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Phoenix's Heart

Page 2

by Khelsey Jackson

  “Jenny! I need you to come home, now.” There was fractiousness in her voice.

  “Meg, what’s wrong?” Jennifer’s legs were trembling from the great sex she just had.

  “Our apartment was broken into, and they murdered Ducky.” She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. Ducky was her cat; she had him for five years. “I’m so sorry.” Meg was crying and tears weren’t far from Jennifer’s eyes. Movement caught her eye and she saw Phoenix getting dressed, and that reminded her she was standing here naked as the day she was born.

  “Meg, I will be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Jennifer pushed the end call button on her phone.

  Jennifer looked up and Phoenix was standing there. She realized they never talked about what would happen after. “I can bring you home.” She nodded, there wasn’t much to say. She quickly got dressed.

  She walked downstairs where Phoenix was waiting. “Thank you.” He grabbed her hand and she looked up.

  “Darling, you don’t have to thank me.” He gave her a killer smile and they walked out of the door.

  She sat in his beautiful black BMW and cringed in pain. She was so sore, but she quickly looked out of the window. She didn’t want him to know that she was hurting.

  “Are you okay?” She looked at him and nodded. “Where do you live, darling?”

  She told him where she lived and ten minutes later they were pulling up to her apartment building. There were five police cars with their lights on. She didn’t even wait for him to get out she just ran up to her apartment. A huge officer stopped her by putting his hand out.

  “I’m sorry ma’am, you can’t go in there,” his deep voice said.

  Jennifer looked way up at the officer; she was trying to look in her apartment. “I live here.”

  “Can I see some identification?” he asked and she nodded. She reached into her purse and found her wallet; she handed it to the officer. He opened it and looked at her ID and nodded as he moved aside she ran past him.

  The first thing she saw was all of her stuff broken and Megan was talking to an officer. She saw Jennifer and there were tears running down her face.

  “Jenny!” she ran to Jen and wrapped herself tightly around her.

  “Jennifer Cruz?” the same officer that was talking to her walked over to them.

  “Yes sir.” She tucked her best friends head to her chest.

  “Do you know who would have broken into your apartment?” Jennifer thought about it for a second; she had no clue who would want to break in, she shook her head. “If you think of anything, call me.” He handed her a business card with his name and number on it.

  “Oh Jenny, I’m so sorry.” Meg said against her chest.

  “Meg you have nothing to be sorry for.” Meg lifted her head and moved away, as she did Phoenix walked in. “You and him?” Her blue eyes narrowed on Jennifer.

  “Umm...yeah.” Jennifer smiled and looks down. She still couldn’t believe she did what she did with him.

  “Oh we need to talk later.” Megan turned her attention back to the beautiful Phoenix. His midnight blue eyes met Jennifer’s and he smiled. Her mind remembered his lips, tongue, and teeth exploring her. She could feel her panties getting damp.

  Slowly Phoenix walked to Jennifer and Megan. “He is oozing sex,” Megan whispered and they giggled.

  “Darling, are you going to be okay?” he asked, ignoring Megan.

  “Yeah, thanks.” She didn’t know what to do now.

  Megan cleared her throat, “I’m going to go and check my room. Jen if you need me just yell for me and I’m there.” She winked at Jennifer.

  Jennifer watched her best friend walk out with a cute cop. She glanced at Phoenix. “So I really don’t know what to do now.”

  “Well, I’m not into relationships,” he said and crossed his arms against his broad chest.

  She glared at him. “So I’m good enough to fuck, but not to date?” She shocked him with what she said.

  “I’m damaged, you wouldn’t want me.” He reached out to touch her face, but she slapped his hand away.

  “Whatever, I think you should leave.” He stared at her for a moment, and she thought he might take her into his warm arms. But he didn’t, he turned around and walked to the door.

  He paused at the door and looked over his shoulder at her. “I had another vision how tonight would end. Good bye, darling.” He walked out of the door and shut it.

  Jennifer grabbed the closest thing to her, a large book. She threw it at the now closed door. “Bastard!” Megan ran out of her room.

  “What happened?” Jennifer told her best friend everything.


  Phoenix needed to get away from Jennifer. There was something with that woman, something that scared him. He picked up his phone; there was only one person that would understand what was happening. He just fucking wished that his father were here to help him through this. What kind of man leaves his child, and a woman that doesn't know what he'll grow up to be. He hadn't seen his mother since he was fifteen; she kicked him out as soon as he started showing what he was. She told him that he was a monster, and that she wished he were dead. He moved in with was grandmother and she became his mother. She didn’t judge him because of what he was, and she was the one to figure it out.

  He was seventeen and he nearly killed his girlfriend. Good thing his grandmother was into witchcraft and she knew what was happening. He looked back down at his phone and smiled at his grandmother's face, she died three years ago. He missed her like crazy, and he promised himself that he would never fall in love with anyone again. Humans died too easily and he killed too easily. He hadn’t killed anyone yet but that was because he refused to be with the same person more than once.

  He found the name he wanted and pressed call, and it only rang twice before he heard, “Hello.”

  “Max, I’m in trouble.” Phoenix walked over to his car, and got into it.

