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Indigo Knights: The Boxed Set

Page 52

by Jet Mykles

“Well, we definitely need to do that, but we’ve got time.” Lance kissed the side of Gordon’s neck. “Just say you love me, and we’ve got all the time in the world.”

  Gordon’s hands were light on Lance’s hips. He was being hugged but didn’t hug back. Lance could hear him breathing, could almost hear him thinking. “What if I push too hard again?”

  “I’ll tell you you’re pushing too hard.”

  “What if I know that I’m right?”

  Lance had to laugh at that. “Then you need to tell me why.”

  “I told you before. I gave you dozens of reasons.”

  “And I didn’t really hear them. I was where I needed to be.”

  Gordon’s hands came up between them and flattened on Lance’s chest to push him away. Not far, just enough so they were comfortably face-to-face. “So what happens when where you need to be isn’t where I need to be?”

  “Where I need to be is with you.”

  “What if the Knights break up? What if we all go our separate ways?”

  “Then I’ll miss the other guys.”

  A black brow arched over one of Gordon’s still-watery eyes. “Even Noble?”

  Lance gave that the beat of thought it deserved. Then shrugged. “I’ll miss him. But he’d understand.”

  “He would?”

  “Noble’s a romantic. He’d accept that love won out.”

  Gordon shut his eyes and shook his head. “This is absurd. I’d never ask you to leave Noble.”

  “Which makes you even more perfect for me.” Sensing that Gordon was trying to draw away, Lance caught the hands on his chest. “Look. We can make up breakup scenarios all day, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love you, and I need you to say you love me too.”

  Fingers dug into his sternum. “I love you. I just—”

  Lance cut him off with a hungry kiss, clapping his palms to either side of Gordon’s face to hold him there. Gordon kissed him back, hands slipping up to curve around Lance’s neck. After a moment of pure indulgence, he used those hands to nudge Lance out of the kiss.


  “No. Kissing now.”

  Gordon chuckled through another lip-lock. “Lance, you said you’d listen.”

  Groaning, Lance stopped trying to occupy Gordon’s lips with his, but he didn’t step back. “Okay. I’m listening.”

  Hazel eyes had never looked so open, so serious. “Promise me that if you start to feel us falling apart, you’ll tell me?”

  “Promise.” Lance nodded. “But that needs to go both ways.”

  A thumb stroked his jaw. “Promise.” Gordon tried a little smile. “It won’t be easy. I’ve still got to travel, and your life is about to get ridiculous.”

  “I just spent the last few months on a club tour with groupies offering themselves to me, and I didn’t want any of ’em, because I was hung up on someone who insisted he didn’t want me.” Lance leaned forward to touch his forehead to Gordon’s. “That was hard. If I know you’re with me, nothing can be that hard.”

  Gordon twisted a little so he could kiss Lance’s cheek. “I did miss you.”

  “How much?”

  A kiss at the corner of his mouth. “So much.”

  “You’ve been miserable without me.”

  Gordon snorted.

  “And I’ve been miserable without you.” Lance turned his head just enough to brush their lips together. “At least now we’ll be having sex regularly.”

  Finally, Gordon laughed, a deep, sweet sound that melted the ice cutting Lance’s heart. “I thought you’d gotten used to being celibate.”

  Lance stroked the backs of his fingers over the stubble on Gordon’s jaw. “I’m used to it, but that doesn’t mean I like it.”

  Gordon drew back to look at him. Lance was encouraged to see the careful hope in those changeable eyes. “This is probably a bad idea.”

  “No.” He brought his other hand up to cup Gordon’s chin. “This can’t be a bad idea. We’re the best idea there is. I swear.”

  Resistance drained as Gordon’s hands slid over Lance’s shoulders to his back. “You should have just moved on.”

  Lance leaned in to touch his lips to Gordon’s again. He kept the kiss light, rewarded when Gordon mirrored his feathery touch. Gordon’s arms pulled him closer, and Lance groaned. “Can’t move on from you,” he whispered, brushing his lips over Gordon’s cheek. “Too stubborn. Remember?”

  “Yeah.” Gordon turned his head, reclaiming their kiss. “Stubborn.”

