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Joe Gans

Page 38

by Colleen Aycock

  Heinz, W.C., ed. Fireside Book of Boxing. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1961.

  Heller, Peter. In This Corner: 42 World Champions Tell Their Stories. New York: Da Capo Press, 1973.

  Hietala, Thomas R. The Fight of the Century: Jack Johnson, Joe Louis and the Struggle for Racial Equality. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2002.

  Hudson, David L., Jr., and Mike H. Fitzgerald, Jr. Boxing’s Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Champs, Chumps, and Punch-Drunk Palookas. Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s, 2004.

  Johnston, Alexander. Ten And Out: The Complete Story of the Prize Ring in America. New York: Ives Washburn, 1927.

  Johnston, J.J., and Sean Curtin. Images of Sport: Chicago Boxing. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2005.

  Kahn, Roger. A Flame of Pure Fire: Jack Dempsey and the Roaring ’20s. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1999.

  Lardner, Rex. The Legendary Champions. New York: American Heritage, 1972.

  Lipsyte, Robert, and Peter Levine. Idols of the Game: A Sporting History of the American Century. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1995.

  London, Jack. Jack London Stories of Boxing. Edited by James Bankes. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1992.

  McCallum, John D. The Encyclopedia of World Boxing Champions: Since 1882. Radnor, Pa.: Chilton Book, 1975.

  McCurdy, Michael, ed. Escape from Slavery: The Boyhood of Frederick Douglass in His Own Words. New York: Knopf, 1994.

  Mencken, H.L. “A Master of Gladiators (1907),” Heathen Days: 1890–1936. New York: Knopf, 1943, 96–106. Page references are to this edition.

  Mencken, H.L. The Mencken Bibliography. Compiled by Betty Adler. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1961, 157. Second supplement compiled by Vincent Fitzpatrick, 1971, 157, “A Master of Gladiators, 1907,” The New Yorker, Vol. 18, April 1942, 18–20.

  Miler, Thomas. The Sweet Science Goes Sour: How Scandal Brought Boxing to Its Knees. Vancouver, B.C.: Greystone Books, 2006.

  Miller, Henry. Sexus: The Rosy Crucifixion, Book One. New York: Grove Press, 1987.

  Naughton, W.W. Kings of the Queensberry Realm. Chicago: Continental, 1902.

  Nesbit, Evelyn. Tragic Beauty: The Lost 1914 Memoirs of Evelyn Nesbit. London: John Long, 1914. Reprint, United States: Deborah Dorian Paul, 2006.

  Nicolay, Katherine J. Gernand. “Tuberculars Have Positive Cultural Effect on Prescott,” Days Past, Prescott, Ariz: Sharlot Hall Museum, January 15, 2006.

  Oates, Joyce Carol. On Boxing. Garden City, N.Y.: Dolphin Doubleday, 1987.

  Ott, Katherine. Fevered Lives: Tuberculosis in American Culture Since 1870. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999.

  Remnick, David. King of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero. New York: Random House, 1998.

  Rice, George Graham. My Adventures with Your Money. Boston: R.C. Badger, 1913.

  Roberts, James B., and Alexander G. Skutt. The Boxing Register: International Boxing Hall of Fame Official Record Book. Ithaca, N.Y.: McBooks Press, 2006.

  Roberts, Randy. Papa Jack: Jack Johnson and the Era of White Hopes. New York: Free Press, 1983.

  Ryan Frank. The Forgotten Plague. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993.

  Samuels, Charles. The Magnificent Rube: The Life and Gaudy Times of Tex Rickard. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.

  Scharf, Thomas. Images of Sports: Baltimore’s Boxing Legacy 1893–2003, Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2003.

  Simon, Roger, and Angie Cannon. “An Amazing Journey: The Mirror of the Census Reveals the Character of a Nation,” U.S. News and World Report, August 6, 2001, 10–18.

  Smith, Mona Z. Becoming Something: The Story of Canada Lee; The Untold Tragedy of the Great Black Actor, Activist, and Athlete. New York: Faber and Faber, 2004.

  Somrack, F. Daniel. Images of Sports: Boxing in San Francisco. Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia, 2005.

  Staudohar, Paul D., ed. Boxing’s Best Short Stories. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1999.

  Stevens, Robert C. Echoes of the Past: Tales of Old Yavapai, Vol. 2. Prescott, Ariz.: Yavapai Cowbelles, 1964.

