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Divine Cruelty

Page 11

by Lee Ash

  Master Vince pushed himself forward and his shaft slipped further into her anus. He eased Rachel's head to one side, so he could kiss Pearl, and their mouths joined beside her ear. As each settled themselves fully into her holes, Rachel could hear the wet urgency of their kiss.

  'This is the one you've been waiting for, isn't it?' Pearl whispered.

  'You're the one I've been waiting for,' Master Vince assured Pearl. 'But this slave makes for a very good substitute.'

  She was trapped between the pair of them, Master Vince's manly chest against her back, Pearl's flat and sexless breasts against her own. His erection was buried in her backside and the bulbous end quivered in the depths of her bowel. The pressure of his shaft was made more noticeable each time Pearl pushed her strap-on deeper into Rachel's pussy. Yet, despite her integral role, neither of them seemed to notice she was there. She bore their mismatched thrusts, shivering as the desire was crudely battered through her orifices, and tried to keep her upset a closely guarded secret.

  'Both together,' Pearl exclaimed.

  The words meant nothing to Rachel at first but she understood their meaning soon enough. Pearl and Master Vince bucked their hips forward in unison and Rachel was filled by the full lengths of both erections. Her pussy felt stretched to the point of bursting and the swelling inside her anus seemed so vast it was almost unbearable. The first pre-climactic tremors of excitement began to tremble from between her legs and her body was instantly swathed in sweat. As the pair repeatedly plunged in and out she was vigorously buffeted to a plateau of raw and loathsome pleasure.

  But her overriding thought was that Pearl had given the instruction.

  Master Vince usually dictated how the estate's slaves were treated, and she had never known him accept instructions from anyone else. Yet Pearl had told him when to thrust and he had obeyed with the same servility that he expected from his subordinates. Realising the implications, Rachel could see Pearl already had more authority than she would ever have imagined possible and the discovery frightened her. And, if it hadn't been for the constant joy being battered through her body, Rachel knew she would have made her horror known.

  'Ride me, you bitch! Ride me.'

  'Take it all, you little slut.'

  Pearl handled the strap-on as though she was used to wearing the accessory. She worked her hips back and forth as if the rubber erection was a part of her body and the motion was natural and familiar. Rachel had a moment to wonder how many other women had suffered similarly beneath her before a rush of blistering arousal drowned out her capacity for rational thought. The first surge of pleasure soared from her sex and she knew it would not be her only climax of the day.

  Master Vince, never content to continue in the same position for too long, manoeuvred Rachel so he could slide more easily in and out of her bowel. The vigour and determination he had employed while using the pony girls seemed like it had only been an exercise to help increase his stamina. His erection remained defiantly hard in spite of her tightness and each thrust was more furious than its predecessor.

  Yet, for all their skill and passion, and for all her wealth of responses, Rachel knew her participation was of little or no consequence to either of them. She realised she was nothing more than a sheath between their bodies and, even though they were both penetrating her holes, they were really fucking each other.

  'Take it all, you bitch.'

  'Stay still while I'm screwing you.'

  Their guttural complaints washed over Rachel as she was caught up in a rising thrill of arousal. She doubted either of them was talking to her and knew, if they really wanted her attention, one of them would find some way to get a response. Master Vince always pulled hard on her piercings when she failed to answer him immediately and Pearl was in the ideal position to slap Rachel's face. Brushing the consideration aside, Rachel was transported by another surge of elation. Worries about the master and his betrothed were easily set aside as she tried to cope with the sensation of being so painfully over-stretched. Each time the pair lunged inside her she was thrilled by the apprehension that she was too full and approaching bursting point, and then that fear was easily forgotten in another spasm of twisted pleasure.

  The pair continued to plunge in and then pull out, timing their entries so Rachel was either bursting with the dual penetration or aching from the emptiness. She could feel the heady rush of another orgasm surging between her legs and braced herself for its cataclysmic explosion.

  'Let's alter positions,' Pearl suggested.

  Master Vince grunted agreement and withdrew his shaft from Rachel's anus while Pearl pulled the strap-on from her pussy. The extreme of going from such fullness to nothing was almost enough to make Rachel sob but, mindful of her position, she resisted the impulse. Letting the couple guide her, obediently kneeling in front of one and presenting her rear to the other, she took Master Vince's erection in her mouth while Pearl impaled her anus with the rubber phallus.

  It was a satisfying position because it meant she didn't have to watch the pair kissing or fondly admiring each other. With the master's thick shaft in her mouth, concentrating all her efforts on sucking him and tasting the forbidden flavour of where he had just been penetrating, she didn't allow herself to think that the pair were above her and staring adoringly into each other's eyes.

  She bore Pearl's vicious thrusts without protest and tried to take solace from the knowledge that her master had decided to use her for this singular honour. It seemed clear that he hadn't wanted any other slave to be used by them both at the same time and she tried to convince herself that it was because she ranked so high in his affections. But, no matter how she tried to optimistically interpret the situation, something inside her felt unsatisfied and as hollow as when they had both withdrawn from her holes.

  'Change positions,' Pearl decided.

