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Page 10

by Becca Jameson

  Sweets shook his head. “I think this will backfire on you. I don’t care how vanilla she is, this plan of yours to change yourself is going to backfire. Mark my words.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. You’ve all lectured me on this. I disagree. I think I can do vanilla for the right woman.”

  “And you think Christa is that woman?” Sweets grinned.


  “If she moved out of your house while you were at work today, I’d say she’s not on the same page. Tell her. Let her decide. What do you have to lose?”


  Sweets moved on down the hall toward his own office, leaving Mack with his rambling thoughts. His brain immediately went to visuals of Christa spread eagle on his bed, red splotches of arousal all over her smooth white skin. She was gasping and moaning, her bare pussy glistening with arousal. Her wrists and ankles were attached to the four posts, but not so tightly that she couldn’t squirm. She was so fucking precious when she squirmed for him. He particularly loved it when she dug her heels into the mattress and lifted her butt, pleading with her body for him to take her.

  He shook the fantasy from his mind and forced a different scenario. One where he slowly peeled her clothes off and laid her gently on his bed, easing her timid legs open so he could stroke through her folds. Her hands were buried in his hair as he lowered his face and licked her pussy. She gasped and called out his name as she writhed.

  Totally vanilla. See? I can do that.

  What he couldn’t do was concentrate on work anymore today, so he packed up his laptop and left his office. He stopped by Tank’s office on the way out. “I’m leaving. I’ll finish up from home.”

  Tank was concentrating on something, so he merely lifted a hand and waved.

  Twenty minutes later, Mack stepped into his kitchen to find Tina cooking. It smelled amazing. “Is it my lucky day again? Smells like Italian.”

  She smiled at him. “Yes. I wanted to try this out on you. Thanks for being my guinea pig. I appreciate it.” Her fingers were kneading something on the counter. He hoped it was some kind of bread. Tina made amazing bread. “Oh, I hope I’m not imposing. I saw your friend leaving earlier. She packed up her car with a lot of stuff, so I assumed she found an apartment. I wouldn’t have intruded otherwise.”

  Mack sighed. “Yeah. She didn’t find an apartment, but she did think it was too awkward staying with me while she looked, so she went to a friend’s house.” He ran a hand over the top of his head. “I doubt if I always read women well. I hope I didn’t run her off.”

  Tina winced. “Surely not. You’re the nicest guy I know. Maybe she just needed some space.”


  “Did she tell you I spoke to her earlier today?”

  “No. About what?” Mack asked. Had Tina said something to make Christa leave? The guys seemed to think this was possible. Mack thought it was incredibly unlikely. Why would Tina chase off a woman? She had always been sweet and kind. The girl next door. Barely more than a child now. Surely his friends were all mistaken.

  “I came by to let her know I was going to water the flowers outside so I wouldn’t scare her.” She glanced at him several times as she spoke and then shrugged.

  “Shit. The flowers. I forgot them again. Thank you. My mother would be disappointed if I let everything she worked so hard on die.” He blew out a breath. Harmless encounter. Nothing to cause Christa to run. He couldn’t imagine that Christa felt threatened by Tina. There was simply no reason.

  Tina beamed. “I don’t mind at all. You know that. Hell, I watered them half the time when your parents were still here. I love gardening, and I can see those flowers from my kitchen window. I’m probably more invested in making sure they survive than you are.”

  He chuckled and then glanced around at the numerous things happening on the counter and island. Round pieces of pasta were lying in rows. “What exactly are you making? It looks complicated.”

  “Ravioli. New recipe. And it was pretty labor-intensive. Doubt I’ll do that again, but if they taste great, then I may change my mind.”

  His mouth watered. “Can’t wait to try them.”

  “You look tired. You don’t have to stand here entertaining me. I’m sure you’ve got stuff to do.”

  “Actually, I think I might go for a run.” He shuffled toward the living room.

