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The Predator [1]

Page 27

by Brooke May

  This time, it is the fact that I have never been to a zoo. “We are going to have to fix that,” Chamberlain states seriously as he cuts into his meal. “And soon. Maybe we can go before I leave for Worchester.”

  “That sounds like fun.” I take a bite of my chicken Alfredo as it dissolves on my tongue. We just got word yesterday that his fight would be in Worchester.

  “It’s the least I can do since I’ll be gone all week that week.” He sounds apologetic. I know he really wants me there too, but I’m still working on it. Fiona hasn’t figured anything out yet, and neither have we.

  “You’re going to be so busy with everything leading up to the fight; you won’t even know I’m not there,” I offer. He needs to focus on everything that needs to get done. “I’m going to try my hardest here to get there at least in time for the fight.”

  “I know.” He isn’t happy by all of this. “I’ve got meetings, interviews, and more training with Scott.”

  “See. You are going to be good and busy.” I smile and return to my meal. “You can still talk to me anytime you want. I will find a way to get there.” I reach over and grab his fist on the table and stroke it with my thumb. “You’re going to be amazing. You already are.”

  “Thank you, Katie.”

  We don’t dwell on it for the rest of our meal. Instead, I try to return us to our earlier mood. I want to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves. Who knows what will happen after the fight.

  “Come ‘ere, baby.” A chocolate fondue is delivered to our table. He pulls my chair around to his side where he waits with a spoon full of the fondue for me.

  “Mmm.” I take my bite and then feed him as well.

  His heated eyes never leave my face while we eat. When we are done, Chamberlain discreetly places me in front of him to cover how aroused our dessert has left him.


  MY BACK HITS the seat of the couch as frenzied hands clumsily, feverishly rush to remove the last scraps of clothing between us. My mouth remains open after Chamberlain has abandoned it to leave kisses over my heated flesh.

  “Forget any of that fancy shit women wear, Katie.” I wait with bated breath, his fingers are edging my panties, torturing me with what pleasure they will bring. “Seeing you in black and white is all I need.” My panties are sliding down my legs as Chamberlain’s stubble grazes my bare skin.

  “Chamberlain.” I mewl at the sensation he creates with a simple kiss to my pelvic bone.

  “Patience, baby.” I feel his smile and hear him rifling around. “Fuck!”

  My head shoots up from its place of leisure. “What?” I’m instantly sent into worry mode.

  “I don’t …” He throws his wallet back down on his pants that were thrown on the floor. “Be right back.”

  I feel exposed and silently worried that Scott will come walking in as I’m left on the couch naked. Cabinets slam and grumbles can be heard from the bathroom. Chamberlain comes back, pissed, aroused, and silently perturbed. “What’s the matter?”

  “We’re out of … condoms. Fucking Scott! I told him …” Chamberlain paces the length of the living room. As much as I wanted us to have sex tonight, I can leave it.

  Sitting up, I catch his hand as he passes me again. “It’s okay, Chamberlain.” I tug him toward his room and have him sit on his bed. I find a shirt and pull it over my head before crawling into bed. “Come here.” I beckon him to me, which he does without being told twice. “We don’t need to have sex to feel close together.” I nestle into his chest. “Just being held by you is good enough for me.”

  “I know, baby, but …” He blows out a hot breath. “I love having you in my arms…” He cuddles to me. “I’m going to kill Scott.”

  I giggle at him and kiss my spot on his chest. As I drift off to sleep, I can’t help but think about his fight. Everything is going to change. I know he will make it big. I know he will make his dreams come true and that scares the crap out of me. How will I get by every day not seeing him, knowing that he is out there traveling while I’m here going to school and missing him?

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “PLEASE, JUST LET me in. I won’t drink. I promise you that. I don’t like the stuff.” I plead with the bouncer in front of the bar that Chamberlain, Scott, and I have been to several times after fights. I’ve been able to get in the door every time except tonight. This guy won’t budge.

  “I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t let you in.” He hands me my ID back, again, and this time I shove it back into my purse. I should have never told Chamberlain that I would meet them here. I was meeting with some ballet instructors about a few of my girls before I came here.

