Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance) Page 83

by Matilda Hart

  As usual, our lovemaking began when he gave me the look that suggested he was aroused and he nodded towards the bed. I understood that this meant I was to disrobe and meet him under the sheets so instead of donning my night dress, I slid underneath the covers and awaited his arrival. He joined me and placed himself on top of me as I parted my thighs to make room for him. His breath was heavy with scotch and as with normal routine with him, his kisses were tight lipped and coarse. He’d never been much of a kisser and that went on to his lovemaking technique but often upon completion, he always had such a proud look on his face, though I never knew what all the fuss was about, anyway. His clumsy hands guided himself to me and as usual, entry was course and slightly painful, for he never took the time to arouse me as he did when we were young lovers. Not saying that his technique was much better when we first married but he had gotten considerably less considerate as far as his lover skills are concerned. He barreled into me and I gasped as he awkwardly began a strained rhythm and my concentration seemed to do as it always does and wander to things that are more interesting to me at the time and now, all I could think about was returning to Hartford Manor and what I would sing, how I would wear my hair and what I would wear. I would have to outdo myself on both appearance and performance the next time I was given the honor to perform for the duke and his company.

  “You like that, do you?” He whispered in my ear and my mind was brought back to the task at hand and I absentmindedly ran my hands up and down his back as I replied,

  “Oh, yes!” Slightly rocking my hips back and forth, I began to feel a sort of arousal from deep within but as soon as I quickened my breathing, he held my hips to the bed and kissed me with those hard, pursed lips. He whispered,


  It was all over before it began and I patted him on the back as he grunted in my hair and rolled onto his side of the bed.

  “Good night, Constance.” He said and I replied,

  “Good night, Thomas.” My thoughts drifted back to daydream of the manor and what wonderful things could await if my future were to contain regular visits to the elaborate home of the duke.

  Chapter Six

  For nearly a week, I had the image of the duke’s eyes burning through my mind and it seems as if every time I turned around I could see his smile engraving itself into my memory. The more I tried to shake him from my thoughts, the more he attempted to invade them and after a few days, I decided that I was fighting a losing battle with myself. Thomas seemed distant since we’d left the ball and every time I tried to talk to him, he would brush me off or find something else to talk about, something he was in a habit of doing when the conversation wasn’t the most pleasant. I could only assume that there was a problem at the store that he didn’t want to talk about or something pertaining to his business. There was nothing I could do except be readily available to him if ever he decided to speak to me about it and mind my business as I tidied my home and maintained my role as a proper wife.

  The following Tuesday, the duke’s carriage arrived to take me to Hartford Manor to discuss further singing engagements and as we made our way through the busy streets, I had the driver pull over in front of Thomas’ store so that I could grab a few things that I would need and put them on our charge account, something I’d done many times before. As I headed up the aisle on the farthest side of the store, I spotted Thomas before he’d had a chance to see me but before I could walk up and say anything to him, a young blond woman came around the corner and threw her arms around him and they met in a passionate kiss. I felt the heart in my very chest stop beating as time stood still for what seemed an eternity as I watched my husband in the arms of another woman, giving no regard to the fact that he was at his place of employ. Without drawing attention to myself, I slowly backed out of the store and returned to the carriage with a meek smile after gathering a small wedge of cheese and some crackers for my journey.

  My mind couldn’t sit still at all during the ride to the secluded estate nestled deep in the English countryside and though the driver was very friendly and courteous, I couldn’t find the heart to be brought into idle conversation with him so our words were kept to a minimum and I let the scene that I’d just seen keep playing over and over in my head. My Thomas, my husband and friend had so easily discarded my trust and found solace in the arms of another woman and I only had myself to blame since I couldn’t provide him a child. It seemed as if my barren womb had finally taken its last toll on my marriage and the bed of another woman is where I knew he would always find himself. The long nights and unexplained absences all made sense now as I replayed the last few months in my mind and saw that he had drawn away from me and I should have seen that the further he got from me, the closer he was getting to another.

  As we approached the home of the Duke of Devonshire, I brushed any crumbs from my dress and ran my hands over my hair to assure that it was in its proper place while I tried to wipe the sight of Thomas and his young mistress from my mind because I couldn’t be bothered with such burdens at this time. Especially now, I had to be more than one hundred percent focused on my singing and composition and I’d even began working on a new aria that should be completed soon that I could perform the next time I go on stage. Thomas had taken more than enough of my time and if I had to be the wife of an unfaithful husband, I was going to make the most of it by being the best me that I could possibly be and what made me happiest was getting lost in song.

  We neared the beautiful estate and I was met by a lovely servant girl with red hair and she informed me that the duke would like to meet for tea in the gardens and she showed me the way. I fiddled with the tassel that hung from the small, golden rope tied around my waist and cinched to form a decorative belt to go with the blue and gold paisley patterned dress that I’d worn. It seemed appropriate when I put it on but now I felt as if I’d underdressed for tea in the gardens of Hartford Manor.

