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Divine Cruelty

Page 16

by Lee Ash

  Inwardly, Rachel groaned. Jason was one of the few staff on the estate who she had thought would remain oblivious to Pearl's charms but now it seemed even he had succumbed to addressing her with reverence. She blinked away the threat of tears and tried not to let her upset show.

  'I can make the changes permanent,' Pearl confided. 'Would you want that?'

  Rachel listened intently, able to hear more than the words of their conversation. Pearl had initially treated Jason as though he was nothing more than another of the estate's lower orders. Previously she had only spoken to him with tones of undisguised contempt. But now she was conversing as though Jason was her equal and Rachel suspected the slave trader was trying to win his favour. She wondered if, over the past week, Pearl had noticed that the master treated Jason less like another of the household's staff and more like a confidant and friend. It was the only thing she could think of to explain why the woman sounded like she was trying to bribe him.

  'Of course I'd want that,' Jason said eagerly. He kept his voice low, careful not to alert Master Vince to their surreptitious conversation, but there was no chance of mistaking his enthusiasm. 'Will you do it? Will you make her permanently divine?'

  'I'll do that for Carrie if you'll do a small favour for me,' Pearl promised.

  Rachel strained to hear every detail of their exchange.

  'What do you want?' His tone said that no price would be too high. 'Name it, and you've got it, Mistress Pearl. I'd do anything to have her made permanently divine.'

  Pearl didn't hesitate. 'I watched you torment this card reader last week,' she whispered. 'I thought you did it well but you weren't as forceful as you could have been. Go harder on her tonight, take her to the limits of pain and, to show my gratitude, I'll make Carrie's labia permanently swollen.'

  Rachel closed her eyes and tried not to listen to the wicked chuckle that preceded Jason's reply. 'I can do that.' He sounded to be grinning. 'I can do that and the pleasure will be all mine.'

  'If it doesn't interrupt your conversation,' Master Vince said sarcastically, 'I'd like you to begin, Jason. Prepare her to read the cards.'

  Rachel flinched from the command knowing that her blackest suffering was about to start once again. She had only just drawn breath, in a futile bid to prepare herself, when Jason grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged back, almost ripping the hair from her scalp.

  True to his promise he seemed determined to make this harder than was usual and when he wrapped one meaty fist around her chains, Rachel knew he would have her crying before the night was over. She stared up at the chapel's vaulted ceiling and, not for the first time, she mumbled a silent prayer. Even as the words tumbled through her mind, Rachel had strong suspicion that her plea to God would go unheeded.

  Jason lifted his arm upward, dragging Rachel to her knees. Sour pain was ripped from her nipples and her clitoris as she struggled not to cry out and she squeezed her one free hand into a fist as the discomfort threatened to be more than she could bear. Behind her, coming from where Pearl was standing, Rachel heard the soft murmur of the slave trader's laughter.

  Sweat soaked her body and chilled her so severely she began to shiver. The tremors grew worse when Jason pulled her onto her tiptoes and kept her there, not easing the pressure on her chains or his grip of her hair one iota.. Eddies of arousal washed through her but their cruel pleasure was easily overwhelmed by the flood of pain. But, aware of what was expected of her, Rachel began to shuffle the tarocco.

  'Which do you think I should use, Jason?' Pearl's voice was rich with malevolent glee and Rachel only heard her because she was speaking loudly to make herself heard over the electric whine of two vibrators. 'Should I use the extra large one, or this knobbly one with all the bumps and spikes?'

  Without looking Rachel could picture the vibrators the slave trader was holding and she wasn't surprised that the woman was vacillating over the two most tortuous weapons in the chapel's arsenal. She supposed it didn't matter which tool Pearl finally decided to use because she didn't doubt the slave trader would make it hurt worse than any suffering she had ever experienced before.

  Jason's grip shifted slightly as he turned to consider his response.

  Rachel's nipples and clitoris were bombarded by fresh torment and this time she lost her tenuous grip on the deck. One of the cards fell from her hand and, although she snatched it up quickly, before Master Vince could notice, she saw it was the hanged man. As always seemed to be the way with the tarocco, Rachel thought the card was surprisingly appropriate.

  'Which do you think?' Pearl insisted. 'You've been doing this long enough to know which will prompt her to give the best reading ever. Which vibrator should I use?'

  'Use both of them,' Jason decided.

  Rachel closed her eyes and sobbed. She opened them quickly, not wanting to earn Master Vince's wrath, and readied herself for the shame to begin in full. A hundred or more strangers were anxiously awaiting her suffering, her body was already shamelessly displayed for their entertainment, but she knew that the proper torment had yet to begin.

  Her piercings were twisted again as Jason turned his attention back to her. The weight of his palm slapped soundly against her bare backside as he encouraged her to bend forward.

  Shamed by the indignity, Rachel parted her legs and tried to prepare her body for the penetration. The electric whine grew louder and the rounded dome of a vibrator pressed against her cleft. Its tingling tip sent shivers bristling along her sex and the familiar thrill of excitement trembled through her body with mortifying ease. Miserably, Rachel realised that Pearl was using the thicker of the two vibrators.