  Three of my older girls are making amazing progress. The instructors I met with were my teachers once, and all come from very highly sought-after schools around Boston. I arranged for them to come to our recital to watch the girls we were discussing. If my girls do well enough, the instructors plan to give them scholarships to attend their schools.

  I’m excited for them; the scholarships will give them an opportunity they may not get otherwise. I’m more than ready for the recital now. And now, if I can manage to get in the door here to go celebrate Scott’s birthday, everything will be good.

  Chamberlain told me he was not drinking tonight. His fight is too close, and he doesn’t want to lose any ground that he has gained. Tonight is more to soberly celebrate with his best friend and make sure nothing funny happens …

  Son of a gun.

  This was what Lizzy was talking to Amber about.

  They don’t want me in there. They want to do something to Scott and get Chamberlain cornered on his own.

  “My boyfriend is inside. Chamberlain Lawrence?” My brow reaches my hairline, but he doesn’t budge. “Listen, I just want to be with my boyfriend.” I pull a water bottle out of my bag. “See? I’m not going to drink. This is a sealed bottle.”

  “Sorry, no can do.” He shakes his head and folds his hairy, meaty arms over his huge chest. I slump a little and decide that I’d better send Chamberlain a message for him to come get me.

  “It’s okay, Adam. She’s with me.” Gwen’s voice pulls my eyes from my bag to over my shoulder. She walks with a confidence that I’ve only recently found in myself. She loops an arm with mine and proceeds to walk us in.

  Adam, the bouncer, moves out of the way as we pass and doesn’t say a word to Gwen. Shocked, I look back at the bouncer and then back at Gwen as she carries on with a smug smile.

  Why is she being nice to me?

  “I’m sorry to hear about the blow-out with your parents. That can’t be easy.”

  I’m baffled. “Yeah, it is, but I’ve dealt with it for a long time.”

  “That sucks.”

  This is the most awkward conversation I have ever had. “It’s the hand life has dealt me. I’ve managed just fine so far. It is better now that they aren’t trying to control me.”

  Gwen pushes us through the crowd and to the area where Chamberlain is sitting, playing with the straw in his glass of water while he does his best to ignore Amber hovering over him. “You’d better go save him.” Her chin juts toward him.

  She smirks when she sees my shocked expression. “I may not care for you, K.C., but I fucking hate her.” She nods at Amber. “Take care of him.” She lets go of my arm and wanders off, yelling at a bunch of people.

  As I walk over to Chamberlain, I peer over toward the bar to find the birthday boy as happy as can be slamming back shot after shot with Lizzy standing too close by. “Hey there, handsome,” I shout over the music as I come to a stop right in front of Chamberlain. Amber’s eyes shoot up and instantly glare.

  Your plan isn’t going to work.

  If I have to fight her for him, I will.

  “Hey, baby.” The look of relief on his face makes me smile. He quickly sits back while pulling me onto his lap. “I thought you weren’t coming for a second.” He nuzzles into the column of my neck, kissing it.

  My eye
s don’t leave Amber’s when I answer him. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. The bouncer wouldn’t let me in, but Gwen came to my rescue.” Chamberlain stiffens and then relaxes again, far too quickly.

  “I’m glad you are. I need another set of eyes on Scott.” We both focus on him leaning against Lizzy, laughing.


  “Right Round” by Flo Rida comes on. “Come dance with me.” Chamberlain stands us and leads me out to the middle of the dance floor. He spins me around and grabs my hips as he pulls me against him, my backend to his groin. We bounce around and have fun with the song. It is one I have always liked and move easily with the beat. Turning and smiling up at Chamberlain, I laugh as he does the same to me.

  My man knows how to move.

  “Stickwitu” by the Pussycat Dolls comes on next, changing the tone of the moment at once. Chamberlain whips me around and pulls me back against his chest. His hips grind and move to the beat of the music. His thigh is between mine, rubbing in just the right way.

