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Divine Cruelty

Page 3

by Lee Ash

  Rachel thought the woman was stunningly beautiful but she pushed the distraction to the back of her mind. If she wanted to have any hope of keeping abreast of developments she knew she couldn't be sidetracked by an unhealthy interest in Pearl's stock.

  'Don't you think she's one of the most attractive pieces you've ever seen?' Pearl pressed. 'Can't you picture her naked, wearing a ball-gag in her mouth, or even better, having your dick stuffed in her face?'

  Master Vince deigned to glance at the brunette. 'She's passable,' he allowed.

  Pearl sniffed unhappily and shook her head. She reached for the brunette's jacket and wrenched it open. Buttons flew from the front of the garment, spraying against the polished wooden floor. The brunette's breasts, swollen orbs which looked ready to burst from the confines of their black, lacy cups, were revealed to the chapel. She made no attempt to stop Pearl's manhandling and only held herself rigid while being shamelessly displayed.

  'What do you think to those?' Pearl demanded.

  Master Vince looked bored. 'I've seen tits before,' he yawned. 'If these three bitches are all you have to show me, then I think we've been wasting each...'

  'Show him your pussy,' Pearl barked.

  Master Vince frowned at the interruption but Pearl didn't notice. She was tugging at the zipper on the brunette's skirt and hurrying to wrench the fabric away. The master glanced at an exposed glimpse of stocking-top, looked set to turn away, and then stopped.

  'What the hell have you done to her?' he gasped.

  The brunette flushed crimson.

  Pearl grinned triumphantly and Rachel could understand the woman's jubilant expression. The rapt attention on the master's face indicated his interest and it seemed clear Pearl had him in a position where he was ready to consider her business proposition without feigning disinterest.

  'What the hell have you done to her?' he insisted. He was down on his knees, casually reaching towards the brunette.

  Rachel glanced at the woman's pussy and blinked twice before she realised exactly what she was seeing. The brunette's sex lips were more obvious and pronounced than any labia Rachel had ever seen before. Like fat, swollen slugs, they exploded from her cleft in a way that was so ugly it was enchanting. The flesh looked grotesquely swollen, an enormous spread of engorged pink skin and, hypnotised by what she was seeing, Rachel could understand the master's desire to touch.

  Master Vince brushed his fingers against one lip. His caress was so subtle and tentative the brunette shivered, and reluctantly smiled. 'What the hell have you done to her?' he whispered. 'She looks... She looks...' his voice trailed off as he gave up on the search for a suitable adjective.

  'She looks divine,' Pearl supplied. She looked smugly pleased with herself and seemed to be struggling to remain nonchalant. 'It's the results of nothing more than a strict regime with a suction device and some cosmetic modifications,' she confided lightly. 'All three of them have been tailored to the same specifications and, from what I've been told, it gives a deliciously different sensation to the way she feels when a man is using her.'

  Master Vince pulled the brunette closer and glanced up at her face.

  As though she was trying to distance herself from the indignity of being publicly examined, she stared defiantly towards the altar.

  Taking her lack of acknowledgement as consent, he squeezed his index finger into her pussy. With a thoughtful smile he stroked his thumb against one swollen lip and squirmed the digit until the brunette gasped. Her responsiveness clearly excited him because his grin grew broader.

  'How obedient are they?'

  'What do you want her to do?'

  He considered the question for a full minute. Standing up, reluctantly sliding his finger from her bulging pussy lips, he snapped his fingers for Jason's attention. 'Suck him,' Master Vince demanded. 'Suck Jason's cock.'

  The brunette glanced warily at Jason's imposing figure then turned to Pearl for confirmation of the instruction. When her mistress nodded, she took two stumbling steps toward him and dropped to her knees.

  'I've trained them all to suck cock, eat pussy and take as many thrashings as you care to dish out,' Pearl boasted. 'Not that any of these needed much training,' she added quickly. 'All three of them are pure masochists and they live to serve and be punished.'

  'Bend over while you're sucking,' Master Vince barked at the brunette. 'I want to see your pussy while you're blowing him.'

  Rachel could empathise with the brunette's deepening blushes because she would have felt the same dark pang of excited guilt if she had been receiving those commands. Helena was trying to coax her away from the altar and back to the antechamber by whispering words of encouragement. Rachel hissed at her to be quiet, trying to surreptitiously note every detail of what was happening. Her concentration was already torn between what Master Vince and Pearl were saying and watching as the brunette unzipped Jason's pants.

  'Are you going to admit you're impressed?' Pearl asked.

  The master hesitated than released a reluctant grin. 'I suppose you've caught my interest,' he allowed. 'Let me see the others.'

  Pearl told the remaining women to undress and, with only the slightest hesitation, they began to remove their jackets and skirts. Like the brunette before them they were also sporting outrageously large pussy lips and Rachel couldn't understand how any woman's labia could appear so paradoxically ugly and remain so alluring. The idea of touching, tasting and savouring began to seem less like a desire and more like a compulsion.