  Max had been was best friend since college. “Phoenix, what's going on? You sound desperate and you never sound desperate. Not even when Grandma Rose passed.” Phoenix slammed his head on the steering wheel. He could still smell Jennifer, and he wanted to run inside her apartment and take more of her.

  Which was why he needed Max, he didn't want to be the monster his mother claimed he was. “I met someone and I don’t know how much longer I can stay away.”

  Max didn't say anything for a minute, and Phoenix knew he didn’t have to say anything more. He'll know what he was talking about. “Where are you?”

  He looked up at her apartment building. “Outside her apartment building.”

  “Shit, Phoenix you need to get away from there. You know if you take a complete soul there is no going back. You will belong to him, and he won't let you go.”

  There was a pain in his chest knowing that he'd never see Jennifer again. But he knew that this was best for both of them. “I can't go home, her scent is all over my house.”

  “You have it that bad?” Max asked. Phoenix didn't say anything. “Well, come over here.”

  He took a deep breath and regretted it. He could taste her and he groaned. “I'm on my way.”

  Chapter Two

  Ten weeks later

  Jennifer ran to the bathroom, and nearly fell over the stupid pink fuzzy rug. She quickly grabbed her hair so she didn’t get puke in it. She had been feeling like crap for a week now and it wasn’t a good time to be sick. She was starting a new job today. DuPont Industry, where she would be a secretary/ PA for the boss, Mr. DuPont himself. He didn’t interview her, he had his VP do it. Mr. William Roberts, and he was a flirt. She did try to look up her boss on the Internet, but didn’t find anything. Which she thought was weird because he was rich and young and there wasn’t even a picture of him.

  Megan was sitting at the table drinking her coffee. “Ready for your first day?” Jennifer walked pass her and gagged on the smell of her and the coffee.

  “I don’t kno
w, I can’t stop throwing up.” Jennifer sat across from her best friend.

  Meg took a drink of her coffee and smiled. “Maybe you’re nervous.” Jen knew she was, this was her first real job she had. “You can call your dad and he will give you whatever you want.”

  Her dad would buy her a company if she wanted, but she wanted to work her way through the world. Her mother died when she was a baby but she had the best stepmother. Cameo was the mother to her that she needed. “I know, but I don’t want that.” She glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. She needed to leave now, in order to make it to work on time. “Well, have a good day being lazy.”

  “Oh I will! I have a hot date with Netflix.”

  Jennifer laughed and walked out of her apartment. She walked to her car and got in. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and imagined Phoenix. He was her first and only lover. She had been having very detailed dreams about him making love to her since their first time. When she ran her hands through his silky brown wavy hair it almost felt real. She started her car and headed to her new job.

  She walked in the huge building and saw William. He greeted her with a smile, and she quickly returned it.

  “Ms. Cruz.” His had a sweet voice. He was attractive with sandy blonde hair and hazel blue eyes. He was about four inches taller than her.

  “Mr. Roberts.” She gave her sweetest smile.

  “Let me bring you to Mr. DuPont’s office. He wants to meet you and is running a little late.” He placed his hand on the middle of her back and led her to the elevator.

  “So…is he nice to work for?” She looked at him.

  He smiled and laughed. “Yes, but he doesn’t take any crap. He will want your work done and on time.” That wasn’t a problem for her, she was great at taking orders. She just wanted to make it in life without her father’s help. The elevator opened and they walked out with his hand still on her back.

  Since Phoenix, she hadn’t been able to look at another man without thinking about Phoenix’s hands and mouth on her. William walked her into a large office. The desk and all the furniture were a rich cherry wood. The floor was black marble with gold specks that sparkled. She gasped at the wall and moved closer as she saw that the same sparkling gold specks on the ground are white marble with the same gold specks. Mr. DuPont was a rich man and wasn’t afraid to show it.

  William smiled. “His office is pretty amazing.” Jennifer moved away from him and walked to the closest wall. She touched the cold marble. “That is real gold.”

  “What?” her voice was a little higher and that made him laugh out loud.

  “You’ll see he likes to spend his money.” She could feel the color drain from her face and her palms became clammy. The same sickness in her stomach from earlier this morning returned. She couldn’t throw up at work on the first day. “Ms. Cruz, are you okay?” She nodded. Jennifer didn’t know if talking would make her get sicker and she wasn’t going to test it.

  She heard the door open and she got a familiar warming feeling in her body; she had only had that feeling when she was with her one and only lover. “Wills, is this my new PA?” Jennifer’s heart stopped, that was the same voice that had been haunting her for the past ten weeks.

  “Yes, this is Jennifer Cruz.” Slowly she turned around and met his midnight blue eyes. They were wide with his shock. He was the last person she wanted to see and with that look on his face she was the last person he wanted to see too.

  “Thanks Will. I’ll see you later.” His eyes never left hers.

  “Okay, see you both later.” She didn’t want to look away from Phoenix’s gaze.

  After the door closed, neither of them moved. She didn’t know what to say to him, he took her virginity.

  “Are you stalking me?” He narrowed his eyes.

