Book Read Free

Last Man Standing

Page 16

by Vance Huxley

  “Later. Why were you and yours fighting each other, rather than fortifying your positions and the Mansion?” Harold needed the news.

  “We weren’t, fighting I mean, but nobody could agree on how many men to pull back. Caddi never let any of us have any authority over more than our own men, so without an obvious boss we couldn’t agree on what to do. A couple of us were already wondering if it was our chance to get away from the Hot Rods. Even when some of the men started putting up their candidate for gang boss, they stuck to arguing and fists until Dodge’s and Chevy’s blokes started winding up ET’s lads. They started on about how he’d have to run off home to get his orders from Spanky, and it got personal. Still just fists at first, then knives but no shooting. Eventually most of the men were swept up in it, either brawling or trying to stop it. I reckon the GOFS and Barbies were waiting because that’s when they hit us.”

  “Quick work if they organised all those rumours.” Casper raised his beer in a mock salute. “Clever, though.”

  “I doubt it was that planned, but some of the rumours had to come from there.” Charger glanced at Big Mack. “It didn’t help that Mack, ET, Chevy, Roller and me were at the Mansion, trying to get organised. On the other hand that might have saved most of the lads. Dodge rallied his blokes but they were slaughtered, while the ones without leaders broke and ran. Most of them got away but they were a rabble when they got home, totally disorganised, which meant those who wanted to could keep running. I’d already half-decided to cut loose, but didn’t think the rest would let their mechanic go. I found out later that Marge was already ahead of me, collecting strays and making plans. With Dodge gone, ET and the rest would have probably settled for a council of some sort, though Chevy still fancied the top spot. Cooper came nearest to being Caddi’s heir, but Caddi never let anyone else build up a strong personal following. Hell, Mercedes could have probably gathered the biggest following, even if she never commanded any of them.”

  Mack turned towards Harold. “Some of the lads wanted Mercedes ter come back an’ take over. They reckoned if you came it would be a bonus, like.”

  “Not a chance. Firstly, Mercedes can’t. She’s through that door, asleep because she’s drugged for the pain. Second, the Mansion is a snake pit and I wouldn’t want her, or me, anywhere near it.” Third, though he didn’t tell them, Harold still thought he might want to shoot a lot of Hot Rods once Mercedes died.

  Jeremy came in with the Army rifle and two spare clips, definitely the second one from Caddi’s wall. “I only saw Bugatti once. That bullet made a mess of his head so I can’t be sure. I took this as well but left the sharp stuff for daylight.” This was a hand gun, a SIG with rambling roses inlaid on the grips and a little light under the barrel.

  “Mack has confirmed it’s Bugatti, but thanks.” Harold held out a hand for the pistol. “This is light, it must be mostly aluminium. Doesn’t Matti want it?” When Jeremy shook his head, Harold put the weapon on the table. “How is everyone out there taking it, the friendly invasion?”

  “On edge but ready. At least half still expect another sort of visit. The newcomers are all in the canteen because Hot Rods aren’t all that popular just now.” Jeremy glanced at Mack and Charger, because after all they were Hot Rods.

  “We’ll get the same amount of warning from the spotters, so there’s no need to actually stand on the walls. Send the electric bike back in case it’s needed again.” Harold didn’t explain, but Jeremy knew about the forward scouts and the wire. “Ask the squad leaders to stand most of the Riot Squad down, as long as they sleep dressed with weapons loaded.” Jeremy left while Harold called on the radio to let Ru know.

  Mack gestured to the rifle, with an impressive scowl. “Someone nicked the AK off the wall, cut the chain. I brought this ’un as a peace offerin’, an’ left it with Bug so the Army didn’t see it. ’E wanted me to talk to yer first.” Mack glanced at the bedroom door. “Bug said there were some bad blood between ’im an’ Mercedes, an’ thought you might shoot ’im on sight.”

  “Actually, Bugatti is a lucky boy.” Patty scowled then had to explain about the gangster being on Harold’s to-do list, but only if Mercedes didn’t make it. Otherwise Mercedes would want him herself, and Bugatti might have wanted to die a long time before he got there. Eventually Mack, Charger, Marge and Lily had a version of the fight and why Mercedes came to Orchard Close, without too many gory details.

