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Big Bad Neighbor: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

Page 23

by Tia Siren

  'Because they made a mistake Sam. I've been looking at the Ethics Charter, and they shouldn't have suspended you. We didn't have a relationship until weeks after I stopped being a cheerleader. The Dean is wrong, and we can appeal it. But not if you keep running from me.''

  ''You know I always do this when I get close to someone?''

  ''Yes. You told me you have an issue with commitment. Well, it doesn't matter Sam. I don't want you now. You can go to hell. Anyone who ignores me like you have is an ass-hole and doesn't deserve me. All I want to do is help you get your job back.''


  Sam wasn't sure whether he was still under the influence when he began the drive back to Westchester. It was five am and he'd finished drinking about one am. But he didn't care, all he wanted to do was get to Lizzie's apartment as quickly as possible.

  When he finally got there is was four pm, and he was exhausted. He wearily climbed the steps to her apartment and knocked on the door.

  When Lizzie opened, she was wearing red lingerie and a pair of black hold up stockings.

  ''What took you so long?'' she asked.


  ''I thought you would have been here earlier.''

  ''You told me you didn't want me. If I remember correctly, you told me to go to hell. Now you greet me in sexy clothes and ask where I've been. I'm confused.''

  ''Did you think I was being serious?''

  ''Of course.''

  ''No, I didn't mean a word of it. But it got you back to me didn't it.''

  ''You cunning.......''

  Lizzie squealed as he lifted her from her feet and carried her to the bedroom. ''I'm going to really teach you a lesson for that,'' he said.

  ''Okay, but don't ever run away from me again. Either commit to me here and now or go forever,'' she said.

  ''I love you. I want you. Now stop talking while I undress you.''

  Lizzie stood patiently as Sam unhooked her bra. He stood back to look at her breasts, his gaze making her shy. ''Stop glaring and do something,'' she said.

  ''You are so beautiful. How can I not glare at you?'' He put his hands on her soft mounds and felt how heavy they were. ''My God I've wanted this moment for a long time.''

  As he spoke, he felt her nipples stiffen, and her breathing become faster. ''So have I,'' she said. She started to take off his shirt. Underneath she saw how well defined his muscles were.

  ''I need a shower,'' he said. ''It's been a long journey.''

  ''Take my things off and I'll come with you.''

  ''With pleasure,'' he said.

  He knelt in front of her and put his fingers inside the waistband of her panties. His touch was warm on her skin as he slowly slid the thin material down past her shapely thighs and let it drop to her ankles. His eyes were drawn to the perfectly manicured landing strip in the V between her thighs.

  ''Now you,'' she said. She unfastened his belt and pulled the top button on his jeans open, and slid his zipper down. She put her hand into his pants and felt for his penis. She felt it jump when she touched it. ''Wow. You're not going to disappoint me are you?'' she said referring to his size.

  He slid his pants and shorts down and stood up so she could look at him. ''No, I hope not.''

  When he stepped out of the tangled mess of his pants and shorts, she took hold of his hard shaft and led him into the bathroom. When she'd rolled her stockings off, she turned on the water and pushed him into the shower.

  As the water cascaded over them, she pushed him down onto his knees and thrust her groin toward his mouth. She cried out when his tongue touched her wetness. She pulled his head onto her and lifted a leg so he could have easier access to her.

  As his tongue made long strokes over her, the tiny hairs on his chin tickled her. ''That's so nice,” she gasped.''Don't stop. Right there yes.''

  He continued until her legs were shaking so violently she could no longer stand. She hadn't reached orgasm when they left the shower. They fell onto a towel on the bathroom floor. He pushed her legs apart and put his mouth to her once more. Soon she began to feel her pleasure welling up, causing her belly to stiffen and her hands to paw at the skin on the back of his neck.

  ''You smell wonderful,'' he said raising his head for a second. ''So young and fresh. Come for me.''

