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Salvage-5 (First Contact)

Page 3

by Brian K. Larson

  “Gosh, Sarge. I’m sure he would have read all the fine print, before putting pen to paper.”

  Tucker drummed his fingers on the table and then looked over at Cass, and gave her a smile, “You’re going to space central with me, aren’t you?”

  “Colonel,” Samuels began, folding his arms, “Tucker, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but we need you to do this and we need you to be at your best. That means I pick the crew. The only way we’re going to make it back, if we have any chance in hell when it’s frozen over that is, is to listen to me, and what I have to say to you.”

  Tucker moved his cigar butt from one side of his mouth to the other, “Go on, Sarge. I’m listening.”

  The sergeant looked over at Cass and then returned to Tucker, “I’m gonna tell him, Captain.”

  “Sergeant! You’ll hold your tongue mister!” Cassandra snapped.

  “Oh my Captain, did he hit a nerve there?”

  “You can court-martial me if you must, but he does deserve to know.”

  “This is getting interesting, Sergeant. Do tell…What do I deserve to know?”

  “You deserve to know what you’re getting yourself into. Tuck, they can’t make you go. If you don’t start taking me seriously…if you don’t start to use me, and these last few days, to train for this mission, we’re not going to make it. In spite of what you have done in the past.”

  “Thank you for your stunning display of confidence. I assure you, I don’t have any intent on making this a one-way trip. I’ll come back from this…but you still haven’t got to the part of what I deserve to know…what?”

  Samuels gave a sigh, looked over at Cass once more and received a slight nod in return, “The major’s emergency beacon.”

  “I know about the beacon.”

  “What you don’t know, is that the beacon isn’t the only signal we’ve received.”

  “So, doesn’t that indicate that Gus is alive?”

  “Not necessarily.”

  “Tuck,” Cass interrupted, “The emergency beacon has been compromised. There is a foreign signal piggy backed on the carrier wave.”

  “How’s that possible? Mac said that it was tens of thousands of years old.”

  “We don’t know, exactly,” Cass continued, “There is a power source emanating from the site. The signal was generated from a higher intelligence. We noticed it after the disappearance of Salvage-4.”

  “What!? You think little green men are walking around and abducting our guys? Come on.”

  “Tuck, it must be automated. But I’ll tell you what it’s transmitting.”

  “A new chocolate-chip cookie recipe?”

  “Tuck, whatever that thing’s doing, it’s transmitting schematics of a new technology.”

  “Do we know what it is?”

  “No. Our teams are still trying to understand the language, but we think it’s biometric.”

  “Bio what?”

  “Some kind of biometric. Microchips integrated into living tissue.”

  “No way…you’re serious.”

  “As a heart attack…Tucker,” Cass said, leaning close to his face, “This is an incredible opportunity for mankind. Just think, we could cure the common cold with a chip inside our head.”

  “No more cancer, no more paralysis…little stuff like that?” Tuck asked, puffing his cigar.

  “Yes! We’re just now starting to translate.”

  “…and if the other side gets this info…”

  “We really have no understanding of its potential.”

  “So, chances are if this can be used for good…”

  “…others will develop weapons,” Cass finished for him.

  “Are they…whoever they might be, sending anyone?”

  “They are.”

  “Now, that makes more sense to me as to why the military is involved…General McKenzie wants to get to the tech before the other side does. Just like in any other thing, we want it first.”

  “Tucker you know, just as well as I, that we need to keep balance. If this tech would get into the wrong hands, our international security would be at grave risk.”

  “Kind of gives the military a reason to exist, doesn’t it?”

  “Tuck, that’s not fair.”

  “Sorry, right. Sorry…You’ll have to forgive me for kind of losing my mind over this…I mean, really…we are literally talking about intelligent beings that crashed and somehow, we, in our infinite wisdom and highly technical state that we are in, think we can go out there and capture this tech, after what…four attempts already?”

