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The Unknown (The Comeback Series Bonus Book Book 2)

Page 9

by Marcie Shumway

  Locking the door behind me, I emptied my hands and made my way to the refrigerator. Given how late it was, I decided on a yogurt and a banana. I wasn’t overly hungry anyway. As I took a spoonful of the strawberry mixture, I let my eyes be drawn to the cover with Evan and another woman on it. According to the article and my friends, it was Mikey’s sister, Kit. I had heard very little about her, and I guess I knew why now. My stomach threatened to revolt with the thought and I had to take a couple of deep breaths to finish the carton.

  Now the night at the concert made total sense. He had been eaten alive with guilt. Hiding his relationship with her must have been hard on him given how often we had been talking. It was quite a feat for him to juggle two of us, on top of the touring schedule Dark Roads had been on. Well, he didn’t have that problem anymore, did he?

  Snickering, without humor, I slid that one to the side and found the one about us. At least that one I knew wasn’t true. Evan had never in any way wanted my money for anything, and he sure as hell didn’t have a gambling problem. I wasn’t sure where that was coming from, which made the one about his mother just as confusing. Last I knew, he hadn’t had any sort of contact with her. She had basically ditched him as a child, only supporting him enough so that the state didn’t come after her.

  And then there was the one about me. That one just made my blood boil. The only people who knew the things in that article were Evan and Ryan. I knew it couldn’t have been my ex because the articles were written by idiotic professionals that couldn’t have cared less about him. I just couldn’t believe that Evan had stooped that low. I had thought so much more of him. He had the good-guy routine down pact. Ass.

  Shaking my head, I threw my container away. It was over and done with now. I should have known better. Hitting the lights, I headed to my bedroom. Sleep would be hard coming, but I couldn’t do any more work. My brain was mush.

  Stripping off my clothes in the dark, I climbed between the sheets. The windows were open a crack, and I could faintly hear Kelly and her companion. Tears welled up in my eyes as I got comfortable. The cotton against my skin just reminded me of that first morning with Evan. How good it had felt in his bed. The feelings I had known were already starting even then.

  Soon, there were trails streaming down my face. My heart was heavy in my chest. My eyelids fluttered closed and I snapped them open again. Evan’s face would show up every time. His smile, those eyes, the dimples. I had thought he was perfect. I couldn’t believe I had been so wrong. That’s probably what bothered me the most.

  The next morning, I was up with the sun. Dragging my exhausted body out of bed, I pulled on clothes to go running. After putting my hair into a messy bun, I slid my cell phone into my armband. It had become my routine to get a run in before work. Tiring my body out before and my brain during the day was the only way I could think of to keep the depression that was threatening to pull me under, at bay.

  Switching the station to 90’s pop, I finished tying my laces and stretched lightly. When I made my way out the door and started down the driveway, I heard a noise behind me. Turning my head slightly, I saw Kelly walking out her friend from the night before. He was a good-looking, clean-cut guy. Before I could see the farewell exchange, I popped my earbuds in and turned down the road. I was happy for her, but I didn’t need any reminders of what I was missing out on.

  A few hours later, I was unlocking the door and making my way into the office. I’d have it all to myself for about twenty minutes before Kelly would be in with our iced coffees. This was the best part of the day. This was the only time I felt just a little bit like the woman I knew I was, capable and confident.

  Like clockwork, an iced coffee appeared on my desk, along with a raspberry scone from the nearby bakery. No words were exchanged, as I was on a conference call with a client that needed their feathers fluffed, but I smiled as she set them down. I had known the day was going to be a crazy one the minute I opened my email and found five from said client, all written before six o’clock that morning.

  It seemed that the board was looking to switch to a different management company because, quote “we weren’t doing enough,” and the onsite manager, as well as the president of the board, were fighting it. I spent the better part of the morning pacing my office as I had them on speakerphone, assuring them I would put a proposal together that included all we had done for the company. I had just hung up, pulled off my shoes, and was wiggling my toes to release some tension when my door opened, and I could hear Kelly telling someone they couldn’t just walk in.

  “I’m still married to her, I can do what I damn well please,” Ryan informed her as he walked in ahead of her.

  “It’s fine, Kelly,” I told her as she glared heatedly at his back.

  Turning on her heel, she closed the door behind her with a huff. I rolled my shoulders back and slipped into my heels so I was at least a little closer to my ex’s six-one height. Ryan was a good-looking man, I would give him that. Standing in front of me with a charming smile, perfectly-styled blond hair, and his five-hundred-dollar suit, he was the epitome of the successful businessman. He was also the man all the women in the office wondered what it would be like to be with. He’s not worth it, ladies, I thought to myself.

  “What can I do for you, Ryan?” I asked, coming around my desk to lean on it, crossing my feet at the ankles and my arms across my chest.

  I was actually surprised I hadn’t heard from him before now. I had met with my lawyer the previous week and we had done another workaround to Ryan’s demands on our divorce. He was fighting to get something from the company, but I had protected that with iron when we married. There was no way I had been willing put what my family worked so hard for on the line. Much to my dismay, my lawyer had suggested just giving him some money so he would hopefully slink away, with a clause that said he couldn’t come sniffing for more. Not that he needed it either way.

