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Salvage-5 (First Contact)

Page 5

by Brian K. Larson


  “Don’t General me, Tuck! The only reason you’re here and not in the brig is because you’re leaving in four days and there isn’t anyone else qualified to command the new Salvage-5 ship!”


  “Don’t interrupt me, Tucker! And stop calling me that!” steam could almost be seen escaping from the General’s ears.

  “Cal was necessary. I needed him on this trip. His computer experience is beyond anyone else’s, and he has a photographic memory.”

  “Calvin was going to be turned over to you. All you had to do was show up, show your ID and they would have released him to you…right there…easy peasy.”

  “Well, what fun is that General?”


  “General! You never told me that I could do that now did you! And let me tell you a thing or two!”

  “Oh really?! What else could you possibly tell me that I don’t already know?”

  “I know that Calvin knows about the signal. I know Calvin was tracking it…how in the hell do you think I knew where he was?”

  “Go on,” the General said, pulling out his chair and sitting at his desk.

  “Cal and I. We go way back. I’ve kept my tab on him over the years. I have my sources…and don’t even ask…but I thought it was kind of strange that Cal was flying to this remote city in the mountains. I asked myself, why would Calvin be going to this monastery, surely it wasn’t that he wanted to become a monk. Then I did a little more digging and found out that your little signal, which I already knew about by the way, was being requested by a very high power, besides our own United Territories of Land and Space.”

  “What else do you know?”

  “I know that our Ukraine friends want this technology and they want it in a bad way. The Vatican, for crying out loud, wants this technology…but I assure you, they’re not interested in curing the common cold either…they want this technology suppressed.”

  “What are you saying Tuck? I understand the very real threat of making this technology into weapons. Believe me, it would not be good if they get to the asteroid first. But why do you think the Catholic Church wants to suppress this?”

  “It’s about money.”


  “Yes, have you been keeping up with the national market of investors? You see how much they have invested in pharmaceutical companies? No, they don’t want us to be well…why would they keep pouring money into these corporations if this new chip could save them…no pun intended, I assure you, it didn’t add up until Cal told me in the jail cell that the Vatican wanted the deciphered data turned over quietly. They could have made all kinds of claims that they could heal all our infirmities and gained millions of new parishioners. Instead they want this delivered quietly…no, they have something even more diabolical planned for this chip. Don’t you see, they can keep their grimy little paws deep in the drug companies and make mass amounts of money, and they can make even more using this chip to inflict diseases, so they’ll have to buy more drugs.”

  “Hmmmm, what you are saying sounds like a bunch of hogwash, Tuck. And how long did you know about this anyway? You knew the first time I came to my office, didn’t you!”

  “Well, yes…but I needed to see how much you knew…But I didn’t know about the crashed alien ship…That still freaks me out a little.”

  “Tucker! If you ever pull a stunt like this again…”

  “General, how bad do you want this tech? I’m telling you. This was necessary…they weren’t going to release Calvin to me. They were going to lock us both up…remember who’s involved and you’ll realize I had to do it my way.”

  “Just get out of my office, Tucker! Get back to your training…I’ve got a huge mess to clean up after you!”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Salvage-5 Ship

  Day 10

  Earth Date: Aug.20, 2064 1500hrs

  “Well sir,” Lieutenant Hargrove said, “That’s all of it. I’ve got enough munitions and firearms on board and stowed.”

  “What about our personal side arms, when do we get ‘em?” Tucker asked the Lieutenant, “And how much is enough...really?”

  “Enough to get the job done, sir…and your weapons will arrive on the next transport.”

  “Enough as in enough to light up the entire island?”

  “Enough as in enough to light up the entire Puget Sound basin enough…sir.”

  “Very good. I like you, Hargrove.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  Lieutenant Rothschild hobbled up the thirty foot wide ramp on crutches, “Hey, Tuck.”

  “Hey, Lieutenant. How you feeling? No hard feelings right?”

  “About what? The sleeping with me no hard feelings or the I got shot by the Mexican Policia no hard feelings?”

