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Divine Cruelty

Page 6

by Lee Ash

  'How sage,' Master Vince muttered dryly.

  Anxious to see where their conversation was leading Rachel wanted to watch the pair avidly. She would have been more able to concentrate if the blonde hadn't been frigging the vibrator so swiftly. The broad length of rubber slipped rapidly in and out of Rachel's hole, hurling her reluctantly toward an unwanted plateau of pleasure. Slyly, whenever the blonde dared to move her hand from the vibrator, she reached for Rachel's chains and tugged viciously on the links.

  Anguished shockwaves roared from Rachel's nipples and clitoral hood but she was accustomed to the torment and easily able to cope with the trauma. If it hadn't been for the delicious buzzing of the vibrator she knew she would have been able to tolerate any of the abuse the blonde inflicted. But, because the pleasure was swiftly becoming unbearable, Rachel fretted that she might be the one who ended this trial by begging for the tournament to stop.

  Diligently, she worked her own vibrator in and out of the blonde. Watching the distended pussy lips accept the thick girth was a constant torment and, unable to resist the opportunity, she lowered her head and chased her tongue against the blonde's wetness. They were the silky, sweet delicacy she had anticipated. The smooth sensation against her tongue was like nothing she had experienced before and, driven by lustful hunger, she lapped greedily from the woman's hole.

  The pleasure was so fulfilling that for a moment she came close to forgetting she was duelling on her master's behalf. It was only when the first clenching waves of orgasm began to buffet her body that Rachel realised how close she had come to inadvertently surrendering victory.

  The blonde tugged hard at Rachel's chain and pushed her dildo deeper.

  In an effort to distance herself from the loathsome joy, Rachel moved her mouth from the woman's sex and strained to hear the whispered voices of Pearl and Master Vince. They were sitting closer together than before, their foreheads almost touching as they murmured confidentially to each other.

  'If it helps,' Master Vince said quietly, 'you can use the facilities here for storage and training. The estate is secluded and I have plenty of empty rooms that can be laid at your disposal.'

  Pearl raised her glass and nodded. 'That certainly would help. Thank you.'

  'It only seems right if we're going to be business partners,' he added. 'And, who knows. One night, if you're not too busy recruiting or training, perhaps we could share a meal?'

  Pearl smiled for him. The coquettish expression sat oddly on her austere features but Rachel had no doubt it was the first honest emotion she had seen on the woman's face all night. 'I think I'd like that,' Pearl admitted. With a sly twinkle lighting her eye, she said, 'I think I might like that a lot.'

  Not wanting to see any more, appalled that Master Vince appeared to be flirting with the slave trader, Rachel tried to busy herself with the duel. Because biting, nipping and hurting were strictly forbidden, she refrained from direct retaliation. The blonde persistently pulled on her chain, wringing raw anguish from the sensitive piercings, and she occasionally resorted to chewing on Rachel's aching clitoris. But, determined to win fairly, Rachel decided she wasn't going to lower herself to such cheap tricks to win. She pushed the vibrator deep, spreading the engorged pussy lips wide around the shaft. Eager to satisfy her curiosity, but trying not to get lost in the pleasure, she dared to tongue the swollen labia. The divine flesh was infuriatingly tempting and, although she wanted to continue, Rachel stopped before her appetite was satiated.

  When the blonde's assault became less vigorous, and the tugging had subsided to the occasional truculent yank, Rachel moved her lips over the woman's clitoris.

  The blonde tried to move out of her reach but the bondage wouldn't allow her to properly break away. Each time she rolled free, Rachel was able to reposition herself and find her target. The stone floor offered no comfort to their forced embrace but her concentration on the contest left her oblivious to the bumps and bruises it was leaving on her elbows and hips. Determinedly, she puckered her lips over the throbbing bead of flesh, sucked greedily and then dared to nibble.

  Beneath her, the blonde squealed.

