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Page 13

by Various

  As it was, he had nearly killed Tenorio on sight for even touching his woman. Possessive rage. Jealousy like he’d never tasted had reared its ugly head and bitten down hard. Fear for her once he realized what Tenorio had planned, was going to do to her, engulfed him.

  Yes, he admitted it, finally to himself. He had laid complete and total claim to her. She had been his since that first meeting. Without right. Without her knowledge. Without hope. She was his, and he felt no remorse in that fact.

  His breath whispered against her sweet, lush mouth. “Hang on.” Within one thought and the next, the wharf was gone and he marched down the hotel hall.

  Diego knew as he carried her to her room that he should turn away, but his reasons were gone. She deserved the whole truth. He did not blink as he opened her door with a whispered command, securing the locks with no more than a thought, with the warmth of her body still pressed against him. He was a living, breathing flame beneath her trusting touch.

  Her lips were a soft petal pink, her skin flushed with desire, her heart beating wildly. He had forced himself to leave her side more than once, although his hunger for this one woman raged through him. It had not ceased since their first kiss.

  She pressed herself into his hold when her feet touched solid ground beneath them, her curves molding to him deliciously. He loved the way her hair slid through his fingers, weaving them through the dark mass, absorbing the heat of her into his body.

  His lips trailed along her jaw to settle near her ear, her scent filling his mind, his every nerve, until he crackled like a live wire filled with want. He pressed his forehead to hers.

  “Titania. Tell me now, tell me no, and I will leave.” Please, he silently begged. He had left the last of his strength on the wharf. Even recriminations did not hold enough power to stop him.

  Her blue eyes were bright with an untapped passion when he searched her face. Her features shined in the moonlight passing through the open curtains. She was so beautiful to him. His heart beat with a wild rhythm, all the while feelings he had forgotten tore through him: possessiveness, tenderness, enjoyment in another’s voice, in her touch. His world was flying apart, shattering, and even as it frightened him, his desire to answer the call of her darkening gaze was not ignorable.

  His hands shook when he cradled her face. His voice was gone, all the promises he wanted to make to alleviate fears unsaid. He was lost in the darkened need of her eyes.

  Sweet lips molded to his when he lowered to them, caressing, brushing with tenderness. An unknown urge to lay his mark, to announce his claim for her, was rising, becoming a heated brand on his thoughts. He knew she was innocent, but she accepted him. She trusted him. That stunned his brain, freezing him for the merest slice of time.

  How could she trust death? He had ruined her life! But even that was a fleeting reprimand with her hands roaming over his body, eradicating thought completely. Diego delved between the sweet shape of her lips, feeling her arms wrap around him. Her body fit perfectly with his. He knew it in a way that seemed inarguable. Somehow, this one woman had been made for him.

  He forced himself to move slowly, to savor every caress, every whispered breath. He slid fingers down her arms, felt her answering shiver, heard the racing of her heart. His touch gentled more as he began to slide her shirt up, pulling it away.

  All he could do was stare. Soft, pale globes of flesh encased in red satin. “My favorite color,” he praised. “Beautiful, cara.” He dipped his head and graced each with a slow, moving kiss. Her arms found him, clinging tightly.

  He lowered and braced an arm under her knees, finding her mouth as he lifted her. Like a precious treasure, he laid her on the bed, simply looking at the beauty he had been granted. He stretched out with her, his fingers following the curve of her shoulder and down her body to trail away gently on her thigh.

  He thrilled at her sigh of surrender, which turned into a heated moan when he lowered his head to tease the hard peak of one nipple between tender teeth. He maneuvered his hand behind her and removed her bra, letting it slide down her arms to be tossed away. He groaned, finding the lusciousness of her body exposed to him.

  There were no words to describe what was happening inside him, what he felt. So he told her with his touch, his lips, his gaze. Lush, kiss-pinked lips curved in answer. She knew. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew she was in his thoughts, entrenched, as he was in hers. She would always know.