  “That’s just it, Tuck. We can.”

  “Somewhere between the tick and the tock, we discovered how to overcome the power this intelligence seem to have on us and every one of our ships that we’ve sent?”

  “That’s the interesting piece.”

  “Go on…”

  “We have discovered a code within the signal. We believe they have provided a sequence of tones that will allow our ship to dock.”

  “They just handed us over the password and said here, come on up for a visit?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Pretty much as in definitely this is the case, or pretty much as in you really don’t have any idea.”

  “We have every reason to believe that they want us to come.”

  “So you’re really blowing smoke here.”

  “Tuck, that’s why I have to go with you.”

  “Oh, here we go again with that…” he turned to the Sergeant, “I thought she was staying here with you.”

  “We are staying together.”

  “You both are going? Oh man…Cass, I’m not opposed to you going…but the Sarge?

  “Thanks for your vote of confidence, Tuck.”

  “You’re welcome…and I had nothing to do with your wife,” turning to Cass, “Why does everyone think that about me? I’m not like that.”

  “Oh, please…I’m not worried about that, Tuck…not from the likes of you.”

  “I still get Cal. He’s the best in computer tech.”

  “Thanks Tuck,” Cass said, “I thought I was the best.”

  “Well, you know.”

  “Samuels, please show the others in. It’s about time you meet the rest of the crew.”

  Three officers entered through the door Samuels opened. They marched single file, stopping before Tucker, turned and saluted.

  “Lieutenant’s Rothschild, Savage, and Hargrove, reporting for duty, sir!” one of the two women said.

  “Which one are you Lieutenant?

  “Lieutenant Samantha Rothschild, Pilot and Navigator, Sir!” the jet black haired officer replied. She wore her hair in a short bob cut and was slightly taller than Tucker.

  “At ease, Lieutenant. How about you,” he said pointing to the middle officer.

  “Lieutenant Melissa Savage reporting, Sir!”

  “At ease, all of ya.”

  “Thank you, sir!” the short red headed Lieutenant replied, “Special weapons and cargo handling, Sir!”

  “And you, Lieutenant?” Tuck asked, pointing at the last officer.

  “Lieutenant Ted Hargrove, munitions expert.”

  Lieutenant Hargrove was a tall wiry man with short stubby blond hair.

  “Very well, then. Cass, when were you going to get around to telling me about these officers that will be accompanying us on our mission?

  “We have been training this crew since the disappearance of Salvage-3, but we didn’t want to expose them to you until we had to.”

  “Great…you kids just stay here and keep studying. I’ve got a date.”

  “Where do you think you’re going, Tuck?”

  “Give me a couple of days, I promise to be back. Lord knows you’re going to need me on this mission, and I’ll most likely be saving all your asses on this one.”

  “Very funny, Colonel,” Cass smiled.

  “Rothschild, ever been to Mexico?”

  “No, why do ask sir?”
/>   “I need a pilot. Your first assignment is to take me to a little city south of the boarder, and then wait for us to return.”


  “Yeah, I need to spring our computer hacker…meet me on the flight line 0530 tomorrow morning, have your flight plan filed and be ready to go.”

  “Yes, sir! I’ll be there Sir!”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Crowsnest Bar

  Earth Date: Aug. 16th 2064 0130hrs

  The music was loud and a crowd had gathered at the front of the bar, where Tucker was telling his war stories. The patrons all shouted words of encouragement to Tucker into drinking more.

  He gave a yell, picked up a shot glass and downed it. Then he slammed it back to the counter, “Wooohooo! Now that’s some good schnapps you got there…Bartender! Where’d ya get such good stock, my man?” Then he picked up two more and downed them just as quickly.

  Cass came into the bar, pushing her way inside to the front, then tugged on Tucker’s sleeve, “Come on, Colonel, let’s go home.”

  “Oh, weeee!” he yelled, “She wants me to go home with her!”