  Stocker, Joseph. Arizona: A Guide to Easier Living. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955.

  Sugars, Burt Randolph. Boxing’s Greatest Fighters. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2006.

  Summerhayes, Martha. Vanished Arizona: Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979.

  Suster, Gerald. Lightning Strikes: The Lives and Times of Boxing’s Lightweight Heroes. London: Robson Books, 1994.

  Torrence, Ridgely. Granny Maumee, the Rider of Dreams, Simon the Cyrenian: Plays for a Negro Theater. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Reprinted in electronic form by Questia Media American:

  Ward, Geoffrey C. Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. New York: Vantage Books/Random House, 2006.

  Washington, Booker T. Frederick Douglass. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1906. Facsimile of the document reprinted in electronic form by Tuskegee University Libraries:

  Willeford, Charles. Cockfighter. Black Mask Online, Disruptive Publishing, 1962.

  Yancey, Diane. Tuberculosis, Twenty-First Century Medical Library. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-First Century Books, 2001.


  Champions Forever (2000)

  Cinderella Man (2005)

  Fells Point, Out of Time (2004)

  History of Boxing: 1906–1955 (1990)

  The Joe Louis Story (1953)

  Mandingo (1976)

  On the Waterfront (1954)

  The Outlaw Josie Wales (1976)

  Raging Bull (1980)

  Rocky (1976)

  The Seven Faces (1929)

  When We Were Kings (1997)

  The Wizard of Oz (1925)

  The Wizard of Oz (1939)


  Albuquerque Journal

  Anaconda Standard (Phoenix, Ariz.)

  Baltimore Afro American

  Baltimore Sun

  Broadax (Chicago)

  Butte (Mont.) Miner

  Chicago Record Herald

  Chicago Times Herald

  Chicago Tribune

  Daily Northwestern (Oshkosh, Wis.)

  Decatur (Ill.) Review

  Fort Wayne (Ind.) News

  Goldfield (Nev.) Sun

  Houston (Texas) Post

  Los Angeles Times

  Memphis (Tenn.) Press

  Nevada State Journal (Reno)

  New Orleans Times Democrat

  New York Herald

  New York Police Gazette

  New York Sun

  New York Times

  New York World

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Prescott (Ariz.) Daily Miner

  San Antonio (Texas) Sunday Light

  San Francisco Examiner

  Washington Post (D.C.)


  Abbott, Staunton (English boxer)

  Academy of Music, Baltimore

  Ali, Muhammad

  Anty, William

  Arguello, Alexis

  Armstrong, Bob

  Armstrong, Dave

  Armstrong, Henry (“Hammering Hank”)

  Arnold, Indiola (Mrs. “Kid” McCoy)

  Arthur, William

  Ashe, Arthur

  Atlanta Race Riot

  Attell, Abraham (Abe) Washington

  Auditorium Athletic Club, New Orleans

  Austin, Samuel (referee)

  Ayala, Mike

  Baldwin, Captain Thomas (pilot)

  Ball, Jack

  Basilio, Carmen

  Baum, L. Frank

  Bean, Judge Roy

  Bear, Jacob Henry (“Buddy”)

  Bell, Spencer (actor)

  Bellows, George W. (artist)

  Benitez, Wilfred

  Berger, Harry

  Billy the Kid

  Blackburn, Bart

  Blackburn, Jack (“Chappie,” boxer and trainer to Joe Louis)
  Blake, Eubie (musician)

  Bly, Nellie (jounalist)

  Bolan, Jack

  Bolen, Samuel

  Bond, Caleb

  Borden, Lizzie

  Bowen, Andy

  Boxer Rebellion

  Braddock, James J.

  Bradley, Sheriff J.F. (Esmeralda Co., Nev.)

  Brady, Jim (“Diamond”)

  Britt, Al

  Britt, James Edward

  Britt, Willus (manager)

  Broad, Ned (“Kid”)

  Broadway Athletic Club, New York

  Broadway Market, Baltimore

  Broadway Theatre, New York City

  Brown, Drew (“Bundini,” cornerman to Muhammad Ali)

  Brown, Jim

  Burge, Dick

  Burns, Jimmy (George Memsic)

  Burns, Tommy

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice

  Butler, Tommy

  Butts, Joseph Saifuss

  Cain, James


  California Arrow

  Callis, Tracy

  Camus, Albert

  Canizales, Orlando

  Carr, Harry C. (sportswriter)

  Carr, William

  Casey, Mike

  Casino Athletic Club, Tonopah, Nev.

