Hart of Vengeance: The Hart Series
Page 15
“I’m going to see Duke,” Dillon said. “You get Jade and Mallory out of here.”
I hadn’t noticed Mallory until that moment. She was chatting up a bald guy, and she also appeared to have had one too many drinks.
Jade giggled again at the well-dressed fucker as her gaze floated over him and plowed into me. I swore I faltered where I stood, which was about ten feet from her.
She lost her smile.
Well, stab me in the heart, why don’t you.
She whispered in the guy’s ear before she skirted around a group of teenage boys who sized her up like she was a piece of meat.
The dude tried to stop Jade.
I growled again, mainly at the high schoolers. I was ready to bash in their heads until Jade wagged her finger at me. Instantly, they paled and turned their attention to the dance floor.
“Seriously? Are you following me?” She mashed her red-painted lips into a thin line. I wasn’t sure how I heard sultriness in her tone when she was outright angry.
I leaned in. “Lose the feistiness, or I’m going to take you into a restroom and fuck your brains out.” My dick was doing the talking for sure. But every time she scolded me, I got hard.
She made a sound I couldn’t quite hear over the music and voices, but when she flattened a hand on my chest, her head shot up, and behind the glossiness was pure shock. “Don’t say things like that unless you mean it.” She pushed her breasts into me.
“You’re drunk and grieving. We should leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere, certainly not with you.”
I traced a line down her neck, shoulder, and arm. Goose bumps erupted on her skin.
The music changed to a slow song, and she started swaying her body.
Yep, she was drunk. My first thought was to throw her over my shoulder and carry her out. That wouldn’t go over well, particularly if I was trying to get her back. But she would be safe.
I wrapped my arm around Jade’s waist, seating my hand on her lower back. “Jade, please think about leaving.” Sugar usually worked over salt, and I didn’t want to mention Tito. If we made a commotion, we would draw attention to ourselves.
She pressed her body against mine.
I briefly closed my eyes. I could get so lost in the moment, in her. But I couldn’t take advantage of her. I wasn’t that type of guy. Although I wasn’t beyond losing my load in my jeans. I didn’t need to fuck her to get off.
Her hands snaked up my chest. “Tell me the truth.”
She was spinning a web around us, and I was about to strip her right there and suck her pussy. It wouldn’t be out of the norm considering the way partygoers were fondling the waiters.
“You can’t handle the truth,” I said in her ear.
She shivered, mashing her body flush against mine. “I can.”
“You won’t remember.” I wanted her coherent when I told her my truth. “Instead you tell me the truth. Are you with that guy?”
She batted those ball-squeezing green eyes over her shoulder. “He’s a friend.”
I eyed the dark-haired dude, who was watching us intently. “Does he know that?”
“Denim.” My name rolling off her sweet tongue was pure sugar, and if it was possible, my dick grew even harder.
I nipped at her ear before I licked at the sensitive spot just below her earlobe. “Angel.” I wanted to ask her why she hated for me to call her love but didn’t want to ruin the moment. “You don’t know what I want to do to you.”
She subtly rocked her hips into me. “You want to fuck me.” She giggled. “You feel so good. Maybe I want to fuck you.”
I grabbed her ass and pressed her hips into my groin, needing friction, lots of it. Then I buried my nose in her hair. “Jade, don’t tease. I just got out of prison, and I’ll fuck you right here in front of everyone.”
She snickered.
I slipped her hand between us, guiding her to take hold of my dick.
She lifted up on her toes. “I always loved your dick, and I want it inside me.”
I groaned, thinking of taking her into the bathroom. But as horny as I was, she deserved better, and she deserved to be one-hundred-percent sober. Because when I finally did fuck her, I wanted her to remember every moment, every lick, every thrust, and every kiss I peppered on her gorgeous body.
She swayed in my arms, and it took all my willpower to back away, but I needed to act fast. If Tito was hiding in the club and I was his target, then she was in danger. That was if he knew I was there.
