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The Predator [1]

Page 14

by Brooke May

  “Thank you. Good night, Scott.” He goes back to his own room. It hits me that he came back alone. I’ll have to ask Chamberlain in the morning about that.

  I walk over, shut off the light, and crawl under the covers. I stay far to my side, a little nervous about sleeping next to him for the first time. It’s alien and entirely new; I want to welcome it, but I’m scared.

  “Katie?” Chamberlain’s voice is hoarse, and I feel him patting the bed looking for me. His hand finds my side and wraps around it, so his forearm is on my lower belly. “What are you doing all the way over there? Come here, baby.” He pulls me to him, so my body molds to his. He runs his nose up and down my neck before nuzzling down deep into the crook of my neck and takes a deep breath. “Always be my beauty, and I will remain your beast.” It sounds almost like a question, but I can’t be for sure, so I don’t answer. “I’m keeping you forever, Katie.” He places a gentle kiss on my shoulder and drifts back to sleep.

  I lie there for a few minutes, trying to relax enough to enjoy this feeling. It finally comes - the content feeling I have when I’m in his arms. I place my hand over his and follow him into the land of dreams.

  Chapter Seventeen

  WARMTH MOVES FROM my body to my face, drawing me out of my slumber. Opening my eyes, the lovely sight that is Chamberlain Lawrence greets me. His stubble is coming back, making him look more like the guy I’m falling hopelessly for. His deep blue eyes watch me with glee. “Morning.” I smile up at him; my voice is hoarse from sleep.

  “I could watch you forever,” he states simply as he runs the back of one of his fingers up and down my cheek. “I can’t believe you are here.”

  “I told you I would stay the night.” I close my eyes, absorbing his touch.

  “I want this every morning.” He brushes his lips lightly across mine.

  “Chamberlain …” I laugh nervously. “That’s moving a little too fast.” His face falls. “We are still in the part of getting to know each other, all right?” I frame his face with my hands and bring his lips down to mine. I pour every feeling I have for him, making sure he doesn’t question how I feel about him.

  “I don’t want this to disappear.” He shifts on top of me, his legs resting between mine, and … On a sharp intake, I look up at him. “Sorry, it’s morning, and I have my beautiful girlfriend next to me.” He kisses me once more.

  I weave my fingers together behind his head and hold him to me. I want to enjoy this, but the whole mystery about Gwen has my mind turning. I pull my lips from his reluctantly and nearly forget my question when he licks his bottom lip. “Chamberlain, I need to ask you something.”

  The lust-filled look in his eyes turns serious by the tone of my voice. “What’s the matter?” He moves so the top of his body is to the side of me, but his legs are still between mine. One of his arms goes under my head and turns me to look at him.

  “Who’s Gwen?”

  Chamberlain’s brow knits together in confusion. “Was she at the bar last night?”

  “No. Do you remember anything while we were at the bar?”

  “Nope.” He shakes his head. “All I know is I was the king of the fucking world with my beautiful girl by my side.”

  “You kept saying that last night.” I roll my eyes and laugh when he grabs my side.

  “Shit, must have been interesting.”

  “I was nervous around you,” I barely whisper. I’m not sure if he even heard me.


  “My father drinks, and when he drinks too much, he gets really mean.” I cuddle into him. “It’s just a learned instinct.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt you, Katie.” He snarls.

  “I know. That’s why I want to how who she is.”

  His hands come up my back and start to rub. “Just a really good friend. I’ve known her forever. We grew up together. Why, are you worried?”

  Am I?

  I’m not sure. How can I be jealous or worried about someone I haven’t met yet? Who am I to judge? This relationship is still too new to me. I guess I am a little worried that he is playing me.

  “Not really. It’s just that Amber brought her up and you tensed.” I put my hand up by my face and draw an infinity sign on his chest. I don’t want to give in to my worry.

  “Not sure why that happened,” he mumbles. “Amber never did understand my friendship with Gwen. Don’t let her get to you, baby.” I’m not sure how long we lay in each other’s embrace, but our arrangement is comfortable. “What else happened last night?” Chamberlain breaks the silence and pushes back to gaze at me.