  When he resumed, he took her over the edge. She thrust her hips from the floor and ground herself on his face until she became too sensitive and pulled away. ''My God,'' she gasped as she rolled onto her side. ''That was great.''

  ''There's plenty more where that came from,'' he said. She loved the shape of his legs and the fine dark hair that covered them. His chest was strong and his biceps bulged when he moved his arms. His penis pointed to the ceiling, and his balls were taught against his shaft. They looked so inviting she couldn't help herself.

  ''Stand up,'' she commanded.

  He stood above her as she began to kiss and lick his balls. They were coarse, and the skin rippled. Her tongue played delicately in the folds, teasing him, making his shaft painfully hard.

  ''Nice?'' she asked.

  ''Yes, very.'' He was enthralled by the sight of her red fingernails on his scrotum as they tweaked his skin teasingly. When she slipped a finger between his legs and began to massage him there, it drove him wild. He rolled her onto her back, pushed her legs as wide as they would go and thrust into her. Lizzie screamed as he parted her, his penis rubbing over the most sensitive places her body possessed.

  She loved the sight of the muscles in his arms straining as he held himself above her. His thrusts were long and firm, and she had to hold onto him to prevent herself from sliding away from him.

  ''Fuck me harder,'' she pleaded. ''Make me come again.'' She saw him grit his teeth and felt his thrusts increase in intensity as he pounded her. Soon her body stiffened, and her face became motionless as a huge rack of pleasure surged from her womanhood. He stopped deep inside her until her orgasm released her from the spams it had held her in for many seconds. She gasped for breath and smiled at him.

  '’You are so pretty,'' he said. ''I love the sight of you when you come.''

  ''Take me to bed,' she said. In the heat of their passion she'd ignored the hardness of the tile floor but now she wanted softness.

  He put her down on her belly and mounted her from behind. ''If you want to know, this is my favorite position, he said. ''I can see all of you from here. Your beautiful ass, your back, your shoulders. You're so hot; I don't know how long I can last.''

  ''Just screw me and shut up,'' she said, eager to feel him moving in and out of her. He gripped her soft hips and pulled her onto him. She gasped and cried out as he began to slap himself against her buttocks. The feel of his penis, as it slid in and out of her, and the feel of the vibrations his hips were causing as they slammed against her, made her scream and come once more. She buried her head in the pillow and groaned. He was insatiable and quickly exhausting her.

  ''Give me your sperm,'' she said. ''I want it inside me.''

  He grunted, shoved into her a few more times, and remained stock still as he gave her every last drop of what she so craved.

  ''That was great,' she said as she rolled onto her back. ''Are you okay?'' she asked when she looked at him. He was bathed in sweat and breathing hard.

  ''Fine, I didn't know I was so out of condition,'' he gasped.

  ''Maybe you ought to join your players on a run or two,'' she said.

  ''So that's what having a young wife is going to be like. Daily runs and serious screwing in the evening. I'll soon be back in shape.''

  ''Wife?'' she said.

  '' I meant,''

  Before he could finish, she put a finger over his mouth. ''I like wife better than whatever you were going to say.''

  ''Me too,'' he said.

  ''Are you sure? You won't go running away again?''

  ''No. I won't. You are the one for me. Of that, I have no doubt. We will be a rock solid couple.


  Lizzie foun
d out six weeks later that she was pregnant. Sam was so thrilled he paid for the team to have free drinks all evening in BJ's. He even told Cora she wasn't that bad after all.

  Fatherhood brought a gentler, more understanding side to him which helped no end in training his players. Suddenly there was a bond and results started to come again. By the time his son was three, Sam was being hailed as the best collegiate football coach in the county.

  A year later, he'd been poached by the NFL, where he earned so much money the financial security of his family was guaranteed forever.

  Lizzie finished her studies but chose to be a full-time mom. She had four kids whom she idolized. She and Sam never divorced. They were happy together for the rest of their days.



  SPORTS Romance - Not With the Coach

  I tried, in earnest, to look a little relaxed. I inhaled deeply and slowly breathed out, hoping that my nerves would go with it. It didn’t seem to help in the slightest.