  He kissed a trail from her jaw to the valley of her breasts, inhaling her fragrance, her body like the garden she was to his senses. Soft, flushed skin, her lush hair, the call of her feminine scent. Diego absorbed it all.

  He painted languid kisses to her breasts, their fullness fitting perfectly into his touch. She writhed and moaned when he drew one hard tip into the damp heat of his mouth. Keening sounds of passion were growing with each caress.

  He pressed a palm against her center, and she tensed. “I need to see you. All of you.” She relaxed as he nipped at her stomach, muscles jumping once when he found her belly button. His touch was as slow as he could make it, fighting the growing urgency to make her his. The need was a growing, burning thing, crawling through him.

  Jeans slid away, the red strip of cloth that covered her center insignificant as it disappeared with a single pull. He swallowed as he gazed upon her, lying trusting beneath his touch.

  “I do not deserve you.” Her eyes glowed for him, sexy, dark, and heady in the moon’s glow through the hotel window.

  Her hands gripped the bed sheets when he let his mouth move again, when he delicately probed her heat with his tongue. He was bathed in the feeling of her trust, the newness arcing all around her with brilliant, electric color, without a taint of fear anywhere.

  For the first time in centuries, during a life of loneliness and solitude that had known no bounds, he forgot he was cursed. Forgot everything except that he was a man and she was a woman whom he desperately needed as he sought her pleasure.

  Her touch was tentative, but growing surer as hungers rose and her needs became unbearable, desiring. Clothes disappeared with a thought.

  Lightning arced between them as he rose above her, his fingers tracing the delicate shape of her hips, of her breasts, until he lay cradled between her thighs. He clenched his teeth as blinding ecstasy surged through him, her wet heat beckoning. He found her mouth, then found his home as he possessed her. He swallowed her sharp cry, absorbing the pain. She was his.

  His movements were slow, building her up again. Nails raked his sides as passion flared through her to engulf him. He tasted her skin with his tongue. Heat consumed them.

  Hunger like he’d never felt knifed through him, clawed at him. A taste. Just a taste of her. He gritted his teeth, fought against it. He could not endanger her.

  He thrust deeper, fighting the call, needing to feel her to keep him grounded as wave after wave of rapture flowed from her, enveloping him in her joy. Sharp need sliced through his bliss, becoming stronger the harder he tried to deny it. The pressure grew, a white-hot hunger demanding fulfillment.

  His lips flowed over the gentle slope of her jaw, his tongue traveling feminine features, finding every trace of her sensual heat. She arched immediately into the sensation, throwing her head back in invitation. She called to him. Deep. Primal.

  He could smell the sweet call of blood, felt the raging way it pulsed through her body, heard the staccato pulsating of her heart. Hot. Needy. Hungry. His lips glided down her throat, and she moaned in answer. She accepted his need as a part of him. He couldn’t deny himself any longer.

  Reason was gone. There was only Titania. There was only need. He needed to taste, to savor. To claim. She shivered when he caressed her skin, his tongue stroking sensually against her pulse. She whimpered once in answer, in acceptance. Incisors exploded into his mouth. For the first time in his dark life, when his teeth sank deep, he left his mark, branding her for eternity.

  Ecstasy. Sweet divinity. His mind filled with radiant col
or. Lightning seared him, wrapped around him. Her taste was like no other. Hot, sweet, addictive. She poured into him, filled him, filled the aching, empty void of his soul as he devoured her. Pleasure like he’d never known sped through his body, through his mind. He thrust deeper, filling her, feeling her release as her body moved with his.

  He closed the narrow wounds with a tender caress, gripping her closer when she cried out, barely able to restrain the glory of the moment from exploding from his body. He shattered into a kaleidoscope of colors, yelling her name.

  Her breathing was ragged while he cradled her in his arms, pressing his face to her skin, bracing his weight off her slimmer body. A languorous feeling he had never experienced stole through him.

  For the first time ever, his insatiable needs, his burning hunger, was sated. His insides were not clawing apart with thirst. He felt completely at peace.

