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Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation Into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination

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by Richard Belzer

  Grant, Zalin, 147

  Grassy Knoll, xiv, 136, 310

  Groom, Dewey, 268

  Groves, Michael D., 317

  Haig, Alexander, 277, 278

  Harper, Carl, 105

  Harper, Jim, 106, 107

  Harrison, Jay, 52

  Harvard Crimson, 198, 200

  Harvey, William “Wild Bill,” xx, 202, 217, 222

  Harvey and Lee (Armstrong), 302

  Haslam, Edward T., 187–188, 190–191, 193, 290, 292–293, 294

  Hauser, Mary Ruth, 68

  heart attack, assassination by, xx–xxii, 317

  “heart attack” witness deaths. see Banister, Guy; English, J.M.; Gatlin, Maurice Sr.; Hoover,

  J. Edgar; Kaylor, Donald; Nichols, Louis; Roberts, Earlene

  Heiner, Kent, xiv, 159

  helicopter crash. see Powers, Gary

  Hernandez, Gilberto Rodriguez, 165–166,

  168, 311

  Hidell, Alek, 19, 21–22, 231

  Hill, G., 10, 11

  Hoffa, Jimmy

  and “arch-enemy” Robert Kennedy, 243, 244, 246–247

  disappearance of, xviii, 218, 243, 244, 248–254

  “failure to show appreciation,” 248, 254

  killers of, FBI suspect list, 244

  link to JFK assassination, 218, 244–245, 247, 253, 312, 316

  mafia set-up and death by Sheeran,

  249–254, 251p

  mafia ties, 202, 244, 246, 249–254, 316

  prison sentence and pardon, 248

  Teamsters Union leader, 243, 245–246, 253, 316

  Holt, Chauncey, 174, 228

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  assistants to, deaths of. see Belmont, Alan;

  Nichols, Louis

  burglary of apartment, 198, 200

  cover-up of JFK assassination, xiii

  death linked to knowledge about Watergate, 198–199, 204

  denies existence of mafia, 39, 216

  FBI, reign of power in, 197–198

  hatred toward political figures, according to Sullivan, 205

  heart attack death of, poison suspected, 198, 200, 312

  letter from regarding non-assistance, 195

  and Nixon, 200, 312

  views on JFK assassination, 200, 297

  Horne, Douglas, 154

  House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA)

  CIA activities, information on leads to, 214, 217, 219

  Congressional investigation of 1977, xv, xvi

  and de Mohrenschildt, interest in, 235–236

  Final Report of (1977), xviii

  Final Report of (1979), 33

  flawed investigation of, xv

  Francis Fruge’s deposition to, about Rose

  Cheramie, 48, 49

  Gaeton Fonzi, 230, 236, 301

  increase of witness deaths prior to testimony. see de Mohrenschildt, George; Nicoletti, Charles “Chuck”; Socarrás, Carlos Prío, xviii–xix, 202–204

  Nondisclosure Agreement on documenting investigation, xvii

  timeline of mafia deaths, 217–219

  Howard, Tom, 73–74

  HSCA. see House Select Committee on ­Assassinations (HSCA)

  Huggins, Hugh, 232

  Hughes, Howard, 222

  Humes, James J., 157, 158

  Hunt, E. Howard, 126, 149, 198, 199, 290

  Hunt, H.L., 51, 52, 78, 232–233, 306

  Hunter, Bill, 71–73, 71p, 306, 320

  hunting death. see Sullivan, William

  hypnosis, 117, 173, 276, 278

  I Heard You Paint Houses (Sheeran), 61

  immunity laws, 213, 214

  International Brotherhood of Teamsters. see

  Teamsters Union

  Israel, Lee, 89

  Jackson, Charles Douglas, 319, 320

  Janney, Peter, xxii, 28, 147, 150, 152

  Janney, Wistar, 148, 151

  JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness (Hill & Sloan), 288

  Jim Garrison investigation

  on Banister/Oswald connection, 292

  and cancer research as bioweapon, 292

  deaths of Banister associates and, 119, 121–123, 125–126

  deaths of Ferrie associates, 167, 168, 172, 174–175

  and Ferrie, interest in, 169, 171, 173, 311

  on the flaws of the Warren Report, 175–176

  interview with Jack Martin about Banister’s office, 118

  on planning of Kennedy assassination, 109, 116, 117–118

  and Rose Cheramie, 50

  Ruby’s activities with CIA and anti-Castro groups, 175

  on Ruby’s death, xxiii

  on Tippit’s death, 7, 10–11, 12, 16

  Jim Reeves: His Untold Story (Jordan), 268

  John Birch Society, 169

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  and Cliff Carter, 285, 289, 300