  Jennie didn’t seem fazed; she was a natural at appearing- well- natural. I always felt, at least, some measure of envy towards her when we spent time together.

  The most attractive men I’d ever seen paraded by us, giving large smiles at Jennie and avoiding my gaze as much as possible, it seemed. I was used to it by now. Yet, I still held a shred of hope that someone 'd notice me.

  “Yeah! Go Brad!” Jennie shouted while waving at the stand where the players congregated.

  I applauded and did my best to look the part as a fan of the team. The pep rally was full of fans, and the cheering onlookers were having the desired effect on the team.

  It hadn’t been my first rally that year, and for some reason, I felt my nervous at every one. I couldn’t tell what was causing it in the slightest. I wasn’t speaking in public, or expecting to be approached by a player, however, nice that would have been. I wondered if maybe they were jitters of excitement, and I was just hoping our team would crush the opposition.

  “We have to watch them practice tomorrow, Sandy,” Jennie said, as I clapped with the crowd.

  I nodded and smiled at her.

  I was always her tag along, as a handbag that fit her outfit perfectly. I didn’t mind, though, I just enjoyed being wanted.

  The crowd began to disperse a while later, and Jennie bade me stay so she wouldn’t be alone while she waited for Brad.

  “Hey, girl,” I heard Brad say from behind.

  We both spun and after taking her first look at him, ran to him and jumped up to straddle his waist. I might as not have existed; they paid me no mind and began to wander off. I checked the time on my phone; it was too late for any of the buses, and with no money for a cab, I figured that walking would be best.

  I palmed the can of mace I kept in my purse; an old habit and probably a good one to have. The street was still littered with people going in every direction.

  “So Jennie ditched you again, eh?” I heard an older voice from behind. It was Coach Reynolds.

  “Evening Mr. Reynolds,” I said curtly, “and, yes,” I added. He seemed amused, filling the evening air with laughter.

  “That girl is trouble, and I think Brad will find out soon enough,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t know who her real friends are, yet. I think she’s a bit too boy crazy, which is fine. But, if she keeps that up she won’t have anyone to rely on.”

  I nodded, not really understanding what he meant.

  “Do you need a ride home,” he asked.

  I knew what I wanted to say, but I wasn’t able to say it.

  “I think I’m okay. I’ll just walk,” I replied.

  “Oh nonsense, I couldn’t let someone walk home in the dark alone like this. It’s only right. Just come with me,” he said.

  While it was a little demanding, I was glad that he insisted. I already felt a little safer now that he was nearby.

  We had walked another block before we got to his car; an old muscle car from the 60’s. The paint was a little rough from wear, and the interior was slightly cracked along some of the seams, but it looked like he prided himself on it. A great amount of care was put into maintaining this old thing. I felt a bit out of place sliding into the passenger seat.

  “So, where are we off to?” he asked, rumbling the engine to a start.

  I gave him the directions to the room I was renting. I liked being out of the dormitories and enjoyed the responsibility of living alone and free.

  The car vibrated and hummed as he pulled into the street, as though there was a purring kitten sitting on my lap.

  We pulled to a light, and not a single person was around. I felt a little nervous again, and I think he could tell.

  “Wanna have some fun?” he said.

  I inched away from him slightly, assuming something nefarious.

  “Not that kind of fun,” he inferred while revving the engine.

  I sighed with relief and giggled at my own misunderstanding; I had a feeling we were about to be very irresponsible.

  He stared at the hanging light, with his hand firmly grasping the shift lever. I wrapped my arm around the handle on the door, feeling my heart starting to race.

  The light turned green. His hammered the gas hard and the tires began to screech and howl. Grey dust filled the air, and we shot down the road like a bullet from a gun.

  He sped past more green lights, building up more speed until we reached my turn.

  “Here!” I shouted and pointed to the right.

  He smiled, revved the engine and shifted down, making the cars tail spin into the turn, causing the car to go sideways.

