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Shadow in the Mountain (Shadow SEALs)

Page 8

by KaLyn Cooper

  In three long strides, he stood in front of her door and quietly knocked. “Xena?” He said just above a whisper.

  When he got no answer, he knocked a little harder, called her name a little louder, then checked the hallway to see if he had awakened anyone else.

  As he was about to try a third time, the door opened a crack and she peered around the door. He couldn’t see anything but her head.

  “What’s the matter, Ryker?” she whispered.

  He took a second to check her face for bruising. None. “Are you okay?” He tried to peek around the door to see if she was bleeding or wounded somewhere else.

  She scooched forward, hugging the door. “I’m fine. Why do you ask? Are you sick?”

  Her question threw him. “No. I’m fine. I was just concerned…Blade didn’t seem happy when…back in the library. Did he hurt you? Is that why you’re hiding behind the door?”

  Xena rolled her eyes. “No. Blade did not hurt me. He never would. And I’m hiding behind the door because…” She glanced away.

  Ryker hoped she wasn’t looking at Blade in her bed.

  “I sleep naked, and I was already in bed when you knocked.” Xena looked embarrassed and a little pissed at the same time.

  Ryker’s mind jumped off the deep end. Xena was inches away, completely naked. He’d held that luscious body as they moved slowly side to side while dancing. He’d touched the softest skin on her back. He’d kissed those sweet lips.

  His hand was on the door before he realized what he was doing. She hadn’t invited him in. He would never use his strength and greater size to overpower any woman.

  “Ryker, is there anything else?”

  Fuck, yes. He could think of a dozen things he’d like to do, kiss, lick, nip, and suck. He couldn’t say a thing for fear the wrong words would come out.

  “Okay, then. We’re good. Right?” She started to close the door inch by inch.

  “Yeah.” The one word was all he could manage to say.

  “Good night, then. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow morning.” With that, the door closed in his face.

  Ryker didn’t remember walking back into his bedroom or taking the sweats off. Lying in the most comfortable bed he’d ever been in, with visions of a naked Xena a few yards and a damn thick wall away, sleep captured him quickly.

  Bacon. Bread. The homey smells of breakfast awoke Ryker. Or maybe it was the single slice of sunlight in his eyes sneaking between the barely parted curtains. He rolled over to glance at his wrist only to discover that it was eight-thirty in the morning. Although he’d only gotten six and a half hours of sleep, It was very late in the day for him.

  Deciding food was more important than a shower, he threw on a lightweight pair of cargo pants, a clean T-shirt, and a pair of sandals. Following the delicious scent, he found the kitchen and heard the banter in the dining room.

  “Alexander the Great was the greatest conqueror,” a deep male voice claimed. “Thus the name.”

  “No fucking way.” The second male voice was a little higher but no less demanding. “Genghis Khan controlled everything from Northeast China to the Caspian Sea. That’s almost the size of Africa.”

  “You’re both full of shit. The Roman Empire captured and held more land than either of those two men. History has proved time and time again that you can capture land but if you can’t hold it, it’s as worthless as the ruler.” Xena’s voice was a friendly welcoming. He would have felt weird just showing up for breakfast, but since she was there, everything would be okay.

  “We’re debating greatest conquerors, not nations. A single person capturing the most land,” the first man declared.

  Ryker stepped into the dining room and automatically checked for other doors before turning his attention to the occupants. Escape route first, threat of danger second. A man who looked about his age with the same wary eyes Ryker saw in his own mirror, sat on one side of the table cutting into a stack of pancakes with the side of his fork. His long dark hair, pulled back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck, was the same color as his neatly trimmed beard. Dangerous, but no immediate threat.

  Across the table was an extremely handsome man in his late twenties. His gold polo shirt matched his eyes, and Xena’s. His casual movements were refined in a way that screamed of wealth and privilege yet could be deadly if necessary. Again, dangerous but not an immediate threat. An empty plate sat in front of him as he leaned back in his chair sipping from a coffee mug.