  * * *

  Harold heard Mercedes when she called, quickly heading for the bedroom. She had the .38 revolver out and cocked, sighing in obvious relief when he came in. “I heard Big Mack.”

  “Yes, him and Charger, with Lily and Marge.”

  “Marge is here?” From her smile and tone of voice, Mercedes knew and liked Mack’s missus. “Could I see her please, ’Arold?”

  “Of course. Can Mack see you as well? He’s been asking how you were.”

  “Yes, call them in, please, but wait until I hide this again.” Once the .38 went back into the new mattress pocket, Harold called the pair in and the trio exchanged greetings. Both Mack and Marge looked shocked.

  “Can I speak to Marge on her own please, ’Arold?”

  “Yes, of course. Is there anything you need first?”

  “Just a lip test. It’s been a long time since the last one.” Her smile might be a ghost of the old one, but it was there as Harold bent to very gently kiss Mercedes on her bruised and split lips. Their little joke was up and running again, or limping along. The sparkle showed briefly, in Mercedes’ eyes, as Harold stood up again.

  Mack and Charger filled in some details for Harold while they waited for Marge. The Ferdinands and the Trainspotters had invaded the rest of the conquered Murphies territory. Any Murphies that survived had either joined one of them or run. The Baggies came over the Hot Rods border down south, but had been stopped near the old rail yard. They were now fighting the Ferdinands over who owned what. The Trainspotters had tried to snip off one of the new Barbie estates, but the GOFS and Barbies bear-trapped them so very few escaped. The delays, while the surrounding gangs settled the infighting, might let someone get control of the Hot Rods in time to keep the rest of the enclave. Charger thought Roller could do the job if he survived long enough.

  “So why are you running? You could have taken over instead.” Harold thought Mack and Charger might even make decent neighbours.

  “Not quite running, just taking the first decent opportunity to get out. We needed a safe place for Cherie after the Crash, and Caddi needed a good mechanic. It wasn’t too bad, not at first, but once a few more of Caddi’s type joined up the real abuse started. Thinking back, I reckon Caddi finally realised the Army wasn’t coming back so he could enjoy himself. My family was safe, but Cherie ended up almost confined to the house.” Charger seemed a little embarrassed, glancing at his wife. “We’ve been wanting to leave for a long time but the local gangs all had agreements with Caddi. I daren’t give Caddi an excuse to start on Cherie.”

  “I agreed, but then we heard you’d killed him and Cooper.” Lily had a lovely smile at that thought. “The trouble was, the likes of Chevy wouldn’t let my husband go without a fight. Most of the Hot Rods have no idea how to keep a car running so they need him as a mechanic. I sounded out a couple of the wives and voluntary women, and found out they were also thinking of running. When Marge told me she’d collected some strays but Mack couldn’t protect them all, we started packing. Then Spanky came looking for help because ET had been shot. Marge reckoned that if the shooting had started we should go right away.”

  This time Charger looked a little guilty as he glanced at Mack. “Even then we couldn’t leave openly or it would spark a bloodbath. We had to come to Orchard Close because of the women, because they need your sort of gang, but after Caddi’s attack we reckoned we’d need a really good buy-in. A new boss wouldn’t part with what we brought, those weapons and the ammo. The ammo is Caddi’s stash for serious trouble, nearly all original, so you might want to bring it out o
f those cars.”

  Emmy left but came back a few minutes later. “I sent a message to Tilly. She’s already down at the gate and it’ll keep her occupied.” Tilly had sobered up, but still had a lot of ghosts to deal with. Harold and several others tried to stop her brooding about dead children by finding jobs.

  “Won’t that leave the Mansion open for a takeover?” Harold preferred weakened Hot Rods in there, rather than one of the other gangs taking over more territory and a fortress.

  “No, it won’t even weaken them too much. Caddi has been collecting weapons and ammo for years. Food as well, dried stuff, and he’s buried two big water storage tanks.” Charger shook his head in disbelief. “Total paranoia, you had to see it to believe. If the survivors get their act together the Mansion can probably withstand a siege of up to a year, maybe more. No gang will keep it up that long. They’ll all snip off estates, but won’t agree to any of them getting too much.”

