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Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3]

Page 15

by Lara Jones

  Dylan scowled at her. “You’re making us daft, woman. We never argued like this before.”

  Mora opened her mouth then Liam interrupted her. “You’re kidding me now, right? That’s all you do. All you have ever done is argue. It’s like exercise for you. If you don’t do it a certain amount of time a day, you get grumpy. Wait, let me correct that last word. I meant grumpier.”

  “Guys, before you start off again, I’d like to get up.”

  “Hell no.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Dylan, s—”

  “She’ll run, Liam.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  Liam said at the same time, “No, she won’t.”

  “You’re delusional, dude.”

  Mora looked up at Liam. “Can I kick him?”

  “Hell, yeah. Do it hard.”

  Dylan scrambled when she lifted her foot toward her chest. His grip on her had loosened when he was distracted. He finally had her pinned again after a short struggle. “Thanks, Liam. You’re such a great friend.”

  Liam grinned at him. “You’re welcome.”

  Dylan snorted, but otherwise left it alone. He looked at Mora. “Now can you tell us what this bullshit’s about before we all go crazy?”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Jesus, dude.”

  Dylan ignored him “We want answers right now, and if I don’t get them, I’ll lock your ass up until you do.”

  For some bizarre reason, his sucky attitude gave her comfort and calmed her. She didn’t want to look at it too closely because she was afraid she’d see she was just as delusional as they were. “I’ll tell you,” she said tiredly. “But I really do want up. I’ve been sitting on the hard ground a long time, and my body feels stiff.”

  “And I said—”

  “Dylan, let her legs go. I believe her.”

  “You’re an idiot.” He raised his arms in the air to show them he let her legs go.

  Mora stood and smoothed down her shirt and jacket then faced them. “I…” She cleared her throat. “I…” She didn’t know what or how to say it.

  “Is this just part of your grieving, honey?” Liam asked gently.

  Mora shrugged and pushed her hands into her front jeans pockets. “Yes and no. I’ve thought about my boy every hour of every day since I lost him, and that pain will never go away. I was dealing with guilt about my lack of emotions I had for my husband. But, the guilt I feel…”

  Liam stood but didn’t crowd her. “What guilt? Does it have to do with not wanting kids?”

  Mora quickly turned her back on them. “Yes. You both know how Tommy was sick that day, and so he stayed home?”

  “Yes,” both men replied.

  “My son…he asked to stay home with me that day.”

  Dylan and Liam looked at each other.

  Mora spun back around to face them. “And I made him go.”

  Dylan flinched, and Liam’s stomach tightened at the emotion on her face.

  “And do you know why I made him go?” Her arms were wrapped tightly around her.

  Both stayed silent.

  “Because I wanted a day to myself. I wanted some quiet time.” A harsh laugh burst from her. “Selfish. Just like my parents. My little boy…died because I’m a selfish, conniving bitch. He paid the price…” She bent forward as the sobs racked her body.

  Liam was the first to her. He lifted her when she started to crumble and sat down against the tree again.

  She vaguely heard both men croon to her, yet she had so much emotion bottled up she couldn’t stop.

  They waited for her to calm, knowing she needed this cleansing. She relaxed against Liam, worn out and unable to move.

  “Mora, are you ready to listen to us?” Dylan asked softly.

  She wiped her eyes and looked at him before nodding.

  “Good. What the fuck are you doing to yourself? You’re being a dumbass.” His words got louder as the question went on.

  “Jesus, Dylan,” Liam barked.

  “What…” Mora asked, beyond bewildered.

  “It pisses me off royally that because you thought of yourself one time. Jesus, woman, you make me so mad. Think about it, your marriage was stressful, your job was stressful, and being a mother is stressful. You needed a few minutes to regroup. I’m pretty sure most people would have done the same thing.”

  “Dylan, you don—”

  “No, listen to me.” He grabbed onto one of her hands. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a child, and I hope to God I never do, but you’re blaming the wrong person. Sugar, you did nothing wrong. That bastard Allister is to blame for all of this. Don’t take away any of his responsibility. He deserves to rot in hell.”