  Master Vince was pulling his shaft away from Rachel's mouth before the instruction was fully given. Rachel had a moment to silently beseech him, trying to wordlessly ask why he was obeying Pearl's commands, and then he was pushing her away and forcing his erection between her buttocks.

  Pearl slipped her rubber length into Rachel's mouth and seemed to take genuine pleasure from having the phallus sucked.

  Rachel barely noticed the woman's euphoria, her anus throbbing from the delicious sensation of having the master's length back inside. She squeezed the muscles of her bowel, trying to coax his interest away from the blonde, but he didn't even bother to acknowledge her efforts. Rather than wringing the climax from his shaft she was simply buffeted by fresh shards of delight.

  They were both demanding lovers and, as one orgasm followed another, Rachel wondered how long they planned to carry on using her and, ultimately, to what ends. She didn't dare ask the question and instead simply obeyed each time she was told to move into a fresh position or present herself in a different way. They used her mercilessly, swapping between her mouth and her anus before deciding Rachel might be able to accept them both inside her pussy. Neither of them asked her if she felt able to manage this and Rachel could only lie as they instructed and prepare herself for the shock of their twin penetration.

  Master Vince grunted as Pearl began to push her rubber length alongside his shaft and Rachel struggled to contain her scream. She had felt close to bursting when one had penetrated her sex while the other was inside her anus. But, now they were both filling her pussy - one length sliding inside while the other began to withdraw - the sensation of being overfull had moved beyond unbearable. She held her breath, knowing if she did open her mouth she was bound to scream, and allowed them to ride urgently in and out. They had positioned themselves so they could resume kissing and the sickening sound of their shared affection was a constant background to Rachel's escalating pleasure. When the master's shaft pulsed, and Rachel felt the delicious heat of his seed spurting against the neck of her womb, she finally allowed herself a contented sigh.

  'Was that as exquisite as you'd hoped it would be, darling
?' Pearl asked him.

  Before he could reply the moment was spoilt by the shrill ring of the telephone. Complaining, Master Vince pulled his spent shaft from Rachel's sodden hole and reached for the phone. While he barked gruffly into the mouthpiece, Pearl pushed Rachel back to the bed and leered over her.

  'I get the impression you don't care for me much,' she observed. Although Pearl was speaking in a soft voice her harsh features were twisted into a sneer of contempt. Reaching between her legs, toying roughly with the sensitive folds of Rachel's pussy lips, Pearl said, 'I get the impression that you don't care for me at all.'

  'I'm only a slave,' Rachel reminded her. 'Therefore it should be immaterial whether I care for my master's acquaintances or not.'

  Pearl tugged sharply on Rachel's labia until she had forced a grimace. 'I don't think you believe that,' she said softly. 'I think you're a snooty little bitch who needs teaching her proper place in the order of things.'

  Rachel tried to catch Master Vince's attention, hoping she could get him to see that Pearl was intimidating her, but he was engrossed in his phone call. Turning back to the slave trader, she saw the woman's smile was broad and evil.

  'Don't worry,' Pearl said sweetly. 'Your secret is safe with me. And I'll see that your self-importance doesn't spoil things in my budding relationship.' Pressing down, kissing Rachel fully on the mouth, she whispered, 'The first chance I get to have you alone, I'll give you a lesson in the respect you need to be showing me.'

  Rachel wrenched her mouth away and glared at her. She was prepared to argue in her own defence but there was no opportunity to speak. Master Vince had put the telephone down and he glared at the handset with obvious frustration.

  'Darling?' Pearl asked quietly.

  Rachel felt ill when she heard the woman address her master with such saccharin affection. Her nausea was only heightened when she saw the responding smile flit across his lips.

  'Is there a problem?' Pearl asked.

  He shook his head but started climbing into his clothes. 'Not really a problem, but Bernard has requested an emergency meeting.'

  Pearl raised an eyebrow. 'Do you need me to come with you?'

  He shook his head and glanced at Rachel. 'No need for me to spoil everyone's fun, is there? he laughed. 'You can spend the rest of the day getting acquainted with my former favourite. Play with her for a while and you might begin to see why I was always so fond of her.'

  He placed a hand on Pearl's shoulder and brushed his lips fondly against her brow and remained oblivious to everything except his betrothed. Rachel realised he didn't see that she was shaking her head and trying to warn him against leaving her with the sadistic bitch. He didn't even see that Pearl's smile was glinting triumphantly.


  'Walk with me,' Pearl commanded.

  She had waited until Master Vince left before issuing the instruction and had first insisted Rachel help her remove the strap-on. Unmindful of her nudity, striding with the same self-assured arrogance that Rachel had noticed earlier, Pearl threw open the bedroom door and then turned back to beckon with a finger.

  'Come along girl,' she demanded. 'Walk with me.'

  'Mistress Pearl,' O'Mara gasped, clearly surprised to have been caught eavesdropping. Instantaneously, she flashed a plastic smile.

  Rachel despised the mousy maid's supplicating tone and she sneered with undisguised disdain. O'Mara's habit of fawning to her superiors, and then trying to wield her minimal authority over underlings, wasn't an endearing trait. Her easy use of the term "Mistress Pearl," as though the blonde already deserved such respect, also heightened Rachel's antipathy. But she was surprised to see that the slave trader was equally unimpressed by O'Mara's servility.