  Encouraged by her cries, Rachel pressed home her attack. She had been frigging the vibrator with a frenzied speed but now she snatched it from the woman's sex. Oblivious to the blissful torment being wrought through her own hole, she felt able to concentrate exclusively on making the blonde scream. Knowing she was doing it for Master Vince, not thinking beyond the need to please him with her actions, Rachel placed the vibrator over the blonde's anus.

  The woman stiffened. From between Rachel's legs she glared helplessly up and shook her head.

  And, for an instant, Rachel contemplated leniency.

  She had been in situations where she hadn't wanted to be treated with such base disregard and she could understand the unspoken plea in the blonde's eyes. But then she remembered she was involved in this challenge on Master Vince's instruction. It wasn't the fear of his retribution that swayed her decision. It was only her desire to do his bidding.

  Smiling cruelly, she ploughed all eleven inches into the blonde's backside. As she struggled to push the phallus deeper, she kept her tongue in constant contact with the blonde's pussy. The sex lips were saturated with arousal and Rachel could feel her mouth, jaw and cheeks becoming plastered with the woman's viscous musk. Spurred on by the simpering cries, she began to ride the vibrator briskly in and out of the blonde's sphincter.

  As though pulling himself back to reality, Master Vince shook his head and turned his attention to the duel. 'Your champion doesn't look like she's faring too well against my favourite,' he observed.

  Pearl sneered at the floor and barked for the blonde to stop whining. 'I suppose I should have put her sister in for this challenge,' she reflected idly. 'I know one of them is good at this sort of thing but the bitches look so similar it's difficult to tell which is which.'

  Master Vince nodded sympathetically.

  Pearl stared thoughtfully at Rachel. The woman's interest was unsettling because it was so clearly predatory. The slave trader made no pretence to be doing anything other than lecherously admiring her naked body and, for the first time in her life, Rachel found the attention unnerving.

  Trying not to be swayed by her worries, Rachel struggled to concentrate on defeating the blonde. Her chains were being pulled, the agony at her nipples was a perpetual sting and her prepuce felt as though it was close to being torn, but she still couldn't shake the idea that the worst aspect of the evening was being the focus of Pearl's curiosity.

  'I can understand why she's your favourite,' Pearl remarked. 'She's quite pretty. She's passably obedient, and those chains are an ideal accoutrement.'

  'I'm glad you approve,' Master Vince replied.

  Unable to hear any inflection in his voice over the rasping of her tortured breath, Rachel couldn't decide if he was being flippant, droll or polite.

  'There's only one thing stopping her from being perfect,' Pearl reflected. She sat back in her chair and grinned at Master Vince. 'Of course, if it would please you, I could give her that one thing.'

  Horrified, Rachel could see Master Vince was nodding enthusiastically. She wanted to hear more - needed to know what future the pair were planning for her - when the blonde chose to bite Rachel's labia. The pain was sudden and unexpected, shocking her from her fear of what was being discussed.

  Renewing her efforts, Rachel stifled the urge to scream and pulled her sex free from the blonde's mouth. With vigorous strokes, she pushed and pulled the vibrator in long, forceful sweeps. One moment it was filling the blonde's anus - pushing her rectum wide as it burrowed into her bowel - then the tip was hovering over the ring of muscle before Rachel pushed back inside again.

  Within moments the blonde was sobbing. Her cries were a mixture of agony and grief. A few short minutes later, she screamed for Rachel to stop.

  Still continuing to plough the vibrator back and forth, Rachel waited for Master Vince's instruction before
she finally desisted.

  The conflict had left her breathless and she was grateful when Helena rushed to her side and began to wipe strands of sweat-soaked hair from her brow. The servant's concerned murmuring was the balm Rachel needed and she consented to be held and smothered with reassuring kisses.

  Rachel shivered with a wealth of emotions she couldn't begin to understand, aware that, now the ordeal was over, her strongest worry still remained. She glanced curiously from Pearl to Master Vince, trying to work out how their discussion had progressed.