  “Oh,” she said just as he was about to leave the kitchen. “I made a list of things you’re low on. Stuck it to the fridge. If you want me to pick some stuff up for you tomorrow when I’m at the store, I could do that. I know you’re busy.”

  “Thanks, squirt. That’d be great. I’ll leave you some cash. You sure you don’t mind?”

  “Gosh no. Like I said, I’m going anyway.”

  “Okay. As long as I’m not taking advantage of you.”

  She frowned. “Of course not. We’re like family.”

  As he turned back around, she spoke one more time. “Sorry about your friend. She seemed nice.”

  He sucked in a breath and kept walking. Why was she sorry? Mack hadn’t told her they had broken up or anything. He’d simply said she moved in with friends. Did Tina know something he didn’t? Or was she speculating?

  He shook his doubts from his head as he aimed for his bedroom and changed into workout clothes. He reminded himself that Christa had accepted a date for tomorrow night, so she couldn’t be mad at him. He needed to trust she simply found it awkward staying with him.

  Hell, maybe she was right, but he missed her already. Her scent lingered in the air when he’d passed the guest room. It was irrational to expect someone he’d gone on one date with to move in with him and stay, but the knot in his stomach told him he wished she had.

  Tomorrow night couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter 20

  “Tell me more about your job,” Christa said after the two of them settled into their seats and ordered their meals at the Chinese restaurant she chose. “Is it just the four of you? You, Jason, and two other guys who are also former Army?”

  Mack nodded. He was finally starting to relax. He’d spent all Friday and Saturday stressing over how things really stood between him and Christa since she’d moved out. But everything seemed fine. “Yes. Tank owns the company. His real name is Jake Robinson. He and Sweets—Bracken Turner—were the first to leave the Army. Sweets only works part-time.”

  She nodded. “I know Trent and Jason were special forces. I guess you were too?”

  “Yes. Delta.”

  “And Bracken and Jake? Also Deltas?”

  “Yep. From another team. Jake is originally from the Dallas area also. He started the company. Bracken retired from the Army, so he gets a pension. He could live comfortably enough off it if he chose, but extra income is nice, too.”

  “He’s never been married?”

  “Unless you count being married to the Army, no.” Mack smiled. Bracken was only thirty-nine, but the guy thought he had missed the boat as far as marriage was concerned. They all kept trying to tell him he was crazy, but he seemed perfectly content being single.

  Christa giggled. “So, what exactly do you all do at Westside Programmers? Or will it be totally over my head?”

  “We’re freelance, so businesses hire us to do all sorts of things. Mostly involving code. That’s the short answer.”

  Her smile spread again. “Perfect. Anything more would be out of my lane. It’s great that you guys could go into business together. I bet you have a blast.”

  “We do. Except lately.” He was going out on a limb here, and he reached across the table and took one of her hands in his. “Lately, it’s Gang-Up-On-Mack Month while they all grill me about you every day.”

  Her flush pleased him and she leaned forward, setting her free elbow on the table. “And what do you tell them?”

  Oh, she was good.

  “That I really like you, and we’re taking things slow.”

  She cocked her head to one side. “Remind me again why we’re taking
things slow?”

  He chuckled. She was so cute. “Because of the first half of that sentence. I really like you.”

  “Ah. Well, I really like you too, and I don’t think slow is necessary anymore.” Her face turned completely red.

  He knew it was hard for her to say that, and his cock stiffened at her insinuation. He also knew he had some decisions to make about what direction he wanted to go, and he wasn’t ready to make them yet. Half of him thought: What the fuck, just tell her you’re a kinky bastard. The other half threw up a red flag and said: Stop right there, put on the brakes, and find your inner vanilla so you don’t lose her.

  She licked her lips and took a deep breath. “Not gonna lie, Mack. You’re starting to make me suspicious. Twice you’ve had me basically naked beneath you. Both times you kept your clothes on. What’s the deal?”