  implicated in assassination of JFK, 33–34, 35–36, 278, 280, 286–287, 288–289, 290

  influence on cover-up of JFK assassination, xiii, 146, 149–150, 283, 284–285

  and Mac Wallace, hitman for, 202, 299, 300

  ruthlessness of, 35–36, 280

  ties to mafia, 247

  Jones, Penn Jr., 54, 104, 117, 137

  Jones, Robert, 231

  Jordan, Larry, 267, 268–269, 272–273

  Katzenbach, Nick, 297

  Kaylor, Donald, 201, 203, 206, 313

  Kelly, William, xv

  Kennedy, John F.

  Abort Team attempts to prevent assassination of, 20, 22–23, 224, 300, 305

  AM/LASH plan, plot to kill Castro, 214–215

  anti-Castro operations link to assassination of, 113–114, 117, 174, 291

  assassination plot against, xxv, 300

  autopsy of, and alterations to the body of, 154–158

  autopsy of, “official,” 159

  “double crosses” mafia, 215–216

  election of, aided by mafia, 215, 216

  friendship with Stockdale, 67–68, 69

  Garrison investigation on planning of, 109, 116, 117–118

  Hoover’s views on assassination of, 200

  LBJ implicated in assassination of, 33–34, 35–36, 278, 280

  Mafia and Cuban exiles responsible for assassination of, 150, 209–211, 215–216, 217, 218, 224, 228

  mafia links to assassination of, xxiv, xxv, 150, 224–225, 283, 298

  and Marilyn Monroe, 78, 79–80

  mistress of. see Meyer, Mary Pinchot; Pritchett, Florence

  motorcade route, security issues, 284–291

  “shell game” of caskets carrying body of, 158

  timeline of assassination of, xiii

  Kennedy, Joseph, 215

  Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby”

