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The Predator [1]

Page 21

by Brooke May

  “Sure thing.” His warm expression softens me up some more. He takes my hand once more and pulls me through the cheering crowd toward the exit to his locker room. Once we get there, he locks us in, deposits me on a bench, and changes.

  “No shower?” I sit on my hands and lean forward. He gives me a heated look that states his intention.

  Shower at the apartment it is then.

  “I have a problem, Chamberlain,” I mutter.

  “What’s wrong?” He quickly pulls his clothes on and shoves his feet into his boots, not bothering to lace them up.

  “When I got home the other day, I was upset, and my mother asked me to come to a charity function with them.”


  “It’s April twenty-third,” I state, making him stop moving around.

  “Fuck …”

  “I know. I wasn’t thinking.” I shrug and look down. “But in my defense, I was mad at you and really hurt.”

  “Hey!” He pulls my attention to him. “We’ll figure out a way to get you to my fight. No worries.” He pulls his reclaimed hoodie - after I told him his scent was gone, he took it back to fix that - over his head and puts his old worn baseball cap on backward.

  “Okay.” I will be at that fight.

  “All right.” He grabs his bag and collects me. “Ready?” He kisses me, not waiting for my answer, unlocks the door, and we are out.

  Gwen and Scott are waiting by the cars when we get out of the building. “Ready to party?” Scott gives Chamberlain a weird combination of a handshake/slap with a half hug only guys seem to do.

  “Nah.” He shakes his head and unlocks my car. “Katie and I are going to go home.” He opens my door for me to get in but not before I see the disappointed looks on Scott and Gwen’s faces. “Have fun without us.”

  “Umm … okay.” Scott turns to Gwen, nodding at her car behind mine as Chamberlain rounds the car and gets in.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “I HOPE YOU aren’t upset about not going out.” I settle onto Chamberlain’s bed as he gets ready for a shower. While pulling his shirt over his head, he stops and stares at me like I grew a second head or something. “What?” I frown and toss him my own strange look.

  “Baby” He shakes his head and comes over, pulling me up to stand in front of him. He grabs the hem of my shirt. “I was going to come back here anyway. I’m tired of the partying. Besides.” My shirt is gone, and he then goes for my pants, since my shoes are already off “I have to really focus on training, and I don’t want any of that in the way of reaching my dream.”

  “Okay,” I murmur, stepping out of my pants. We walk into the bathroom, and I admire him as he strips out of his pants and socks while turning the water on and making steam rise.

  “Why are you still dressed?” He looks back at me while slipping his boxer briefs off. “Get naked, woman.” I can’t help but giggle as he gets in the shower, watching me with a look of pure determination. “I mean it,” he growls.

  I quickly strip my bra and panties off and slip into the shower with him. Chamberlain’s shoulder blades roll as he soaps up the washcloth with my body wash. I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his middle, resting my palms on his pectorals. I lean my cheek on the center of his back and close my eyes.

  These are the times, when it is just the two of us, that I remember he is in this relationship as much as I am. But he holds all the power to destroy me.

  Please don’t.

  I silently pray as Chamberlain moves away from me to turn and wash me.

  “Shouldn’t you wash up first? You are the one who got all sweaty and dirty.” I try to grab the washcloth from him, but he pulls his hand out of my reach.

  “Oh no, baby. I got you all sweaty, so let me wash you first.” His eyes darken once more as he steps into my space to the point that I can feel his body heat along with the hot water forming steam around us.

  “Okay.” I breathe and relax for him. I lay my head back and close my eyes.

  “Look at me,” he commands. Before I can look back up, I gasp as he places the washcloth on my bare neck. He slowly works his way to one shoulder then down my arm and back up. He moves slowly across my collarbone to my opposite shoulder and arm.

  I blink up at him and watch his eyes follow his hand’s movement. My nipples become erect and tingle just from his slow, deliberate motions. He pulls the washcloth away to lather more soap on it. I cross my legs and squirm a little, causing that predatory grin to come out. “Soon, baby.”