  “No, Tuck! You’re not supposed to drink before the mission.”

  “You didn’t actually think that I would abide by that altruistic code, did you?”

  “No, that’s why I’m here.”

  “Here,” he smiled, picked up a shot and handed it to her, “Take one!”

  “No,” Cass answered, pushing his hand away.

  “Careful now…you’ll make me spill.”

  “Good…Tuck, we need to go.”

  “What’s the matter, Sassy Cassie? Scared?”

  “No, it’s just…”

  “Go on…it’s just what?”


  “Come on…take it,” he said placing it in her hand.

  Cass looked at Tucker with her big blue eyes, “Come on, Colonel, let’s go…”

  “You don’t think you can hold it, do ya!”

  “I can hold my liquor just fine. It’s you I worry about.”

  “I dare ya.”

  “No Tuck.”

  “I double dog dare ya.”

  She paused, looked into his eyes again, and took the shot in her hand, “If I take this one shot, will you leave?”

  “Sure, Cassie…you got it.”

  She tipped the shot up to her lips, hesitated for just a moment, downed the powerful elixir, and then slammed the glass on the bar.

  “Ahhhh, that does taste good, Tuck,” she managed to say through the fire in her throat. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand just when Tuck picked up another.

  “Have another.”

  “No, Tucker… You said you’d leave if I took one.”

  “I also told you a few days ago, that I’m a liar.”

  “Tuck, I can’t!”

  “Nonsense, says your commanding officer. Now drink up!”

  The next hour went by before they knew it. They had finished two more rounds of shots before the bar closed. Holding each other up, they stumbled down the street.

  “Where to mister?” Cass slurred.

  “Whattya mean?” Tucker asked, cigar still clenched in his teeth.

  “Where can I take you?”

  “Don’t you mean, were can I take you?”

  “I just said that,” Cass laughed.

  “I know. I just like to see you laugh.”

  “Not fair, Colonel.”

  “Careful, I’ll pull rank on you again.”

  “No way, the Sarge won’t allow it.”

  “The Sarge is just…well…the Sarge.”

  The two fell to the ground laughing hysterically when the military police pulled up, “Is there a problem here?”

  “Why no ocifer, nothing wrong at all…but I think we forgot how to walk.”

  “Colonel, Captain. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “That’s alright, sonny,” Tuck answered, “Say, do you know where we can get a drink around this town?”

  “I think you’ve had enough already, sir. Besides, it’s after 0330, everything’s closed.”

  “Damn. Cause I could really use another drink…do you know where they’re sending me in five days?”

  “Shhhhh,” Cass said, raising her finger to his lips, “That’s classified.”

  “Is there someplace I can take you two?”

  “Can you take us to Mexico?” He turned to Cass as he began to lift himself off the ground “Do you want to go to Mexico with me?”

  Cass just fell back to the ground laughing.

  “Never mind her, ocifers, she’s had a little too much,” he winked.

  “I can’t take you to Mexico, but can take you to the base.”

  “Jolly good idea, my man. To the flight line,” he pointed with his finger in no particular direction.

  “Come on you two, let’s go now,” the military police motioned.

  “Why the flight line, Tuck?” Cass asked, stumbling back to her feet.

  “’Cause I ordered Rothschild to meet me on the flight line. This way I won’t miss my flight. You’re coming with me, aren’t you Cass?”

  “No, Tuck…I can’t come to Mexico with you. I have more mission stuff to do.”

  “Boring…” Tuck snickered, “You’ll have much more fun with me…this I know for sure.”

  “I’m sure I would, Tuck…but no.”


  Chapter 4

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Flight Line

  Day 6

  Earth Date: Aug.16, 2064 – 0530hrs

  Tucker was awakened by a very annoyed woman, shaking him back to consciousness. His head pounding, “What time is it?”

  “It’s oh-five-thirty, just like you said,” Lieutenant Rothschild answered, “Come on, get up. How bad is it Tucker?”