  Hargrove swatted the Colonel on the arm, “Tucker, you dog! Your reputation does precede you.”

  “I didn’t sleep with her…geeez, what’s a guy to do around here, everyone always taking me the wrong way.”

  “Sorry, Tucker…you might as well come out with the truth on this one,” Sam smiled with a wink.

  Tucker sighed and placed his hands on his hips, “Okay, you’re gonna make me tell him, huh?”

  Hargrove looked intently at the Colonel with great expectation.

  “That’s right Colonel. Why don’t you go ahead and tell the Lieutenant what really happened?”

  “Sorry, Hargrove. It’s classified,” Tuck giggled.


  “Okay, okay…the…” turning to Sam, “You really want me to tell him?”

  “Yes, Tuck. Go ahead.”

  “Sam here, uh, Lieutenant Rothschild, had a little too much to drink and came on to me.”

  “I see,” Hargrove smiled, waiting for more, “What else?”

  “Nothing else.”

  “Whattya mean nothing else?”

  “Just what I said, Hargrove.”

  “Sam,” Hargrove whined

  She looked at Tuck, “Why not keep him in the dark?”

  “Lieutenant, are you bucking for a promotion to Captain?”

  “Anything I can do to advance my career.”

  “Come on guys…totally not fair!” Hargrove protested.

  “Sorry, Hargrove. Like I said, it’s classified and you haven’t earned access just yet.

  Sam winked at Tucker and then smiled at Hargrove, “Colonel, I came to bring you bad news.”

  “Oh? About your leg?”

  “Yeah, the doctor won’t release me for duty.”

  “So you can’t be my pilot?”

  “Right. I really wanted to go too, Tuck.”

  “Let me see what I can do, Lieutenant.”

  “Fifteen days is a long time to let me heal, and with the zero gravity, I’ll actually heal quicker.”

  “Who’s care are you under, anyway?”

  “Dr. Rhodes.”

  “Hey, guys,” Lieutenant interrupted, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Going for my last little trick,” then he smiled and skipped down the ramp and trotted to the nearby hanger.

  Tucker took his data pad out of his jacket pocket and looked up the doctor in the bases directory. Then called his listed wireless number using his headset.

  “Doctor Rhodes? Yeah, Colonel Petersen. Clear your calendar for the next couple of months and get your tail down to the Salvage-5 flight line…on the double! Whattya mean, no?...Listen Mister, I out rank you…no…the last time I checked, birds were higher than majors…Better start packing, you’ve just been drafted…no…this is not up for debate…Talk to General McKenzie if you don’t believe me.”

  Then tucker looked at the data pad, “He hung up on me.”

  “Huh,” Sam said, “He’s usually pretty nice to me…what did you do to piss him off?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…maybe it was the thing with…no, that couldn’t be it.”

  “What Tucker.”

  “Nothing, nothing at all. Oh, look. It’s the General calling. I wonder what he wants?”

  Tucker tapped the side of his headset, “General? To what do I owe this unexpected call? What’s that? He did, huh,” Tucker grabbed his mic and whispered, “Rhodes called him…go figure? General, there are two things in life I need right now. Number one, I need Lieutenant Rothschild on this mission. Our good doctor Rhodes won’t release her for active duty. So, the second thing is that he gets to come along for the ride. The Captain can continue to care for his patient that way, and provide the mission with some valuable skills. ‘Sides, I do think we’ll need a good doctor…what’s that? No, I’m not expecting lots of casualties, some yes…But Dr. Rhodes is one of our leading researchers in Bio technology…General, he’s coming…no…you’ll need to call him back and let him know…yes…no General…” Tuck grabbed his mic again, “Stubborn…geez….General…let me put it to you straight…no Sam, er, Captain…no Doctor Rhodes…no Colonel Petersen…what’s that? Did I say Captain? Yes, you did hear me right, she’s earned her bars…effective as soon as you call Rhodes back and get his tail down here…tell him to double time it just for good measure. What’s that? Sure there’s plenty of room on board...if Calvin and the Captain can squeeze into the front seat of a Harrier, then I can fit eight on a ship that holds seven…’sides, I’ve already made arrangements for the women to bunk together…they’ll have fun, just like college…thank you General…”

  Tucker terminated the call link, “Sheesh, what’s it take to get anything done around here.”