  Then there was Xena. Threat level high. He’d seen firsthand what she was capable of in a combat situation. He’d also tasted those pretty red lips that closed around a spoonful of fruit.

  The moment he entered, her gaze met his. She smiled. “Ryker, I thought you were going to sleep in.”

  “Me too. But my stomach had other ideas.” He took another step into the room.

  Pointing to a small table in the corner, Xena said, “Coffee is over there. Zala will be back in a few minutes. She’ll make anything you want for breakfast. They’re used to making American food in our kitchen.

  “Clint, Van, this is Ryker, my current mission. Please let him get caffeinated before you start the inquisition.” There was a friendly chastisement in her voice.

  “Ryker, I’m Van. I can highly recommend the omelet.” The sandy-haired younger man smiled. He was so clean-cut he could have starred in a kids’ movie.

  “You look like the kind of man who needs more calories.” Those knowing dark blue eyes finished assessing Ryker. Like recognizes like. He had SpecOps written all over his ripped body and in eyes that had seen far too much death and destruction. “Zala makes awesome French toast. If you’re headed out today, ask her for the Clint special. You can thank me for it later.”

  “And what’s the Clint special?” Ryker sat down in the empty chair next to Xena and sipped the heavenly nectar called coffee. Ethiopians made some of the best in the world.

  “Four eggs over easy on top of eight slices of French toast layered with bacon,” she explained before anyone else could. “Enough carbs and protein to keep you going for about twenty-four hours.”

  “Somebody ought to make that into an MRE,” Van suggested referring to the military’s Meals Ready to Eat. “It would beat the hell out of any of the shit they offer.”

  Holding Xena’s gaze, Ryker asked, “Will we be going for twenty-four hours today without food?”

  “I doubt it. Depending on what we hear from our sources, we might do a few hours of recon.” She picked up her glass of pinkish juice and drank it all.

  A local woman with gray hair hurried into the room and set the plate in front of Xena. A bowl of shaved meat soaking in juices sat atop thin spongy gray bread surrounded by dallops of sauces and condiments.

  When she caught Ryker staring at her plate, Xena asked, “Have you ever had Ethiopian food? It’s some of the healthiest in the world.”

  Before he could answer, the older woman was standing next to him, hands politely folded at her waist. He turned to look at her. “I was told we had a house guest, and it will be my pleasure to serve you breakfast. What may I prepare for you?”

  Although Xena’s dish looked interesting, he opted for more carbs. “If you still have pancake mix left, that would be wonderful, but I don’t want you to go to any bother making more. Eggs and toast would be just fine, too. Bacon if you have any already cooked and left over.”

  “How would you like your eggs? Cooked?” The lack of smile told him she wasn’t kidding.

  “Cooked. Over hard please.”

  “Four eggs, like my boys?” She smiled at the other two men.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Ryker really was hungry.

  “It won’t take long.” She was gone as quickly as she had appeared.

  The three siblings exchanged a glance and grinned.

  “Try this.” Xena ripped off a piece of the bread, spooned some of the meat into the middle, and then dabbed some white stuff on it before rolling it up like a burrito.

ker bit into heaven.

  “Injera is a superfood.” She tore off another piece of the porous pancake-like bread. “It’s made from teff, an ancient grain first cultivated here in Ethiopia. It’s very high in protein, calcium, and iron and is naturally gluten-free.” She pointed to the meat. “Tibs is small pieces of beef sautéed in butter with onions and garlic, hot pepper, and rosemary. It can be a bit spicy because of the berbere spice they use. It’s made from chili peppers, so I tone it down with sour cream.”

  “This is absolutely delicious,” Ryker said as soon as he swallowed. He wanted to ask for more but decided if he was going to be there for breakfast another day, he would definitely be having that.

  “So, Ryker, why are you here in Ethiopia?” Van asked after he set his cup of coffee down on the table.

  Ryker glanced at Xena, hoping she would tell them whatever she could. Instead, she continued to chew.