  Turmoil flashed across her face as she looked away.

  “I know it’s going to take time and a lot of work, but we’ll get you back to your cranky, conniving, scary self before we know it.”

  Liam released a breath when he caught her smile. Dylan might not have any sensitivity, but he had a way with words when he wanted to. “Honey, can we go back home? We’ll start a fire because I’m getting chilled out here and I can see you’re starting to shiver. Maybe we could eat something later when you feel up to it and go to bed early so we can hold you?”

  Mora nodded and let Dylan pull her up to stand beside him. He pulled her against his chest and lowered his head, taking her mouth in a kiss full of emotion and need. He raised his head when they were both breathing deeply. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” She walked between both men, feeling dwarfed and, at the same time, safe. Liam wrapped his arm around her waist for support, and she reached for Dylan’s hand, wanting any kind of connection with them she could.

  They were a little shocked she didn’t try to fight leaving her car and riding with them.

  Dylan smirked to himself. She really hadn’t had a choice, but now they didn’t have to fight about it. On the way home, Dylan called a few of his guys to come get her car because neither man wanted to let her go for a long time.

  Chapter 24

  Liam went to the fireplace first thing after walking in the door, and Dylan sat on the deep sofa and pulled her down beside him. “Let’s get your jacket off,” he said and helped pull it from her arms. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her to his chest and kissed the top of her head. “Are you getting warm yet?”

  Mora nodded and tried to nudge tighter against his side. She lay, almost dozing when Liam came back.

  Dylan stood when Liam sat down beside her. “I’m getting us something to drink, and I need to call Royce.” Something settled inside of him when Mora laid her head against Liam’s chest, and he heard them murmur to each other.

  Royce answered instantly. “What did you find out?”

  “Everything’s good, Royce. Tell Isabel Mora’s wiped out right now, but she’ll call her in the morning.”

  “Thank God. Take care of her, and we’ll talk more later.”

  “Got it. Good night, Royce.”


  For an hour the three sat quietly together on the sofa, emotionally wrung out, yet satisfied to just be together and able to touch one another.

  Mora cleared her throat after they settled that night in bed. “Guys, sometime soon we need to talk about children…”

  Liam tilted her head back with the side of his hand and pressed his lips softly to hers. “Not right now we don’t, honey. Let’s just be happy you’re back home and between us where you belong. We’ve got a whole future ahead of us.”

  Mora stayed quiet for several minutes. “I think I need to talk to someone. You know, a professional. I want to get past this, and I don’t feel like I can move on until I get fixed or on my own.”

  “Mora, look at me. No matter what, the three of us are going to be a family.”

  “But, Dylan…”

  “No buts. Have I ever lied to you or been evasive or shy about what I want?”

  Mora and Liam snorted together and then laughed.

  “No, I can sa
fely say you are not one to beat around the bush.” Mora’s smile grew when Dylan narrowed his eyes at her.

  “I’m pretty sure I know how Liam feels, but it’s up to him to tell you himself. I need you to know I love you with everything in my heart.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes, and her hand covered her mouth. “Oh, Dylan. I love you, too.”

  Liam caught her attention. “I also love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, with or without kids.”

  Mora flew into Liam’s arms. “I love you. So much.”

  “Come here, sugar. I need some of that loving.”

  Mora chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Dylan pulled back and slid his fingers through her silky blonde hair, gripping it to tilt her head the way he wanted it. Like Dylan himself, his kiss was no-nonsense, a little rough, but pure emotion. Exactly the way Mora liked it from him.

  A startled squeak and then a chuckle flew from her mouth when she was pulled from Dylan’s arms, straight into Liam’s. His mouth took her with a hunger that took her breath away.

  She pulled away from him and licked her lips, tasting him and wanting more. “Will you guys make love to me?”

  Liam pushed the hair from her face, making her grimace when his fingers caught and pulled a little too hard. “Sorry, honey. Aren’t you tired?”