  Aftershocks traveled up and down her delicate frame, soft moans, sliding from between kiss-swollen lips. His scent mingled with hers, the mixture of sex and first blood blended strongly on his senses, in the room.

  Something had been different from the very beginning. He was powerless to fight destiny. Others would look for her specifically now that she had been claimed. She was an oddity, a miracle. And Brakka was out there, waiting. He had essentially put a do not touch, trespassers will be destroyed sign on her. He knew she was not a stay inside kind of woman. That thought terrified him.

  Guilt slammed into him anew. He had stolen so much from her. Her freedom, her career. She could not possibly continue with her life at risk for each appearance. She was going to hate him. There was no doubt.

  Fingers ghosted across his shoulder. “What is it?” Her voice was seductive, husky with sated desire. He could not believe when his body reacted to it. After so long without a soul to match his, he was beginning to understand what a miracle she was to him.

  He rose on his elbows, looking down at her beautiful face. His fingers automatically found the warm richness of her hair, spread like a thick, black blanket around them. “I will not let you go. Not now, not ever. It is bound to cause problems.”

  Dazzling eyes stared into his. “Like Houston?”

  He brushed a kiss across each lid. “He is only one. I knew when I found you that things were going to happen. I did not know how.”

  She studied him. “You’re not telling me everything, are you?” Her fingers traced his mouth. He smiled, kissing each fingertip. She really liked his mouth.

  He slid from above her, keeping her cradled, his legs imprisoning her. Keeping her close, he rolled until he lay on his back and she covered his chest. “No. Not yet. I do not know how,” he admitted. “But we will work through this.” I will always protect what is mine, he silently vowed.

  His eyes drifted closed, and the delicate touch of a hand roamed over his brow. “Whatever it is, it can’t be as bad as I feel you worrying over.”

  He clasped her hand, shackled it in strong fingers, placing a kiss in the center of her palm. “Just promise me, when I cannot be with you, you go nowhere without at least Houston. I cannot be with you during the day.” He tilted to look at her, a frown forming. “You purposely forgot today.”

  She blushed, burrowing her face into his chest. “I know. Houston was at it again, and I guess I got tired of hearing it.”

  He touched her chin with his fingers, lifting her to his searching eyes. “Promise me, cara. Do not go off like that again. I have told you it is not safe.”

  “I know. I believe you.”

  “Now,” he retorted. “He is no longer responsible for your safety or anything else. When I cannot be with you, you must stay safe.” His finger threaded through the expanse of hair cascading around her shoulders. Silken and heavy, just the weight of it in his hands made him want her again. He rubbed a few strands across his lips, savoring the texture, inhaling the scent. “I cannot go back to the life I had.” It was spoken before he could censor his thoughts.

  “What life?”

  Desire coiled tighter when she wiggled against him. He stroked her body, feeling her come alive under his touch.

  Her eyes sparkled at him. “You’re in the mob, aren’t you? A criminal?”

  He chuckled, bringing her supple body higher on his. “No, cara.”

  “You do have the look,” she said, teasing him through lowered lashes. “All that black leather.” She shivered when he nipped in retaliation at her shoulder.

  “My life was very dark. You give me laughter. I do not want to lose that.”

  She tensed, then relaxed when he positioned her to straddle his hips. “You know, Diego, I still have my tour to finish. A relationship between us is not only crazy, but unethical. You are my group’s employee.”

  “Honey, this is more than a relationship.” His head went back with a snap when she rubbed against his body with her hot center. His voice grew hoarse. “This is forever.” Eternity shimmered in his thoughts. Whether it was his thought or hers, he did not care.

  She gasped, poised for a heartbeat. “Diego! Is this normal?” He felt every inch of her shudder in reborn need.

  He lifted his hips to meet her. His jaw tightened, agonizing pleasure beating at him. “It had better be. I need you.” He held her tenderly with his hands and she enveloped him, her slick sheath taking him, her cries of passion rising to meet his.

  Raging heat swamped him as she began to move, riding him in a slow, torturous rhythm.

