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Blaze_Underground Encounters 6

Page 10

by Lisa Carlisle

  “Only if it’s a computer geek-slash-rock star who dresses like an extra in the Lord of the Rings movies.”

  “Ah, you’re quick as well as beautiful. I like it. What are you up to?”

  I beamed, but then shrugged it off. He was a womanizer, and he knew just what to say to get into a woman’s pants. “I’m at the studio, crossing off items on my to-do list. What about you?”

  “Getting ready to leave work, and hoping I can swing by, check out your new place. Maybe even whisk you away for a quick bite.”

  “Sure, you can stop by. But, I don’t think I’ll have time to eat. I have a couple of classes to teach at the gym tonight.”

  “Why don’t I pick up some food?”

  “Just come on down. There are a few restaurants and takeout options within walking distance. We’ll figure it out when you get here.”

  I hung up the phone and tried to ignore my quickened heartbeat. My stomach also responded with some strange twists. No matter how much he pissed me off, saying and doing the wrong things, I was eager to see him.

  Be smart. Remember he enjoys the attention of many women.

  Then I countered, these women knew what they were getting into.

  I should know since I was one of them.

  Mike arrived twenty minutes later, carrying a paper bag and two coffees. The second I glimpsed him, my heart stammered. Seeing him in this new style as the software engineer leaving the office instigated a new round of contortionist activity in my stomach. My tongue threatened to loll out of my mouth.

  I was used to seeing him in rock guitarist mode, which was totally hot. He now wore a pair of faded jeans that fit his long legs all too well, brown boots and a brown leather jacket with a gray plaid shirt underneath. But, with his hair pulled back rather than hanging loose on his shoulders and a pair of black-framed glasses, he titillated me on some deeper level. What girl didn’t swoon over an intelligent guy with a bad boy edge?

  “You wear glasses,” I remarked.

  Brilliant. I just pointed out something as obvious as what was right on his face. Ugh. Of course he knew he wore glasses.

  “Not all the time, mostly for reading. When I’m reading code on the screen, these make a big difference. And then I forget about them and leave them on.” He removed them and put them into his pocket.

  “You don’t have to take them off,” I said.

  “I don’t need them now. I see things fine from a distance.”

  “You’re farsighted.”

  “You bet. In fact, I can see better than 20/20. Eye doctors are surprised at the things I see at a distance.”

  “Hmm, that’s an odd trait. Being able to see things at such a distance.” I moved in closer. “I’ve got to say, I know you’re the hot rock star and all, but the glasses give you another kind of sexy.”

  “Oh.” His brow twitched. “You find the nerd look sexy?”

  I bit my lower lip. “I guess I do.”

  He handed me a coffee. “Caffeine to keep you going. There are creamers and sweeteners in the bag. There’s also a huge bag of trail mix for when you need to eat and can’t run out.”

  “Thank you. That’s very thoughtful of you.”

  He glanced around the studio. “Hey, pretty cool. I can totally see it as a bustling place with people pushing each other so they can do downward dog.”

  I grinned, remembering his difficulty in class. “Your favorite position,” I teased.

  “If you’re in it, not me.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “I was talking about yoga, not sex.”

  “Oh. Too bad. I prefer one to the other.” His grin was decadent and oh-so-panty melting.

  My skin heated as sordid images came to mind. I forced them away and continued with the tour. “This main area is coming along, which I guess is the most important. Can’t have the studio without a place to run classes.”

  “There’s more?” he asked.

  “I have a small office in back.” I pointed to a door on the left. “And that side.” I pointed to the right. “Has an area for coats and shoes and a small rest room.”

  “Nice.” He nodded to the first door. “Can I see your office?”

  “Sure.” I led the way. “There’s not much to see yet.” I showed him the area with only the desk and file cabinet. “I still need to get a couple of chairs to talk to clients and a printer and a bunch of other things.”

  “I can help you pick out a printer. Or any computer stuff you want another opinion on.”

  “You would?” My eyes widened and then narrowed. What was he doing? Did he have some motive? My skeptical side took over. “Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, we already slept together. What’s in it for you?”

  He stared at me unblinking and then shrugged. “Good question. You’re right to be wary, but I’m not really sure. I like the idea of helping you. And I like spending time with you.”

  My body heated to a higher level and a grin spread across my face. That was a damn good answer for someone described as a bit socially awkward. Maybe straightforwardness had its benefits.

  “Thank you. I’d appreciate any computer tips you could give me. It’s not my strong suit.”

  “With pleasure. Can you get away for something quick? We both need to eat dinner.”

  I glanced at my watch. “Sure. I only have half an hour, forty-five minutes tops.”

  “Plenty of time. Pick your poison.”

  “There’s a sub shop a few blocks down. I could use something hearty.”

  “Perfect. Let’s call in our order and head on down.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we were seated across each other at a booth in the sub shop with my chicken cutlet and his meatball sub before us.

  “Tell me what system you’re using.”

  “Uh, um. What do you mean?”

  “You must have some software to help you, right?”

