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Takedown: An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

Page 44

by Lana Hartley

  “STOP THEM! STOP THEM!” I hear Moira scream hysterically the moment I arrive at the stage. Her voice, so poised before, now seems like it has cracked completely. It must suck to have power slip from your fingers in a matter of just a few seconds.

  As I start climbing up the stairs that lead up to the stage, I see Derek, Lucien, Nicholas and Malcolm emerge from the crowd as well. They have their guns drawn, their fingers on the trigger, and their faces are a blend of excitement and nervousness. We’ve prepared for this, but in an operation with so many moving parts there are always a thousand things that can go wrong. That’s why we stood back while everything happened on the stage — if something went wrong, one of us would need to coordinate the whole thing.

  Lucky for us, the Americans pulled through.

  “Alright, the show’s over,” one of the Americans says, pointing his rifle at Moira’s private military guys. They keep their fingers on the trigger for a long while, just staring down the Americans circling the stage, but the beads of sweat trailing down their foreheads leave no room for doubts — they’ll break. And that’s exactly what happens: in a matter of just a few seconds, one by one they start lowering their guns and raising their arms up in the air. Moving as fast as lightning, the SEAL team that served as the tip of the spear throw them into the ground and tie their hands fast, kicking their rifles out of reach.

  “Snow!” I call after her, my heart beating fast as she looks toward me. Smiling, she just gives me a quick nod and moves toward Richard. With the help of the government’s attorney, now being held at gunpoint, she frees Richard from his handcuffs; a fraction of a second later and she has both her arms wrapped around him.

  “I thought I’d never see you again,” Richard tells her, ignoring all the chaos happening around him. People are being arrested, shouting and trying to run away, but Richard seems oblivious to all that. He just places both his hands on Snow’s waist and, pulling her into him, crushes his mouth against her.

  “Don’t be too jealous,” Derek laughs, hitting me with his elbow. “Plenty of time for some fun after we wrap up this shit up,” he continues, helping the soldiers storming the stage to handcuff all the Queen’s men.

  “Moira? Where the fuck is she?” I suddenly remember, looking around the stage and seeing her nowhere. Nor do I see Gladrell.

  “There!” Snow suddenly cries out, pointing toward the crowd. Narrowing my eyes, I see a figure clad in black running through the confusion, Gladrell trailing after her.

  “Let’s go!” Derek cries out, jumping out of the stage with his gun drawn. Without even thinking about what I’m doing, I simply run as fast as I can, elbowing people out of the way as I feel the heel of my boots crashing against the concrete underneath.

  As fast as Moira and Gladrell are running, they’re no match for both Derek and I. We reach them fast; grabbing Moira by the hair, I simply yank on it and stop her dead on her tracks. She falls back, collapsing on the floor and shrieking like a banshee; ignoring her, I just take a zip lock out of my back pocket and tie her hands behind her back.

  “Hope you’ll enjoy a cell as much as you’ve enjoyed the crown,” I tell her, pulling her up to her feet.

  “Oh, don’t worry ‘bout these,” Derek laughs, bending Gladrell’s arm so much that I almost think it’s going to break. “They’ll have a lot of time to catch up in prison.”


  “We did it,” Richard whispers, brushing his hand against mine.

  “Of course we fuckin’ did it,” Derek laughs, looking at me and offering me a sly grin. I can’t help but be amazed and how cool and in control he always looks, even when the whole world seems to be crashing down.

  “Just look at it,” Tyler then whispers at my ear, waving at the crowd below us. While just one hour ago everyone was expecting to see Richard hang from the end of a rope, now they’re all chanting my name. Hundreds of St. Carlta’s flags seems to have popped out of nowhere as well, and the thousands of people at my feet look like a colorful ocean of color and excitement.

  Finally, there’s hope again.

  Standing with the men I love, all seven of them, I feel tears stinging at my eyes as I take in the whole thing. Behind us, lined up at the back of the stage, Moira and Gladrell are on their knees, hands tied behind their backs as they wait for the SEALs to haul them into the helicopter. It has landed right in the middle of the square and, despite the strictness of the US military, a lot of St. Carlta’s civilians are perched on the helicopter as they chant at the top of their lungs.