  “So who will come for you?”

  “Maybe come for us, not definitely. Roller won’t because he’s smart, but if someone else wins he won’t be anyone with a big reputation. Those are all dead or here with us, so the new bloke will need something to hammer home what a big tough type he is. He’ll come after us because he’ll think you’re weaker than the rest of his neighbours. Even if he just forces you to hand a couple of us over, or the ammo, it would give him a big boost.” Charger had a little smile as he said it.

  Sharyn jumped straight in, and very sharply. “Since Caddi attacked Orchard Close, the treaty has already been broken. Harold can take in anyone he wants to.” The glance at the bedroom made it clear who Harold was keeping.

  “We can always shoot another gang boss?” From the usually equable Emmy, that came as a real shock. “I meant if he came here, but if he’s the type to threaten kids I can be flexible?” She still hadn’t recovered from almost losing Tammy.

  Marge had been in the bedroom for a while, but came out smiling. “You are a very lucky boy, Harold.”

  “I know.”

  “So what, exactly, are you doing about a doctor?”

  Harold stared, startled, then realised Marge wouldn’t know. He tried to explain, about trying to bribe Barbies or persuade the Army to lend him a medic.

  “Nobody can say you didn’t try.” Marge seemed impressed with the recital. “Lily, would you go and see what the others have to say, please?” Lily nodded, stood up and left while Harold stifled a smile. Marge would make a good gang boss because people seemed to hop to it when she asked them to, ever so politely. She even came with her own bodyguard. He almost suggested she take over the Hot Rods, but Marge had moved on. “How many refugees can you take, if anyone else runs this way?”

  “That depends on who they are and how crowded they’re willing to be.” Sharyn glanced at Harold but he nodded, keep going. “After so many were killed in the tents, when the Hot Rods panicked, everyone wants a brick wall round them.”

  “I’m not surprised, after this!” Marge sounded nearly as upset as some of the Orchard Close inhabitants.

  “I’m not surprised the men panicked because Caddi used the wilder types.” Charger didn’t sound too keen on that type, but then he’d always been one of the more restrained Hot Rods. “Cooper, Golf and Corvette were the only real commanders, and all three were bloodthirsty lunatics. There’d have been a very good plan, but Caddi didn’t encourage anyone to think too much for themselves and didn’t bother much about a fall-back position. Mostly the plans worked, or near enough. If they didn’t, like when the Murphies got smart and didn’t die on schedule, it was best to be somewhere else.”

  Lily came back in, nodding sharply to Marge. Mack cleared his throat in a very obvious manner but it was Marge who spoke. “Just how many people can you actually take right now, Harold?”

  “Give me the number you have in mind. Bear in mind that if it’s men, they’ll have to be very careful how they act. Our women are a bit tense right now, but I won’t lift a finger to save anyone who starts trouble with them.” Harold wanted that out front. If some ex-Hot Rod got too fresh with a lass and she stuck him, hard luck.

  Marge had a lovely smile when she turned it loose. “Yes, Lily has obviously had a similar message. There are only four men, none of them young, nor were they official Hot Rod gang members. There are also twenty-three young women. Most have been badly used, while the rest expected to be since they were in the same position as Sarah.” Harold got the message. Sarah had been conning young men to avoid being taken by Cooper, Dodge or the brothel, but had still been handed to Pete as his new sex toy.

  “Where are they?” Harold had suddenly started worrying about twenty-three young women out there in the ruins.

  “Safe for the moment. We left them hidden with their cars. They should be brought here as soon as possible.”

  At least four people opened their mouths, but Tessa got in first. “Why did you leave them out there?”

  Marge and Lily both looked a bit shamefaced. “That’s why Lily went to check with the other wives. They’ve been asking questions because we didn’t totally believe it, about the women here being free from that sort of abuse. None of us had ever been able to come here to see, so even if your women had weapons, well, so do the Barbie Girls.” Marge’s lip curled so she wasn’t a Barbie fan. “We weren’t giving the girls to that sort!”