  I move with him as he grinds against me. My body is flush, and it grows warm all over. I whip my hair off my neck and bunch it to one side as I gyrate against him, feeling him growing harder.

  He wraps a hand around my hair, pulling it back to expose my neck for him to run his tongue along. A dance has never worked me up this much before. Chamberlain’s free hand moves up from my hip to glide against my bare skin as he goes under my shirt. He trails his fingers lightly across my belly and grabs my opposite side, effectively spinning me around to face him.

  My palms land on the hard muscles of his chest. He licks his bottom lip as his eyes cloud over with desire, and he pulls me to him as close as he can get us.

  “Scott had better find someone else to go home with tonight.” The temperature of the bar is nothing compared to the steam rolling off Chamberlain. “Tonight.” He thrusts against me, slowly. “You.” He thrusts again. “Are.” Thrust. “Mine.” He growls against my ear, and I feel the vibrations against his chest and nearly lose it on the dance floor by his steady thrusts.

  His leg returns between mine. He bends back a little, and grinds right at my center, sending delicious waves of pleasure through my body. My nipples harden, and my desire pools in my panties.

  I want him.

  My eyes close and my head rolls; I can’t help the moan that erupts from me. I’m so turned on right now. If it weren’t imperative that we stay with Scott, we would already be gone.

  He releases me with one hand and reaches for the one adorned with the bracelet he gave me and raises it to his mouth, kissing my wrist.

  I love you.

  Even in this fog of lust, I can’t bring myself to tell him how I feel. Too soon the song comes to an end, and I’m taken over to the bar.

  I’m in a lust-filled haze when Gwen stops us. She is harshly whispering something to Chamberlain. I only catch Lizzy and Scott in the mix. I’m confused, and by the look on Chamberlain’s face; jaw tight, scowl in place, he is pissed. “She isn’t leaving his side. I’m bored as hell, so I’m going to bounce.” With that, she walks around us and out of the bar.

  That girl is an enigma I can’t figure out.

  “I told everyone to keep an eye on Scott and especially to watch what Amber and Lizzy are up to.” He kisses my temple and continues our trek to the bar. The crowd parts for Chamberlain. When the bar comes into view, what I see has my blood roaring through my veins. Scott’s back is turned on Lizzy while he talks to someone else. Lizzy quickly glances around. When she thinks she isn’t being watched, she drops a pill into Scott’s drink.

  Oh, hell no.

  I push myself out of Chamberlain’s arms and storm my way up to Lizzy. I grab the glass she just drugged and throw it in her face. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” I shout in her drenched face.

  How desperate is she?

  She wipes her eyes and throws a punch at me. It’s a weak, pathetic punch someone who has no clue how to fight would throw, and I block it way too easily. She is left open for me to grab her by the throat.

  “What the hell is going on?” Chamberlain booms behind me while Scott sits, mouth hanging open, shocked with all the color draining from his face.

  “She was trying to drug Scott.” I blow some hair out of my face, but I don’t relent my hold on her, even when her nails start clawing for freedom. “Are you just that stupid?” I tighten my grip.

  “Baby, let go.” Chamberlain is shockingly calm while he tries to coax me to let go. “The bouncer is coming. I don’t want you to be thrown out as well.”

  I blink several times and finally shake my head.

  What has gotten into me?

  I look down at Lizzy and start to see red again but let it go. I step back into Chamberlain’s arms just as Adam comes through the crowd and looks from Lizzy, who is just starting to stand back up, and me with my fists balled at my sides.

  “Get her out of here, Adam.” Chamberlain nods at Lizzy.

  “I didn’t do anything!” she screams as Adam grabs hold of her. “Scott! Scott! I love you! Why don’t you love me?” She goes crazy, forcing Adam to haul her over his shoulder. Amber stands to the side in complete shock before she scrambles to follow them.

  Once they are gone, attention turns back to Scott, who is still sitting there in shock. He looks like he is about ready to die or pass out. “You good there, brother?” Chamberlain slaps him on the shoulder, bringing him back to us.