  Nothing had prepared him for her. He had never dreamed of such a woman in his life. Fingernails raked lightly down his chest, and a growl rose in answer. He would always want her, just like this. Passionate. Hungry. Needing him.

  He felt a frisson of fear. What if she did not survive the change? His gaze swept up her body, caressing every inch with his hungry eyes. She had to survive. There was no other option.

  His hands rose, cradling flushed skin to palm a full breast. Her cries rose when he took one taut nipple between his lips, her arms clasping around his head.

  She was so soft to his wandering touch, his tongue leaving a damp trail. He sat up on the bed, pulling her feet behind his back, and felt her reaction. Her body shuddered in ecstasy, her head thrown back in offering to his hot mouth. He slid up the column of her throat, sipping at the underside of her jaw. She writhed and moaned helplessly against the onslaught.

  Diego inhaled, and her hot scent crashed into his senses. She whimpered low in her throat when he brushed his tongue to her pulse. “Mine,” he said against the erratic beat of her blood. Muscles clenched tighter, and he was sure he had died.

  His hold was tender when his teeth broke through the fragile layer. He restrained his impulses, closing the puncture without gorging himself.

  He held her head, finding her mouth and losing himself in her. Desire raged, filled him until he could not take her sweet punishment any longer.

  He flipped them back onto the bed, hearing her cry of surprise change to one of red-hazed desire. Throaty whimpers sank into his blood. He felt her body winding tighter, felt the fireball building in her bloodstream, reaching for release.

  Diego watched her precious face as she exploded, imprinting her surge of ecstasy into his memory for all time. Flames seared him inside and out when he followed her.

  * * * *

  Several miles northeast of San Francisco, down a long, rarely-used road, Tenorio waited by a phone. He picked it up on the first ring to lean into his chair with a casual grace that belied his eagerness.

  “Did you get her?”

  “No, Ten. She hasn’t been out of her room since her little walk.”

  “Any calls from her room?”

  “Nothing on the tap.”

  “Just remember,” Ten advised his man. “Whatever it takes. I want her.” Fists tightened in anticipation.

  “Not a problem. We’ll get her. Oh, and the mini bar was a snap.”

  “Good,” Ten said. “The suggestion I planted will take over under any stress. If she uses the bar, even
better. Her natural barriers will be weak.” Ten actually felt a bit aroused at the thought. He shifted his weight, redirecting his thoughts to the conversation. “I cannot wait to get to this one. She’s so damn capable. She’ll be a hot addition to the project.”

  “It’s been a while since we’ve had one this pretty,” the low voice said, laden with innuendo.

  “Don’t worry. All I need is her mind. You know the men get the rest.” He pulled down on his bare chin. “I might just taste her myself. Either way, she’s going to be an asset. Are the others ready?”

  “And willing. The last test proved positive. The enhancement is working.”

  “Excellent,” Tenorio said. “Call me if anything changes. I have to reply to the invitation from that cocky Senator. He’s still hounding me to attend his ostentatious cocktail party tomorrow night.”

  “Have a nice evening.” The tone implied the function would be a chore.

  Tenorio grunted in complete agreement, more excited by his prey’s expected capture than by the evening he would have to suffer through.

  Chapter Twelve

  Titania woke up thirsty. Terribly thirsty. Trying to see through slit eyelids was a mistake. She cried out, slapping a hand over them as pain shot across the front of her mind. Sunlight flooded her hotel room through the open curtains. It felt like a thousand hot knives were stabbing her from the inside. She commanded the thick drapes closed, panting heavily while she waited for the pain to recede.

  She lay there a moment, gathering the will to move. She felt lethargic, like she wasn’t supposed to move or be awake. Maybe she hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. She turned to find the clock and groaned. Seven again. She was sleeping too much.

  That did it. She was going to have to go to the doctor. She couldn’t eat. She was sleeping like the dead. Sunlight was killing her. She was sick. She knew it. She burrowed deeper into the bed. Maybe she would feel better after a shower. She spent several minutes considering how much better before actually doing it, though.


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