  Cerdan, Marcel

  Chaplin, Charlie (actor)

  Charles, Ray (musician)

  Chasseur (warship)

  Chicago Athletic Association

  Choynski, Joe (“California Terror”)

  Clark, Charles

  Clark, U.S. Sen. William, Montana

  Clifford, Jack

  Clipper ships, Baltimore

  Coates, D.

  Cobb, Ty (sportswriter)

  Cody, Buffalo Bill

  Coffroth, Jimmy (promoter)

  Colored Players (theatrical troupe)

  Columbian Exposition (1893)

  The Comic View of Boxing

  Comstock Lode, Nev.

  Connell, Robert

  Conner, Johnny

  Connolly, Eddie

  Considine, George

  Conway, William

  Cook, Jewey (Abe Cohen; English champion)

  Cook, John S. (bank, Goldfield)

  Corbett, Harry

  Corbett, James (“Gentleman Jim”)

  Corbett, Young

  Corral, Ramon

  Corrigan, Patsy

  Cotton Club and Club Deluxe, Harlem

  Courtney, Peter

  Cox, Monte

  Crosby, Steve

  Cummings, Rev. C.G.

  Curly, Jack (promoter)

  Dabney, Ford (musician)

  Daly, Jack (“Wilmington”)

  Dana, Charles A. (publisher)

  Dempsey, Jack

  Dempsey, Jack

  Denslow, William Wallace (illustrator)

  Denver Athletic Club

  Dewey, U.S. Admiral George

  Dexter, Prof. Edwin G. (University of Illinois)

  Dickson, W.K.L. (director)

  Dixon, George (“Kid Chocolate”)

  Dobbs, Bobby

  Donahue, Jack

  Dorgan, Tad (sportswriter)

  Dougherty, Danny

  Douglass, Frederick

  Downey, Jack

  Druid Park, Baltimore

  Du Bois, W.E.B.

  Duran, Roberto

  Earp, Virgil

  Earp, Wyatt

  Eastwood, Clint

  Echman Laboratory, Philadelphia

  Edgerton, Walter (“Kentucky Rosebud”)

  Edgren, Robert (sportswriter)

  Edison, Thomas (inventor)

  Elliot, Joseph

  Ellison, Ralph

  English, Solomon

  Erne, Frank

  Eureka Athletic Club, Baltimore

  Eureka Athletic Club, Long Island City, New York

  Eutaw Athletic Club, Baltimore

  Evans, Eliza

  Everhardt, Jack

  Farley, Frank

  Farren, Jimmy

  Fells Point, Baltimore

  Feltz, Tommy

  Ferris, George Washington Gale (inventor)

  Fields, Armond

  Fitzgerald, Willie

  Fitzsimmons, Bob (“Ruby Robert,” English champion)

  Flaherty, Martin

  Fleischer, Nat (boxing historian emeritus)

  Fleming, Victor (director)

  Forbes, Harry

  Fords Theater, Baltimore

  Foreman, George

  Fox, Richard K.

  Frazier, Joe

  Fredericks, Fred

  Front Street Theater, Baltimore

  Fulton, Dr. John S.

  Gans, James

  Gans, Joe

  Gans, Julia

  Gans, Madge M. (Wadkins)

  Gans, Maria Jackson (Joe Gans’ mother)

  Gans, Martha J.

  Gardner, Gus

  Gardner, Jimmy (“Lowell”)

  Garland, Judy (actress)

  Garrard, Frank

  Gavilan, Kid (Gerardo Gonzalez)

  Germania Maennerchor Hall, Baltimore

  Ginzburg, Ralph

  Glasscock, C.B.

  Gleason, Jack (promoter)

  Goldfield Athletic Club, Goldfield, Nev.

  Goldfield Hotel, Baltimore

  Goldfield Stock Exchange

  Goodwin, Nat (actor)

  Graney, Ed (referee)

  Granny Maumee

  Grant, Jack

  Grant, Peter

  Gray, Bill

  Greenpoint Sporting Club, Long Island, New York

  Griffin, Hank

  Griffith, Emile

  Griffiths, Albert (“Young Griffo,” Australian champion)

  Grim, Joe

  Grimke, Rev. Francis J.

  Grise, Charles A.

