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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

Page 84

by Matilda Hart

  “I believe I could do that again.”

  Chapter Eight

  The ride home was one that I’d not been prepared to take and as I left Hartford Manor, the smile wouldn’t leave my face but I tried to maintain my composure as to not give the driver any inclinations as to my recent change of mood. Knowing the duke as he did, I’m sure he already had some idea but I didn’t want to make it so apparent and confess to my wrongdoings, if that’s what one could call what had happened. I felt as if I’d committed no sin against my husband of which he hadn’t first been guilty and the memory of Jefferson’s touch would stay with me for quite some time. When I arrived home, it was just as I thought it would be; no Thomas. This didn’t matter to me much anymore since the discovery of his extra-marital activities and since I was now just as much to blame as he, there wasn’t much that I could even say so I decided the best thing for both parties was to just act as if I knew nothing.

  Thomas arrived home after dark but I’d already retired, so he simply laid down beside me without making a sound but I could still smell the fragrant aroma of jasmine oil on his skin. We slept without touching and the next morning went just as any other day would have except that he inquired about my visit to Hartford Manor.

  “Oh, Thomas! Yes, I had such a wonderful time.” I sipped my coffee and looked at his eyes for any inclination that he was on to me but he simply added sugar to his own cup and stirred. “The duke and I have made plans for me to be his newest regular singer to perform weekly at the manor and it may even require me to stay overnight for some of the weekend parties.” Thomas stirred his coffee and looked up with an almost happy expression.

  “Yeah? You’re going to be gone all night, you say? How’s that going to work?” I explained that the manor had more than enough room for me and that it would be simpler than commuting back and forth from home.

  “I suppose it makes the most sense.” I could see him already plotting an overnight visit for his blond companion and he asked, “So, when do you start all that?” Trying not to look overeager, I replied,

  “This Friday there will be a carriage for me to take me to the manor where I will stay until Monday morning.” His eyes almost beamed pure sunshine as he said,

  “Really? You don’t say?” I knew what he was thinking but he had no idea that I would only be singing on Saturday evening, leaving the rest of my time to be in the arms of the duke. “Enjoy yourself, sweetheart. I’m afraid that I have pressing business at the store that needs my attention and I’m unsure if the issue will be resolved in time to accompany you. I hope that’s alright.” I couldn’t contain my smile, so I turned to look out the window and as I brought the cup to my lips, I replied,

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll manage.” He was off to work with a kiss of the cheek and I picked up his coffee cup so that I could wash it before the stain set. As I heard the clop of hooves make their way up the beaten path to the main road, I smiled to myself as my hand ran across my bosom and I remembered the duke’s touch. How was I going to maintain my charade as loving and faithful if my mind was drowning in thoughts of Jefferson Carlisle and the extraordinary pleasure that he’d given me? I would only be cheating myself out of happiness if I continued this marriage with Thomas but it would devastate my father if I brought him a word like “divorce” or “affair”. The fact that Thomas had a mistress should have been enough for my father to decide that it was appropriate that we part ways but the social stigma that went with such an act was simply unspeakable. Now, if I could get Thomas to admit that he was seeing someone then I could get out of the marriage without being the guilty party and continue to have my interludes with the duke. I didn’t want to be labeled as a tramp or otherwise unflattering term but I felt it was completely useless to go on living the loveless lie with Thomas. What I thought was love was simply a matter of convenience and I realized that over the years, I’d just gotten used to him and not exactly fallen in love with him though I did have a certain love for him. Jefferson reached into my soul and awakened a part of me that I didn’t even know was in a state of slumber and now there was no going back to my former life.

  I spent the day doing a lovely needlepoint on the front porch and it seemed as if I were sitting in a chair that did not belong to me, on a porch that was unfamiliar that was attached to a home that was not mine. Trying to keep my mind occupied was a task that was proving itself to be too much so I decided to take a walk into town. Keeping with my brisk pace, I should be at Thomas’ store in less than a half hour and once there, I’d pick out some fabrics and such things that I needed. Gazing out across the lush, green pastures and seeing all the wildflowers in bloom was simply breathtaking and I stopped to pick a few of them so that I could get a good smell of their wonderful aroma. The countryside was truly remarkable and I did so love to stop and appreciate it as often as possible.

  “Good day, Mrs. Sutton.” I heard the call and turned to see Mr. Thompson approaching and with a wild wave with his hat, the elderly man smiled and slowed to a stop beside me. “Can I give you a ride into town?” The offer was gracious but I really did feel the need to stretch my legs and get my blood pumping within my veins.

  “Thank you, but no sir. I feel as if the day is mine for the taking and there’s nothing left to do but seize it!” I added a slight hop at the end of my sentence and this gained a laugh from the jolly gentleman.

  “I sure would hate to leave you on this road all alone, miss.” I assured him that I would be fine and that he should have a good day and as he drove past, he smiled and handed me a fresh biscuit from a basket that I was sure was about to find its way to his daughter’s dress shop where she gave them free to her customers when supply allowed. The biscuits were famous all over town and though many have tried to guess the older man’s secret, none had yet to discover it and this kept Millie Thornton Stevens in business better than her dresses. I’d actually heard that a woman from London had travelled all the way just for one bite so that she could taste the bread that everyone had told her so much about but I never knew if the tale were true or simply spun to generate more business.