  Sam was both elated with the news she heard Tucker tell the General, but also was miffed that he expected her to bunk with Cass, He expects me to bunk with her? She said in her mind, that’s not gonna happen, “Tuck, did I just hear you right? Captain?”

  “Yes, congratulations. ‘Sides, you proved yourself on my little mission. I need you at the helm tomorrow morning. Are you up for it…Captain?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Tuck, er, Colonel.”

  Their feet began to vibrate and then they heard the sound of metal clanking as if a large metallic creature was descending upon the Salvage-5.

  Tuck ran down the ramp while Sam hobbled on her crutches, only to see an eight foot tall metal walking mechanical machine approach. The arms had grippers for hands, and long tubes running the length of the mechanical machine’s forearms. As the machine got closer, they noticed that Lieutenant Hargrove was standing inside, protected by a canopy that he raised up. The machine continued to clomp toward them, finally stopping just before the ramp.

  “Hey guys, like my new toy?”

  “What the devil is this thing, and did you account for its weight and mass for all our calculations?”

  “Yes sir, Colonel. She’s an experimental MECH. Fitted with the ability to move very large objects and comes equipped with three rail guns coming down each arm. It’s also equipped with two missiles banks, she holds six,” he made a couple of gestures and two rockets lowered from each of the Mech’s sides, pointing directly at Salvage-5.

  “Just don’t be pointing those things at me,” turning to Sam, “I like this guy.”

  “The suit is also airtight and can replace your vacuum suit. It’s also armor plated and the bubble top is made of diamond glass, completely weapons proof.”

  “Where you gonna park this thing, and, oh how I want to drive this.”

  “It’s real easy, sir. I’m harnessed in and standing. My feet are clipped on the actuators for the feet as well as my arms. Each hand has half the keyboard for easy commanding. You just walk or run, even swing in an upper-cut. Stand clear, I’ll walk it up the ramp. It’s got a stall at the very rear cargo compartment. You can enter and exit from the aft cargo second level. Since the thing is in a secured bay, it can be launched from below instead of having to open the rear door.”

  “How convenient, get her on up there then. The rest of the team will be here in a couple of hours for our final check and debrief. The Captain here will show you the way inside, Lieutenant. Oh and by the way…nice job on sourcing this little piece of equipment…what you call it?”

  “Captain? Wow, I can’t be gone 10 minutes without missing something…and it’s called a MECH, short for Mechanized Environmental Contained Housing.”

  “Cool…” Tucker said, puffing his short stubbed cigar.

  “You know you can’t take those with us, Tuck,” Sam said.

  “Wanna make a bet?”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Salvage-5 Cargo Bay

  Day 10

  Earth Date: Aug.20, 2064 1700hrs

  Cass, Samuels, and the rest arrived at the Salvage-5’s cargo bay at precisely 5:00pm. Each was issued a side arm that was a small rail gun configuration. The General had also arrived to give his speech to the crew.

  “Rail Gun, huh,” Tuck shrugged, “So how does this work?”

  “Simple,” Hargrove explained, “The rail gun fires a single round shot via a magnetized short rail. No need for gun powder on these babies. The magnetic properties allow for extremely quick rapid fire. Each round is shot out twice the velocity of regular firearms.”

  “Twice as deadly?” Cass asked.

  “Yes, these rounds are meant to explode on impact, and cause a shower of metal shrapnel. It can penetrate the strongest armor we have.”

  “Note: that we have…because we know nothing of the tech these…aliens…or whatever they are, that we find out there have…they may have better defenses as well as better munitions,” Tuck said, inspecting his long handheld pistol.

  “Each clip, if you will, hold 50 rounds. We can squeeze more in since we don’t need casings with powder explosions.”

  “And from what I hear, Sam knows all about squeezing into tight places,” Hargrove quipped.

  “Zip it Lieutenant,” General McKenzie said, “And that’s Captain to you.”