  “I got some paperwork and wanted to talk to you about it,” he said, raising his hand with a manila envelope in it.

  “I think we are done talking,” I retorted. “You can call Coin with any questions.”

  He closed the distance between us and I fought to keep myself from moving. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I didn’t want him in my space. Ryan stopped just before our feet touched and brought his hand up to run it along my jawline. I jerked my head and my body tensed beneath his touch. A chuckle escaped him as he cupped my chin in his hand to keep my face still.

  Moving my hands, I placed them on my desk and gripped the edge. I was too damn stubborn to pull away. God forbid he tried to kiss me; he would get what was coming to him. Our eyes locked and I could see the sparkle in his. He was going to try to kiss me. Ass.

  “You know,” he murmured, widening his stance and leaning in. “We were so good together. We could just forget this little shit show ever happened.”

  Before I could respond, I heard the door open behind him and again, Kelly was in the process of saying, “You can’t go in there.”

  “Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. My. Woman.”

  When the man blocking Julie from my view didn’t move, I stopped and balled my hands into fists. I would not give anyone another reason to plaster us all over the front of a tabloid. The temper I was barely keeping in check turned my body hot. I saw his back tense under his suit jacket, but he gave no other outward sign of hearing me or of moving away from her.

  “I said. Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. My. Woman,” I repeated through clenched teeth.

  Ryan finally stood to his full height, straightened his jacket, and turned. Granted, I had lost a little weight with the stress of everything, but I hadn’t stopped lifting. I had muscles that he didn’t, and the t-shirt and jeans I wore didn’t hide them. I saw him try to fight the fear that he was no match physically with his cool sophistication. The corner of my mouth quirked despite my anger.

  “Technically, she’s still mine, Foster,” he reminded me, a grin of his own
filling his face.

  I ignored his shot, turning my attention to Julie to quickly assess whether she was all right. She had stood as soon as her ex was out of her space, and slid quietly away, back behind her desk, her fingers touching the top as she watched us. Her eyes had dark smudges under them and it looked like she, too, had lost weight. The tight lipped face she had let me know she was pissed—at both of us, I assumed—yet the glint in her eye told me she was happy I had interrupted.

  “Maybe on paper, Cobourne,” I replied, letting a Cheshire smile out, “but her body is mine.”

  I heard Julie gasp, and knew I would have to apologize for that later, but the blanching of Ryan’s face made it all worth it. I could see him trying to come up with a response. Seconds passed before an almost evil smile replaced the nauseated look that had come from my comment. Buttoning his jacket, he turned to Julie.

  “We’re not done talking, lovey,” he crooned smoothly and quietly, causing Julie to cross her arms once again and lift her chin. “I’ll be in touch. You’ll find that I am the much better man for you.”

  He turned back and moved toward me. I took a deep breath and made sure my arms remained at my sides. He stopped when we were shoulder to shoulder, him facing the door and me still facing Julie. My eyes locked with hers as he started to speak in a low voice, one I was pretty sure was meant for my ears only.

  “Those articles were just the beginning, Foster. You won’t win this.”

  Before I could say anything, he continued on his way out the still open door. Knowing Julie would kick me out the quickest she could, I turned away from her and closed the door after shooting Kelly a quick nod. I could see her heading this way, and I needed to speak my piece before she interrupted. I took another deep breath and turned back once I heard the soft click of the striker engaging.

  “Evan, I think….” she started, the minute our eyes connected again.

  “You don’t get to think right now,” I told her, moving so that I mirrored her stance from in front of the desk, arms crossed and feet braced. “You get to listen.”

  “You’ve been ignoring me and I get that, but you don’t get to ignore Lex and Avery,” I continued. “They have been your friends, your sisters, and you don’t get to drop them like bad habits.”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Bullshit, it isn’t!” I roared, startling us both. “I have both of them calling me, near tears, because you’ve withdrawn into yourself and they are worried about you.”

  I saw her look of shock and moments later watched as she deflated completely. Pulling her arms from her closed-off stance, she put them on her desk to steady herself as she dropped her head. Her back heaved with deep slow breaths and I hoped like hell she didn’t cry. I couldn’t take that. I was doing all I could as it was not to reach out and touch her.

  “I’m worried about you, boss lady,” I whispered, again mirroring her and bringing my head close to hers over the desk.

  That did it. I saw the first tear splash on the wood and I cursed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I moved, not even realizing what I was doing until I was around the desk. I pulled her up and into my arms, holding her tight when she pounded on my chest with her fists and sobbed, swearing and cursing at me between them. I held strong, apologizing in low, soothing tones. Finally, she gave up her fight and sank into me, shaking as she released her tirade of emotions.