  'Your favourite is good,' Pearl conceded, gracing Rachel with a grudging smile. She knelt down on the floor to unfasten the cuffs and slapped her blonde smartly across the cheek. 'Your favourite is very good,' Pearl told Master Vince again. 'But she'll be even better once I've trained her.' She stared abruptly at him and said, 'Let me have her for a week. She'll come back to you a changed woman. I won't just train her. I'll modify her as well. When she comes back to you she'll be as pretty as she is now, twice as obedient and she'll have the most divine pussy lips you've ever seen.'

  Rachel opened her mouth, ready to protest that she didn't want to spend a week being trained beneath Pearl's cruel hand. She knew it would embarrass Master Vince if she did speak on her own behalf but the alternative, the idea of spending a week with the slave trader, was even more unpalatable. A part of her was tempted by the prospect of having her labia modified but she already knew the price for that transformation would be far too high. Struggling to find the courage to voice her reservations, she almost cried with relief when Master Bernard interrupted.

  'You can't have her this week,' he said flatly. 'This week I've been promised exclusive use of Rachel at my albergo.'

  Pearl glared at him but he only met her antipathy with a benign smile.

  'My brother's quite right,' Master Vince agreed. He looked unhappy at having to break the news and Rachel wondered why he cared so much about the slave trader's opinion. 'I did tell him he could take Rachel to his albergo this week. Perhaps you could content yourself with working on her servant, Helena?'

  Helena switched her beseeching gaze from Rachel to Master Bernard and then to Master Vince but no one paid her any heed. Pearl didn't look pleased with the arrangement and, with obvious bad grace, she said that would be acceptable.

  But, seeing the way the slave trader glared at her, Rachel knew she had only delayed an inevitable confrontation.


  Master Bernard had organised an honour parade to celebrate Rachel's arrival at his albergo. He greeted her in the hotel lobby, kissed her lightly on the cheek, then travelled with her in the lift to his private living area on the hotel's uppermost floor. Neither spoke during the ascent, both watching the level indicator as it measured their progress up to his exclusive penthouse domain.

  It wasn't the first time Rachel had visited the albergo but each return was always preceded by a wealth of forgotten pleasures. There was the excursion from Master Vince's estate; a chance to dress in clothes rather than only her ermine cloak and the knowledge of how desperately Master Bernard wanted her there. There was also the secret pleasure of walking alongside strangers, all of them inhabitants of the normal world and each blissfully ignorant to the dark nature of her vocation. But, best of all Rachel thought, there was the ceremony Master Bernard always prepared to welcome her arrival. It always proved to be a stimulating start to the most wonderful weekends.

  The lift stopped and the doors opened on the red and gold splendour of the albergo's uppermost floor. Rachel had time to see some of Master Bernard's staff waiting expectantly along the corridor before he pushed a crystal goblet into her hand.

  'You know what to do with this,' he told her. 'I'll be waiting for you.'

  Because she had visited his hotel before - and because she had seen his staff were in readiness - Rachel knew exactly what to do with the goblet. She thanked him, watched him make his way along the corridor, and then went to the first couple who waited by the lift's open doors.

  A dark-skinned woman knelt in front of a suited man. She was naked and her dusky breasts gleamed dully beneath the baffled lights. As Rachel approached her, she unzipped her partner's pants and released his erection. Holding the slender length in one hand, moving the glans close to her richly-painted lips, she studied Rachel expectantly.

  Rachel knelt next to her on the floor, placed the crystal goblet by the woman's side, then nodded.

  Immediately the dark-skinned woman accepted the erection into her mouth. She sucked on the end, allowing the whole length to penetrate her face, before sliding it free. The pale flesh glistened with her saliva and she extended her tongue to lick it clean. Her ripe lips remained in constant contact with the shaft and she chased her mouth around it eliciting groans of approval.

  Rachel watched avidly.

