his eyes. “Man, you got to do better with answering the phone.”


  Liam rubbed at his forehead. “Forget it. It’s time.”

  “Time for what?”

  “She needs us. She needs both of us to take her. We need to bond with her in the best way we can. She was getting more brazen with her…escapades.”

  “Shit, what’d she do this time?”

  Liam was not going to comment on the pride in Dylan’s voice because deep down he enjoyed her antics and looked forward to seeing what she did next. As long as she was safe, she could wreak havoc wherever she wanted. “The usual. Dressing up Dodger, cussing.”

  Dylan leaned back in his chair and chuckled. “She’s begging for it, isn’t she?”

  “I think so. She’s going out of her way to get our attention, so I think we need to give it to her.”

  Dylan slapped his hand down on his desk. “Good. Tonight she finds out what it really means to be our woman. I’ll bring supper home.”

  “Good. See ya.” Liam dropped his phone, holster, and gun on the top of the dresser and went into the hallway bathroom to shower.

  He found Mora in the kitchen setting out cheese and crackers. “Honey, Dylan’s bringing home supper.”

  “Good because I’m hungry. I hope he gets enough.”

  “He always goes overboard. We’ll have leftovers for three days.”

  Mora turned away. If Liam got one glimpse of her face, he’d be instantly suspicious and get it out of her before Dylan got home.

  Ten minutes later Dylan pulled in with three large sacks from the café on Main Street.

  “Hey, sugar,” he said and dropped a kiss on her lips as he walked on by toward the kitchen.

  Mora followed and helped set out all the cartons. “You certainly overdid yourself, Dylan.”

  Dylan straightened and looked over the food. “Yea, Liam always says that, too.”

  Liam came up behind Mora and put his hands on her shoulders. “It’s a good thing this time. Mora here says she really hungry.”

  “Why are you so hungry, sugar? Did you miss lunch again?” Dylan pulled her against him and took her lips.

  “Hey, Dylan, why are your brothers, Tommy, and Isabel here?” Liam asked.

  Dylan raised his head. “I have no idea,” he said as he walked up next to Liam with an arm curved around Mora’s waist. “Let’s find out.”

  Mora pulled away to run down the steps, past Clay and Royce, to hug Tommy and Isabel.

  Clay walked up and slapped Dylan on the back. “Thanks for inviting us over for supper.”

  Liam and Dylan froze and turned slowly toward Mora. They could tell she was aware of their scrutiny but ignored them.

  Royce and Clay looked from the guys to the two women still standing by the truck.

  Royce chuckled. “I’m guessing you didn’t invite us?”

  Dylan swore. “No. In fact, tonight we were going to take her together.”

  Clay laughed then grunted when Royce elbowed him in the gut. “No shit?”

  Liam and Dylan glared at him, before turning back to their troublemaking woman.

  “You know Clay, I’m guessing your woman had a hand in this.”

  Dylan grunted out a chuckle. “I’m guessing the answer is yes?”

  Clay smile dropped. “She told me Dylan invited us over to supper.”

  Dylan shrugged. “Maybe Mora put one over on her, too.”

  Royce and Clay both shook their heads.

  “No, in fact, we commented to each other how nervous she seemed this afternoon. She told us she was just tired,” Royce replied.

  Clay glanced at Royce. “I think our own woman needs a little more attention. Not only was she in on the scheme, but she also lied to us about Dylan inviting us.”

  When the women walked toward them, all four faced them, spread their legs apart, and crossed their arms.

  Isabel jerked to a stop, pulling Mora to a stop with her as her eyes widened. She looked at Mora for help, yet her friend was busy glaring at her men. Oh shit. Just like old times. Mora was always getting them into trouble at school. “Um, Mora.” She nudged her in the ribs and talked out of the side of her mouth. “I think they know.”
  Mora smiled. A smile that usually sent chills up Isabel’s spine. “Yup.” She snickered. They look like soldiers all lined up.

  Isabel gasped. “What did you get me into?”

  Mora stopped and turned to Isabel. “Oh, stop whining. You’re the one that told me how good it is to be punished, so suck it up.”

  Isabel growled. “You are such a bitch…” She jumped when hands landed on her shoulders. Her eyes narrowed at Mora. She knew they were walking up behind her and she’d get caught cussing.

  Mora smiled sweetly at her friend. “You’re welcome.” She walked off.