  Jason's free hand fell between her shoulder blades while Pearl pressed the vibrator hard against her sex. For an instant Rachel feared the slave trader would try and push the huge phallus into her anus. It was one of Jason's favourite tricks, Rachel knew the woman was holding two of the chapel's most formidable dildos, and she expected the slave trader to make this torment as unbearable as possible. But Pearl surprised her by thrusting the thick length into her pussy.

  It rushed inside with obscene ease, spreading her muscles and filling her with its pulsing drone. Rachel supposed, considering the strain that was being put on her sex by the chains, her over-stretched labia must have looked the most vulnerable target. The realisation was only a distant thought, brushed aside by the flurry of delight that the vibrator etched through her sex. Its thickness was infuriating and, as it slowly ploughed toward the neck of her womb, Rachel was pushed to the dizzying extremes of pleasure.

  Trying to distance herself from the torment, not wanting to give in to the sickening need for orgasm that the cruelty always inspired, Rachel tried to concentrate on shuffling the tarot cards. She had almost acclimatised her body to the perverse thrill when she felt the second vibrator being pressed against her backside.

  'Hold her steady,' Pearl complained. 'I can't do this if you're wobbling her from side to side.'

  'I'm trying to hold her steady,' Jason returned. Exertion was beginning to tell in both the stiffness of his voice and his obvious impatience. 'You can't blame me if she's writhing around like an armless whore with an itchy cunt.'

  A hand slapped her rear but Rachel couldn't decide which of them had struck her. A sting of pain erupted through one cheek of her backside and she forced herself to remain immobile. Wanting to make the episode as painless as possible she tried to relax the muscles of her anus so the vibrator could push its way inside.

  'Almost there,' Pearl grunted.

  Rachel hadn't needed to hear the words to know that the slave trader had nearly accomplished her task. The tip of the phallus nuzzled her sphincter and its constant buzz tickled deliciously. She knew the penetration would be soon and swift, and she didn't doubt the gnarled surface of the phallus would be unbearable inside her rectum. But none of those thoughts stopped her from squirming eagerly onto the phallus.

  Pearl made a small gasp of surprise. 'The little bitch is greedy for this, isn't

  Lost in throes of ecstasy, Rachel didn't hear Jason's reply. Both her holes were full, the anguish from her nipples and clitoris had travelled beyond being unbearable, and she knew her mind was in the perfect state to read the tarocco. Each time Pearl pushed the second vibrator deeper, every extra inch she inserted, confirmed that thought. Sighing happily, not thinking about anything beyond the actions necessary to shuffle the cards, Rachel remained in an agonised state of bliss.

  'When you're ready, Jason,' Master Vince prompted.

  Jason grabbed Rachel's hair and pulled her head back. Refreshing his grip on her chains he effortlessly lifted upwards and suspended her above the floor. The familiar searing torment screamed from her scalp and genitals. Aching from pleasure and writhing with agony, Rachel allowed an orgasm to shake through her as she prepared to read the first card. The climactic pleasure almost went unnoticed in the thrill of every other sensation.

  'May the tarocco show my master's destiny,' she mumbled. 'Let the tarocco be his guide.'

  'We'll begin with the accounts,' Master Vince declared importantly. He had his filofax open and held a finger under each word he read. 'We've re-evaluated the sheep portfolio,' he declared. 'And I have three options. The first option is to trust my broker's advice.'

  Rachel turned over one of the sword cards. 'No, master,' she grunted, sliding the card back into the deck. Even the simple act of speaking was a form of punishment. Every word was a trial and added to her suffering in some way or another.

  Master Vince scored a mark against the page. 'The second option is to let the sheep portfolio continue as it has been doing.'

  She turned over a pentacle card, a high number that depicted eight or nine shiny gold coins. 'Yes, master,' she spat. 'That's the option you should go with.'

  He nodded his satisfaction and went onto the next question.

  Members of the congregation showed their interest by sitting forward and making notes, but Rachel was happy to ignore them. She knew that they were no longer taking cruel entertainment from her suffering and realised they were simply treating her as a tool for divining success. But that observation didn't lessen her shame to any degree and she knew it wasn't going to offer a reprieve from her torture.

  'The rat portfolio,' Master Vince began.

  'Yes,' she said firmly.

  'The snake portfolio has been reassessed.'

  'No,' she replied.

  Rachel lost track of time as her body was buffeted from one extreme to another. Pearl was clearly taking her chore very seriously because she never left her position by Jason's side. Sliding the vibrator's back and forth, inching one deep as she pulled the other to the lips of Rachel's pussy or anus, she inspired elation with infuriating ease.

  The thick vibrator was too wide to be comfortable but its dull whine easily drove Rachel to the edge of orgasm. The irregular surface of the second vibrator, the ridges and nuances of its knobbly length, pushed her beyond that point and she had to fight not to scream with every climax. Shivering dramatically, she watched a pool of tears drop on the ermine robe and could only wonder if they came from delight or misery.