  “Oh, Amber decided to talk about getting you back in the restroom with another girl while I was in the stall. And then she proceeded to bug me afterward.” His eyes narrow. “Don’t worry, I can handle myself. She reminds me of Zoey.”

  “Fucking bitch,” he mutters, making me laugh. “What else?”

  “Nothing much. You yelled at Amber, which is why she brought up Gwen, and then we left.” Then I remember what I wanted to ask him. “Scott came back alone. Why is that?”

  Chamberlain chuckles. “I really did drink too much last night.” I’m about to ask him what that means, but he answers before I can ask. “When I get a little too carried away, Scott ditches whoever he is planning to bring home. Well, her place. No girls are allowed here, except you and Gwen. Who was he with last night? It wasn’t Lizzy, was it?” He crinkles his nose in disgust.

  “God, no. That Patricia girl. She looked pissed when we left. Is Lizzy that bad?”

  “She’s fucking crazy, Katie. She will try anything to get Scott. Better him than me,” he adds. “Promise me you’ll look after him if I can’t. It’s just a matter of time before he goes too far when messing with her and she gets what she wants.”

  “I will.” I may not know what she is capable of, but I don’t want anything to happen to my friend.

  “Good, enough talking. I have my girl in my arms, in my bed finally, and I really want to kiss her again.”

  “I’m not stopping you.” He pulls me up to him and devours my lips. When I open my mouth, his pure Chamberlain taste invades every bud in my mouth, drawing a sweet moan from me. His hand skates down my side until it reaches the back of my thigh; he grabs it and pulls it up over his hip. I can feel him everywhere. “Chamberlain.” I moan his name as I gently grind against him, where I want him.

  “Fuck.” His grip on my thigh tightens as he pushes up into me, grinding in the oh-so-tiniest of movements. He comes back to kiss me, hungrier now. His other hand finds its way out from under us and wraps around my back, keeping me close to him. I want him, and I want him badly. I finally want this explosive chemistry between us to lead to something more. The thoughts of too fast are long forgotten.

  “Chamberlain.” In a pleading tone, I look into his eyes, begging for what we both want. He swallows, making his Adam’s apple bob, and then licks his lips. He moves me back as his free hand goes into the waistband of my pajama pants …

  “Morning, you two love … fuck! Sorry!” Scott’s arrival couldn’t be worse. I jump closer to Chamberlain and try my best to cover myself even though I’m clothed.

  “Fucking hell, Scott!” Chamberlain reaches over the bed to the floor, picks something up, and throws a shoe at his best friend. “Learn to fucking knock!”

  Scott finds it amusing while I remain motionless. “Well, now that you two aren’t doing anything, I’m making waffles!” His face splits into a wide smile. This guy is crazy, crazy funny. “With eggs and turkey bacon!”

  “Could you save me a couple of eggs, please?” My voice is small and still filled with embarrassment. “I would like to make an omelet.”

  “No problem.” Scott dodges another shoe and vanishes from the doorway.

  “Fucking idiot,” Chamberlain grumbles, sits up, and pulls me onto his lap. “You good?”

  “Yes. Just embarrassed. Is he always like this?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. But I think he’ll get a
little better the more you are around.” He rubs his nose behind my ear. “Let’s go eat. Put on my shirt. I don’t want him seeing so much of your skin.”

  “Bossy.” I get off his lap. “He saw me like this last night and just now. It’s not like I don’t have something he hasn’t seen before, Chamberlain.”

  He jumps up and looms over me, backing me against his dresser. “Yes, you do,” he growls. “This is mine. Something no other man will ever get to see, understand?”

  God, that is sexy. I like being all his. I don’t care that he is a little bossy at times. This makes me want him again, but I’d better stop those thoughts with Scott here. “Okay.”

  “Good.” He pulls a shirt over my head. “Let’s eat.”