  They stood there for who knew how long, holding and kissing. It just felt so good to have Gordon with him, in his embrace.

  Eventually, it was Gordon who drew away from the kissing so their eyes could meet. “Are we going to fuck or what?”

  Lance grinned. “I’m game if you are.”

  Matching his grin, Gordon stepped back, but he slid his hand down Lance’s arm so their fingers could entwine. “If we’re going to try this, we’re going to do a lot of fucking.”

  Lance let Gordon pull him toward the narrow staircase in the foyer. It was the first time he’d been to Gordon’s place, but it was a pretty good guess that the bedroom was upstairs. “Schedule permitting, you mean.”

  Gordon glanced over his shoulder. “Right. But since I make the schedule, we’re in good shape.”

  They had to let go of each other’s hands to get up the staircase. Lance reached up to pat Gordon’s ass as it led the way up the stairs. “Yeah. You are.”

  Chuckling, Gordon pulled off his T-shirt when he reached the landing. Lance’s breath caught at the sight of all that golden-brown skin stretched over taut muscle.

  “Why aren’t you a model?” Lance asked, not for the first time.

  The old joke made Gordon laugh as he walked into a fully furnished bedroom. “What?” Gordon started to unfasten his jeans. “Do you only want me for my looks?”

  “Well, yeah.” Lance had his shirt off and sat in a familiar chair to tug off his boots. “I thought that was obvious.”

  The easy, familiar banter had him rock hard. He fumbled over his boots and socks, mainly because he refused to take his eyes off the gorgeous skin Gordon was revealing.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Gordon said, his voice far calmer than his erection might suggest. He disappeared through a door that led to the bathroom and was back by the time Lance had stood to remove his jeans. He tossed condoms and lube onto the neatly made bed, then came to stand in front of Lance. With quick fingers, he helped Lance to push jeans and briefs to the floor, then wrapped warm, strong fingers around Lance’s shaft.

  “Oh yeah.” As he leaned in for a kiss, Lance did some wrapping of his own, squeezing Gordon’s dick just the way he knew Gordon liked it.

  It was great, but it didn’t last long. Through confused stumbling, they made it to the bed, collapsing into each other’s arms to simply embrace and kiss and rut against each other.

  “Ah!” Gordon groaned, tipping his head back, the better to arch up under Lance. “Fucking fuck me. Now.”

  “My command,” Lance grunted, disentangling himself from Gordon’s arms to push up onto his knees.

  “Wait.” Gordon sat up and grabbed his wrist just after he picked up a condom.

  Lance looked at him, struck by the open emotion he saw on that face he loved. Gordon did love him. “What?”

  Gordon plucked the packet from his fingers and looked at it. Then looked back up at Lance. “I’m clean.”

  Lance’s heart stuttered. “I’m pretty damn sure I’m clean.”

  They laughed. Gordon considered the packet again. “I…think we can do without?” His eyes met Lance’s again.

  Lance knew what that meant. Even when they’d been dating, it’d taken months before they hadn’t used a condom. He licked his lips. “It’s up to you.”

  Smiling, Gordon tossed it away. “All I want is you.”

  He pulled Lance into a kiss, which made it difficult for Lance to find the bottle of lube. Gordon held on while
Lance fumbled the lube open and managed to slather his dick. Then Gordon lay back and spread his legs, giving Lance room to stroke wet fingers under his balls to find his tight, clenching hole. Lance slid a finger inside, then two, thrusting slowly and scissoring them apart, more to make Gordon squirm than to stretch him. After all this time, Lance knew he’d fit. When Gordon reached down to dig strong fingers into the side of Lance’s ass, he took the hint and shifted his hips in between Gordon’s thighs. After a little maneuvering, he was stroking the head of his cock against Gordon’s anus. This was the only man he’d ever gone bareback with. The only person, in fact, male or female. But then, this was the only person he intended to have sex with ever again.

  Drawing away from the kiss, he met Gordon’s eyes as he started to push into Gordon’s body. Hazel irises were shadowed by heavy black lashes, but Gordon met his gaze and pushed back. They breathed each other’s breaths as Lance steadily worked his cock deep into Gordon’s clutching channel. When he could go no farther, he stopped to savor the moment of being as close to Gordon as he could possibly be.