  He comes back with the washcloth and moves down my chest. His hand trails down the valley between my breasts to my belly and back up. “Turn around.” He whispers the command. Slowly, to try to remain calm, I turn around. He washes my back and grabs my bottom through the washcloth, roughly massaging it. My head falls back as I moan, and then his hand is gone.

  “Wha-” I’m cut off as he pulls me against him. With his free hand planted on my hip to keep me close, his other comes up to gently wash my right breast. He lathers it before circling around to my nipple. He takes my nipple between his fingers and tweaks it until it is almost painful. I release a wisp of breath. Leaning my head on his shoulder, I look up at his pouty lips. Licking mine, I cup the back of his head with my left hand and pull his lips down to mine.

  Our kiss is hungry and wild. Our tongues wrestle with each other. His tongue ring hits my teeth each time he rolls his tongue. While we continue to kiss, he moves to my left breast and repeats his motions.

  We break our kiss; his breathing is labored while I’m panting. We stare into each other’s eyes as he soaps up the washcloth once more. He kisses me again while his hand slides down my belly to my pelvic bone. I break away, rapidly breathing as his hand moves even lower.

  Chamberlain pulls me against him tightly, grinding his erection into my lower back, just above my tailbone. “Oh.” I pant. He is gone from behind me and crouches to wash my legs. He kisses my bottom, surprising me.

  That was surprisingly hot.


  “Patience, Katie.” He kisses my other cheek and stands back up, trailing the washcloth up my inner thigh until he is standing behind me again, cupping me. “I think you’re clean.” He drops the washcloth and brings his hand to my center, spreading me with his skillful fingers as he toys with my clit.

  I gasp in two short breaths as I arch into his hand. His other abandons my hip and moves up to pinch one of my nipples while he runs his tongue up and down the shell of my ear and down to my neck where he bites.

  I’m lost in everything he is doing to me at once. I feel my orgasm build up. “Give it to me, baby. Then you can wash me.” His mouth is next to my ear, coaxing my orgasm from me. “I love it when you’re this responsive to me, this wet.” He sticks his tongue in my ear as I grab whatever I can and scream out my release.

  I’m floating that’s the only way I can explain it. I feel weightless and lighter than ever as I come back down to earth and nestle in Chamberlain’s big strong arms while he kisses my cheek.

  I love you.

  I sigh happily to myself.

  “I’m not done yet, Katie.” His growl brings me back to him completely. “Should I just wash myself?” His voice is full of humor and a smile. I only nod; I’m wiped. “Can you stand on your own?” I nod again and lean against the wall as he quickly washes himself with my soap. “You’d better recover, baby. I’m not done with you.” My libido jolts me out of my complete relaxation.

  Once he showers, he turns the water off and dries us both. “I hope you don’t plan to sleep tonight.” He picks me up and carries me into his room, naked. “My girl is acting pretty down, even after I won tonight. I need to make her happy and reinforce my feelings for her.” He kisses me swiftly and then trails down my body until he is right where he wants to be. “Always so ready for me.” His tongue spears me, and we start again.

  “Oh, Chamberlain.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “I SEE YOU finally decid
ed to move out.” I look up from putting my cosmetics bag and glasses case into my second bag where Zoey is leaning against my door; arms crossed with a smug look.

  She wishes. But so do I.

  I regard her for a moment. Something is different about her, but what?

  “Did you cut your hair?” That’s it; her hair is a lot shorter now. Her chestnut brown hair used to reach past her shoulder blades, and now, it is a bob.

  She puffs her hair with a grin. “Yes, I did.” She welcomes herself into my room, taking a seat on the edge of my bed, where she looks around in disgust.

  “And to answer your question no, I’m not moving out yet.” I quickly zip up my bag, so she doesn’t look in it. “Won’t Timothy be mad that you cut it?” I try my best to turn the attention on her, like she is used to.

  “Considering that Timothy isn’t here, I would say no. Besides …” She stands and walks back to the door.

  What was the point of her coming in here?