“Can I entice you to at least accompany me to Duke’s office?” I asked. Duke’s office would be safe until we could ensure Tito wasn’t there, unless Duke was meeting with Tito.
She tensed. Maybe I shocked her into sobriety. “Duke?”
“This is Duke’s new club.”
“I’m out of here, then.” Her tone was clear and concise.
I sighed, relieved that Duke’s name was the key to get her to safety.
Mallory broke free from the guy she was talking to and came over, eyeing me with disgust as if I’d just hurt Jade.
Fuck her. Sure, I’d broken Jade’s heart once. I wasn’t about to do it again.
But Jade and Mallory blurred when a shot rang out. Glass and liquor bottles behind the bar shattered.
People dropped to the floor or ran for the exits.
Mallory screamed, “Jade!”
Before I could track what was happening, Jade fell to the floor.
I ripped off my shirt and pressed it to Jade’s chest.
She winced, laboring for breath, as tears dropped down her pretty face. “It hurts.”
I wasn’t a religious man by any means, but I started praying to anyone who would listen. My worst nightmare was playing out before me. The reason I didn’t get involved with a woman was because of my enemies. The reason I’d said goodbye to Jade in high school was because of my enemies.
I’d witnessed firsthand how Hector had changed after his number one enemy killed his girl. The hate and revenge had driven him and those close to him crazy, including me.
I gritted my teeth, not only because I wanted to kill whoever had put a bullet in Jade, but to prevent me from losing my shit. I had to be strong for her. I had to show her confidence. I had to show her the wound wasn’t that bad even though it was probably life-threatening.
She gasped for air.
The screams and voices in the room dulled as I tuned out everything. I had to focus on what to do next.
Think, man.
Dillon! He had some CPR and medical experience from the merchant marines. But Jade needed a doctor.
Mallory crawled over. I had no idea where she’d gone. “Oh my God! What can I do?”
Jade tried to speak as her chest heaved. “Den—”
“Shhh, baby.”
“We need to get her to a hospital,” Mallory said.
I didn’t see that happening anytime soon as I scoured the three exits. There was one on each side of the bar in addition to the main entrance. All were jammed with frantic people pushing and shoving to get out. I did another quick scan to see if I could spot the shooter, but my search came up empty.
The dude from Jade’s office building came out of nowhere and sucked in a breath. “I’ll go get help.”
“Wait,” I said to the guy.
His face was pale. “I’m Todd.”
I checked the glass room, but I didn’t see anyone. Maybe Duke and Dillon had taken cover. The people who had been lounging on second floor were pushing to get down the stairs.
“Can you go up to the glass room and get my brother, Dillon?” I asked Todd.
“Dark shoulder-length hair,” Mallory said. “Just yell out his name. Go!”
Todd darted off into the crowd.
My breathing ramped up as I searched heads and faces that time in more detail. Not one was Tito, and nobody resembled the dude who’d shot at me outside Jade’s office building.
The shooter had to be on the second floor considering the trajectory of the bullet.
“Maybe I can find a doctor or nurse.” One of these yahoos in the club had to have medical experience. “We should move her behind the bar just in case.”
Mallory’s hair fell out of her updo as she slid her hands in place of mine. “No. She’s too injured. Go. Find someone.”
She was right.
I kissed Jade on the lips. “I’m going to get help.”
The light in her eyes was slowly dying out.
“You’ll survive this,” Mallory said.
I prayed like a priest she was right.
“Don’t leave me.” Jade’s voice was garbled.
Tears were on the precipice of falling out of my eyes.
I hated to leave her, but I had to find help. “Keep a good pressure on her wound,” I said to Mallory.
I kissed Jade again, hoping to assure her I would be back, or maybe to calm my own nerves. “You’re going to make it.” I vaulted up. My heart was in my throat, and I didn’t feel like my blood was moving through my veins.
Move your fucking legs, man.