  “No one else but you,” he whispered, willing Gordon to hear and believe him this time. “I love you.”

  Gordon’s palms pressed his jaw, fingers cradling the back of his skull. Moisture leaked from the corners of his eyes, but he didn’t break their shared gaze. “God. I love you too. So much.”

  Slowly, Lance pulled his hips back, taking his time, watching Gordon watch him. This was important. He couldn’t have said how he managed to take it slow. The squeezing heat of Gordon’s body around his sorely neglected cock should have had him shooting off in seconds. But as he kept watching Gordon, he managed to hold back, managed to extend their pleasure as he dragged his cock almost out, then pushed back in.

  “Lance…” Gordon tipped his chin to connect their lips, but it wasn’t really a kiss, more of a magnetic attraction of skin to skin.

  As they rocked together, Gordon lifted one leg to wrap around Lance’s hip, trying to pull him closer even though there was nowhere else to go. Lance picked up the pace, sliding easily now, losing some of the spell that kept his climax in check. He bit at Gordon’s jaw, then found the pulse at his neck to suck on. Gordon’s fingers dug into his scalp, and that gorgeously deep voice muttered encouraging obscenities in his ear. Oh, how he’d missed this.

  “Gordon,” he groaned, signaling the electricity that was about to burst from him.

  “Yeah.” Gordon freed one hand to worm it between them, going for his own cock.

  “No.” Without complete thought, Lance grabbed that hand, then grabbed the other. Roughly, he pinned them to the mattress, bracing above Gordon as he pumped into a shattering orgasm.

  Gordon moaned underneath him, writhing as he watched. Lance jerked through the throes of his climax, took one deep, cleansing breath, then slithered down Gordon’s body and gulped Gordon’s cock.

  “Ah fuck!”

  Lance gagged around the length of flesh that shoved against the back of his throat, but fought to hold on, wrapping his fist around the base of Gordon’s cock so he could suck properly. He knew it couldn’t possibly take long. Gordon was full and hard, pleading at the ceiling as his hips pumped against Lance’s face. Fingers tugged at Lance’s hair. He let Gordon pull him off, held Gordon’s cock and aimed it so he could see his cum splatter Lance’s face. Lance’s open mouth caught plenty of warm seed, and he met Gordon’s heated gaze as he licked it up and swallowed what he could.

  “Fuck.” Gordon launched at him, and they rolled to eventually end up lying side by side diagonally on the bed with their heads toward the foot. Gordon licked at the cum Lance had missed, then shared the taste with him in a deep, sucking kiss.

  “Damn.” Finally, Gordon ran out of steam and collapsed, half lying on Lance. He curled close to bury his face in the bend of Lance’s neck. “So. What now?”

  Lance smoothed his hand up the skin of Gordon’s thigh toward the curve of his ass. “What now what?”

  Gordon slowly drew himself up. He rested a balled fist on one of Lance’s pecs and used it as a prop for his chin. “Us. What now?”

  “If you give me a few minutes, I think I can get it up again.”

  It was meant as a joke, but Gordon only gave it a passing smile. “After that?”

  “You’re the one with all the plans. I’m the follower, remember?”

  Gordon snorted. He considered Lance for a long, quiet moment. “Are you going home?”

  Now Lance thought he knew what this might be about. “If you want me to.”

  “If I don’t?”

  “Then I stay.”

  “For how long?”

  “Forever.” The answer was out before he thought about it.

  “You’re moving in?” No censure, just seemingly mild curiosity.


  “Just like that?”

  He dug his fingers in for a good squeeze of Gordon’s ass. “I want to be with you. I want to sleep with you, with or without sex. I want to have breakfast with you in the morning.”

  “And when we’re on tour?”

  “I want us to be together as much as we can.”

  “And if we can’t?”

  “I’ll miss you until we’re back together.” He spoke over Gordon’s next question. “I love you. However I can get you.”

  Gordon nodded. “We need to do some thinking.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.”

  Then Gordon smiled. “I meant logistics. I’m not sure this place is right for both of us. I bought it small on purpose.” Still smiling, he snuggled closer. “Maybe we should switch places with Noble.”