  Master Vince's questions came thick and fast and, although she was trying to listen attentively, Rachel couldn't remember what had been asked, or what advice she had given. She briefly fretted that she might have missed the portfolio that Master Bernard had urged her to approve and she tried to find him in the congregation to see if his expression might give some indication as to what had happened. There were so many unfamiliar faces in the auditorium, and a sense of disorientation was beginning to set in, that she couldn't place him anywhere. She suddenly feared he might have walked out of the chapel in disgust and a wave of panic threatened to exacerbate her suffering.

  Master Vince made another mark in his filofax and glanced around the chapel. 'And,' he began, 'for the final matter of the evening, I've been offered an opportunity to invest in an item we're calling the dragon portfolio.'

  The words made Rachel sigh with relief. She realised what was expected of her and drew a deep breath to respond. Any doubts about her intention to lie were long since banished and she knew, if this simple deceit could start a process that would ultimately remove Pearl from the estate, it was a chance she had to take. Turning the cards slowly, pretending to ruminate over her answer, she waited for Master Vince to ask the question properly.

  'Do I invest in the dragon portfolio?' he called.

  She glanced into the chapel and finally saw Master Bernard. He was sitting forward in his seat, watching attentively.

  Rachel met his anticipatory gaze and didn't bother to look at the card. She already knew what answer she was going to give and didn't need the divination of the tarocco to guide her with this question. 'Yes, master,' she gasped solemnly. 'The answer is yes.'


  'Yes!' Rachel screamed. 'Yes, YES, YES!'

  Master Bernard rammed himself into her, his final thrusts shaking her to her core and detonating explosions of pure bliss which flowed through her like molten lava. His nails raked cruelly at the weals on her back and buttocks, mementos of when he'd first had her strip and had had her tied face down on the bed. The flogging had been long and cruelly slow, preventing her from achieving orgasm but providing Master Bernard with great pleasure which he was now bringing to its climax and was allowing her to share.

  It was the first true orgasm she had enjoyed since returning to the albergo and that thought saddened her pleasure. Master Bernard's summons had come halfway through the week following her most recent tarocco reading and she had been delighted to leave the estate and travel to be at his side. Pearl was making the atmosphere on the estate unbearable and Rachel could sense an impending confrontation that she felt ill equipped to face.

  But, while Master Bernard seemed pleased to see her, and typically attentive to her needs, she sensed a coolness in his manner that was beginning to make her nervous. Even now, although he was grinning and his erection remained hard inside her pussy, she thought there was something in his expression that said his enjoyment could have been greater. Apprehensively, she wondered if she had done something to upset him.

  'Thank you,' she gasped, savouring the tremors of satisfaction for a final time. 'Thank you.'

  He wasn't looking at her face and, for an instant, Rachel could have believed that he didn't even care she was there. It was an unsettling thought that threatened to cool the glorious heat that still lingered in her cleft.

  'Tanisha!' he cried. His voice was uncharacteristically harsh. 'Chinue!' He snapped his fingers, motioning for the ebony slaves to move aside and stop licking at her breasts. Rachel had an arm around each of the women, holding them in place, and it was with genuine reluctance that she let them follow their master's instruction and step away. Her breasts remained silvered by their saliva and her stomach glistened with white streams from an earlier explosion of Master Bernard's orgasm. Raising her head to glance down at her cleft she saw the thatch of her pubic curls was matted by thick rivulets of his semen. The sight and smell was enough to make her arousal burn with fresh intensity and she tried to win his good mood back with her most devilish grin.

  Master Bernard glanced at her soiled stomach and crotch and glared dourly at one of the ebony slaves. 'You've left her tainted, Chinue,' he barked. 'You should know better than to do that. Clean her now.'

  Nodding demurely, and seeming justifiably surprised by the harshness of his tone, the slave returned to Rachel's side and began to lick at her stomach. Rachel thought of protesting, ready to say she could clean herself in the shower, but something about Master Bernard's manner made her hesitate. She had never seen him so gruff with his staff and that curtness, along with his aloof mood, made her suspect that something was preying on his mind. Confident that he would share his thoughts with her during their few days in his albergo, she continued to enjoy having his length inside her while Chinue lapped at her stomach.

  The warm tongue tickled as it touched bare fl
esh and Rachel wondered if the contact might inspire another rush of climax. The slave was skilled in the art of using her mouth and her slick lips trembled against Rachel's abdomen. Already swelling with another rush of pleasure she rocked her hips back and forth against Master Bernard's erection. The promise of another orgasm seemed closer than ever and she thought the bliss of a shared climax might help to heal the inexplicable rift that had come between them. Her nipples tingled with heightened awareness, the ache in her clitoris beat with a familiar pulse, and she could feel his shaft throbbing as though he was ready to spurt again.

  Chinue moved her face down to the thatch of ginger curls and nuzzled hungrily at the union between Rachel's sex lips and the base of Master Bernard's shaft. The slippery warmth of her mouth added a delicious frisson and a series of shivers bristled through her sex. Giving into a sweet wave of joy, Rachel allowed her clitoris to be lapped as her body hurtled toward another surge of ecstasy. Dizzy with pleasure, and breathless with her sudden need to share a mutual orgasm, she wrenched her dreamy smile from the top of the slave's head to meet Master Bernard's frown.


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