  My cheeks burned. This was not something I’d considered. I’d mainly kept track of schedules and appointments on my phone. “Do I need that?”

  He leaned back and shrugged. “Maybe not. This is coming from a guy who develops systems like these all day, to make things easier for people, so naturally I think everyone would be eager to use them. But, you’re the expert in what you need to run your business.”

  “Not exactly, I’m still learning as I go. It’s different from working for a corporate gym that takes care of the business side of things. If there are ways I can make running the studio easier, I’m interested in hearing more.”

  “Okay. Let’s see what you have already. How are you planning on keeping track of sales, clients and so forth?”

  “I bought a program designed for yoga studios that has a bunch of templates. I’ve printed them up with my logo and plan to make copies of them. Then I can store them in folders in my file cabinet. I also have an Excel spreadsheet where I can add sales and then give them to my accountant. She said something about QuickBooks or something.”

  “That’s good and it will work fine. But maybe we should set something up, so you have your electronic files and a backup system. Paper or electronic. One virus and you can lose everything. Do you have anti-virus and a backup method set up?”

  Eek. That would be disastrous. “I have anti-virus something or other. Whatever the Internet company set up. Backup method, probably not.”

  “Let me think for a minute.”

  He picked up his sub and chewed, fixed his gaze off in the distance. I could practically see the thoughts churning by his expressive eyes. They were deep and soulful, not easy to ignore.

  When half the sub was gone in a few bites, he said. “How about I take a look at your laptop and see what I can do to get you set up properly? We’re talking an all-in-one printer-scanner-copier, an external hard drive as well as Cloud backup storage, anti-virus and anti-malware programs, and maybe a scalable software system to manage your business. That should be good to start.”

  I raised my arms in mock protest. “Sounds like a lot of wo

  “It’s not too difficult. I don’t mind.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say.” I couldn’t believe he’d do all this for me. “Thank you.”

  “With pleasure. I’m a geek at heart, I get into these things.” He wiggled his brows. “I’m off Saturday, but we have a show at Vamps that night. How about I give you a couple of options this week and then I can help set everything up on Saturday?”

  I covered my heart. “You’d do all that for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “How can I pay you back? Whatever you want.”

  He flashed a wolfish smile. “Don’t say that, because I think you know what I want. But I’d never take advantage of you that way.” He rubbed the hair on his chin. “Come to my show Saturday night.”

  “What? That’s not paying you back. You know I’m already a fan.”

  “Fine. How about dinner on Saturday after we’re done here and before I need to set up?”

  “Absolutely,” I agreed. “That’s the least I can do.” I took his hand and gave him an earnest look. “Thank you, Mike. I have been so overwhelmed ever since I started to make this dream become a reality. I truly appreciate your help.”

  After Mike left the studio, I took care of a few more things before I closed up.

  In class, I found myself distracted, which was unusual. After years of yoga I was well-practiced in clearing my mind. It was more difficult to do with Mike on it. I pictured him in class the other night and tried not to smile, my horror at having him show up now replaced with the humor of the situation.

  He was a conundrum, without a doubt. He used women for sex, yet he could be more considerate than most people I knew. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who’d be capable of being in a relationship. Yet, the more time I spent with him, the easier it was to see him in that role. The little things he did showed me he was far more considerate than he let on.

  But, I had to keep my defenses up though, unless I wanted to set myself up to wind up hurt. No matter how much I looked forward to Saturday, I had to find a way to keep my distance.

  Chapter 9


  Saturday came, and Mike arrived at the studio with a box of supplies. While he worked in my office, I finished cleaning up in the main area after the painters had left. They’d painted the walls a light shade of green that I’d picked. I wanted something neutral, but not boring. The studio had the fresh paint smell, but that was fine. It signaled something bright and new and shiny.

  By two o’clock, Mike had my laptop set up with better anti-virus software and backup systems, a multi-function printer, and had downloaded software I could use to run everything I needed for the studio from my laptop and even on my smartphone.

  That morning I had taught a few morning classes and picked up a couple of chairs and display stands from an office supply store. Yet, my contribution seemed miniscule compared to what he’d accomplished in a short time.

  “You are a tech god,” I praised him. “I don’t know how to repay you.”

  “You do know how to repay me. We’re going to dinner and then you’re coming to my show tonight.”

  With a tilt of my head, I replied, “I seem to be benefiting greatly from this arrangement.”

  “Fine. Throw in a free yoga class.” He grinned. “For beginners.”

  “If you insist. Although I find it hard to concentrate on teaching when you’re in the class.”

  “Hard not to notice this fine physique,” he teased, rubbing his hands down his side. “Especially when arched in some rather graceful poses.”

  I laughed. “That’s one way to state it. Another way is saying it’s hard not to notice someone with arms and limbs working independently of the rest of his body. I can’t believe you came to my class.”

  “I wanted to see you.” He fixed his gaze on me. “And it seemed like a good idea before I actually tried it.”

  I noted the blend of green, brown, and gold in his irises. His eyes were soulful, trapping me. My breath hitched.