  “He commented that my hair would look better shorter.” She gives me a false-sweet smile, turns on her heel, and leaves.

  I huff a mock laugh. Timothy doesn’t mind? Wow, when I was ‘with’ him, he always threatened me if I tried to cut mine.

  I step back and at over my two gym bags that hold my clothes, books, and everything else I need for the week to come. I check off the list in my head knowing that I have everything and nod to myself when I know it’s all there. My phone starts to sing “Your Love is My Drug” by Kesha, indicating a message from Chamberlain.

  Chamberlain: Out front, ready, and waiting.

  I’m eager to finally get away from all of this - my parents and Zoey mainly. I will miss Fiona for the week that I’m gone, but I’m finally getting a normal Spring Break vacation.

  Me: Heading down now.

  Chamberlain: Hurry. Fiona is giving me the flirty eye. ;)

  Giggling, I gather up my bags, lock my bedroom door, and head down to the kitchen. When I come into the kitchen, I stop with my mouth wide open at Fiona. She is holding my full water bottle and standing at the back door waving and blowing kisses to Chamberlain. I can’t help but laugh; this woman is wonderful.

  “Hey, he’s mine.” I feign anger as I march up to her and yank my water bottle out of her hands before smiling at her. “But I’ll make an exception just for you.” I kiss her cheek and drop my bags to give her a hug. “Behave this week.”

  “Oh, what fun is that?” She laughs, grabbing one of my bags and walks out to the … truck waiting for me?

  Where did the truck come from?

  “You behave this week.” She smiles knowingly. “Just be safe,” she whispers when Chamberlain hops out of the truck to help us.

  “Hey, Katie.” He gives me a brief kiss while taking my bag from me. Then he turns and does the same with Fiona, but on the cheek.

  “Be careful putting them in the back. I have my camera and glasses in the blue one,” I tell him when he takes them to the back end.

  “Got it,” he shouts back and gently places them by his bag and the two coolers of food. Yesterday, after we woke up, we headed down to the store and got all the food we would need for the week. Chamberlain said the water was fine up there to drink, so we just needed orange juice and milk and food. He expressed how relieved he was when I told him I know how to and love to cook. He said he could do an okay job but hates it.

  “You two have everything?” Fiona looks in the back of the truck where there is also workout gear. Our bags and coolers only take up a small part of the bed; the equipment takes up the rest.

  “Yes, we do.” I put my hands into the back pockets of my jeans and bounce on my toes. Chamberlain’s eyes scan the back of the truck to make sure he didn’t forget anything.

  “Even tampons?” Fiona discreetly asks me.

  “I finished my period last Monday. I’m good,” I whisper to her with confidence. “And,” I cut her off, “we got a whole box of condoms yesterday, so don’t worry.” I wrap my arms around her and squeeze. Even though I won’t be far away, I’ll miss Fiona.

  “Just be safe and have fun.” Her voice breaks with emotion. “Don’t worry about me.” She focuses her attention on Chamberlain. “Take good care of her. She’s very precious to me.”

  “Will do, ma’am.” His chest hits my back. “We’d better hit the road.”

  “All right.” I kiss Fiona’s cheek one last time and get my butt into the truck. I open the passenger door and giggle.

  How about that? A door that will open.

  Chamberlain watches me from his side with a knowing laugh of his own. We back up and head down the driveway, waving to Fiona, and begin our little adventure. “I thought we would stop in Springfield for lunch?”

  “That sounds fine.” I roll my window down; it’s surprisingly warm for the end of March. “Where did you get the truck?”

  Please don’t say Gwen.

  “My boss lent it to me. I don’t think my car would have made it with all the equipment.”

  “Yeah, it probably wouldn’t. Plus, you wouldn’t have fit everything in it.” I reach over and rest my hand on top of his on the gear shifter thingy. “Why do you keep it? You told me between working at the garage and your fights you make enough money.”

  “It was my dad’s.” He glances at me quickly and then back at the road. “Mom had told me he was going to give it to me when I turned sixteen. I didn’t want to change a thing about it because that was how he had it.”