  'Make sure you suck him well,' Master Vince demanded. He flicked his knuckles against the brunette's buttocks and seemed tempted to touch her pussy again. His fingers hovered over her cleft, flexing eagerly and inching closer, then he withdrew his hand. 'Make sure you give him the best blowjob he's ever had.'

  The words were unnecessary because Jason's erection was already long and firm and his grin said he was enjoying the attention. The brunette was trying to encircle his thick girth with one hand as she worked her mouth over the gleaming dome of his glans. Her tongue occasionally darted against him, travelling along the length of his shaft, before her lips wrapped around his end and she sucked until her cheeks dimpled.

  'Suck him until he's on the point,' Master Vince told her. He was no longer watching the brunette, his attention involved with the other two women. Examining them both with almost clinical dispassion, he tugged and teased their pussy lips while remaining indifferent to their moans of arousal and encouragement. 'Suck him until he's on the point, then hold him there until I give you permission to finish him off. Do you understand?'

  Without moving her head from Jason's erection, the brunette nodded.

  The master turned to Pearl. 'What's your pitch?' he asked quietly. 'What deal are you trying to swing?'

  Pearl looked confident as she settled herself down on one of the pews. She took a pack of cigarettes from her purse and lit one. Smiling at the way events were progressing, she turned to the master and said, 'You've traded in slaves before, haven't you?'

  'I'm a trader,' he said evasively. 'It's difficult to remember every type of transaction I've profited from.'

  'But, you'd profit from trading these bitches,' Pearl pressed. 'Wouldn't you?'

  Master Vince didn't reply and, when Rachel glanced to see why he was hesitating, she was struck by two things. Initially she simply thought the master was extracting sadistic pleasure from teasing the two women but she also realised he was considering what Pearl had said. His face wore the familiar expression of a man calculating profit and working out his own large percentage.

  'Where have they come from?'

  Pearl shook her head. 'I'll tell you about the source once we've agreed on a partnership deal.'

  'How many can you get?'

  'Three or four a month on my own. With your backing I think I can guarantee a supply to fulfil any demand.'

  Rachel only half-listened, mesmerised by the sight of the brunette giving head. In her own time under Master Vince's dominat
ion she had often sucked the burly aide but she had never seen it done with as much relish as the brunette was investing. She savoured every trickle of pre-come and sucked on him as though she was worshipping the length of cock in her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down, alternating between greedy suckling and wet, slobbering kisses, a mixture of semen and saliva coated her glistening smile. Her fingers remained in a tight circle around the base of Jason's shaft as she held him steady for her mouth.

  'Why are you looking for a partnership deal?' The master held the pussy of one woman and squeezed her engorged clitoris between his finger and thumb. He watched her face with curiosity as she was twisted by spasms of conflicting pleasure and anguish. 'Why are you looking for a partnership deal when you could profit just as well from trading these bitches without my involvement?'

  'I'll explain that when we're seriously negotiating,' Pearl told him.

  'But, can't you tell me why, when you obviously have the...'


  The brunette's hesitant voice broke through their discussion and Master Vince turned on her with a thunderous frown. He saw she was holding Jason's shaft away from her mouth and a cursory glance at his aide told him the burly man was on the verge of climax.

  Jason's hands were balled into fists and every muscle on his body was held taut.

  'Has she got you to the brink?' Master Vince asked needlessly.

  Jason nodded.

  The master turned to the brunette and made a circling motion with his index finger. 'Turn around and let Jason ride you,' he said. 'Let's see if your pussy works as good as it looks.'

  Untroubled by the request, clearly savouring the chance to obey, the brunette climbed from her knees and turned away from Jason. She retained a hold on his shaft, thrust her buttocks toward him and guided him inside.

  Enthralled, Rachel released a sigh of pent-up breath.

  She could see Jason was struggling to contain his explosion but it was obviously a battle he was going to lose. The brunette lowered herself onto him, smiling grimly as his thick shaft spread her open. She seemed to do nothing more than accept him - maybe wriggling her hips lightly, Rachel thought, but definitely no more than that - and then Jason was groaning.

  The brunette flinched each time his length pulsed into her, a momentary smile fleeting across her lips. Still holding the base of his shaft, standing slightly upright as his seed began to trickle from her sex and dribble down the insides of her thighs, she switched her expectant gaze from Pearl to Master Vince.

  'I thought you would have had more staying power,' the master told Jason. He indicated the brunette could move and she extricated herself from the aide's shaft before walking placidly back to Pearl's side. 'I've seen the best of my girls blow you and you've ridden them for hours before shooting,' Master Vince complained. 'What the hell happened to you?'

  Jason chewed his lower lip and looked uncharacteristically embarrassed. 'Like Pearl said before,' he grunted, shoving his spent penis back into his pants. 'That bitch's pussy doesn't just look good. It feels divine.'

  Watching the master, Rachel could see he was considering the business implications of this explanation. He turned to Pearl and demanded, 'How much are you asking?'