  anti-Castro activity of, 277–278, 298

  and “arch-enemy” Hoffa, 243p, 244, 246–247

  on CIA involvement in JFK assassination, 296–297, 298, 299

  crusade against organized crime, 215, 216,

  246, 298

  on Jack Ruby’s phone records, 295

  link to JFK assassination, 232, 277–278,


  murder of, 275–277, 278, 317

  and Oswald, link to, 295–297

  overview of, 275, 275p

  and policies toward Soviet government, 298–299

  presidential aims of, 275, 277, 298, 317

  KGB, suspected. see Oswald, Marina Prusakova; Paisley, John

  Kilgallen (Israel), 89

  Kilgallen, Dorothy

  75p, 77

  autopsy and drug (barbiturates) levels, 83, 84–87, 88

  cause of death, evidentiary results, 87–90, 306

  death of, and staged crime scene, 76, 82–83, 86–87, 88–89, 306

  fame as a reporter, 77, 78

  and Flo Pritchett, xxiii, 76, 77, 91, 92

  Heiner on, xiv

  interview with Ruby, 80

  knowledge on links to JFK assassination, 78–80

  links to anti-Castro
community, 79, 169

  lividity markings on, 83–84, 88

  notes on JFK assassination, 76, 77, 90, 91–92

  on Oswald’s right to trial, 32–33

  overview of, 75–76, 75p, 77

  plans to “blow case wide open,” 63, 75–76, 77–78, 81, 87, 306

  suicidal death unlikely, 75–76, 81–82, 84–85, 87–88

  Killam, Earl, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109

  Killam, Hank

  Congressional Research Service transcript regarding, 104–105

  connection to Ruby and Oswald, 104, 106p, 107, 308

  crime scene evaluation, 108–109, 308

  link to JFK assassination, 109

  on the run, in fear of his life, 104, 105, 107, 109, 283, 308

  suicidal death inconsistencies, 103, 105–107, 108–109, 308, 320

  wife of employed by Ruby, 104, 106p, 107–108, 320

  Killam, Wanda, 104, 106p, 107–108, 320

  King, Martin Luther Jr., 205–206, 217

  Koethe, Jim, 71–73, 71p, 306, 320

  Korshak, Sidney, 62, 63

  Kupcinet, Irv, xxiv, 54, 59–61, 62, 63

  Kupcinet, Karyn

  broken neck, 72

  crime scene staging, 55–56, 57–58, 62

  death of, as “shock crime,” xxiv, 60–62, 63, 306

  death of, murder suspected, 57–58, 60, 306

  father Irv’s mafia links and death of, 54, 59–60, 61, 63

  link to JFK assassination, 54, 58–59, 63, 319

  medical examiner perversion, 54, 55, 56, 62

  overview of, 53–54, 53p, 55

  suicidal death, official verdict inconsistencies, 53–58, 62

  Lane, Mark, 230, 236–237

  Larson, Bill, 270

  Lawton, Don, 286

  Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA

  (Weiner), 283

  Library of Congress, 104–105

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 199

  Lifton, David, 155

  linear particle accelerator, 193, 194, 312

  Long Beach Independent Press Telegram, 72, 73

  Lumpkin, George L., 289–290

  Maddox, Al, 33, 295


  bosses. see Bufalino, Russell “The Old Man”; Giancana, Sam “The Man”; Marcello, Carlos; Trafficante, Santo

  casino fronts for, 43, 44, 80. see also The Carousel Club

  in Chicago, 38, 40, 202, 209–211. see also

  Kupcinet, Irv; Kupcinet, Karyn; Roselli, Johnny

  and CIA anti-Castro operations, xxvi, 202, 222, 224

  “cleaners,” 252, 253, 254

  Cuban, 240

  deaths, prior to witness testimony, xxvi, 202, 217–219, 301

  in Detroit. see also Hoffa, Jimmy

  Dorfman, Paul “Red,” 59

  existence of, denied by FBI, 39, 215

  hitmen. see Nicoletti, Charles “Chuck”; Sheeran, Frank “The Irishman”

  internal killings by. see Cain, Richard; Giancana, Sam “The Man”; Hoffa, Jimmy; Nicoletti, Charles “Chuck”; Roselli, Johnny

  links to Kennedy assassination, xxiv, xxv, 150, 224–225, 283, 298

  silence code of (omertà), xxvi

  and the Teamsters Union, 246

  in Texas, 224–225

  Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the

  Assassination of John F. Kennedy (Davis), 195

  Manuel, Bobbi, 272

  Manuel, Dean, 272

  Marcades, Melba Christine. see Cheramie, Rose

  Marcello, Carlos

  complicity in mafia deaths, 217

  connection to Gatlin Sr., 126

  connection to Giancana, 216

  connection to Guy Banister, 116, 320

  connection to Jack Ruby, 38, 80

  link to JFK assassination, 218, 244–245, 247, 298

  and Masferrer, xviii

  New Orleans base of, 121

  and Trafficante, xxvi

  Marchetti, Victor, 25, 28, 256

  Markham, Helen, 13

  Marlow, Gary, 18, 18p

  Marrs, Jim, 203–204, 319–320

  Martin, Frank M., 41

  Martin, Jack, 116–117, 118, 173

  Martino, John, 300, 301

  Marvin, Daniel, 154, 159, 162, 280, 283–284

  Mary’s Mosaic (Janney), 28, 150

  Masferrer, Rolando “el Tigre”

  anti-Castro activity, 165, 182, 301, 318

  connection to Jimmy Hoffa, 182

  death of, xviii, 202, 312

  links to Kennedy assassination, 182–183, 312

  mafia, ties to, 182, 312

  overview of, 181, 181p

  McAdams, John, 176–177

  McClelland, Laurella, xxii

  McCone, John A., 277, 297

  McDonald, Betty, 93–96, 307, 319

  McDuffee, Ann, 273

  McKeown, Robert, 240

  Me & Lee (Baker), 290–291

  medical “accident,” death by, xix–xx, 294

  “medical assassination,” xx–xxi, 31–32, 33. see also cancer research, as bioweapon