  Groom, J.J. (manager)

  Haines, John (“The Klondike”)

  Halce, George (trainer)

  Hall, Frank

  Hammett, Dashiel

  Handler, “Joe”

  Hanlon, Eddie

  The Harder They Fall

  Hardy, Oliver (actor)

  Harris, Sam (manager)

  Harrison, Carter Henry, Jr. (mayor of Chicago)

  Hawkins, Dal

  Hearns, Thomas (“Hit Man”)

  Heise, William (director)

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Hemsley, S.T.

  Herford, Abraham “Al” Lincoln (manager of Joe Gans)

  Herford, Maurice

  Highley, Kid

  Hogan Malachy (gym, Chicago)

  Holliday, Billie (singer)

  Holly, Dave

  Horne, Dave

  Horton Law

  Houseman, Lou (manager)

  Humphreys, Joe (manager)

  Hyer, Jacob

  Hyer, Tom

  Invisible, Man

  Jackson, James

  Jackson, Peter

  Jackson, “Young” Peter (Sim Thompkins)

  James, Jesse (outlaw)

  “The January Claim” (Goldfield)

  Jeannette, Joe

  Jeffries, James J. (“Great White Hope”)

  Jim Crow America

  The Joe Louis Story

  Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

  Johnson, Alexander

  Johnson, John “Jack” Arthur (“the Galveston Giant”)

  Johnston, J.J.

  Jordan, Billy (ring announcer)

  Julian, Martin

  Kearns, Jack

  Keefe, Willie

  Kelly, Eddie

  Kelly, “Honest” John (referee)

  Kelly, Spider

  Kennedy, Frank

  Kernan (also Kiernan), James Lawrence

  Ketchel, Stanley (Stansilaw Kiecal; “the Michigan Assassin”)

  Key, Francis Scott

  Kilrain, John “Jake”

  Kim, Doo-Koo

  King, Alvie

  King, Buddy

  Kinnard, James (“the St. Paul Kid”)

  Kipling, Rudyar

  Knabenshue, A. Roy

  Koch, Robert (scientist)

  Kreiger, Jack

  Kreling, Tiv

  Laennec Society

  La Grave, Anton

  Langfield, Herman (“Kid Herman,” “the Ghetto Kid”)

  Langford, Sam (“Boston Tar Baby”)

  Lardner, Rex 142

  Lavigne, George “Kid”

  Law, Horton

  Leckner, Johnny

  Lenny, Harry

  Leonard, Benny (Benjamin Leiner; “the Ghetto Wizard”)

  Leonard, Mike (“Beau Brummel” of Boston)

  Leonard, Ray Charles (“Sugar Ray”)

  Lester, Whitey

  Levy, Morris (manager)

  Lexington Market, Baltimore

  Lewis, Harry

  Lewis, Rice

  Liston, Sonny

  London, Jack

  Louis, Joe

  Lundie, Bob


  Lyceum Theatre, New York


  Lyons, Harry

  Lyric Theatre, Baltimore

  MacBride, Ed

  MacDonald, Frank

  Madison Square Gardens, New York

  Maher, Peter (Irish champion)

  Mancini (Mancino), Ray (“Boom Boom”)


  Manhattan Athletic Club, New York

  Mann Act

  Mantz, George (referee)

  Marias, Joseph

  Marley, Bob (musician)

  Marshall, Jerry (Australian boxer)

  Marshall, Thurgood (U.S. Supreme Court justice)

  Masterson, Bat (referee)

  Martin, Ed

  Maryland Game Protection Association

  Maxim, Joey

  Mayhood, Charles

  McAuliffe, Jack

  McAuliffe, Joe (“the Mission Boy”)

  McBride, Danny

  McCallum, John

  McConnell, Dan

  McCoy, Norman Selby (“Kid”)

  McDevitt, “Handsome” (referee)

  McDonald, Frank (manager)

  McFadden, George (“Elbows”)

  McGovern, Terrence (“Terrible Terry”)

  McGrath, Tim

  McKeck, Jack

  McMahon, Joe

  McMillan, William

  McPartland, William Lawrence (“Kid”)

  McPherson, Nellie (“Voluptuous Queen”)

  McVey, Sam

  Mechanics Pavilion, San Francisco

  Memsic, George

  Men Boxing, 1894

  Mencken, Henry Louis

  Miller, Henry

  Miller, Herman


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