  A smile instantly forms on his face as Scott looks at me. “Bartender!” he shouts. “We need another round!” Once the bartender has a round lined out, Scott slides one to me. “To lil’ bit for saving my dumb ass!” Everyone cheers and I cough down my shot. It burns and doesn’t taste the greatest. I don’t get the appeal to them at all. “Another!” He cheers and hands me another when they are ready. I shiver after the second one goes down, and I turn to Chamberlain who hasn’t moved from behind me.

  “Can we sit?” Chamberlain gets my meaning. I don’t want to be rude and refuse another shot from Scott. I would much rather just go find a booth to sit in with Chamberlain.

  “Sure, panda.” He guides me back over to the table where I found him at and sits us down. It isn’t long until those two shots start working their way into my system. I’ve never had a drop of alcohol before and adding in my small weight, I start to feel buzzed, warm, and incredibly turned on. My tongue is weighted; my vision starts to make a cloud around everything, and I feel different. My body vibrates to life, and I can’t keep still. I move around in my seat, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing works.

  It isn’t until I lean against Chamberlain’s warm chest and hum happily that I know what I need. “You okay?” Apparently, I amuse him.

  “I want you.” I walk my fingers up his chest and tap him on the chin. “Badly. Now.”

  “Are you horny?” he gleefully whispers.

  “A little bit.” I pinch my fingers close together and squint my eyes. “Can we go home now?”

  Chamberlain worries his bottom lip and looks over at Scott. “Fuck it, let’s go. He’s had enough fun.” I giggle as Chamberlain pulls me up and over to Scott. While they talk, I stand back and admire Chamberlain’s toned backside encased in tight denim.

  Oh, do I want him.

  So badly.

  I smile to myself as I continue to watch his butt move as he talks. I move forward and cup him, causing him to flinch and look over his shoulder. “See what I mean?” He nods at me, and I giggle again.

  “Shit.” Scott can’t help but laugh before he turns somber. “Sure, let’s go.” He slams back his last shot, wishes everyone a good night, and follows us out.

  They came in Chamberlain’s car, so it will be staying the night. Chamberlain gets me into my car, as Scott catches up with us. “Here.” He slaps something in Chamberlain’s hand. “I won’t need these.”

  Chamberlain looks down at his hand, frowns, and then slides whatever it is into his back pocket. “Lizzy shake you up that
bad? Are you going to call someone?”

  “Fuck, no.” Scott shakes his head and gets into the backseat. “I’m going to sleep this off. You two have fun. I promise I’ll be ten sheets to the wind by the time you got her all ready to fuck.” Scott burps, filling my car with a nasty scent.

  “Fuck off, man.” Chamberlain starts the car and rolls the windows down.

  “I’m just saying; don’t want good condoms to go to waste. Besides, I noticed there aren’t anymore at home.” He burps again. I’m glad he is keeping track of those things; otherwise, I would be sending Chamberlain out for more. The last two days have been busy, and he hadn’t gotten around to getting more.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  SCOTT STUMBLES UP the stairs and into the apartment ahead of us. He disappears into his room with his head hung low. Lizzy really did mess with his head. I’ve never seen him so somber. He is usually so happy and always in a good mood, so I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. The need to take care of him almost kills my mood. Almost.

  My eyes lock with Chamberlain’s over my shoulder as he closes the door quietly. His eyes are molten blue. He walks to me, effortlessly lifting me into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist as my arms hook around his neck.

  “We have three condoms; it’s a shame to see them not being put to good use.” He brushes his lips over mine.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” I drag my index finger up the middle of his neck and then back down. He shivers as his mouth slams against mine in a heart-stopping, yet pulse-racing kiss. His tongue invades my mouth, seeking mine, and taking all my control and throwing it away.

  Vaguely, I feel us moving across the room until Chamberlain slams his bedroom door and throws me onto his bed. I do a little bounce, gasping for air as he quickly moves to the bathroom door to slam it as well. He comes back to the foot of the bed, breathing heavily with his chest moving in great motions as he pulls his clothes off one layer at a time. Never once do his eyes leave mine.


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