  “We don’t keep secrets from each other. Classified has no meaning in this family.” Clint shoved his empty plate aside and leaned in.

  Okay. Ryker would just go with it. He was dependent on this family to help him rescue his teammates. “My SEAL squad was ambushed three months ago near Dembi. Before our backup team could get there, the rebels captured the other six. My foster brother and I were left for dead and med-evaced out by our backup team when they arrived.”


  “Oh, Jesus.”

  “It gets worse,” Xena chimed in. “The rebels ran into a squad of Eritreans who took two of the SEALs. Stryker located them right away and he’ll be helping Ajax, Ryker’s brother, rescue them.”

  “Thank Christ,” Van said under his breath. His gaze lifted to Ryker. “He’s a good man. One of the best in that part of the country.”

  Ryker breathed a sigh of relief. At least Ajax would have someone at his side. “Good to know.”

  “Where are the other four?” Clint’s dark blue eyes bored into Xena.

  “We don’t know.” She reached over and squeezed Ryker’s forearm. “We’re hoping for good news when everyone reports in at noon.”

  “Then you’re in luck, princess.” A man with a week-old salt-and-pepper beard and long graying hair past his shoulders strode into the room.

  As he bent to kiss Xena on top of her head, Ryker’s stomach almost turned at the smell. Bad alcohol, old sweat, campfire smoke, jet exhaust, and stale cigar wafted his direction. Sure, he himself had smelled worse, especially after living in the jungle for a few weeks, so Ryker decided to cut the older man a break.

  Xena jumped up from the chair and hugged the man. “Daddy.”

  Ryker gaped. As he ran his gaze the length of her father, taking in the greasy hair, dirty mountain camouflage, and mud-caked boots, he had a hard time believing that this man was married to the elegant Lynette Riggs.

  Sometimes opposites attract. Case in point walked around the table and sat next to his son.

  Chapter 11

  Xena was so excited to see her father home and safe. She didn’t care how terrible he smelled. He’d been in the far western regions of the country tracking down Nebil Yared, the second most powerful rebel, who supposedly had ambushed and captured the Navy SEALs and still had four in his possession.

  Giving her dad one last squeeze, she stepped back. “You have good news?”

  “Yeah,” he said distractedly as his gaze swept the table, landing on her breakfast. He winced as though rejecting the local food.

  “Professor Riggs,” Zala said with a broad smile as she entered the dining room with arms filled with plates. “I’ll bring your usual breakfast out in a moment.”

  As she began to set plates in front of Ryker, his eyes got wider and wider. Eight slices of French toast were stacked nearly a foot high on one plate. Eight pancakes covered another. Four eggs, cooked exactly the way he’d requested, sat atop eight slices of perfectly toasted bread. The last dish was covered an inch thick in bacon.

  “Ma’am. This all looks wonderful, but I apologize. I didn’t mean for you to make all of this food for me.” Ryker looked devastated by his mistake.

  Xena, Clint, and Van burst out laughing.

  “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” Ryker glared at her, making her laugh even harder.

  All Xena could do was nod her head up and down.

  Ryker looked to Zala. “Ma’am, thank you for going to all the trouble—”

  “Stop right there, son, before you upset the best cook in Western Ethiopia.” Her father then spoke in Oromo, Zala’s native language. He thanked her for the excellent meal she had prepared and asked her to bring him only fruit and juice.

  “Yes, professor. I’ll bring that right away.” Zala spun on her heel and strode from the room.

  Getting herself under control, Xena finally explained. “Zala comes across as fluent in English but in truth, knows very few words. She understood all the breakfast items and made them for you.” She gestured to the plates of food.

  “And since I saved your sorry ass, I’ll take that French toast. I’ve been thinking about Zala’s breakfast ever since yesterday morning.” Her father grabbed the plate and slid it to the other side of the table where he sat beside Clint. He picked up his son’s silverware and started cutting off pieces.

  “Good thing Mom didn’t see you do that.” Van got up and poured himself another cup of coffee.