  When I stepped through the back doors that led to the gardens, I spotted him sitting alone at a table for two underneath a weeping willow not far from the rosebush lined pathway that circled the back garden and the thoughts of my stresses of the day disappeared as his strong frame came closer into view. Off the pathway was a pebble trail that led to the tree and I followed it until I reached my destination. He stood upon my approach and kissed me lightly on the cheek, stopping my words before I could call him “Duke”, saying,

  “Please, call me Jefferson.” He kissed my hand and his eyes met mine under the shade of the protective branches and for a second, I felt lost in his gaze. I smiled and he pulled my chair back from the table so over my shoulder, I gave him a soft,

  “Thank you, Jefferson.” He sat across the table from me and I couldn’t hear a word he said because I felt as if my mind was too busy taking in the beauty of his face to also listen to the things coming out of his mouth and appreciate the blue of his eyes at the same time. When he repeated my name for the second time, I shook my head and gave him a silly laugh before I raised my cup to my lips. The wind blew a strand of hair into my face and as I tossed my head to the side to allow it to flow in the direction of the breeze, Jefferson crossed his leg, placing his right foot onto his left knee and he smiled to me sweetly, as if he were taking me in with his eyes and saving me to his memory. The look on his face was one that I’d yearned to see on that of Thomas for so long and having found out the reason why I had not was rushing to the front of my mind.

  Blinking and giving a weak smile while brushing my hair from my face with my hand, I tried to shake the image of my husband and the young woman out of my mind and concentrate on the business at hand. Jefferson had yet to even bring up the subject at hand and I was still too nervous to come out and be so bold as to ask him to get on with things. We sat for quite some time, just talking and laughing under the shade of the willow and as the wind began to pick up, he suggested that we move indoors and I couldn’t agree more. He escorted me to the house and into a sitting room that was down the large hallway
that we met when we entered through the garden. The floral drapes were pulled to allow the bright rays of the sun into the parlor and he gestured that we should sit on the settee. I’d never sat so close to a man other than Thomas but I told myself that it was nothing compared to what I’d seen in the store. Feeling rather comfortable next to him, I found that it was easier than I thought to get lost in conversation.

  “I’m telling you that the first time I heard your mouth open the night of the party, I was completely entranced by your lovely voice. The fact that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve lain eyes upon is hardly the issue at point.” Once again, I felt the color rush to my cheeks as I tried to hide my embarrassment from such a compliment. His hand reached out for mine and pulled it from my mouth, staring into my eyes as he said,

  “Do not hide your magnificent smile, for it outshines the sun.” Obviously unable to contain a wider and larger smile than the previous one, I allowed my hand to remain in my lap as I beamed brightly from his words.

  “I’m not used to being spoken to so forwardly.” This was not a lie for it had been many a fortnight since I’d heard sweet nothings from Thomas but I had become used to it a long time ago. “Also, I hear that you have spoken forwardly with many women.” I couldn’t help but be a bit bold with that last part but I wanted him to know that I knew of his reputation and I wasn’t going to be another name that he could add to his list of conquests.

  “A woman of your elegance and grace should be told so many times a day. Women are like flowers and if you do not give them proper care, they will wilt and die.” He was so right about that, for the only time I had felt alive, truly alive, was when I felt adored when I was performing. I knew that I was beautiful when I sang no matter how I looked and at his birthday party was the most radiant I’d felt in ages. “As far as my reputation clearly preceding me, I can just say that I can honestly not remember another woman’s face since first laying eyes upon yours.”

  “You are too kind but you mustn’t say such things to me.” I tried to look away but his face kept calling my eyes back to it with an enchanting stare. He drew me in with his stare and it wasn’t until I was close enough to feel his breath on my cheek that I turned my head.

  “I say the things that spring forth from my heart.” He placed his arm on the back of the settee and instead of feeling uncomfortable I felt completely at ease with him and thoughts swirled in my head about what was about to happen. Feeling as if I would be completely justified in any actions that may occur after this moment because of what I saw with Thomas, I let all my inhibitions fly with the wind as he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I felt myself melt against his strong body as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Letting myself go completely, I threw my arms around his neck and moaned lightly in response to his touch, feeling free in the moment with no cloud of guilt hanging over my head. He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes.

  “Forgive me. I apologize for being so forward but I couldn’t…” I cut his words short by meeting his lips with my own and grazing the side of his face with my fingertips. The way he made me feel far exceeded any emotion ever elicited by Thomas and I couldn’t stop myself now if I so desired.

  Chapter Seven

  Jefferson stood and took my hand in his, pulling me to him so that he could wrap his arms around me and kiss me deeply with the sun shining in through the large windows and as I put my arms around him, he lifted me slightly so that my feet no longer touched the ground and he spun slowly in a circle before putting me back on the marble floor.

  “I can feel you trembling in my arms. If this is something you do not want, we can stop before it leads somewhere from whence we cannot return.” I appreciated that he was looking out for my feelings but the only thing on my mind was having him in that very moment and feeding the fire that seemed to be a driving force of my actions.