  She raised an eyebrow and tossed her cigarette to the floor. Stubbing it into the polished wood with her heel, she said, 'Do I take it you're ready to make a deal?'

  His features were stern. Every trace of frivolity was etched away as he transformed himself into a ruthless, efficient businessman. 'Have Jason bring these three to my study,' he decided. 'We can talk business in there.'


  Helena led Rachel back to her bedroom, keeping one arm around her waist to provide support. After the trauma of the reading the redhead still felt drained and weakened. With every other step she worried her knees were going to buckle but, worse than any other symptom, she remained congested with a loathsome, dark arousal.

  Helena waited until the bedroom door was closed before asking 'What happened this evening?' The halls of Master Vince's homes were not places for discussing private matters and both women knew better than to talk while there was a danger of being overheard. 'What happened? What did the cards show you?'

  Rachel collapsed miserably on the bed.

  Of all the torments in Master Vince's home, of all the humiliating roles she could have been chosen to fulfil, she believed her position as his tarocco reader had to rank as the worst. He kept a harem of pliant sex slaves in the east wing - each available for the pleasures of the master or his guests, and all agreeable to any demand regardless of its depravity - and Rachel envied every one of those women. For crueller practices - for those occasions when he was entertaining pony-carters or tournament players - the master maintained a small army of athletic masochists. Their bodies were exercised to a discipline of feminine perfection and they were regularly tested to the thresholds of pain and beyond. Writhing on her bed, caught in the throes of bitter frustration, Rachel also envied each of those women. Torn by fury and unsatisfied need, she buried her face in a pillow and hammered her fists against the mattress. Considering the master's empire, Rachel believed he could have found a thousand alternative roles for her to fulfil, any of which would have been more rewarding than her position as his tarocco reader. Through a veil of tears she bemoaned the misfortune of her unfulfilling role and despised the unsatisfied arousal it always inspired.

  'You were on edge all evening,' Helena complained.

  She sounded worried and placed a comforting hand on Rachel's bare back. The contact was a frisson of unparalleled delight and a crackle of raw need arced through Rachel's body.

  Seemingly oblivious to the responses she evoked, Helena continued haranguing her mistress. 'You said there was going to be suffering ahead and you said you were going to deal with it. What happened, mistress? What happened?'

  Still trying to put the events of the evening out of her mind, Rachel didn't reply. Reading the tarocco had left her with needs that demanded satisfaction and, as her arousal continued to swell, she decided she wasn't going to answer any of Helena's questions until her desires had been met. She pulled her face from the pillow, glared at the servant and said, 'Bind my tits.'

  Helena looked set to refuse until Rachel glared at her. Knowing better than to argue - seeming to realise that Rachel wouldn't want to hear how Master Vince expressly forbade such practices - she went to the loose floorboard that concealed all their contraband. Fumbling quickly through their secret store, she retrieved the buckled strap Rachel preferred for this torment. The length of leather was long enough to repeatedly circle both breasts and its slender width made the task of binding easier. Anxious to please the redhead, and working carefully to avoid her chains, Helena wrapped the strap excruciatingly tight.

  Rachel moaned. Both orbs were painfully restricted and the sensations of bondage and vulnerability promised relief from the knot of frustration that weighed in her stomach. The tight, circling bands left her nipples acutely sensitive and she was elated when Helena traced eager fingers against the areolae. Not wanting to rush the experience, determined to relax and savour every moment, Rachel carelessly pushed the servant's hand away. 'Lick my cunt,' she snapped. 'You can play with my nipples when I tell you. For now I want you to lick my cunt.'

  Obediently, Helena fell between her legs.

  Her mouth was warm and moist against the burning heat of Rachel's need and she used her tongue deftly to coax blissful sensations. She lapped at each labium, teasing the responsive flesh, before flicking her tongue against the piercing through Rachel's prepuce.

  Rachel revelled in the growing warmth as it began to spread from between her legs. Because she was on her back the weight of the chains was only a negligible concern and she wondered if she should tug on them to add to the moment. Deciding it was Helena's task to satisfy her, she wallowed in the ecstasy of nearing satisfaction and turned her mind back to events in the chapel. 'Did you see those slaves Pearl had brought with her?'
r />   Helena raised her head slightly and nodded. Her smile was dewy with Rachel's wetness but the redhead only had time to catch a brief glimpse of the expression before the servant was lowering her face back between her thighs. She pushed her tongue inside and squirmed it as deep as she could manage.

  Rachel gasped. She grabbed fistfuls of the bed linen and struggled to stave off the threatened climax. As much as she wanted to orgasm she was determined not to rush the moment. Trying to make her attempts at conversation sound casual, she growled, 'Did you see their pussy lips? Weren't they just the most outrageous thing ever?'

  She didn't bother looking for a reply this time, not really caring what Helena thought. Simply remembering the slaves' engorged labia - recalling the excitement the sight generated and revisiting the dark desire to have her own sex look so grotesquely obvious - was almost enough to push her to the brink of orgasm. It was sufficient to relive the memory without worrying about something as unimportant as Helena's opinion on the subject.


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