  Happily, Lance gathered his lover close so they could rest forehead to forehead. “So you’re in this with me?”

  Gentle fingers stroked his jaw as hazel eyes devoured his. “Yeah. We’re in this together.”



  “Say the words for me?”

  Smiling, Gordon brushed his lips over Lance’s before he drew back to say, “I love you. God help me, I really do.”

  ~ * ~

  Chapter One

  “So that’s Donny Foxy, huh?”

  Hollywood had moved to New York for the cast party surrounding Noble. The movie was due to come out in a few months, some sci-fi, pseudo-fantasy flick about wizards or some such. Criminea was a “new adult” Harry Potter, he was told—whatever that meant—also based on a series of books written by some woman he’d only recently begun to hear of. He hadn’t seen it yet, since this was a last-minute invite and he’d missed the screening. Sounded like it was a good movie if you liked the fantasy-action type.

  The real draw, as Noble heard it, wasn’t the well-known actors playing key roles, but the gorgeous young stars, all relative newcomers. One of those stars—Donald Foxley—had come to be known as Donny Foxy in the press. There’d been enough hype that Noble had heard his name, if not much about him. If his acting was half as good as his looks, he’d be an instant hit. Early twenties, tall, gave off the impression of being shy, which Noble found fascinating since he was surrounded by a crowd of adoration. Soft brown curls were left to toss artfully around the face of an angel with heavy-lidded dark eyes and a mouth with a smooth, thick bottom lip just made for sucking.

  “That’s him.” Reine Withers stood beside Noble at the railing overlooking the main floor of the club. As part of the supporting cast, Reine had invited Noble to the party with the clear intention to impress him and get in his pants. Reine was cute, with sandy hair and big green eyes; plus, he was cheerful, so Noble thought his chances were pretty damn good, party or not. About five-four, with barely any muscle tone to speak of, Reine would forever be cast as a nerd or a geek, especially with his freckles. But there was a shrewd mind in there that Noble had come to like in the very short time they’d known each other. Reine knew who he was and made the most he could of it.

  “Is he as quiet as he looks?” Noble raised a glass of wine to his lips. He wasn
’t a fan of wine, but that was all they had at this party, as that was a focus of the club. Luckily it was more than decent wine. He’d even given some thought to buying a case. Gordon would love it.

  “Strange enough, yeah, he is.” Reine’s arm, bare under the short sleeves of a shiny green button-down, brushed Noble’s. “This is the most social I’ve seen him off set.”

  “Excuse me.” A pretty little woman in a tight, hot-pink dress tapped Noble’s shoulder to get him to turn around. When she had him facing her, she grinned big and even batted her eyes. “Aren’t you Noble Welbourn?”

  He smiled at her, including the taller blonde girl behind her. “I am.” He was dressed the part of the rock star he now was, and she wasn’t the only person who’d recognized him. He hadn’t spiked the mohawk tonight, instead letting the wide swath of purple-dyed hair drape over the shaved left side of his head, tickling his ear. He wore two silver rings in his earlobes to match the rings in his left nostril and right eyebrow. A sleeveless purple dress shirt was unbuttoned enough to show a hint of the horny-toad tattoo across one pec. Snug black microsuede pants and slick new pointy-toed boots completed the outfit.

  The little one squealed. “I knew it. This is gauche, I know, but…” Rolling her eyes, like she was above what she was about to ask, she produced a cocktail napkin and a pen. “Could you sign this for me?”

  “Absolutely.” If Gordon had taught him one thing, it was to always be nice to the fans. They were the reason he got paid. Besides, Noble liked the fan attention. Signing autographs, taking pictures, chitchatting—those were little things he could do that made others happy.

  Two signed napkins, a smartphone pic, and some meaningless babble later, the girls floated away, and he was mostly alone with Reine again. He smiled at his date for the night, letting their bare arms rub as they stood at the railing. Normally at one of these types of parties, Noble would have been all over, meeting people, but tonight he was content to talk to just a few and concentrate on Reine. The acting world wasn’t so much his scene, and he let tonight be part of his education. “Where were we?”

  Reine handed him back his wine. “You were asking about Donny Foxy.”


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