  The hands tightened on her shoulders. “Is there anything you want to tell us, baby? We’ll talk about the language later,” Royce said in a fictitiously calm voice.

  Isabel turned and smiled up at Royce and then Clay who stood right beside him. “There seemed to be a mix-up…”

  “You’ve already lied once, honey. Do you really want to compound your punishment?”

  “Ummm. No.” She clasped her hands against her chest. “But you both know it’s Mora’s fault, right?”

  Clay cupped the back of her head. “Are you saying you had no knowledge of what was happening?”

  “Umm, well.” Her hands fell to her side, and she took a deep breath and raised her chin. “Yes, I did, and I’m sorry. I thought I was helping my friend.”

  Their eyes narrowed on her. She was learning way too much from Mora and was getting feistier and into more trouble than ever.

  Clay smiled. They would need to thank Mora later.

  “Come on, let’s go eat, but we’re not staying long. Got it?”

  Isabel nodded and grabbed at the hand Clay held out to her. “Absolutely.”

  They looked at each other and sighed. She was way too agreeable, and it was scaring the shit out of them.

  The three stopped over the threshold to watch Mora running to and from the kitchen to the dining room, carrying, food, drinks, plates, and silverware.

  Clay looked at Dylan and Liam and almost lost it. Both men looked a little bewildered as they watched her speed around.

  “Come on, everybody. Supper’s on the table.” Mora lifted Tommy on to a chair right beside her and pulled Isabel down on her other side.

  Mora raised her glass. “I want to thank you, men, for letting my dear, dear friend Isabel and I spend time together. It’s important for us all to get along well together. Don’t you think?” She went on before anyone could answer. “Of course, you agree. It’s important to keep family toget—”

  Liam leaned around Tommy toward her. “Finish so we can eat.”

  Mora straightened in her chair only to have Dylan come stand behind her. “And I thi—”

  Dylan put his mouth close to her ear. “We know what you’re doing. You’re not going to delay our little chat we have planned for later.”

  Mora lowered her glass and snorted. “Yeah, is that what we’re calling it now, chatting?”

  “Hey, guys. I’m hungry. Can we go ahead and eat?” Clay asked, already reaching for the container that held the mashed potatoes.

  Mora slammed her glass down. “Yesss. Everybody, please eat.” That would have been a sweet invitation if it hadn’t been so snarky.

  Mora looked at Isabel and just about cracked up at the look of dismay and worry on her friend’s face. She definitely needed to spend more time loosening her up. She was becoming a tight-ass. “Eat, Isabel,” Mora encouraged.

  The group ate in silence for several moments, and then the men started talking horse and cop stuff, so Mora tuned them out and spent her time talking to Tommy and Isabel.

  Mora jumped when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. She glared over her shoulder. “What?” she snapped.

  Liam sighed. “Honey, say good-bye to your friends because they’re leaving now.”

  “Wait!” Mora yelled and blushed when everybody turned their attention to her. “Um, how about we play cards?”

  Dylan stood and pulled her up, keeping a tight grip on her. “Not tonight, sugar. Just say good night.”

  Mora deflated. “Thank you all for coming. It was nice seeing everyone and my dear de—”

  “We know. Dear, dear friend. Now finish.”

  Mora glared at Dylan then turned her head to smile at Isabel and her family. “Thank you. And I’ll talk to you soon, Isabel.”

  Isabel waved over her shoulder as her men pushed her out the door and closed it behind them.

  The silence lasted a long moment.

  “All right, I’m going to clean this u—”

  Dylan grabbed the plates from her. “No, you’re not, sugar. No more delaying the inevitable.”

  “But, I re—”

  Liam moved up close behind her and gripped her hips. “Are you afraid of us?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “There is nothing we would ever do that will cause you real pain, sugar.”

  “You guys don’t get two large…ya know…dicks in their…you know…stuff.”

  Dylan laughed. “No, we don’t, yet that’s just one of the things that make women awesome creatures. Your bodies have the ability to have babies and then go back to normal.”

  Mora felt a tug at her heart. She’d been there and done that, so she knew exactly what he was saying. She had to clear her throat. “Yes, I know that, Dylan. But when I had Davey, I didn’t have something stuck up my butt.”

  Both men frowned at the reminder of how much she had lost.