  Pearl glared at the maid. 'Fuck off,' she snapped briskly.

  O'Mara looked stunned by the dismissal and opened her mouth to protest.

  'Fuck off without speaking,' Pearl interrupted. She turned to Rachel, not watching as O'Mara fled down the corridor, and raised her finger again. 'Walk with me, Rachel,' she said firmly. 'That's an instruction. Not a request.'

  Rachel swung her legs from the bed and stood up. 'Where are we going?'

  Pearl called the reply over her shoulder. 'Your master has allocated me the use of a studio. You've been away for the past week. I thought you might want to see what I'm doing.'

  Hurrying to catch up, feeling the familiar prickle of shame that came whenever she had to walk the halls without the discretion of clothes or a robe, Rachel fell into step beside Pearl. 'Why should you feel the need to show me the studio?'

  Pearl's breasts bobbed gracefully as she walked and the muscles of her thighs flexed and contracted with lithe perfection. Walking by her side Rachel was aware that her own chain swayed in a perfect match to the rhythm of Pearl's gait. Although the woman had been riding Rachel with vicious frenzy less than five minutes earlier, she now looked like an exercise in deportment and controlled elegance and there was something chilling about her contained composure.

  'I'm here to make your master a very rich man,' Pearl confided.

  'I believe he's already a very rich man. Aren't you also here to make yourself a rich woman?'

  Pearl continued as though Rachel hadn't spoken. 'I've also changed my mission goals since I first arrived here. Not only am I here to make your master a rich man: I'm also here to make him a happy man.'

  Rachel nodded solemnly. 'His excess of available slaves and disposable wealth wouldn't have made him happy until you came along, would they?'

  She expected the sarcasm to offend the slave trader but instead, Pearl only laughed. Taking hold of Rachel's arm, guiding her toward the door that led to the cellar, she turned the handle and said, 'Let me show you my studio.'

  The weight of her fingers against Rachel's arm was intense and electrifying. Pearl's smouldering gaze crackled with unspent energy and Rachel wondered if the woman was trying to intimidate her. Aside from the surge of animal arousal, she didn't really feel threatened by Pearl but she sensed the woman had the capacity for that sort of torment. Nodding curt agreement, trying not to think that the woman's fingers were enticingly close to her bare breast, and only inches from the chain that connected her intimate body piercings, Rachel allowed Pearl to lead her through the door.

  Soft moans greeted her as soon as they began to descend the stairs. Lit by painfully bright fluorescents, the whitewashed walls were stark and foreboding. The narrow staircase allowed no opportunity to see what changes had been made to the cellar since she last visited and Rachel had to wait until they reached the bottom of the stairs before she saw what was happening in Pearl's studio.

  The sight made her gasp. There were six beds filed along the walls and all but one was occupied. Some of the occupants were bound, most were naked and, after glancing at the first three, Rachel suspected she knew each of the women. They were all stock from the master's plentiful hoard of slaves.

  'Don't be shy, Rachel,' Pearl grinned, pulling her closer. Her smile crept wider and Rachel suspected the woman's pleasure was heightened by her own discomfort. 'I think you know most of these bitches well enough, don't you? Do you want to see why I've brought them down here?'

  Sure she already knew, Rachel walked with Pearl to the first woman. Because of her doll-like face and carefully plaited pigtails, Rachel had no problem recognising Jason's occasional maid, Carrie. She was strapped to a bed, her wrists bound above her head and her skinny legs spread wide apart. Against her sex, looking like some alien, mechanical device, rested a large, transparent tube. Carrie squirmed against it, smiling contentedly to herself.

  'Don't you just love bound women?' Pearl giggled. She placed a hand against Carrie's breast and tweaked her nipple. The button of dark pink flesh was already stiff but Carrie responded eagerly to the contact. She grinned for Pearl and then passed her elated gaze in Rachel's direction. 'This one came down here for the first time today,' Pearl explained. 'She's having her initial three hour treatment.'

ing at the device between Carrie's legs, Rachel decided it was a suction pump. Through the tube of clear plastic she could see the swollen pink of the maid's pussy lips and figured Carrie was suffering the first stage in the process Pearl used for making slaves divine. 'Three hours?' she murmured.

  Pearl was consulting a clock on the wall and comparing it with the notes beside Carrie's bed. Releasing the pump's controls with clinical efficiency she snatched the plastic tube away and smiled tightly at the results. 'Doesn't that look beautiful?' she reflected. 'Doesn't that look divine?'

  Rachel couldn't help but look and, as loath as she was to concur with Pearl, she had to agree that Carrie's sex did look inviting. Her sex had been meticulously shaved, the flesh glistened with a lustre of something that could have been arousal, or possibly just lubricating lotion, but it was the sight of her pussy lips that made Rachel leer hungrily. Inside the tube they had looked fat and distended: an explosion of sweaty pink flesh that seemed simultaneously hideous and wonderful. But, now they were exposed, Rachel could see the sex lips looked even more desirable.


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