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HEAT (Montgomery Men Book 2)

Page 2

by C. A. Harms

  Only moments passed before he was right back at it, only this time it was much more exaggerated. “Right there, oh yes. That is the spot, Rosa, deeper.” He followed that with a drawn-out, whimpering cry. “I am all gooey and mushy. You leave me breathless, sweet Rosa, my love.” It was teetering on obscene, yet no one seemed bothered by this man’s words or reactions. He was hilarious.

  Though I’d probably never see Lex again, I could see myself being friends with him. He seemed like the kind of person that reminded you of just how fun life could be if you lived it to its fullest.


  “Nothing is greater than being delivered something sweet by a Montgomery man. Not even my midmorning pedicure can make me as happy as I am now.” Lex, my brother Ashton’s over- the-top assistant, chirped as I stepped off the elevator. “I take that back.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Next time, Beckett, leave your shirt in the elevator. I’d prefer to ogle that impressive chest of yours while I’m letting that warm, sweet latte roll over my tongue and down my throat.”

  Don’t say a word, I repeated to myself. Firing back only made things worse when it came to Lex. He loved nothing more than getting people worked up and frustrated.

  I walked up to his desk and held out the latte I’d brought him, taking in a slow, steady breath, trying my best to hide how uneasy I felt. He took it happily, but it didn’t stop him from watching me with that gleam in his eyes, which only made me more nervous.

  On a daily basis, I dealt with druggies, alcoholics, and often worse. I fight evil and bring down the bad guys, that sorta shit. Plus, I was way bigger than Lexington, but the man still managed to unnerve me, even though I knew he was harmless.

  It was a mystery to me too.

  I’d learned showing up at Montgomery Enterprises, the business empire my brother built, with a small bribe for Lex made the visit a little less awkward. But I knew nothing would ever keep his vulgarities at bay. It was just who he was. Loud, proud, and never one to keep his interests hidden.

  He also wasn't one to hold back the fact that he thought my brothers and myself were, in his words, “eye candy”—his eye candy.

  “Are you looking for my hunky boss?” he asked as he sat back down at his desk before taking a sip of his coffee. Before I could respond, he let out a loud, exaggerated moan and his eyes rolled back slightly. It gave me the shivers, because even though I knew he was just being the typical Lexington Russell, a moan like that was something I could live every day of my life without hearing and be extremely happy I hadn’t.

  “I love the days you visit, Beck, giving my mouth the most extraordinary pleasure.” As if that wasn’t already too much, he followed it up with another deep moan. His eyes focused once again on mine, and with a slow swipe of his tongue along his lower lip, he grinned. “Orgasmic,” he cooed.

  “Uh, nope,” I said as I backed away toward my brother’s office, shaking my head, a deep chuckle escaping me involuntarily as I held up my hand before me. “There are two things I don’t ever want to hear out of your mouth when you’re referring to me. Pleasure,” I said, holding one finger up, “or orgasmic,” I said, holding up the second finger as I shook my head again.

  I arched a brow, daring him to say one more word. I was almost in the clear, using my hip to push open the door to the safety zone of the office where my brother worked, when he moved in for the kill.

  “In that case, I promise to never mention the amount of times I’ve woken up hard to images of you, Beckett Montgomery, in my head.”

  I didn’t say a word. I just hung my head and continued to move forward into the office in search of my brother. Shaking my head vigorously, I faked a shiver as I tried my best to clear Lex’s words from my mind.

  Lexington’s chuckles echoed through the reception area and followed me as I barged into Ashton’s office.

  “Are you blushing, Beck?” Ashton asked as he leaned back in his chair, propping his hands behind his head, looking pleased with himself.

  “That man is a menace,” I said as I sat in the chair opposite his desk, still shaking my head in disbelief.