  It was nice having a normal breakfast. Sure, I enjoy my meals with Fiona, but this was different. They guys were laidback and in no rush. Sadly, I was. I needed to get home before World War III broke out.

  “Drive safe, Katie.” Chamberlain looks at the clear street.

  “Chamberlain,” I groan. “The roads are fine, and I’ll be okay.” He gives me a tight nod with pursed lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “No.” He pouts. “I’ll be at the gym instead of the center tomorrow.”

  “Then I’ll try to come see you.” I offer him a kiss.

  “Fine.” He lets go of me. I turn to get in my car when SLAP! He delivers a hard spank to my bottom.


  He throws me his sexy-as-sin and dimpled grin. “See you later, panda.”

  I blow him one last kiss and drive off. I feel so full and content being with him. I’m addicted to his caring behavior. It seems a bit excessive, like the driving conditions right now, but I don’t mind. It’s nice to have someone other than Fiona care about me.

  Absentmindedly, I wonder if it has something to do with being all alone, minus Scott. He has no family, at least none that he has told me about. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be without the two people who love and care for you most in the world. Then again, I can in a way. My parents never once seemed to care about me.

  I am blond rather than brunette. That is thanks to my Grandmother Cunningham. I never fit the type of person they tried to shape me in to. I idly wonder if they’ve finally forgotten about me. Besides my mother’s attempt to control me yesterday, no one has really bothered me. But it could be they are too busy preparing for the gala this coming weekend.

  I wave hello to Fiona when I come in and leave her to her show and baking in the kitchen. When I get to my room, I stand at the door and am perplexed.

  Why is this open?

  I remember locking it before I left yesterday. When I enter, I find Zoey on her knees in my closet. “What are you doing?” She jumps up the best her skirt will allow.

  “I was looking for your blue suede pumps. I want them for my dress this weekend.”

  “Then wait and ask!” For the first time, I let my temper go. “What is wrong with you?” I storm over to her, dropping my bag, and shoving her aside while I walk into my closet. I walk to the back where my shoeboxes are and grab the one she is looking for. I know that isn’t what she was looking for. Her dress is not going to match. I step back and look down around me. None of my shoes are moved, meaning she wasn’t looking through them.

  Glaring, I turn around and shove the box into her hands. “Here. Now, get out.”

  “Thanks, sis.” She glares back at me and then stomps out of my room, not even bothering to shut my door. I turn back to my closet and look at everything. She was in my dresser, but nothing is there for her to find.

  What could she have been after?

  Thankfully, I hide my schoolbooks under my mattress. I know she is still temperamental over the whole Timothy ordeal, but really, is she that desperate to find something to blackmail me with?

  Well, she won’t find anything.

  I barely get a moment to pick up my bag and set it on my bed when my room phone goes off. “Great.” I pick it up. “Yes?” I answer as calmly as I can.

  “My room now, Katherine.” My mother hangs up. I wasn’t expecting it to be her, but I really wasn’t sure if it would be my father since I know he is most likely not here.

  On my way to my mother’s room, I try to calm myself. What right does Zoey to have come into my personal space? I haven’t set foot in her room in years. I chalk it up to just another way we are different. When I reach my mother’s door, I knock softly only to be answered by a sharp, “Come in,” and the yipping of the devil dog himself.

  “You wanted to see me?” I walk into her room, finding her at her vanity chair. Her room reminds me of the stepmother’s room in Cinderella, dark and gloomy. My parents haven’t shared a room in years. Mainly because my father spends most of his time either in DC or with his indiscretions.

  “I am still not over how you acted yesterday, Katherine.” She powders her nose and doesn’t turn to me. Instead, she leans down to pick up her evil dog. “It is unacceptable.”

  “I’m just being independent and living my own life. It isn’t my fault you and Father raised a strong girl like myself.” Which is partially true; Fiona more or less raised me after she came to work here.

  “Hold your tongue!” She finally looks at me and stands, still cradling Lucifer like a baby. “You do remember your father’s gala is this weekend, correct?”