I dashed to one of the bar exits. They weren’t as crowded as the main entrance, and I might have a clear path once I was outside to find someone. I kept on high alert, looking for any sign of the gunman.
“Anyone in here a nurse or doctor?” I asked, pushing through the crowd, not caring that I was plowing people out of the way. “My girl has been shot.”
As if I’d spoken magical words, a swath opened up as people shook their heads.
One gal gave me a sad look and started to help me push deeper through the throng.
I couldn’t even believe I’d only been out of the joint for two days. I was already falling into the criminal world, and I was taking Jade with me.
“We need medical help,” the young brunette shouted.
The bottleneck finally opened up more at the door. I bolted out and into a small parking lot with only four cars. I ran for Jade’s life onto the side street and rounded the building when someone grabbed me from behind.
“Denim Hart, remember me?” the man said.
I whirled around and stumbled, relief taking over my body. “Lou. Where’s Duke? I need help.” The short, squat dude worked for my brother.
“Take him,” Lou ordered.
I didn’t have time to react before someone threw a bag over my head. I fought the man, trying to squirm out of his hold, but it was hard since I couldn’t see a fucking thing. Rough hands shoved me into a car. I fell flat on my face and could tell I was in a tight back seat.
“Get up,” a voice I didn’t recognize said.
“Hurry up,” Lou called out. “Cops are on the way.”
I am going to fucking kill Duke.
I pushed at my captor. “I need to get help for my girl.”
“Your girl is dead,” the dude said.
I headbutted him. “You’re fucking dead.”
He let out a savage laugh. “I doubt it. You’ll be dead before you can say boo.”
I fumbled to get the bag off my head until my captor shoved a gun into my side.
“Make another move, and I’ll put a bullet in you like we did your girl.”
My breathing became more rapid. My insides were on fire. And my heart splintered into a million fucking pieces. I would never get the chance to tell Jade how sorry I was for everything or to tell her how much I still loved her. Suddenly, the hate and revenge Hector had possessed for the asshole who killed Tanya were running through my veins.
“Lou,” I called. “What’s going on?”
The guy jamming the gun into me laughed again. “Lou can’t help you.”
I pulled on the bag for nothing more than to loosen the tension around my neck in an attempt to quell the claustrophobia kicking in.
The man rammed the gun into me harder. “I told you not to move, asshole.”
“Just take this bag off my head.” My voice was strangled because the acid in my throat was ready to come out.
The dude laughed. “Shut the fuck up, or I’ll put a bullet in your knee.”
“Why not kill me?”
“Oh, I tried to the other day on the street.”
He was the dude in the red ball cap. “So, do it now.”
“Plans have changed. It seems the boss wants you alive for a bit longer.”
My brain was not connecting the dots. Whoever wanted me dead doesn’t now? I couldn’t imagine Tito having second thoughts about killing anyone, unless he wanted to kill me himself.
My phone rang, and the dude dug into my pocket. “Seems Dillon is looking for you,” the asshole said before a cold air swept in. “We don’t need anyone tracking you.”
“Did you just throw my phone out?”
He roared with laughter. “I can’t wait until you see what’s next.”
“I’m shaking with excitement.” Not!
As we traveled to wherever the fuck we were going, I prayed—not for me, but for the bastard responsible for shooting Jade. Because when I had the chance, vengeance was going to be sweet and rewarding, and afterward, I would walk back into prison with open arms.
My eyelids opened, and my ears slowly started to register beeps and dings. The sound had pierced through my brain fog, or maybe it was the dull throb of pain in my chest that had woken me.
“Jade,” Mallory squealed. “You’re awake.” Her warm hands landed on my arm.
I shuddered, and tears stung my eyes. “It hurts to breathe.” My brain scrambled to form a coherent thought.
Mallory’s big blue eyes came into view. “I know, honey. You just had a bullet removed from your chest.”