  She wanted to remain immune to the arousal that was inherent in Master Bernard's honour parades but it was impossible not to be touched by excitement. She was kneeling alongside the woman and able to admire the aesthetic perfection of her beauty. Should she have wished, without moving from her position, she could have helped lick the erection to climax. The scents of sweat, musk and pre-come were pungent enough to be overwhelming and, if she had touched herself, Rachel knew she could have wrung a scorching orgasm from between her legs.

  But, knowing Master Bernard expected her to behave with more decorum, Rachel kept her hands clasped firmly in her lap and refrained from participating.

  The dark-skinned woman worked her lips around the shaft, teasing the glans with the tip of her tongue and sucking lazily. Her fingers stole through the opening of the zip and, although Rachel couldn't see what was happening, she knew the woman was kneading his


  'Bitch!' he gasped, his voice coming from miles above her.

  The woman placed her mouth over the tip of his shaft and kept her lips pursed around the swollen end. She used a single hand to steady his shaft as it pulsed and jerked spasmodically. Her lover's growls and insults tapered to a sigh of relief as his length began to dwindle. Slowly, she removed him from her mouth and spat a wad of semen into the crystal goblet. A silver trail of his seed glossed her lower lip and Rachel was tempted to lick it away. Rather than break with protocol, she simply thanked the woman, retrieved her goblet, and went to the next couple.

  Another dark-skinned woman waited on her knees beneath another suited man. Acting on Rachel's silent instruction, she extracted her lover's erection from his pants and began to suck him to a climax.

  As far as torments went, Rachel thought this was as insidious as any of the crueller punishments Master Vince had ever inflicted. Being fully clothed had quickly lost its novelty value and, contrasting her own drab outfit with the exotic nudity of Master Bernard's slaves, Rachel felt she compared unfavourably. The slaves were all ebony, blessed with slender waists, full breasts and large, round buttocks. Each held herself with a demeanour of devoted servility. Kneeling beside every one of them, Rachel thought she must look dull, uninspiring and undesirable.

  Worse still was the idea that she was missing out on something.

  Watching the slaves give head - envying the pleasure they were being allowed to inflict - made Rachel greedy to accept the same humiliating treatment. Every time she knelt beside a couple it was a constant struggle not to push the woman out of the way so she could greedily gorge herself on the man's shaft. But, knowing what Master Bernard expected of her, she patiently contained her lust and simply allowed each slave to drain her lover before spitting the majority of his climax into the slowly filling goblet.

  The penultimate slave finished her man with two short sucks. She paused, holding the wad of spend in her mouth, and looked to be savouring the flavour. With a flicker of reluctance sparkling in her eyes, she lowered her head and spat the unswallowed mouthful into Rachel's goblet. After glancing nervously toward the door at the end of the corridor, she placed a hand on Rachel's arm and said, 'How long are you here for, Mistress R

  Inwardly, Rachel frowned at the title, not sure she deserved to be accorded such prestige. During her previous visits several of Master Bernard's slaves had started to address her as "Mistress" and she still couldn't decide if it was appropriate. Also, she didn't know how long she was expected to remain at the albergo and, trying to brush lightly over the matter of her visit, she said, 'I'm here for a week, or until Master Bernard gets tired of me.'

  The dark-skinned woman shook her head solemnly. In an earnest whisper she confided, 'The padrone would never tire of you. He constantly tells us all that you are the standard we have to match.'

  Too embarrassed to know what to say, Rachel smiled diplomatically and moved along to the final couple. Here the slave already had her partner's shaft out and she stroked languidly back and forth to keep the erection stiff. As soon as Rachel had knelt beside her, and given a nod of consent, the dark-skinned woman lowered her mouth and began to suck.

  From the shine in her ebony eyes it was clear she enjoyed the chore. She seemed to savour the sensation of her tongue gliding up and down the shaft, grinning with pleasure as she lapped the quivering flesh. When the length began to twitch, shaking with pre-climactic spasms, she encircled the base with her fingers and gripped tightly.


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