  I’m still baffled that we managed to pull this off. Working with the US was the plan all along, and my father was instrumental to the whole thing. With the help of Tyler and the others, we’ve managed to secure a line between our hideout and New York City, where my father was exiled. Flying back and forth between NYC and Washington, he finally managed to secure the President’s support.

  It was an headache to coordinate efforts between St. Carlta and the US, but once their military machine was on the move, I knew there’d be no stopping it. And the moment they agreed to help us overthrow Moira, that was when we put everything into motion. We made the population take over the streets, we made the world see what Moira was all about, and we made sure she wouldn’t resist to leave the security of the palace walls.

  In the end, her own arrogance was the one thing behind her fall. With the crown on her head, she forgot about where the real power lies: in the people. And the moment she decided me to confront me head-on, that was the moment she signed her death sentence. Carefully placed around the country, the US forces were just waiting for a sign to move — and the moment Nicholas signaled them, it all happened fast.

  And now...a new day has dawned.

  “Princess,” the US General greets me solemnly, offering me his hand. He’s a tall man, the lines in his faces so deep they look as if they’ve been etched by the blade of an axe, but the slight smile on his lips puts me at ease.

  “General, in behalf of our people, you have our thanks. The United States has a friend in St. Carlta,” I tell him as I shake his hand, his large fingers wrapped around mine. “Any news on my father?” I ask him, anxious to see him again. “We’re not done until the crown is back where it belongs.”

  “About that,” he chuckles, snapping his fingers. The moment he does it, two Navy SEALs climb up the stage, dragging a large metallic box behind them. “Your father’s already on his way, and he should be back in St. Carlta tonight. But, meanwhile, he told me to give you this,” he continues, pulling an envelope from inside his jacket and giving it to me.

  Hesitantly, I take it into my hands and turn it around. There’s the Royal sigil in there, which means this one came directly from my father. As I open the envelope and take the letter out, I feel my heart pick up the pace.

  “Dear Snow,” the letter starts, “these have been trying times for our kingdom. The people have suffered needlessly, and all because of me. You might not see it now, but it was my poor judgement that brought someone like Moira into the palace. The blame for what happened rests on my shoulders, and I can’t take back the crown. I wouldn’t dare to. Not when our people have someone like you, someone that led them through our darkest hours. Take the crown, Snow — it’s yours. Long live the Queen,” he finishes, his loose signature at the end.

  “Congratulations, Queen,” the General smiles as the SEALs place the box at my feet. “Your men should be the ones doing it,” he then adds, taking one step back and looking at the seven men by my side.

  As Richard squeezes my hand in his, Lucien and Derek take one step forward. Kneeling in front of the box, they take a set of two keys from the General’s hands and, solemnly, they open up the box. From inside comes the glow of a golden crown, cut diamonds spread at regular spaces around the band.

  “My Queen,” Lucien whispers as he reaches for the crown, his eyes locked on mine. I don’t even say a word — with my heart almost ready to burst, I simply go down on my knees in front of him. The two of the
m stand up slowly and, gently, they place the crown on my head.

  “My Queen,” the seven men whisper, all of them looking at me with something that’s more than respect or admiration...

  It’s love.

  Swallowing hard, I rise up and turn to face the crowd. By now, the grey clouds above have given way to the sun, its fierce glow coloring the whole day.

  “LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!” Derek shouts, taking one step toward the edge of the stage and raising his fist.

  “LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!” The whole crowd repeats incessantly, their words drowning out the beat of my own heart.




  Being inside the palace with my seven loves was surreal. The last time I was here, I was alone and anxious, unsure of what the future would hold. Aching for a man that would never deserve me. I stood in the grand hall and spun in place. It was all mine now...All ours. The men file in around me, running through the hall and shouting cries of victory. I run my fingers over the bannister rail at the foot of the stairs to my room, contemplating that long, lonely climb at they noisily celebrate. Richard runs up behind me, catching me by the waist and spinning me in a circle, making me laugh. As he sets me on my feet and spins me around to face him, he notices the mixed emotions in my expression.