  “There is nothing I want more.” My reply pulled a wide smile to his soft lips and he lowered his head to kiss me once again, this time walking me backwards across the room while being held in his arms. I felt the wall against my back as his hand ran down my side to rest itself on my hip. His other hand found itself at the back of my neck and he gently pulled me closer to him while I heard a low moan escape his lips. His hand ran down the length of my dress and when he reached my knee, he pulled my leg close to his body so that he could position himself between my thighs as he pressed me firmly against the wall. His hand found its way under my shift and dress to the awaiting desire that held itself between my thighs and as his finger delicately slid into me, I gasped at the sensation of his touch. He was so gentle and tender with his caress that it almost felt like my first time being touched in this manner. Jefferson Carlisle ground his erect manhood into the moist mound under my dress and my whole body ached for him as my mind raced in a frenzy while groping at the fabric of his jacket.

  He pulled away from me and hurriedly stripped off his coat and shirt, revealing the most beautiful male form that I’d ever laid eyes upon and as he undressed, I untied my belt and lifted the dress over my head, followed by me trying to release the bounds of the corset underneath. The duke came to my rescue as he walked a few paces over and picked up an elaborately decorated dagger from a display on the mantle and returned to slice the strings. He tossed it aside and lifted the shift over my head, revealing my bare form to him. His eyes sought mine after he’d looked over my body and said,

  “Never before have I wanted to taste a woman as badly as I want to taste you right now.” He picked me up in his arms and carried me to a velour sofa that sat across from the settee that we previously occupied and laid me down softly. Kissing me, he trailed from my lips to my breasts, leaving tiny kisses all over my body as he traveled south. Suckling my breast, he gently flicked the tip of his tongue, sending a sensation through my body that had me in a complete daze. I’d never been kissed so passionately or sensually by Thomas and I all of a sudden felt as if the last few years of my life had been spent misused in the bedroom. The way Jefferson touched and kissed me sent shivers down my spine and my body writhed in response to him as if I’d never before felt a man’s loving caress. He slowly kissed his way down my stomach and as he reached my navel, his fingers once again found themselves near my most intimate of areas and I smiled as they once again gently entered me. His mouth soon joined them and I was sent completely into oblivion because I’d never known that men did such things to women. Never before had I felt the heat and sheer pleasure that came with the kissing that he delivered to my femininity. I moaned and my arms raised above my head to find the arm of the sofa so that I could grip it tightly while he kissed my most delicate area with such tenderness. The gentle suckling he provided sent a rush of pleasure through my body and I felt myself begin to shake and shudder on the deep red sofa. A wave of trembles and shock went through my body and I felt myself being pushed over the edge of pleasure for the first time ever. Not once before had I ever had the rush of climax that women should feel when they get satisfied by a man and it was at this very moment when I realized what I’d been cheated out of for so many years. I moaned and bucked as my silent moans turned into exuberant yells of passion and the duke found pleasure in the response that he had pulled from me.

  “Oh, my goodness.” I mumbled as he raised himself from my thighs and fumbled with his trousers as he laid his body on top of mine.

  “I would only assume that you’ve never been tasted so completely before.” He smiled with a sense of self-satisfaction as I tried to catch my breath.

  “I’ve never been tasted before at all.” I sighed and he leaned down to kiss me as I felt him place his engorged member into the moist crevice that still throbbed from his sensual tasting.

  “That’s such a pity.” He pushed himself into me and I gave a low moan as I was filled completely with his hard manhood, almost to the point that I was afraid that there was insufficient space for him. “I would taste you every day if you were mine.” He whispered into my
ear before he gave it a slight nibble. My legs wrapped around his solid frame, as did my arms and he began a smooth rhythm of gently moving himself in and out of me as I bucked my hips against him. Jefferson Carlisle looked into my eyes as he found my breast with one hand, steadying himself on the back of the sofa with the other as he plowed deeply into me with a rushing pace. Moaning in ecstasy, my fingernails dragged the length of his back and it seemed as if I were trying to pull his heart and soul into me. Never had I felt so alive when underneath a man and since I’d only had Thomas to compare, I could honestly say that he had no idea what he was doing in bed. His rushed and quick groping and pawing was nothing but a confused chaos of movements in comparison to the symphony of desire and lust orchestrated by the duke. His touch alone was enough to send my body into an unbridled chaos of desire and the way I reacted to his kiss was like nothing I’d ever felt before. I’d never known that a woman could feel so good inside and I wanted more.

  He lowered his hand to my tender region and lightly rubbed me while he delivered precise strokes that seemed to reach right in and find my inner delight and as he started to rub, I felt myself being pushed over the brink again and I began to tighten and throb on his thickness as I yelled his name and clawed at his back like a wild woman. Oh, the sensations and intense hunger that he pulled from me! As I continued to pulsate on his shaft, his breathing quickened and his eyes closed as he delivered a strong thrust and a low moan into my hair and neck. We climaxed together and he collapsed on top of me as I rubbed his back with one hand and held his head close to me with the other; never wanting to let go of him or this moment.

  He raised his head to look at me then kissed me deeply before saying,


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