I squinted at the bright light overhead before examining myself just to be sure that bright light wasn’t some indication I was on my way to heaven. An IV was tethered to the back of my hand, and a hospital gown covered my body. That was all I could see aside from the hospital room. I tried to lift my hand to touch Mallory so I could make sure she was real. “I’m not dead,” I said to ground myself in reality.
Tears floated in her eyes. “Nope. You’re in one piece. Thank God.”
I licked my dry lips. “Thirsty.” My mouth felt as rough as sandpaper.
Mallory had a cup with a straw in it in front of me in less than a second.
The cool liquid slid down my throat, clearing the pebbles of sand. I sucked the cup dry.
She returned the empty cup to the dresser next to my bed. “Do you remember what happened?”
“Things are hazy, but yeah. I was talking to Denim one minute, and then I was on the floor.” I grimaced at the memory of how hard it had been to breathe.
Tears flowed down her cheeks. “I was so worried.”
“Where’s Denim? Is he all right?” My gaze bounced around the small room, but all I saw was a window and a small alcove with a counter.
Mallory paled. “I don’t know. He went to get help, and no one can find him.”
My heart punched my ribs. Surely he didn’t walk away like he had in high school. I didn’t want to believe he’d just taken off, but I couldn’t shake the feeling he’d run as far away from me as he could.
Then fear so strong stole my breath. “He’s dead. Just like Savannah.” As soon as I said it, I knew I was right. Everyone in my life was dying.
Mal shook her head, rubbing my arm. “We don’t know that.”
Tito wanted him dead. The only reason he wasn’t there was because Tito had kidnapped him. But that didn’t make sense when a guy had been shooting at Denim the other day.
I swallowed, holding back the need to bawl my eyes out. He’d sent me flowers. Hell, he’d kissed me.
“How long have I been here?” I asked.
Mallory looked as miserable as I felt. Her silky hair was oily, her face was ashen, and dark circles stained the underside of her eyes. “Three days. You’ve been in and out of consciousness with all the pain meds.”
��Denim’s been missing for three days?” My theory was becoming real. Tito had probably dumped his body in the Boston Harbor.
“Dillon and Duke are looking for him.”
“Duke? Bull.”
“You need to rest,” Mal said. “Don’t worry about Denim. His brothers will find him.”
Don’t worry? Is she insane? I would never get the chance to tell him how I felt. Why was my life full of drama and mayhem? I was being tested for sure. But I had a second chance at life. Apparently, I wasn’t ready to join my family in heaven. Therefore, I decided I wouldn’t waste a single moment of the life I had left. If Denim was alive, I wanted him to know how I felt. Life was too freaking short.
Mallory was talking, but I wasn’t listening. I tuned her out and let my eyes drift shut. I was having a hard time staying awake all of a sudden. Maybe when I woke up, I would be back in that club, pressed up against Denim, listening to his husky voice tell me he wanted to fuck me. I was going to replay that scene over and over and over again. It might be the only thing to keep me from freaking out.
I couldn’t lose another person I loved. Maybe I was bad luck. Maybe I should become a hermit and keep people away from me. Denim thought I wasn’t safe around him, but he wasn’t safe around me, and maybe Mallory wasn’t either.
My eyelids flew open. “How is Todd?” I’d completely forgotten about him.
“He’s fine, just a bit shook up. I’m going to get the nurse to let her know you’re awake.” Her tennis shoes squeaked on the floor as she headed toward the door.
“Mal, was anyone else hurt?”
She gave me a feeble smile. “You were the only one.” She bumped into Dillon as he inched into the room, looking frustrated and worn out.
He sidled up to my bed and gave me a weak smile. “Welcome back.”
“Did you find Denim?” I rushed out.
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “No.”
“Maybe the Feds have him.”
“He’s not with the Feds,” Dillon said. “They’re waiting to talk to you.”
“Me? All I can remember is talking to Denim, and then I was on the floor.” I was sure they didn’t want to hear how Denim had kissed me.