  “I didn’t realize it was all going to happen so fast. I’m...just wondering what to do next,” I saw, shaking my head and giving him a little smile to ease the concern on his face.

  He sweeps my legs out from under me and lifts me up into his arms in one smooth motion. He winks at me as he starts to carry me further into the house.

  “Come on, guys, we’re headed to the Stepcunt’s former suite.”

  The guys get even noisier as the fall in line, their boots stamping on the expensive carpets as they navigate the lush halls, voices bouncing off the walls. They all knew exactly where they were headed. They’d spend hours poring over stolen blueprints to the palace, looking for weak points in the security. A large set of ornate doors marked the entrance to the main suites, a place I had had been forbidden from the moment that horrible woman crossed the threshold into my life. Derek twisted the handle has his shoulder slammed into the door. A metallic snap signaled the destruction of the lock. The others howled and cackled, high-fiving and clapping Derek on the back and they walked into the room. The thrill of conquest rolled off of every one of them, and slowly my gloom faded away.

  I thought it would be hard to enter this room, but now, with the support of my lovers, I am excited to be here. Richard sets me on my feet and I immediately go to the windows, throwing back the dark curtains to let the sunshine in. Tyler comes up to my side, pulling me towards him with one arm and kissing my cheek.

  “So? Wanna rid ourselves of her foul presence by defiling this room with unspeakable acts?” he says with that perfect, devilish grin.

  “Have I ever said no to an unspeakable act?”

  “And don’t you ever fucking start.”

  There sense of triumph has fully infected me now, and I practically skip to the threshold into the bedchamber. For a woman who disdained the idea of pleasuring seven men, she certainly had a bed to accommodate at least as many. I’ll consider it a parting gift. I kick off my shoes and jump between the gauzy black curtains up onto the mattress, rumpling the perfectly pressed blankets with my feet. I turn around to stand over them as they gather, pointing down at them like a monarch perched upon a balcony.

  “Strip!” I command with wicked glee.

  “Did you hear that?” Lucien says, quirking an eyebrow, “She thinks she’s going to start calling the shots now. Might be time to start planning another rebellion.”

  I strip my dress away from my body as I did the very first time. With that one act, a chain reaction started. Shirts, pants, and shoes were unceremoniously discarded, piling up at the foot of the bed. William was the first to reach me, pushing me down onto the mattress and trapping me beneath his body. The ravenous wolves circle around my body once more as William pins me down, biting my neck and sucking hard enough to leave marks on my pale skin.

  “One of these days that cocky mouth of yours is going to get you more than you bargained for,” the growls softly in my ear.

  Before I could make a smart-ass retort, Richard grabs my face and pulls it to the side, filling my mouth with his tongue. I moan against his lips and I know the time for witty dialogue is over. My hand reaches up to catch the nearest body on the other side. By now I’m intimately familiar with the feeling of their skin under my hands. My fingers run up Nicholas’s body. He takes my hand and presses a kiss into my palm.

  As I break away from the kiss to catch my breath, William grabs my waist and rolls, pulling me to sit on his hips, his already-hard cock rubbing up against me. I hum with pleasure as I rock my hips, grinding my pussy against him. He slides his hands over my skin, caressing my waist and moving up to my tits, squeezing them in his hands. I’m already dripping, his cock slick with my juices. Just as I slide my body up, he thrusts his hips, the head of his cock pushing inside me easily. We moan together and I lean forward to put my hands on his chest and slide back down slowly, taking his full length inside me. For a moment, I just enjoyed the feeling of his cock filling me, and then gradually I started to ride him, our hips moving in sync. His grip on my tits becomes rougher, kneading them between his fingers and pinching my nipples. The sensation shoots right down to my clit, making it twitch with every pinch.