  “What amazes me is that you’re still surprised,” Ashton added, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the desk. “But each time you stop by, he finds a way to get beneath that tough exterior that’s supposed to be unbreakable. He uses the same interrogation methods you do to catch the bad guys to easily penetrate your tough armor.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. Ashton ate this shit up. He loved to see me sweat, especially at the hands of his assistant. Both of my brothers were the same, and always had been. I was the baby, and they’d terrorized me since day one. Knowing that Lex enjoyed getting me wound up only made things more fun for Ashton and Knoxville. On most days they were the instigators in the scenario.

  “Lex gets you every time.” Ashton’s deep chuckle matched the one I’d heard from Lex only moments ago. “It never fails. He gets you all flustered and worked up, and you can almost see steam shooting out your ears.”

  “Okay, smartass,” I said with less than equal amusement. “Enough about your assistant. I stopped by to make sure you weren’t gonna back out on me tonight.”

  His demeanor instantly changed, and I could tell he was already looking for a way to get out of our evening. The guy was whipped, tamed, and weakened. Prior to Kinsley, he was always ready to party it up and think about it later. Kinsley is an amazing girl, but I missed those wild nights out with Ashton. I missed the way he’d cut loose and how together we’d be a force no woman would resist.

  I couldn’t just go out with Knoxville now. He was a bit more broody and preferred quieter establishments—low lighting, soft music, where he could get a brandy or his choice of whisky. I loved loud music, wild women, and dark corners. Those were always the best places to get a little sneak peek of what a woman had to offer. A man should test out the waters, so to speak, before taking a woman home for the evening.

  But tonight Ashton had no choice. It was my birthday, and I’d reserved half of the VIP area at my favorite club downtown, so the dick would be there to share the evening whether or not I had to drag his ass along.


  “Are you sure my hair looks good like this?” I twisted from side to side, doing my best to get a clear view of my up-do. If I could do this over, I think I would have gone with a different option. I’d have hidden my neck behind a sheet of golden-blonde locks instead of leaving my neck exposed.

  “Will you stop fussing.” Kim pushed my hands away and stood at my side. “It looks amazing,” she told me yet again.

  She had life easy. Her hair was short and all she did was gel it up into crazy, wild spikes—simple, yet chic and requiring no effort. I envied her natural beauty and how easy it was for her to look completely flawless. And the men, they noticed.

  “You look gorgeous,” she added as she bumped her hip against mine. “Stop doubting yourself.”

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. My self-consciousness about my looks was yet another thing she often called me out on. I guess I felt this way because I spent most of my time in scrubs, pajamas, or sweats and baggie sweatshirts, where I felt comfortable. When I did get all dressed up, I felt self-conscious because that wasn’t the kind of person I was.

  “The guys will be doing their own thing, and you and I will be enjoying wine at Rick’s expense. We will be dancing and laughing, and you will enjoy every moment.” Kimmy emphasized the word will as though there would be no other option, and I knew she was right because she would make sure of it. She was bossy and controlling like that, spoiled even, because Rick always gave her what she wanted without arguing.

  Her cell phone chimed from where it sat on the countertop and she practically dove for it. Her smile grew wider as she looked at the screen. “And our car has just arrived,” she said quickly, typing out a response to whoever just messaged her.

  When she was finished, she looked back toward me with a glowing smile. “You ready to let loos
e for one night, have some fun for a change, and get your drink on?”

  “You need to remember I have to work tomorrow,” I said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the door. I barely had time to snatch up my handbag before she shoved me out into the hallway.

  “I have an amazing remedy for hangovers,” she insisted as she brushed past me, moving to the elevators. “It’s like the hair of a dog; you’ll be cured in an instant.” She snapped her fingers as she shimmied her hips, making me laugh.

  Though I had no doubt she was telling the truth, I still wouldn't be testing that theory. I’d have a few, but that was my limit. I was only going out tonight to keep her company; otherwise, I’d be snoozing on my couch like I’d originally planned.

  Kim was far too excited for this evening. Then again, I rarely got the chance to go out with her, so I sort of felt giddy too.

  Okay, so I lied. I have plenty of chances, only I can usually find a way to get out of them.