  “The Barbies aren’t as bad as you think, but yes, Beth’s might not be a really good place for them. Are you still sure? After seeing how many of the survivors are wounded?” Harold took a deep breath; he may as well be honest. “There might be more casualties, if rumours spread across the city that I’ve got a gunsmith.”

  Charger swore, then apologised to Lily and Harold in that order. That was funny, but explained why he’d never had any trouble keeping Orchard Close rules. “Is it true? Have you got one?”

  “Not quite, but you know we can do more than clean and oil firearms. Some people think it’s a lot more.” Harold shrugged, trying to imply those people were idiots.

  “Can we talk to the others again? Some might want to try for the GOFS because they seem to be the best of the rest. We’ll leave you the weapons and cars?” Charger looked worried, understandable with his daughter at risk. Harold took the Hot Rods to join the others in the dining hall before leaving the refugees to argue. He also left guards outside, even if the refugees had no weapons, because some of the residents might want revenge.

  * * *

  While the Hot Rods were talking, Harold took a walk around the walls to let the guards know what was happening. While he had time, he also dropped in on the wounded in the hospital and Cherry Tree House. ET had only been shot once, without any other wounds so he was in better shape than many of the other wounded. On the way home Harold inspected the retrieved weapons, and the small heap of boxes of ammunition. Somebody would definitely be upset but more about quality than quantity, because Caddi had already donated a lot more weapons and ammo than Mack brought. Even so, Harold had repaired the majority of Hot Rod firearms at some time. This collection consisted of most of the better rifles and shotguns, while all the pistols and blades were top quality. The ammunition really was original, pre-Crash, just as Charger had claimed. As a buy-in they’d have bought forgiveness and entry to any gang, possibly even the Barbies.

  Tilly told Harold that those cars were weird, which reminded Harold he’d meant to ask about them. First though, the squadettes wanted someone to go up and reassure the Army because the squaddies were nervous. The searchlight up there came on periodically, sweeping across the approaches to the bypass and the cars. Harold wasn’t keen in the middle of the night, but eventually agreed that the four oldest could go. After a slow, cautious approach, and a short discussion over the sandbags, the women walked back looking relaxed and smiling. The corporal would pass the information on to the sergeant, and thanks for the chips.

  Once the searchlight turned off, peace and quiet descended. As he turned to go home, Harold nearly bumped into
Ru. “Sorry to bother you, Harold, but Matti told me they’d found a small pistol, a lighter one that might suit my hands better than the usual grips. Is it still nine mil, because I don’t want to lose any hitting power?”

  Harold smiled when he wanted to laugh. Matti obviously thought Ru should have a flashy weapon, like Patty. “It’s lighter than most, aluminium probably, but still nine mil. Come home with me and collect it now. Bring it round to the workshop sometime so I can check it over.” When he handed the weapon over Ru did a double-take, hefted it a couple of times and smiled. After checking the clip she tucked the pistol in her holster, putting her usual pistol in her belt. Bugatti’s SIG had been adopted, and Ru had her first bit of bling.

  While he waited for the refugees, Harold returned to Mercedes, filling her in on what was happening. Mercedes felt happier with Marge here rather than still in the Mansion. Mack’s missus had been the nearest thing to a civilising influence the Mansion had. Her husband objected strongly if anyone upset her, so even Caddi hadn’t taken liberties. They talked for about half an hour until the discussion in the canteen had finished. Mercedes insisted that Harold check her lips again before he went to find out what the refugees had decided.

  * * *

  The other newcomers stayed in the canteen when Charger, Lily, Mack and Marge came back to the big house. As Harold expected, Marge spoke for the rest. “We have taken a vote.”

  Lily laughed at the looks. “Yes, truly, we voted.”

  Marge smiled at her and continued. “If Orchard Close will accept us all, including the extra women, then Albert will take Harold to collect the others and the rest of the vehicles. There are some other items, something that might help you to buy medical aid.” Lily looked at the door to the study, so Marge must have told them about at least one person needing a doctor. “If there is a serious threat in the future, some couples might wish to move on. Can people leave Orchard Close if they wish?” Marge paused and looked round.


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