  “Your mother would cringe at what I’ve eaten, and the way I’ve eaten, for the past week. Most of my meals were devoured at the tip of my Bowie knife. Nobody up in the damned mountains knows how to make decent injera.” He shoved a huge forkful into his mouth, then closed his eyes, moaning as he chewed.

  When his eyes opened, his gaze immediately went to Xena. With a small tilt of his head toward Ryker, his eyebrows raised. “Please tell me you didn’t bring him home from the party last night.”

  She knew exactly what her father meant, but as a grown woman, she loved to torment him. She pasted on a guilty smile. “Actually, I did.” She grabbed Ryker’s hand and interwove her fingers with his. “He’s such a great boyfriend, and Mom likes him. Since I was heading here to Eden, I brought him along.” She tried to affect a dreamy gaze at Ryker—while trying to hold in a laugh at the terror in her dad’s tired eyes.

  Her father swallowed hard. He then set down his silverware and gathered himself. “You haven’t brought a boyfriend here since your ship was stationed in the Indian Ocean. This must be serious.” The older man wiped his hands on a napkin and stood, extending the right one across the table. “Adam Riggs. It’s a pleasure—”

  Xena couldn’t hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing. “Daddy, this is Ryker Tufano. He’s not my boyfriend, although he played the part very well last night at the embassy party. He’s our new mission, from Charley.”

  Ryker immediately stood and grabbed her father’s hand. “Sir, I assure you, nothing is going on between your daughter and me. I’m here to rescue the remaining members of my SEAL squad and that’s all.”

  Disappointment ran through Xena. She had thought perhaps the kiss last night might be the start of something mutually beneficial. Then, when he’d appeared at her door in the middle of the night wearing nothing but low-slung sweats, she’d started to hope that Ryker might be interested in her body, at least. It had been a long time since she’d taken a man to her bed.

  Her father sat back down at the table and dug into the French toast and bacon, consuming his breakfast almost as quickly as Ryker. Xena knew her father hated talking business during a meal, so she made small talk with her brothers.

  Once her father pushed back from the table, that was her cue that he was done. “So, Daddy, you said you had good news.”

  “I do.” Her father got up and poured himself another cup of coffee. “Over the past week, I’ve met with several rebel groups under the guise of selling them guns and ammo…for gold.” He smiled at her before he sipped. “Thank you for that insider information. I’m still not sure where they’re getting the gold,
but I did get to see some of it. I’m quite sure if Neberu knew about it, anyone involved with the mining operation would be dead. As near as I can tell, it’s coming from an old mine north of Dembi.”

  “Oh, for Christ's sake, please don’t tell me they’re talking about the Queen of Sheba mine.” Clint downed the last of his coffee and got up for more.

  “What’s the Queen of Sheba mine?” Ryker asked.

  Xena knew the way her father answered questions, like the professor that he was. He couldn’t simply give her the name of the town or village. No. He had to first tell the entire story behind the answer.

  Before her father could start a six-thousand-year history lesson, she quickly explained, “The oldest gold mine in existence is still producing near the Sudanese border. Oral history claims that it was the key source of gold for the ancient Egyptian Empire. Daddy has even found gold artifacts dating back six thousand years that chemically match the ore still being dug up over there. About ten years ago, a metallurgist matched the gold to that given by the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon of Israel three thousand years ago.”

  “Wow,” was all Ryker said.

  Detailed history lesson averted. Xena grinned with pride as she glanced toward each of her brothers. “Now, Daddy, I believe you were about to tell us where Ryker’s teammates are being held hostage.”

  “Oh, yes. I followed leads all through the mountains for a fucking week. Thank God almost everybody knew the name Digger. Most were happy to tell me about the rebels, hoping that I would sell them better arms or begging me not to provide them with any guns and ammo. The government really doesn’t do anything for those people.”

  Ryker often shifted in his seat, anxious for the location. She reached under the table to pat his thigh, just as he repositioned himself. Her hand slid dangerously close to his cock.


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