  An odd thing occurred during my brief glimpse of death; I found that I wasn’t so nervous anymore. I even loosened my grip on the door and started enjoying the feeling of swaying with the motion of the car. The engine thumped, and I could feel each and every patter strike me in ways I hadn’t felt before. It felt like liberation.

  “Woo!” I shouted.

  He laughed as he continued to drive like a maniac. And, before I wanted it to, our ride had come to an end. He slowed down as we approached the house in which I stayed.

  I sat for a moment in the passenger seat, shaking with excitement. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling with giddiness.

  “Okay, you better hop out,” he said, “I don’t want people to start talking.”

  I slid from the car seat, my legs still feeling a little rubbery from the excitement. With the door shut, I leaned over the open window and blew him a kiss. I immediately regretted it; feeling a little embarrassed as he drove off.

  My heart still raced, and my skin was still flush. I felt more alive now than any other time I could remember. I danced to my room, barely feeling the ground as I went along.

  I wonder how often he gives people rides.


  “Isn’t Brad just gorgeous,” Jennie said as we sat in the stands watching them practice.

  I rolled my eyes like I usually would; I doubt she ever saw me do it. She was always so absorbed by her boyfriend playing to ever really pay attention, anyway.

  I adjusted my glasses, putting them to rest on the bridge of my nose. They were just slightly too big, but there was nothing I could do, new glasses weren’t in the budget.

  “You know, I think Brad said that Mike was making eyes at you, I bet I could introduce you two, and you’d hit it off right away,” she said, rubbing my shoulder and shaking my glasses back down to the tip of my nose.

  I furiously tucked them back to their usual spot.

  “Mike is pretty cute,” I managed to squeak out.

  “Perfect! Come with me to the party tonight and you can meet him. I think you guys would make a cute couple,” she said.

  I hadn’t much interest, but I knew that Jennie would find another excuse to bring me to the party. Might as well just accept the first and move on.

  I set aside my books; they weren’t holding my interest. I dwelled on the ride from
last night and still felt the pangs of excitement shoot through my head.

  I closed my eyes and relaxed my muscles. I somehow wasn’t feeling very anxious or nervous today as I usually did. It was as though a switch had clicked on in my head last night.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw the coach, watching from the sidelines and barking out orders. His clean and pressed button down belayed his more mischievous demeanor. He was quite attractive. Tall and sinewy, but still very muscular; his broad shoulders tapered down in a V-shape towards his waistline. His close-cropped hair framed his face while his sharp brown eyes gave him a stern but lighthearted gaze.

  I found myself watching him as he waved his clipboard through the air, and blew his whistle. My heart skipped a beat; the only other time it had done that was when I met my old high school boyfriend.

  “Alright guys, get in here,” he shouted.

  The crew of players did as told, huddling around the coach. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they listened intently to his words. Then they all broke off and headed towards the showers. Mr. Reynolds grabbed his bag and shoved the clipboard inside.

  “Okay, Sandy. I’m going to go wait for Brad outside the locker room door, coming?”

  “I think I’m going to stay here a while, you go on ahead,” I said.

  She nodded and happily skipped off.

  I tucked my schoolbooks away and trotted down the stairs. I barely made it halfway down when I saw the girls cheer team cease their practicing for the day.

  They looked like models, every one of them. Their long legs barely covered by a tiny skirt, and blonde hair tied back to a ponytail. I was envious of her good looks and chipper attitude. I could just barely make out their conversation.

  “Hey, Mr. Reynolds, what are you doing this weekend,” asked the prettiest of the bunch, “the girls and I were planning on having a little cheer camp and would love to have you there to coach us.”

  “Doesn’t the cheer team already have a coach?” he asked.

  They all giggled.

  “Well, we do, but we could always use a little more coaching,” she said through a bright smile.

  The squad captain did a flirty bounce where she stood. It was easy to see that she had taken a liking to Mr. Reynolds; I felt a little envious.


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