  He owed her something. She was right to be suspicious. “Well, for one thing, I didn’t want you to think I invited you to stay in my home so I could get in your pants. That seemed like a bad way to start a relationship. I didn’t want to take advantage of you like that.”

  “Okay, and that’s awfully chivalrous of you. I’ll even buy that story for the first night. But, Mack, that ship sailed. And…” She swallowed and pulled her hand away from his, setting both of hers in her lap.

  “And?” He hated encouraging her to continue, and he knew this was hard for her. She was too shy to be this blunt. Her face was flushed, and her hands were shaking. He was a total ass. His time was also up. Tonight he had to put an end to this. Put out or get out. He needed to take her back to his place and either find a way to do vanilla or dig deep and tell her what his fantasies involving her looked like.

  Christa continued. “Listen, I’m not this forward. Ever. But you’re giving me a complex. I’m starting to think you’re not that into me, not that into women, or you’re hiding something physical.”

  He opened his hand in front of her, palm up. “Christa, give me your hand.”

  She lifted her shaking fingers back to the top of the table and let him take them again.

  He squeezed and met her gaze. “None of those are true, baby. Trust me.” She shouldn’t. Trust him. Not with her body. Not to handle her gently. Not to keep his dominant side in check. But she didn’t know that.

  Their meals arrived, and he was forced to release her so the waiter could set their food in front of them. Luckily, she stopped questioning him along that line as they ate, and they turned the conversation to her job. She told him several funny stories about this weeks’ passengers, making him laugh.

  “At least your job is never dull. I don’t get anything nearly that exciting in the coding world.”

  She laughed, a sound he loved more than anything.

  His face sobered. “I was meaning to talk to you about your job. That email you got, specifically. Has anyone said anything else since then?”

  She shook her head. “Not a word. I assume they had a scare or something and want all of us to pay closer attention.”

  He nodded slowly and then drew in a breath. “It could be more than that though. I just want to make sure you’re being extra diligent and careful.”

  She stared at him. “Why do you think it’s more? You’re awfully serious about this.”

  He shrugged. “I’m probably overreacting. It happens. I saw so much shit in the Army that I sometimes forget life isn’t usually as dire here at home. I’m just saying… Could you humor me and just pay closer attention?”

  She swallowed. He could tell by her expression that he was scaring her. Which he hated, but it needed to be done, too. A little fear could save someone’s life. “Okay,” she murmured.

  “What is your procedure if you think you see something suspicious?”

  “Notify the cockpit and act like nothing is happening. Air marshals will meet the plane when it lands if one isn’t already on board.”

  “Well, make sure you follow your gut. Too many times people don’t inform anyone because they’re afraid they’ll get an innocent person in trouble.”

  She sat straighter, her face somber. “Okay.”

  He forced a big smile. “Enough serious talk. How’s your food?”

  He spent most of the meal soaking her in, watching her tuck her blond hair behind her ear every once in a while. When she blushed, his dick jumped. Every time. When she licked her lips, he nearly groaned. Every time. And when she giggled. Damn. His heart nearly stopped. Every time.

  He was so into her. No woman had ever mesmerized him like Christa Boyce. What the hell was he going to do?

  Just as they were finishing, Mack got a text message. The only reason he glanced at it was because it vibrated in his pocket as they were leaving the table. It was from Tina. She rarely texted him.

  Hey. Sorry to bother you, but are you home? A pipe has burst or something in the basement, and I can’t figure out how to make it stop.

  Chapter 21

  “Shit,” Mack muttered as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket. He looked worried.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Yeah. Tina says a pipe burst in her basement. I need to go help her shut off the water.” He set a hand on the small of Christa’s back and ushered her toward the car.

  Christa rolled her eyes without glancing at Mack. She was not down for this shitshow. Enough was enough with Tina. “Can you drop me off at home first?”

  He opened the passenger door on his SUV and helped her inside. “You want to go home? I was hoping you would come over for a while.”