  “Yes, sir…sorry sir.”

  “General, you have to admit that was funny.”

  The General simply gave Tucker a look, then stood before the assembly, “Gentlemen, and Ladies…in less than ten hours you will be departing Earth on an epic mission of grand proportions.”

  “Uh, General…we got that…It’s big…thanks though,” Tucker said.

  General McKenzie gave Tucker another glance, and then returned to finish his address, “Failure is not an option. You must get to Asteroid 15- Eunomia. Once you gain access to the alien vessel, secure the data and technology. Rescue any of our survivors, and then blow the place. Let me emphasize, your primary mission is to secure the technology. Then and only then will you recover any survivors. Before you turn out the lights, set every one of your payloads, and get the hell back to Earth.”

  Tucker began clapping, “I’m not finished!”

  “Oh, sorry, ah General…just trying to cheer the crew on.”

  “I came down here to give you my deepest gratitude for your service. The very survival of our race depends on you eight crewmen. I know you will do your very best and will make all of us proud.”

  Silence…then the General turned to Tucker, “okay, I’m done now,” he whispered.

  “Oh right…let’s hear it for General McKenzie,” he said, now clapping.

  The rest of the flight crew entered in as the General exited the cargo bay, “And put that thing out, Tucker.”

  “Thank you for coming General…see you in about six weeks… … …love you…bye, bye now…Cass, button this tub up. I want everyone in the pilot house ASAP for my mission briefing.”

  The crew hurried about their final stowing of their gear, while Cass engaged the heavy duty hydraulics that would raise the bay door closed.

  Tucker took his seat on the right side of the cockpit, Sam carefully sat in the left seat as pilot, and winced slightly.

  “Captain, are you sure you’re up to this?” Tucker asked.

��She’s fine,” Cass answered Tuck, seated to his right.

  “I think I can answer for myself, Cass…I’m fine Tuck.” Geez I’m glad I got Calvin to bunk with Tucker.

  Hargrove took his seat next to Sam on her left. Dr. Rhodes, Samuels, and Lieutenant Savage were seated to the rear of the first four. Cal strapped to a jump seat in Tucker’s cabin.

  Everyone’s in place and plugged in sir,” Sam reported.

  “Cal, isolate our ship for a few minutes…you know…so we can have some privacy.”

  “Sure, thing Colonel.”

  “Oh yeah, and we’re on mission countdown now, so you can all call me commander from here on out.”

  “Tuck, Commander,” Calvin reported, “All set, no one can hear.”

  “Great…now let me get one thing straight here…and I think I will have the support of everyone here. Our people, if they are alive, have our highest priority, tech and babble all secondary.”

  The crew applauded the move of the commander with cheers, “Alright, knock it off already. I kid you not…this mission will tax everyone to the max. It’s not going to be a picnic. There are serious challenges, so enough of the horseplay. Cass, what’s our current count to 0200?”

  “Commander, we are eight hours and fifteen minutes from launch.”

  “Let’s be clear, we will obtain the tech. Calvin here can memorize the data if we are unable to retain the core of this, or whatever this is…Cass, Calvin, your primary job when we arrive is making sure you terminate that tractor that seems to be taking over our ships, get us inside. Once we land, the good Doctor, Lieutenant Hargrove, the Sarge, and I will investigate the complex, and find our people.”

  “If they’re alive,” Cass said.

  “I am confident they are Captain…keep your hopes up. Melissa and Cass, your job will be to get in there and find where the tech is. Cal, I’ll need you to stay on the ship with Sam and connect to us via our wireless. Once they find a terminal, or a place to set up, she’ll follow your instructions for the download.”

  “It’s a good plan, Commander,” Sam looked over and smiled.

  “Okay, with the exception of Sam, who’s going to be busy with our final atmosphere to orbit calculations and checking and recheck our avionics, everyone else get ready for drills. Yes, you got that right, our Sergeant will be leading them today…and that means you too, Cal…I want everyone flight suit protocol, with collars, in seven hours. Helmets not necessary for departure, as long as they are stowed close by.”


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