  She lay against his chest with her head tucked under his chin. “Yes, but I need you both so much. I need that connection with you guys again. Please.”

  Liam stood with her in his arms and walked them back to the bedroom, laying her on the bedspread. He watched as Dylan walked to the other side and started undressing. Liam’s fingers went to his shirt. It was unbuttoned and on the floor in seconds.

  Mora levered herself up on her elbows to be able to see everything. “How about a striptease, boys?”

  Both men froze. Liam started laughing, and Dylan started cussing, which turned into an argument between Dylan and Mora. Liam shook his head, stopped unsnapping his jeans, and walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. They hadn’t fought in hours. It had been building up.

  “Why can’t you be any fun, Dylan?” Mora asked him. “You’re such a fuddy-duddy.”

  Dylan growled and leaped onto her, pinning her to the mattress and trying to keep her still, but she was laughing too hard. “You called me fuddy-duddy? What the hell does that even mean, woman?”

  “It means you’re boring, never want to have fun. How old are you again?” Mora shrieked when Dylan dug his fingers into her ribs.

  “Now, you think I’m old. I’ll show you old.”

  “Well, you’re certainly older than me.”

  “By what? Six years?”

  “From a young person’s standpoint, yeah, that’s old.”

  Liam chuckled as they wrestled back and forth across the mattress, tearing the bedding off, the pillows flying. He flinched when one of her knees hit Dylan’s privates. Not hard but enough to get his attention. “Are you guys about done?”

  Both instantly stopped, sat up, and turned to Liam with surprised expressions on their faces. Mora’s hair was tangled and sticking up in places, and Dylan’s shirt was ripped at the shoulder. Liam could just shake his head.

  Mora pushed the hair from her face, blowing at a strand when it sprung back. “What are you doing over there, Liam? Are you too scared to play with the big dogs? Because if you are, you really should stay on the porch with the puppies.”

  Dylan was shocked and first then rolled with laughter. “Are you a puppy, Liam?”

  Liam tore off his shirt and headed toward the bed. “That’s it. Come on, Dylan, let’s teach Miss Sassy what happens to bad girls.”

  Mora tried to throw herself to the side, but Liam grabbed her ankle and started pulling her into the middle again. “Now, wait a minute. I take umbrage to your last statement.”

  Dylan rolled his eyes. “What the hell does that even mean? Stop saying stupid words.”

  “They’re not stupid. You’re stupid, you grape ape.”

  Dylan looked at Liam. “There’s only one thing we can do when she disobeys us.”

  Liam shook his head. Here we go. Dylan loved yanking her chain, and she fell for it every time.

  “Disobey you? Disobey you? Are you fucking kidding me now?”

  “Liam, get the lube,” Dylan said and started pulling his jeans down, throwing them on the floor. He rolled them over until he was on the bottom, facing up, and she was astride him.

  Dylan held her still easily while Liam pushed her knees up on either side of Dylan’s chest and started working the lube into her ass.

  Mora’s fingernails sank into Dylan’s shoulders. She could hear them talking, yet her focus was on the way they were making her feel. She gasped when Dylan raised her hips and then pulled her down on his cock with one firm thrust.

  Mora moved her hips, trying to get the friction she needed to come. Both men tightened their grip on her when Liam started to steadily work his cock into ass.

  “Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” she panted out. “It’s too much.”

  “Bullshit, Mora, you can take us. In fact, you love it. You love us taking over your body and making you do things you’re too chicken to ask for,” Dylan said and then bit at her full bottom lip.

  Mora’s first inclination was to fight, but she couldn’t work up the energy to argue when all her focus was on how Liam was steadily pushing in. They all gasped when he bottomed out inside her.

  She hated to admit it—and probably never would—but when they were together like this, she felt whole and loved. She would be the happiest woman in the world if she got years and years of their loving. Maybe, she thought, just maybe have a child. That was to be determined later.

  Oh, and be able to fight with Dylan. No one in her life had let her be herself besides Isabel and these two giants. She was truly where she was supposed to be.






  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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