  Walking up the steps of Sutton’s, I once again made my way down the far aisle so that I could come out the end nearest the fabric tables. I passed many familiar faces and smiled with a nod to most of them and when I neared the rolls of cotton, satin and silk, I found that the glances being thrown my way were not those of friendly greetings but those of pity. Surely, everyone in town knew of Thomas’ goings on with the young blond and since I so rarely made it out, he assumed that he could keep her well hidden from me and for a while, he was right. I walked past the fabrics and continued on to Thomas’ office where I heard someone loudly say,

  “Good day, Mrs. Sutton.” I looked up to see one of the employees, whose name escaped me, waving and almost as if on cue, Thomas stepped out from his office.

  “Hello dear, what a lovely surprise.” I smiled and as we hugged, I saw the young, blond girl leaving his office while brushing the wrinkles from the tail of her dress and it was then that I noticed her swollen belly.

  Chapter Nine

  I arrived at Hartford Manor and found that Jefferson was gone on his horse but I was shown to the room where I’d be staying for the weekend. The hum of the busy house seemed as if it were alive with the hustle of life and the whir of excitement for the upcoming weekend. There were flowers being arranged and tapestries hung, there were carpets being rolled out for the arrival of the guests and even more elaborate chandeliers were being installed in the main hall. The manor was as beautiful as it was the night of the duke’s birthday party and the Spring Gala was sure to be as glamorous. After settling in my room, which was gorgeous with its bright red draperies with gold trim, large brass framed bed and intricately designed vanity with golden accessories adorning the surface, the most luxurious of which was a perfume sprayer with a beautifully inscribed C on the front.

  Deciding that a nap would suit me just fine, I laid atop the silky bedspread and closed my e
yes and I’m unsure as to how long I dozed but I awoke to the most wonderful sensation. The duke had come to me just as a prince in the tales we are told as young girls about finding true love’s kiss. His mouth covered mine and the softness of his touch on my face roused me from a beautiful dream and placed me into another.

  “I pondered as to watch you and memorize your face or wake you so that I could touch it and I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss your lips.” He once again gave me a soft kiss that caused me to smile and moan as he ran his hand down my side, holding me tightly as best he could without getting his arms around me. I sat up so he could do just that and kissed him deeply as he enveloped me in his warm embrace.

  “Not a dream I could imagine nor any real place on earth could compare to this moment right now and there is nowhere else I’d rather be than in your arms.” He once again kissed me then replied,

  “I have thought of nothing but your smile since I saw you last and you have been haunting my every waking moment with the memory of our last encounter. Never before have I felt such a way about a woman and that is not something I say lightly.” His hungry mouth once again found mine and he pressed me back against the bed and I parted my legs so that he could comfortably position himself on top of me. I moaned as I anticipated the addictive feel of his touch so I was more than disappointed when he raised up and looked at me saying,

  “Not now, my love. We must wait for I have something I want to show you.” He kissed me and began to raise himself from the bed, pulling me to a sitting position as I held on to him in a feeble attempt to pull him back to me and the lovemaking that we could have been doing instead.

  “Oh, must we?” I gave him a playful pout as I gave my eyes a quick flutter and the saddest face I could muster but the gallant duke stood firm.

  “I cannot be tempted by your wiles today, fair maiden.” He winked as he pulled me from my sitting position and brought me in for a kiss. “I wish you could stay here with me at the manor and be my duchess.” He swept me in his embrace and my mind raced because I couldn’t help but think if he was saying these things simply because he knew I was married or if he meant them with the sincerity of all his heart.

  “What if I could?” I asked him when he raised his head at the conclusion of the kiss that almost made me throw him back onto the bed and take him regardless of what he said previously. The desire within me was intense and all I wanted was his intimate touch.

  “If you could, I’d marry you in an instant. I have thought of nothing but you and I mean that. You are in my very dreams and in the forefront of my mind from the time I open my eyes each day until the time I close them at night. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you and that means making you my duchess to be at my side, always.”

  I told him of Thomas and his mistress and the way her dress hugged her in a way that made her appear to be with child and he listened intently as I told him how an affair was completely off the table until I found out that he was having one of his own and that is the only way that I allowed him to seduce me. I also added that I was extremely glad that I let such a thing take place because I was completely smitten with him as well. It was when I told him my suspicions of Thomas and the woman sharing my bed this very weekend that his face suddenly showed interest in what I was saying.

  “My love? What would happen if you were to, oh, I don’t know, forget your favorite bonnet and rush home to get it, finding her in your bed?” I tilted my head as I looked at him, confused by what he was asking me. “Say you find her in your bed. Unless you have forgotten, I happen to be pretty close with the king.” He winked at me and I realized that he was saying I could be granted a divorce under those circumstances and we could be free to marry.