  She met his gaze. “Sounds like your plate is full. I’ll just be in the way. You go take care of your neighbor. I’ll see you another time.”

  He stared at her a moment and then shut the door and rounded the car, head lowered. He didn’t want to drop her off. That much was obvious, but she wasn’t going to play Tina’s games, so this was a deal-breaker. And frankly, she just didn’t feel like being the one to inform Mack that his neighbor wanted him to see her as a woman. That was his problem. If he was that dense, she was not going to stay in this game.

  He turned to face her after starting the car, and she cut him off before he could speak. Plastering on a smile, she reached over and squeezed his hand. “Really. It’s okay. Go deal with your stuff. I’m tired anyway.” Now she was lying, which was not her thing.

  He frowned as he flipped his hand over and threaded their fingers together. “You’re going to stay up until morning anyway. I thought we had several more hours together tonight. I’m sure it won’t take me a second to turn off Tina’s water, and then I’m all yours again.”

  Christa drew in a breath, hedging. Maybe he was right. After all, it seemed like he was finally going to take his damn pants off tonight. Maybe if she could get him to actually take this next step, their relationship would be on more solid ground. He’d told her over and over that he liked her.

  Finally, she made a decision. “Okay, but stop by Bex and Shayla’s place so I can get my car. That way, I can go back to their place and sleep later without bothering you.”

  He paused and then nodded agreement.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled up in front of Bex’s condo and let her out, leaving her quickly to head home. Christa was dubious about this decision. Was it wise to go to his house tonight? Every time she was there, she ended up furious with Tina. Somehow, that woman could burrow under Christa’s skin with incredible ease.

  Where else was their relationship going to progress to the next step though? It wasn’t like she could bring him back to Bex and Shayla’s to have sex on their living room couch. If she was going to have a physical relationship with Mack in the near future, his place was the only option.

  She went inside to grab a few things. She probably didn’t really need much, but at least some comfy clothes to put on later and her makeup remover. Essentials.

  Shayla was in the living room when Christa entered. “Hey, I didn’t expect you back so soon. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” Christa sig
hed. “Sort of. I guess.” She shuffled across the room to grab a bag and stuff a T-shirt and comfortable shorts inside. Living out of boxes in the corner of her friends’ living room was going to drive them both batty soon. She needed to find another place.

  “You guess? You’re packing a bag,” Shayla pointed out.

  Christa headed for the guest bath and grabbed a few toiletries before returning. “It’s a long story, but I wanted my car. I’m going to Mack’s. I’ll be back in the morning most likely.”

  Shayla stood and followed Christa back toward the door. “You look like you’d rather stab someone. You sure you’re okay? Did you have a fight?”

  “Not yet, but if Mack doesn’t see his neighbor for the conniving bitch she is, there are going to be words soon. You know I’m not confrontational, but I’ve had about all I can take.”

  Shayla leaned forward and gave Christa a hug. “Be strong. Call me if you need backup. I’ll bring a shovel,” she teased.

  “Thanks.” Christa forced a smile and then headed for her car.

  Mack had left the garage open, so she pulled into the spot she’d used while staying there. She shut the garage as she entered the house. It was dark inside, and there wasn’t a sound, so she assumed he’d gone straight next door when he’d arrived without coming inside.

  She flipped the lights on in the kitchen and dropped her bag on the counter. She padded over to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water, spinning around when the back door opened.

  It wasn’t Mack, though. It was Tina, and the woman looked shocked. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice filled with snark. “I thought you found some other place to stay.”

  Christa forced herself not to react. Instead, she leaned a hip against the counter and slowly opened her water bottle. “I did, but that doesn’t mean I’m no longer dating Mack.” She lifted a brow in challenge.

  Tina rolled her eyes and cocked out a hip. “He’s not right for you, you know.”

  The hairs stood up on Christa’s arms and neck. “Really? Thanks for the tip.”


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