  “Bad,” Tucker whispered, “And do you mind holding it down?”

  “Sir, you’re in no shape to be flying.”

  “You’re flying, I’m just a passenger.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Yep, that’s kind of the desired effect I was looking for…so how bad do I smell?”


  “Are you hard of hearing Lieutenant? I asked, how do I smell?”

  “I’m not hard of hearing, but that’s a rather odd question, sir.”

  “Eh, don’t worry yourself over it.”

  “Okay, then you don’t smell so good either.”

  Tucker lifted himself to his feet, still reeling from the effects of the whisky only a few hours ago, “Did you get my text last night?”

  “Yes, and our flight plan is filed for San Miguel de Allende, just as you ordered.”

  “There’s no airport for seventy-miles of that city, so that’s where I filed to.”

  Tucker gave a sigh, “We don’t need an airport…Harrier-4 GR7.”

  “I know what the Harrier is, VTOL, Vertical Takeoff and Landing, sir.” Samantha answered, placing her hands on her hips, “It not regulation to land anywhere…”

  “Ta hell with the regs, Lieutenant. Cancel the flight plans, we don’t need one of those anyway.”


  “Are you with me or not, Lieutenant?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Just remember to follow my orders, no matter how difficult you may think it is…training for later, if you know what I mean.”

  “Sir, I’m ready for our mission.”

  “Good, are you ready for this mission?”

  “I don’t quite understand, sir.”

  “No biggie,” Tuck said, lighting his cigar, “I’ll tell you all about my plan on the way, ‘cause I’m thinking that this five-hour flight may get a wee bit boring.”

  “From what I have heard, sir, This trip will be anything but boring.”

  “She’s been equipped with stealth, right?”

  “Yes, sir.
She’s all set.”

  “Great, let’s get prepped and underway. We only have a few days before we leave.”

  “So where’s our extra passenger going to fit, sir?”

  “Oh, hey look. I think I got some extra room up here. He can sit between my legs.”


  “What? I’m not kidding, two skinny guys can sit here just fine.”

  “You haven’t seen Calvin in a long time, have you?”

  “No, it’s been a few years.”

  “Well, you might want to reconsider.”

  “Okay, he can have my seat and I’ll sit between your legs. Problem solved,” Tuck smiled.

  “Cass was right about you.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear Lieutenant.”

  “She said you were incorrigible.”

  “I do my best.”

  Sam shook her head in disbelief and fired up the jets engines and completed her pre-flight check list, “Oak Harbor ground control, 5752Wisky-Alfa.”

  “What are you doing, Lieutenant?”

  “I’m calling the tower for taxi and take off instructions.”

  Tucker depressed his button, “Oak Harbor, control. Disregard 5752Wisky-Alfa’s request. This is Colonel Tucker Petersen, Commander of Salvage-5. We are departing the airfield now.”


  “Go on now…take us up, Lieutenant.”

  “I don’t understand, sir.”

  Tucker grabbed the control stick and gave the craft full power, raising the nose in the air, “You’re a pilot, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then fly this thing, already.”

  The Lieutenant took over the takeoff and flew down the airbase and sped off into the sky.

  “You’ll catch on soon enough,” Tuck laughed, “Flying with the Salvage-5 commander does have its privileges.”

  * * *

  San Miguel de Allende


  Vacant field close to town

  Day 6

  Earth Date: Aug.16, 2064 1300hrs local time

  Lieutenant Rothschild sat the Harrier-4 GR7 softly and undetected a mile outside of town. She powered down the engines and raised the canopy for some fresh air. Dirt and dust flew into the air, causing her to choke and cough. There was one single dirt road into town from here.

  “Tuck…tuck…wake up, we’re here.”

  The groggy Colonel lifted his eye lids to the hot sun beaming down on them, “You tryn’ to get me sunburned? How long we been down?”


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