  After I took a steadying breath, I said, “I’m glad you did.” Then I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Sparks of heat ignited my lips. “Thank you.”

  Mike’s eyes flickered with awareness, as if he’d felt that charge, as well. “We’re not done yet. I still have to teach you how to work with the software.”

  “Computer lesson?” I asked. “Oh, hold on. I’ll pick up some coffees.”

  After I ran to the café and returned with coffee, we sat down together in front of my laptop in my office area. It now looked and functioned like an office with much help from Mike.

  “I found the most intuitive program out there to make it easier to use. You want the software to help you, not make you struggle. This one groups functions together in a way that makes it easy for you to run a basic yoga studio with a small number of clientele and a few classes, yet it’s also robust enough to grow with your business. If you hire new instructors, it’s easy to create multiple accounts with various access rights.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You can give them only as much access as they need. They can add clients to classes, for instance, but won’t be able to see your financial info.”

  I leaned forward to get a better look at this world he was unveiling. “I plan to add new instructors and more classes as I grow the business. This is pretty amazing.”

  “I think you’re pretty amazing for having the guts to do this on your own.”

  My cheeks warmed. I beamed at his compliment, but said, “Or foolish.”

  “The only foolish thing would be if you didn’t try and then were left with regrets.” He faced the screen again. “I have all the basic studio info in here and created an admin account for you. First, I’m going to show you how to add clients to the system and then I’ll hand over the laptop, so you can do it.”

  Mike glanced at my hands, which I’d been wringing. “I’m nervous,” I explained.

  “Don’t be. The best way to learn how to use this system and make it work for you is to play around with it. You can create dummy entries and then delete them. If you ever make a mistake, you can click Undo.”

  I took a sip of coffee. “I’m caffeinated and ready.”

  “That’s my girl.” He patted my thigh, an innocent gesture but one that sent intense need pulsing through me. Then he demonstrated how to create new client accounts and I did one on my own.

  “You used my name,” he said.

  “You’re next to me,” I explained, feeling foolish. “I’ll delete it.”

  “No, don’t. Who knows, maybe I’ll find the courage to try yoga again, after the humiliation fades.”

  I grinned, picturing the thought. “Okay.”

  “Now I’m going to show you how to create classes and then add clients to them. Then, we’ll move on to creating sales in the system. How you can view your sales reports. And so on. I’ve connected your credit card processing system and your bank account, so you can view it all here.”

  “Damn.” I leaned in with excitement. “You mean I don’t have to log in to my bank accounts and credit card accounts and enter all that data into spreadsheets?”

  “Nope, you can export data into Excel or QuickBooks or whatever format your accountant wants. You can see your financial status at any time by clicking on this tab.” He clicked a tab that read Reports, which showed several financial options.

  “This is unbelievably awesome. You rock!” I threw my arms around him.

  He laughed, a sound as rich and decadent as warm chocolate fondue.

  “I haven’t even shown you how we can add it to your website yet. Or access it on your phone.”

  My eyes widened with admiration. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me. You really are a genius.”

  “No, just a software engineer. I create programs like this to make people’s lives easier.” He squinted. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because you’re even hotter now than when
you’re in tight leather pants on stage. I never thought smart could be so sexy.” The sound of the front door opening distracted me from the desire that had begun to well up. “That must be Lily. She’s coming to take pictures for the website.”

  “Good,” Mike said. “I can give her the code to embed the program into the website. Once you figure out your schedule, people can buy and book classes online.”

  I clasped my hands together. “I am so lucky to have you.” A sudden flush swirled into my cheeks. I didn’t have him. “I mean, you both,” I clarified. “You and Lily.”

  Ugh, what the hell was I saying?

  I shouldn’t say things like that. Not when it could be taken the wrong way. Because no matter how much he drew me in, experience had taught me to keep my distance.


  After we left Allana’s studio, we walked down to a Thai restaurant for dinner. Luckily, they’d seated us in a corner without many other diners, because I could barely get through the meal without touching her in some way. Her hand, her arm, her leg. My body yearned to make a connection and seemed to act on instinct.

  Being around her stirred an unfamiliar longing to get closer. She was beautiful, her blonde hair soft as silk and eyes that could unglue me with their intense blues. But, something else drew me to her besides overwhelming sexual attraction.

  I liked her.

  As we finished up our noodle dishes, she mentioned an animal shelter she often went to in Gloucester and her blue eyes sparkled.

  “What do you do there?”

  She shrugged. “I have a shift once a week volunteering. Help with feedings or clean the cages or just play with the animals. They need some attention.” Her eyes dropped to the salt and pepper shakers. “It’s usually four hours, but with all that I have going on, I can only do one or two right now.”

  Seeing this soft side of her struck a note in my heart. Not only did she care about people wanting them to improve their lives, but animals, too. How did this smoking hot woman have such a caring heart?

  “That’s more than most people do.”

  Her gaze drifted up past me. “I wish I could take some of them home. But with my landlord’s rules…”


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