  I’m not sure how long I held her that way. Finally, her sobs turned to sniffles. I picked her up and moved us to the couch, moving papers with one hand as I held her in the other. When we settled, I wrapped one arm around her and used the other to wipe away the stray hairs that were sticking to the tear tracks on her face. She wouldn’t bring her eyes up to meet mine. Putting my fingers beneath her chin, I tilted her head up and they did, albeit reluctantly. There was still anger flashing in them and I knew this fight was just getting started.

  “We have other things to discuss. I am going to give you two options. You can either finish the day here and I will wait for you, or you can pack a bag and we will go back to your house now.”

  “You are not my father, Evan Foster,” she snapped, her eyes starting to clear and her body stiffening in my arms.

  “I’m fully aware,” I said dryly. “But I’m limited on time and we are going to get this sorted out before I go.”

  “I’m not going to fall back into bed with you,” she muttered, looking down to fiddle with her bracelets.

  “I didn’t expect you to,” I replied softly, sadly. “Though it will happen again, I promise you that.”

  My semi-teasing tone brought out a small smile, but she quickly cleared her face and moved to get up. I released her. I would never force anything on her; however, we needed to talk. If I could at least fix things between her and the girls, I would feel ten times better. She went to her desk, the professional side of her back in place. While she wiped her eyes with a tissue, she shut down her computer and buzzed Kelly to come in.

  I sat quietly, letting her gather her things. When the receptionist stepped in, she looked at me with curiosity and mild concern. Julie let her know that she would be leaving early and to only forward a call if it was an emergency. Her friend nodded and shot me another look. She whispered something to Julie I couldn’t hear, but only received a slight shake of the head in response. Leaving us alone again, Kelly went back out front. I moved to stand by the door to wait for her and when she approached me with two bags—one with files and one with her computer—I reached for them.

  The fight was in her eyes; I could see it when her brown ones met my blue ones. I shook my head with a smile and took them from her anyway. She moved by me and I put my hand on the small of her back. Again, she stiffened. Those articles had certainly done their damage. Julie was right back where she had been when we had first met; walls up and heart guarded.

  I followed her back to her duplex and when I parked behind her, I could see her eyes watching me in her mirrors. If she thought I’d been kidding, she was in for a rude awakening. I would get a chance to tell my side of the story. Once I was done, she could decide what she wanted to believe.

  Turning off my truck, I climbed out and started toward her car. Before I could open the door, she did it herself and stepped out, reaching back in to grab her bags. I took them from her without a word and gestured toward the house. With a light huff that had me smiling, I walked behind her to the door. When she opened it and walked in, I stepped up behind her and set the bags down in the entryway. The magazines on the counter caught my attention immediately, and I saw her face pale when she realized I had seen them.

  She moved quickly to dispose of the things before I could get to them, but I covered ground quicker than she did and put my hands over hers so she couldn’t. I hadn’t realized the position I had put us in and had to take a deep breath to calm my body, as my front was directly against her back with my arms trapping her. Steeled in front of me, Julie froze. My dick automatically went from half-staff to fully hard just being near her, never mind her vanilla smell that filled my nostrils.

  Figuring I would use this to my advantage, I shifted our hands so that the magazines were in a pile. The one on top was the one with the picture of Kit and myself. I heard her sigh haggardly and knew she had closed her eyes.

  “Open them,” I instructed sharply, putting my mouth to her ear. “Look at it.”

  She shuddered, but I saw her do so.

  “That was taken after Brody, the owner of the bar, had someone try to kidnap his woman. Kit had come to see Mikey and hang out with us because she had just busted her boyfriend and her best friend in bed together. We were all watching out for her. The attempt had rattled her, so we all walked out together and went back to the house. She stayed with Mikey that night, as far as I know.”

  I felt her let out a breath, yet stiffen further against my body.

  “Nothing. Happened. Between. Us,” I told her, clearly enunciating each word and feeling her flinch with each hard syllable.

  Moving them again, the one about my dating her for her money was now on top.

  “I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain this one. You know I sure as hell don’t want you for your money,” I spat.

  Another flip had the one about my mother now showing. This time, it was me that tensed.

  “I’m not sure where the hell this one came from. Maggie is doing some digging, along with our publicist. Okay, that’s a lie. I do know, but it’s part of a longer story. I gave her money when we first signed, using a personal loan, and small amounts again when she started calling after we went back on tour in June. I figured it would be enough to shut her up and get her out of my life. Evidently, that didn’t work,” I ended with a mutter of frustration.

  “You never said…”

  “I never told anyone,” I bit out. “It wasn’t anyone’s business.”

  Finally, I came to the one about her using me to make Ryan jealous. The one I had a feeling came from her ex after the comment he had just made to me.

  “I know this one isn’t true, and I’m pretty sure this all came from Ryan himself…”

  I didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence because I had an elbow to the gut that surprised me enough I stepped back and put my hand over it. Julie turned, again crossing her arms over her chest, and the pissed off look was back in full force. I put my hands up in surrender and stepped back a little bit more. What the hell?

  “You expect me to believe that some reporter searched him out for that information?” she asked hotly.

  “Either that, or he went to them, because when he left your office today, he informed me that those articles were just the beginning and that I wouldn’t end up with you.”


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