  Mellen, Joan, 28

  Mendoza, Charles, 233, 234

  Meredith, Dawn, 41–42

  Meredith, Lynne, 290

  Meyer, Cord, 144, 149, 151, 290

  Meyer, Mary Pinchot

  CIA involvement in murder of, xiv, xxii,

  148–149, 150, 151–152, 284, 290, 310

  crime scene of, 143p

  diary of, search for, 144, 146–147, 149, 151, 320

  execution-style murder of, 143, 145, 147–148

  fury at “whitewash” in Warren Commission, 145, 150

  high-level Washington connections,

  144–145, 150

  inconsistencies with official verdict, 147–149

  innocent man accused of murder of,

  145–146, 149

  relationship with Kennedy, 144–145, 145p

  sham trial for murder of, 145–146

  Military Intelligence Group (112th MIG), 231

  Minutemen, 21, 122, 123, 125, 126, 309

  Mitchell, John, 199

  Mitchell, William L. (CIA codename), 148,

  151–152, 284

  MKULTRA, xxii, xxiii, 32, 294

  “mole” in CIA, 256–257, 258, 316

  Monroe, Marilyn, 78, 79–80

  Mooney, Nancy. see McDonald, Betty

  Moore, J. Walton, 230, 233

  Morales, Dave, 202, 300–301

  Morrison, Deslesseps, 119, 121, 122–123, 309, 320

  Morrow, Robert, 166, 168

  motorcade route, security issues, 284–291

  Myers, Dale, 12

  Nagell, Richard Case, 183, 256, 294, 302

  Nashville Tennessean, 269

  national security assassinations. see Paisley, John, 279, 282, 303

  “natural causes,” witness deaths. see Banister, Guy; Belmont, Alan; Ferrie, David; Gatlin,

  Maurice Sr.; Hoover, J. Edgar; Pritchett,

  Florence; Roberts, Earlene; Ruby, Jack

  Nazi concentration camps, 303

  New Orleans. see also Banister, Guy; Ferrie, David; Sherman, Mary

  anti-Castro operations in, 116

  Oswald in, 109, 116, 121, 291

  as staging location for assassination of JFK, 121, 126, 291

  Newsweek, 148

  Newton, Bob, 269, 271

  Nichols, Louis, 201, 203, 204, 206, 313

  Nicoletti, Charles “Chuck”

  death of, prior to testimony of, xviii, 202, 219, 227–228, 282, 315

  link to JFK assassination, 228

  mafia role of, 217, 227, 315

  and Sam Giancana, 217, 227–228, 315

  Nixon, Richard, 198, 199, 200, 248

  Northup, A.H., 106

  Norton, Teresa, 320

  Novak, Robert, 207

  O’Brien, Chuckie, 244, 250, 252

  Ochsner, Alton, 186, 194, 292, 293, 294

  O’Hare, John, 166, 168, 169, 311

  Oltmans, Willem,
232, 235, 236

  On the Trail of the jFK Assassins (Russell), 38

  O’Neal, Frank, 155, 157

  ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), 21, 27, 28

  online videos. see youtube videos

  Operation Mockingbird, 144, 319

  Osborne, Leutrell, 205

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  as “Alek Hidell,” 19, 21–22, 231

  on the assassination of Kennedy, 35–36

  and Banister, link to, 116–118, 121, 122, 126, 172, 291–292, 308, 320

  cancer research, link to. see cancer research,

  as bioweapon

  CIA “handlers” of, 282, 292, 308. see also

  Banister, Guy; de Mohrenschildt, George

  in Civil Air Patrol with Ferrie, 174

  connection to David Ferrie, 116–117, 121, 122, 172–174, 173p, 247, 292, 294

  connection to de Mohrenschildt, 217, 229, 230, 232–233, 235

  connection to Hank Killam, 104, 107, 109

  connection to Jim Reeves, 268

  connection to Killam, 104, 106p, 107, 308

  connection to Powers, 262, 264

  connection to Ruby, xiv, 39, 49, 101, 141,

  175, 310

  David Atlee Phillips on, 297

  deaths of people connected to, xv

  Earlene Roberts’ testimony on, 6–7, 8,

  128–129, 309

  and Ferrie, in Civil Air Patrol, 173, 173p

  forensic evidence on rifle of, 203, 204, 299

  and H.L. Hunt, 51

  Hoover’s views on, 200

  hypnosis of, 117, 173

  impersonator/double of, 131–132, 302, 310, 318

  inconsistencies with official verdict, 26

  “intelligence legend” of, 29, 131, 291–292,

  302, 308

  intention to eliminate early backfire, 16–17, 18

  James Files on silencing of, 16–17

  Jeanne de Mohrenschildt on innocence of, 237

  and Judyth Baker, 42, 195, 291, 292, 293–294

  Kilgallen on, 78–79

  lack of protection surrounding, 26, 32–33, 41, 61

  as “lone-nut” assassin, 291, 292, 294, 295

  murders of people connected to, xxv

  New Orleans base of, 109, 116, 121, 291

  operational with U.S. Military Intelligence, 20–22, 26, 28, 292, 293

  overview of, 25, 25p

  and plot to kill Kennedy, 109, 116

  “pro-Communist” activity of, 29, 116, 117, 291–292, 293

  and Robert Kennedy, 295–297

  role in intelligence operations, 29, 29p, 79, 297–298, 302, 305


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