  “What! You got to be kidding. What would I want from you?” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “I am the third richest man in America.” Her mouth fell open. It was about money.

  “I don’t need your money.” Her family was well enough off.

  “So you are just stalking to stalk?” Jennifer felt her stomach turning.

  “I don’t need this.” She noticed the only way out was past him; as she started to stomp past him he stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

  “Wait, I’m sorry. I’m just shocked to see you here.” She glanced at his large fingers which had been in her daydreams and naughty dreams every night since she’d been with him. She felt the bile rising in the back of her throat.

  “I have to go.” She managed to whisper and her mouth filled with water.

  He tightened his fingers around her shoulder. “No, please stay.”

  His hand was sending vibrations through her body. “Why?”

  She made the worst mistake, she looked into his eyes. “Because I’m a thoughtless jerk.” He smiled and it transferred his face from devil to an angel.

  “You are.” She thought she would never see him again and now she worked for him. Jennifer was feeling sicker and she knew she needed to rush to the restroom. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “Let me brief you on your new job.” She sighed and nodded. He walked over to his desk and sat behind it. She quickly followed and sat across from him. “I run a tight business and I will expect you to do everything I say. I like things to be done on time if not earlier. I don’t want to hear about your personal life and I will expect you to keep it to yourself. And last, but certainly not least, my personal life is to be kept just that, personal. I don’t want you to gossip about me with the others. Do you understand?”

  Jennifer put on her fake smile, and nodded. “Yes, Mr. DuPont. I understand fully.” The only one she would ever gossip with was Meg and she already knew everything.

  He stared at her for a few seconds and nodded his head. “Good, I am looking forward to working with you.” He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a folder. “This folder is for you, but before you start I need you to sign a confidentiality agreement.” He took a paper out and slid it to her.

  She looked at it and started reading. It was your basic confidentiality agreement, so she signed. She turned her attention back to his beautiful face and he smiles. He handed her the red folder. “Is there anything else, Mr. DuPont?”

  It felt weird calling him by his last name when she had screamed his name in the throes of passion. Jennifer stood up and prayed she made it to the restroom. “Just have that done before lunch.” He pointed at the folder she held in her hands. She nodded and turned to walk to the door. “And after today, please don’t wear skirts. I am too distracted thinking about what’s under them.” She paused for a second and smiled. It was nice to know she affected him in this way.

  “Yes, Mr. DuPont.” She opened his office door and walked out. A woman was walking by. “Where is the closest restroom?” The pretty strawberry blonde smiled and pointed behind Jennifer.

  “Four doors down on your right.”

  “Thank you,” Jennifer said and sped to the restroom. She ran to the first stall and grabbed her hair and lost her morning coffee.


  Phoenix ran his hands through his hair. He couldn’t believe she was his new personal assistant. He knew he wasn't strong enough to keep his hands off of her, and she smelled sweeter than he remembered. Phoenix also knew that he couldn't just fire her because he had sex with her.

  DuPont Industries made the top of the line technology from cell phones to top-secret machinery for the army. He couldn’t afford a lawsuit, and he didn't want to be away from her. He had thought about her these past ten weeks constantly. He had been with other women, but when he closed his eyes it was her face he saw. When he was kissing the other women, it was her sweet mouth he tasted. There was a knock at his door, he rushed to it hoping it was Jennifer. He opened it and was disappointed.

  “Mr. DuPont, that new girl you hired. She is throwing up in the restroom.” Rachelle blinked her large hazel-blue eyes at him. He alwa
ys kept business and his personal life separate, until now.

  He walked out of his office. He knew something wasn’t right with Jennifer. He walked into the woman’s restroom and bright white walls with a pink stripes filled his vision, and heard her. His heart stopped with the thought that was racing through his mind.


  Jennifer couldn't stop throwing up. She wondered if seeing Phoenix made her sicker. He had been in her mind, and now she was working for him.

  “Darling?” A sexy southern voice sounded from behind her.

  Her head shot up, and her heart raced. “Mr. DuPont, I will be out in a minute.” She grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off her face. She was so embarrassed he was in here and heard her getting sick. She stood up and smoothed her shaky hands down her wrinkled skirt. The striking Phoenix DuPont was standing there. He was wearing a black suit with a red buttoned down shirt under it. His hair was slicked back

  She felt weak and was about to fall until his arms when he caught her in a tight embrace. “Shit, I got you.” His voice seemed to calm her.

  She looked up into his midnight blue eyes and felt a sexual pull to him. She pushed away from him and made herself stood on shaky legs. “How do you do that?” She narrowed her eyes on her handsome boss.

  He arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “You can turn me on no matter what! I should hate you and before I saw you today I did hate you.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  Phoenix looked down. “You should hate me.” That was her problem, she wanted to hate him but couldn’t. This man had been the star of her dreams for the past ten weeks. “If you need to leave early, I understand.” He brought his head up to look at her and she was shock to see concern on his face.

  “No, I’m fine now.”

  “Okay, well if you change your mind let me know.” He turned around and walked out of the restroom.

  She grabbed her phone out of her purse and to call her best friend. “I think I need a test.”

  “What?” Meg said, “Oh my, you need that test.”


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