  “Oh, Jefferson!” He held me tightly as he leaned down to kiss me and I realized that my entire life was about to change and I’d never been more happy about anything.

  “After the setting of the sun on Sunday evening, give it a few hours and I’ll get my fastest carriage to run us to your home so that we can get what you need but until then, you have nothing to worry about other than our time together.” His sly smile brought a wide grin to my face and as I pulled him back towards the bed, I got no resistance at all in return and we sealed my fate with a wild and rather loud romp between the sheets.

  As we dressed, I asked him what was so important that he almost denied me the pleasure that he’d just given and he simply told me that I would now have to wait. He buttoned his trousers and walked to where I was adjusting my dress, deciding against the corset for the time being and simply tying the belt around my waist, allowing the ruffled shift to show from under the neckline and arms. Hand in hand, we walked from my room, down the long stairs that ran into the main hall and he guided me towards the main ballroom.

  “This is where you will be performing tomorrow and I’m going to open the dancefloor while you sing so that everyone can relish in its beauty but for now, come.” He hurriedly pulled me along and the ballroom was filled with lovely assortments of daisies and tulips with roses added for a lovely accent. As we neared the rear of the ballroom, he told me to close my eyes. I trusted him completely, so I did as he requested and allowed him to lead me the rest of the way through and out of the ballroom. After a left turn and a few steps, we stopped and I heard him say,

  “Now you may open them.” I slowly opened my eyes to find that he had arranged for a string quartet to be nestled nearby a romantic lunch for two on the back patio, which was fortuitous because I’d worked up quite the appetite with him earlier. As we dined, he kept reaching for my hand and touching my face, telling me of his plans for us and when he came to the part about children, I lowered my head in shame.

  “My love, what is it?” He tilted my head to face him with a small nudge under my chin with his bent finger and with a great sadness, I said,

  “I’m afraid that I will not be able to provide you with children.” His eyes held the same look that I’d so often seen in those of Thomas and I knew that this would be a problem for him.

  “I do not need children to be happy with you. My sister has three and they are complete nightmares.” He raised from his seated position and took my hand in his. He then dropped to his knee and with the stringed quartet as witnesses, he bent to one knee and presented me with a

  Single, red rose.

  “Take this, now, as a token of my love and when the time is right, I will present you with a diamond to make the moon envious. If we are to remain childless, so be it. I have gone long enough looking for the right one and now that I have found you, I cannot live my life without you for one more minute.” With tears running down my cheeks, I accepted his rose and he smiled as he stood and kissed me with more passion that I’d known in a lifetime. My happiness was on the horizon and all we had to do was wait for nightfall in two days’ time to secure that Thomas and his lady friend be caught in a compromising position. To make sure that the plan went off without a hitch, he would send a rider ahead to assure that she was in his company before we executed our plan. Until that time came, I would spend the weekend enjoying my time with Jefferson Carlisle, the devilishly charming duke who stole my heart.

  Chapter Ten

  I spent the remainder of the day with Jefferson but when the next rolled around, I woke to find myself being fussed about by everyone from the dressmaker to a woman sent in to apply makeup and style my hair for the Spring Gala that evening. Jefferson had planned my whole day for me from the breakfast in bed that I received with the pulling of the drapes and a cheerful woman piping,

  “Good morning, love. I hope you rested well” to a woman that drew me a bath then proceeded to wash me from head to toe. I wasn’t used to the royal treatment but I found that it wasn’t something that I was going to protest against since it was offered. Never before had I been bathed in lavender oil and the silkiness of my skin was softer than I’d felt it in my life. Janine, the woman sent to fit me for a dress that she would personally be making before the evening’s festiviti
es, informed me that the duke looked particularly happy this morning and hinted that it could be because of my presence.

  “That’s nonsense, I’ve nothing to do with his mood.” Smiling as she caught my reflection in the mirror, she gave me a knowing glance and just said,

  “It’s just the observations of an old woman, don’t mind me.” Just then, the Duchess of Devonshire, Elizabeth, walked into the room and said,

  “Leave us.” Janine did as she was told and I was left in my chamber with the duchess and completely unaware of her reasons to wish to speak with me.

  “My brother is quite taken with you and he tells me that you two have some sort of plan to be together.” Apparently, word travels quickly amongst the Carlisle family and nothing was sacred, not even the plot of betrayal.

  “I am also quite taken with your brother and if he tells you something then you can probably take him at his word.” I was unsure of how to respond to her because I was not exactly sure as to what she wanted from me.

  “I love my brother very much and if what he says is true, then you may need my help but first I need to know how you feel about him.” She crossed her arms as she stood in front of me as an inquisitor would before delivering a final fate. “Many women have come in interest of the family fortune and I need to know that your intentions are pure and true to Jefferson, the youngest and most foolish of us, if I may say so.”

  “I do not find your brother to be foolish, yet quite the contrary. He is one of the most magnificent men I have ever met and since the day I first laid my eyes upon him all I have done is dreamt of his face. Money matters none to me, I am comfortable and don’t need much in my life other than the feeling that Jefferson provides. I love him.” Saying the words out loud made it official and she smiled at my response.


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