  Nicholas moves around behind me, his knees going to either side of William’s legs. He presses his body up against my back, his hard-on nestled against my spine. He brushes his fingers up my sides, making me shiver with his light touches. I drop my head back to lean against his shoulder and bring one of my hands up over me to grip his hair. They trail back down again until the settle on my ass, spreading my cheeks apart. His thumbs tease my asshole gently. I moan softly next to his ear, my fingers tightening in his hair. As he plays with my ass, William fucks me more forcefully, bouncing me up and down on his cock.

  Once Nicholas has finally had enough with teasing me, he positions his cock against my hole, having to slide in slowly and carefully due to the violent fucking I’m receiving from William beneath me.

  “OH! My god!” I cry out as he buries his cock in my ass. The force of his cock sliding all the way inside me is hard enough to even interrupt William’s wild thrusts for just a moment. When they start fucking me again, the pace changes completely. Guided by Nicholas’s hypnotic motions, both men move in and out of me slowly, like a beautifully choreographed dance. Both of them in constant motion, they move in me like waves climbing up a beach and receding again, overlapping and yet distinct. My hips roll back and forth between the two as we moan and grind.

  “I swear, Snow, watching you fuck is almost as good as fucking you,” Derek says to me. He stands up on the mattress beside me, looking down at my blissful face. I smile at him through the haze of ecstasy and run my hand up his leg, then use my fingers to trace the deep V-shaped contour of his muscled hips. As my hand reaches around his cock, he takes my jaw in one hand. I trace the curve of my lips with the head of his cock, the tip of my tongue rubbing ever so slowly over his tip. My hand works his shaft slowly as I taste and tease him, making him growl with impatience. He pulls my face forward, pushing his cock past my lips. I open my mouth obligingly and look up into his eyes as I massage it with my tongue. His head rolls back and he gives a satisfied moan.

  As I let William and Nicholas move my body, William’s fingers continue to tease and torture my nipples. They’re hard and swollen under his attention, aching from the abuse. Each time he squeezes one between thumb and forefinger, I moan onto Derek’s cock. Soon, the combination of sensations is overwhelming and my clit begins to twitch, my inner muscles squeezing both William and Nicholas as I start to come. The stimulation of my nipples intensifies the feeling until I have to throw my head back agains
t Nicholas’s shoulder and scream.

  Nicholas and William’s grip me harder as I come, their rhythm picking up. They give me no time to come down and their increasingly rough thrusts start to build pleasure in me again, even as the ripples of climax are still moving through me, I take Derek’s cock down my throat. The ecstasy of being fucked is so much more intense when I am filled from every angle. Swallowing a man I love all the way down to the base is almost enough to make me cum. Having every part of me stretched with cock is absolutely divine. I suck Derek in time with the rise and fall of my body between William and Nicholas. As I feel the pace of our sex get rougher and faster, I work every inch of Derek’s cock with my mouth and throat. The trance-like motions of our bodies bring us all to the throbbing edge at one time. I give out a muffled scream as I start to cum again so soon after the last, not daring to take Derek’s cock out of my mouth for a single second, even as my whole body shakes violently. Every hair on my body stands on end and I peak, and not long after, Derek empties his balls inside my mouth, spilling cum over my chin and down the valley between my tits. As I turn my mouth away from Derek’s cock, swallowing several times to drink down all his cum, Nicholas squeezes my hips, starting to fill my ass with his own. Not long after, William starts to cum as well, both men filling me to the brim and spilling over, trails of cum mixing as they run down my thighs and seep into the blanket.

  Derek moves to the head of the bed and sits down on against the plush pillows, leaning back against the headboard and lacing his hands behind his head. Nicholas moves to give me space to roll out from between their bodies and for a moment I just collapse against the bed, enjoying the warm afterglow of being thoroughly fucked. Lucien is the first one to interrupt my daze, his fingers sliding down my belly and slipping between my legs. They tease my clitoris side-to-side and dip inside my pussy. He looks down at my face as I whimper softly.


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