  Our elevator ride had to be the longest in history. I live on the fifth floor, and we stopped on every single floor to pick up at least one passenger. By the time we arrived in the lobby, I was sandwiched in the far left back corner and starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

  When I was free of the tiny space, I took in a deep breath and looked over to find Kim giving me a knowing smirk.

  “You are in desperate need of a night out,” she insisted as she linked her arm through mine. Without a pause, she led me toward the front entrance of my building.

  A loud, appreciative whistle gained our attention, and we spun around quickly to find the source. A giddy feeling erased my unsettled one when I found Andrew standing a few feet away.

  “Elle,” he said, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you,” I said, looking down at myself, trying to hide the heat that had risen in my cheeks.

  “Really amazing,” he said, regaining my full attention.

  When our gazes connected, we just stared at one another.

  “Hi,” Kim said, breaking the silence as she thrust her hand out toward Andrew. “I’m Kim, Elle’s best friend. And you are?”

  I had to hide the snicker that bubbled up in my chest at her interrogative tone.

  Andrew placed his hand in hers, offering her a kind smile. “I’m Andrew, or Andy.” He shook her hand, giving her that same boyish grin he’d offered me just last night. “I live two doors down from Elle.” I had a feeling that grin got him a lot of attention.

  Kim looked over at me as if to say, Why didn't you tell me about this one? I shrugged and she narrowed her eyes at me. She would most definitely give me the third degree when we were alone again.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she offered as she pulled her hand back from his. “Though I wish we could stay and chat some more, we’ve got to be going. Our car is waiting for us outside.”

  Andrew offered her a nod before he looked back at me, and I didn't miss the way his gaze roamed over my body from head to toe. “You ladies enjoy yourselves,” he said with a smile pulling at his lips.

  Before I could reply, Andrew leaned forward, surprising me. I leaned away slightly, confused as to what he was doing, just before he softly whispered next to my ear. “The glass of wine is an open invitation. Anytime you feel like stopping by.”

  I remained frozen as he stepped back, creating a small space between us and offered me a flirtatious wink. And of course I blushed like a schoolgirl before he turned toward the elevators and walked away.

  A sharp nudge to my ribs knocked me out of my haze, making me stumble slightly.

  “Why have I never been given a briefing on Hottie McPanty-Melter?” Kim asked, making me laugh. “Oh my.” She fanned her face. “Is it hot in here?”

  “You are crazy.” I shook my head at her over-the-top reaction. I mean, yeah, he was cute, but, well…. “I’ve never mentioned him because until last night, I didn't even know him myself,” I explained as I walked away, leaving her behind to stare after my neighbor.

  Her heels clicked on the tile as she hurried after me. “You need to get to know him better,” she stated from behind me. “And then you need to report back every detail of each and every single encounter the two of you share.”

  I scanned the area outside the building, choosing to ignore her pushiness. If she had it her way, I would be shagging this guy by next week. She thought I was a prude who needed to get out more, which in her eyes meant I needed to meet a man and have some fun—”fun” as in naked wrestling, which I wasn't opposed too. I just wanted to get to know a man first. At least a little beyond the formal introduction that had been the only time Andrew and I had spoken—with the exception of my best friend drooling over him, that is.

  My gaze landed on a Lincoln accompanied by a driver in a fancy black suit, and I knew it had to be our ride.

  “Please don’t even try to convince me that you haven’t had a few nasty thoughts about that man,” Kim went on as she did her best to keep up. “That smile of his is lethal. And those arms? Wow.”

  I climbed into the Lincoln, and when the door shut, I finally looked over at her to find her staring at me with curiosity.

  “I mean, yeah, I know he doesn't have any visible tattoos and you love tattoos, but”—she widened her eyes dramatically—”I think this time you should make an exception. Bad boys are your style, I get that, but I’m sure if you allowed that man the chance, he would so be your bad boy.”

  “I met him last night after a very long day at the hospital. He introduced himself and offered me dinner and a glass of wine,” I explain as if it truly was no big deal.