  I try my hardest to keep my eyes from rolling. I don’t want to be scolded for that as well. “Yes, I do. I have my dress hanging up, my shoes set out, and a hair style in mind.”


  “Good.” She comes around to stand in front of me. Lucifer quietly growls at me, and she makes no move to stop him. “Donald Phillips, the son of one of your father’s major benefactors, will accompany you. I won’t have you further embarrassing this family. We took quite a hit after the ordeal between you and Timothy.”

  “He was already sleeping with Zoey, which is actually illegal, Mother. I’m not the embarrassment.” And if she thinks having someone like Donald as a match for me is okay, she is dead wrong. He is worse than Timothy.

  Her slap across my face stings. I keep my face turned to the side in shock. Never in my life has she actually hit me before. “You will never speak of your sister like that again! At least, she knows her duty to this family and has honor.”

  Shaking my head, I look back at her. My glare jolts her. “I have honor, but it’s to myself, and as for duty, well, you can keep it. If being under your control for my whole life makes you happy, I’d rather not have it.” I turn and make my way to the door. “And I will not have Donald accompanying me. My boyfriend, Chamberlain, will be coming with me. Don’t worry, we won’t embarrass you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I’VE GOT TO get to work, K.C.” Scott gathers up his books and sprints out of the classroom as soon as our instructor releases us.

  About time.

  I was starting to think he was lazy. It’s good to see he really does work.

  “Looks like you’re all alone now, Kaycee.” Amber’s snide remark comes from behind me on my way to the parking lot.

  “It’s actually K and then a C, Amber.” I drop my head as I chuckle to myself at Lizzy’s attempt to correct her friend’s insult. She really isn’t that bright.

  “Shut up.” From the corner of my eye, Amber rushes up next to me while Lizzy flanks the other side.


  “So did Chamberlain tell you about Gwen? How instead of having sex with me when we dated, he would go off and fuck her instead?” I blanch at her vulgar language. “You aren’t that special to him. He’ll always go back to her, which makes no sense because she’s a butch bitch.”

  I stop walking and wait for her and Lizzy to turn to look at me. “And you still think somehow you’ll get him back? Really, Amber, do you ever listen to yourself?”

  When she doesn’t answer, Lizzy volunteers information no one cares about. “She has plans to get him back, much like my plans to poke holes in

  “Lizzy! Shut up! No one cares about Scott, so shut it!” Amber yells.

  Poke holes in what?

  My eyes widen when it dawns on me.

  “Poke holes in condoms and trick him into sleeping with you? Oh, my God!” I push past them and rush to get away from the crazy. “You’re sick and twisted!”

  Amber, not wanting Lizzy to ruin her chance of getting to me, runs after me. “Just take my word for it, all right!” she yells when I don’t stop at the doors. “She’ll act like your friend and then move in on him! She does it all the time!”

  I get to my car as quickly as I can. I really don’t care for those two. Now, I need to find a way to make sure Scott does stay away from Lizzy.

  I’d better tell Chamberlain.

  The roads are turning to slush as I drive home while I dial Chamberlain’s number. He answers on the third ring.

  “Hey, baby.” I can hear loud music in the background and sounds that would come from a garage.


  “What’s the matter?” I love how he can tell with a single word that something is off.

  “Lizzy … she’s planning to trap Scott.”

  “Umm … okay? How?” I hear a voice in the background, a feminine one. “Give me a sec, Gwen. I’m on the phone.”

  Gwen’s with him?

  Is he planning to introduce us?


  “Umm … yeah.” I tell him, word for word, what she said.

  “Shit!” he shouts, and I hear something slam down and rattle. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll pass it on to Scott.” He pauses. “Wait, why wasn’t he with you?”

  “He had to get to work.”

  “Right. Well, looks like we will be watching him closer now. I’ll let Gwen know so she can help out.”

  “Gwen? Is she with you?” I ask cautiously, feeling like the stupid girlfriend with the pathetic question.

  “Yeah.” He drawls out. “She came in to have lunch with me.” He sounds off, and my stomach drops with dread.


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