  Dylan cupped her head and pulled it against his chest before he pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I’m sorry I brought it up, sugar.”

  Mora nodded. “I don’t want anyone to pussyfoot around me. I’m dealing with the loss just fine.”

  Liam and Dylan both looked at each other, realizing they hadn’t heard her cry since Dylan found her up at Make-out Bluff. They would need to check into this more, later.

  Dylan bent and kissed her temple. “Come on, sugar. Let’s go into the bedroom.”


  “Oh, yeah, there will be butt involved.”

  Mora snorted. “That’s not what I was going to say.”

  They were hardly through the bedroom doorway when Dylan pulled her around in front of him and started pulling her clothes off, one piece at a time, until she stood before them naked. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Mora blinked back the tears that rimmed her eyes and sniffed as her hand lifted to cup Dylan’s face. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” She stood on tiptoes and softly laid her mouth against his. “Thank you.”

  Dylan grasped her upper arms in his hands and tightened them when she went to pull away. “Not yet, sugar.”

  Their kisses deepened and turned carnal with a hunger that took her breath. Mora gasped when a very naked warm body curled around her back.

  “Easy, baby. It’s just me.” Liam’s hands cupped both her breasts, and his thumbs rasped over her nipples, sending shockwaves through her.

  Her eyes closed, and her head fell back against Liam as she enjoyed his hands on her. She vaguely noticed her front got cold for a minute yet didn’t realize Dylan had stepped away to rid himself of his clothes until his hot body aligned with her.

  A needy choked moan escaped as moisture slid from her body down her thighs, her breasts grew heavy and tight, and her stomach tightened in need. “Guys, please don’t torture me tonight.”

  “Look at me.” Dylan’s body clenched at the glazed look of hunger in her eyes. One hand slid down her hip and parted her sensitive folds to press on her clit. “I think you’re due a punishment,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Oh, God, Dylan. Please no, I already got one today.”

  “Which you deserved,” Liam whispered against her neck.

  A spike of anger hit her. “With you two punishments are usually an everyday occurrence. Did you ever think you both were too strict?”

  Both chuckled over her head.

  “With yo
u, it’s a given.” Liam bent and started placing biting kisses down her neck to her shoulder. “Maybe if you were a good girl you wouldn’t have that problem.”

  Mora’s anger fled as her eyes closed and her head fell to the side, giving Liam room to kiss. “Mmmm, Liam.” Her arms curled up and behind so she could cup his head.

  Liam smiled. Just kissing and sucking on her neck always drove her need higher and made her crazy.

  Dylan knelt before her, his eyes directly on the small patch of hair that hid her genitals. That would eventually need to come off, but not now. Now he was starved for the taste of his woman. His tongue slid from her pussy to her clit and around it then back again. He did this several times as Liam tried to hold her still as she tried to ride his face.

  “Oh my God. That feels…the both of you are making…oh please.”

  “Let’s get her on the bed, Dylan.”

  Dylan stood, pulled back the blankets to the end of the mattress, and watched as Liam picked her up and laid her in the middle. Both men came down on either side of her, their lips and fingers immediately roaming over her writhing body.

  Liam’s fingers slid between her lips, and then he pushed two of his fingers into her and watched as Dylan mauled her breasts. Both stopped when she got close to an orgasm.

  “Nooo. Dammit. Stop playing with me and fuck me,” she shrieked.

  They did that a few more times until she was saturating the sheet beneath her with her sweet cream. Her breathing became labored as she fought for the climax they kept just out of reach, and tears ran down her temples into her hair.

  Liam lay down and pulled her over him before gripping her hair and taking her mouth again.

  Dylan crawled up on the bed behind Mora and spread her legs, laying them on either side of Liam’s hips. He pulled gently on the plug she’d had in for several hours. It was the biggest they’d ever had in her, but she would still have a little trouble taking both men, as they were bigger than the plug. He bent and kissed first one ass cheek and then the other.

  Mora’s head sprang up. “Oh, God,” she moaned deep in her throat. She took a deep breath when it finally pulled free then bent and took Liam’s lips with a hunger that pleased him.

  “I’ll be right back.” Dylan chuckled because he didn’t think they even heard him. He knew exactly when Liam seated her on his cock from the joyful scream she gave. He quickly put the plug off to the side to clean later and grabbed the lube, making sure he was liberally covered in it, and then wiped his hands.


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