  “Oh, okay.” That still doesn’t make sense. “Then why not fix it up?” He doesn’t say anything. “Chamberlain …” I shift in my seat to face him. “He would want you to remember the good of him by having a beautiful, well-running vehicle that was his. Not a piece of junk. I can’t even tell what kind of car it is.” I give him a pointed look. “What if he wanted to work on it with you, and your mom didn’t even know? Did you ever think about that?”

  Chamberlain worries his bottom lip. He doesn’t say anything for a long time, so I turn back and look out my window.

  I could really use a book right now.

  I grab my messenger bag that I use for a purse and look through it, finding my tablet buried at the bottom with its charger. I click it on and start to read a random book I one-clicked last night.


  “YOU MIGHT BE right.” Chamberlain finally breaks the silence when we get to Springfield.


  He has been quiet for too long.

  “Listen, do whatever you want with it. I don’t have any right to say something; I just thought I would share my opinion.” I power down my tablet and put it back in my bag.

  “I know that, but you have a good point.” He drives us into downtown for gas and something to eat. “It’s a 1971 Challenger,” he states, pulling into a gas station.

  “Oh.” I’m still clueless. I think it’s time I wise up where cars are concerned.

  “We’ll get gas and then I’ll take you to a place that has great grilled chicken.” He gets out and fills the truck. I have a strange feeling that I just stepped over a boundary with him.

  I hope not.

  My phone chimes as I watch him.

  Fiona: Making good time?

  Me: Yes, in Springfield getting gas and lunch.

  Fiona: Good, the Mistress has been on the rampage looking for you.

  Me: What did you tell her?

  Fiona: Zoey told her. I just informed the Madwoman that you were going to be fine.

  I’m surprised she was concerned; something isn’t sitting well with this.

  Me: Too bad. =)

  Fiona: That’s my girl.

  I put my phone away. Who knows what my mother is up to? The first time, in my life, I decide to go somewhere on my own, and she turns into a worried mother. I snort at the thought. She is probably concerned that I’m out raising hell and giving them a bad name.

  “You okay?” Chamberlain gets back in.

  “My mother …” I don’t need to say anymore; he’s
learned by now how difficult she can be.

  “Ready to get a bite to eat?”

  “Yes.” I unbuckle and slide over to the middle of the bench seat and re-buckle next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry if I upset you by talking about your car. Have it however you want it; it’s yours.”

  He kisses my head while pulling us back into traffic. “It’s all good, Katie. I hadn’t thought of your idea before. I guess I was just stuck in the past.”

  “I know it can still be hard, but maybe it’s time to move on?” I cringe as I say it. I feel horrible bringing this up; I don’t know what it is like.

  “Maybe you’re right. What colors?”


  “What colors would you paint it?”

  “Oh, no. It’s your car, not mine.”

  “And I’m asking for your opinion,” he barks, making me jump in fright and bringing my lustful side to life.

  “Black and white, like your fighting colors,” I say quickly off the top of my head.

  “Good choice,” he murmurs.

  “Are you ready for your training?” I rush out, wanting to change the subject.

  “Hell, yes.” His dimple appears with his megawatt smile. “This is the fight of my life, Katie. I’m going to be more than ready,” he states with pride and confidence. “They’ll have no choice but keep me for more fights.”

  “Okay, easy there, big guy.” I laugh. “Just don’t forget about the little people when you are all big and famous,” I joke.

  He turns extremely serious in a flash. “Never.” He shakes his head. “I will never forget about anyone in my life now who matters to me.” Thank God we are stopped at a light because his eyes are boring into me.

  “Okay,” I whisper, blinking up at him with wide blue eyes.

  “And if my girl can get her sexy little butt there, I’ll be in heaven.”

  “I’m trying, Chamberlain.” I look away and back at the road, ending that right there. He knows I’m trying. Yesterday, when I got home and at dinner, I tried to talk to my mother, but she wouldn’t budge on it.


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