  Kim looked very invested in my words as the driver pulled away from the curb. “He was flirty and, yes, alluring, but that’s as far as it went. Tonight was only the second time I’ve ever talked to him, so there honestly wasn't much to offer you as far as details go.”

  She arched her brow as she stared back at me as if I had lost my mind. “And you declined dinner and wine?”

  “You know me, always hiding in my apartment,” I said with a roll of my eyes for emphasis. She just shrugged as we were whisked off toward the club.

  “Risqué?” I read the name in big red letters over the door of the club. I had never heard of it before, but then again, I never go out, so that shouldn't surprise me.

  “Yes,” Kim said as the driver opened the Lincoln’s door. He smiled brightly as he took her hand and helped her from the car. It didn't escape me how he took a long moment to appreciate her backside. Men, I thought with an internal laugh as I fought the smile that tugged at my lips.

  When he reached toward me, I moved across the seat and offered my hand. My heels were insanely tall, and a little help would likely keep me from falling flat on my face. Even if it meant I was currently having my ass checked out by a middle-aged driver.

  Looking back over my shoulder just as I stepped onto the curb, I found I wasn't wrong. The man was scanning both of us. Instead of observing him in return, I looked over at Kim, and she hooked her arm through mine.

  “Risqué is exactly that. Dancing, black lighting, glowing neon lights throughout. It’s beautiful, actually. Gives off that sexy, intimate feel.” Waggling her brows when I gave her a quizzical look, she didn't give me time to argue as she said, “Let’s go,” and tugged me toward the entrance.

  “Good evening, ladies,” a large and slightly intimidating man said as he stepped in front of the door, blocking our path. “How can I help you?”

  I was just about to tell him we were meeting someone inside, when he leaned in toward Kim to get a look down her dress. Was he fucking joking?

  “Our names are on the list,” she said, never faltering once. “Rick Brandaugh.” She tilted her head to the side as she pointed at the clipboard that lay on the chair he’d been sitting in only moments ago. “We are his plus two.” She looked back at me with a smirk.

  Kim had always been strong and direct, and I wished I had her confidence. Nothi
ng had ever happened to me to make me timid. I was raised by two amazing people who loved me so hard I sometimes felt as if I was suffocating. Still, I just couldn’t be the take-no-shit kind of girl my best friend was.

  The man looked at the clipboard, then spoke quietly into his shirt collar, which must have had a mic of some sort. After a few moments, he turned back to us. “Enjoy your evening, ladies,” he offered as he opened the door and allowed us to pass.

  Kim didn’t even take a moment to thank him.

  “Thanks,” I said. As I stepped past him, he offered me a wink in return. Looking back over my shoulder as I continued to move forward, I watched him close the door behind us, and his dark shadow covered the frosted glass panel that led to the outside world.

  The music in the club was that slow, tantalizing rhythm that makes people feel sexy. The beat of the song rolled through the air, mixed with words about sex and touching. It was hard not to feel desirable when the entire atmosphere around me gave off a vibe like this.

  We moved farther into the club as I took in everything around me.

  Tables with high stools surrounded a dance floor that was larger than any I’d ever seen. It felt as if it went on forever. The glow of neon blue and green highlighted certain areas, like the two long, winding staircases that led up to the balconies on either side of the dance floor, though most of the club had several darkened corners with booths. Multiple bars scattered throughout were lit by black lights. Everything practically glowed, and I had to agree with what Kim had said earlier—it was beautiful.

  “We’re up there,” Kim said, regaining my attention as she leaned in close to me to talk over the music. She pointed toward the staircase on the left that led up to one of the balconies. “They have one half of the VIP section.”

  We moved toward the stairs, and her step suddenly faltered. As I reached out to steady her, I noticed the mesmerized look on her face. I followed her line of sight up the staircase, and for a moment I felt like an intruder. Rick was moving down the steps, his gaze locked on his girl. I could almost feel the love for each other pouring off them—love mixed with a little need. That was the uncomfortable part.


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