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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 6

by Alexandra North

  What is he on about?

  It’s a shame Niall is such a dick - he and Sebastian used to be good friends.

  “Get lost, Niall. You’re already half cut. How long have you been out?”

  “Few hours.” His throw away comment is accompanied by a so what shrug.

  “Right. Well I’m off. You’ll see your son as planned next week. Have a good night.”

  “There’s no need to be so bitter Babe - I know you still want me. You could have me too if you just chased a li…ttle bit harder.”

  He laughs at his comment and I bite down hard to stop myself from retaliating and ultimately giving him what he wants - the pleasure of seeing my night ruined - I clench my teeth with such strength that I nip my inner lip and flinch.


  “Meg, we’re leaving.”

  I ignore Niall’s attempts to chatter away to me, and his suggestion that he and the lads accompany us to the Champagne Bar safely. Meg finally recognises my need to escape and is by my side in an instant.

  “You alright, Hun?” she looks concerned and I refrain from hollering where were your concerns just now?

  “I’m fine. Let’s just go. We’re already late.”

  I don’t even say goodbye to Niall as I head out the front doors of the pub, but can hear him holler to us.

  “Give your Sis a Happy Burp-day Kiss from me - might see you later Mu Mu.“

  I cringe at his babyish whine and the awful nickname he used to call me.

  I don’t bloody think so.

  Suzie, Gino, Abby and Jess are already at The Champagne Bar when we arrive and I’m pleased as they've grabbed a corner of the hip bar in Lords City Centre.

  “Yay! You’re here! My gorge Sis – Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me!” Suzie throws herself at me, a cloud of Thierry Mugler’s Angel shrouding us, as she dances to her own tune. I smile in affection and envelope her in a proper cuddle.

  “Happy Birthday Darling.” Winking at Gino, I raise my brows and mouth-the-words, nodding in Suzie’s direction, “How many has she had?”

  “She is on the sauce, as it is her birthday, in case no one else had realised.” He laughs at this ridiculous remark, shrugging his shoulders, and lifting his arms up in a surrendering way. “You will need to buy plenty of tomato sauce to play catch-up, - you get it?”

  Oh my word, Gino’s jokes are renowned for being bad but I giggle in spite of it. He really is so daft, especially with his Italian tinged Yorkshire accent.

  “Meghaan,” he purrs, “You look ravishing!”

  Meg, who is usually unaffected by the smarm-charm and hates the use of her full name, blushes and slaps him playfully on his arm. “Suzie - you’ve got your hands full with this one.”

  Suzie tuts and waves the words away. “He knows he has the best Meg - and he’ll never get better,” she smiles smugly.

  Gino just shrugs and adds, “I have my hands full yes, but tonight perhaps she will have her mouth full of Italian promise,” he winks, and nods his head, happy with this thought, unable to see Suzie mouthing in his dreams behind him. But I watch them a little longer, and see her lean into her husband’s body and seductively whisper something gently into his ear and know from the sexy smile that appears across his handsome face that the night would be full of promise for them.

  Suzie’s best friend, Jess, chooses that moment to launch herself at me, identifying herself, as my sister’s partner in lager and lime! She’s a fabulous ball of energy on any given day and is great fun. I haven’t caught up with her in forever and have really missed her company of late, especially since she only lives around the corner from Finn & I.

  “Lulu. How’s things? I haven’t seen you in fucking ages!” she grins genuinely, rubbing my arm in affection.

  I laugh at her language. She reminded me of the lovely Irish - could swear like a trooper and didn’t seem to offend, even though she was a Yorkshire lass, born and bred.

  “I’m great Jess, how’s the new job?”

  “Fucking nightmare Babe, but I’ve got no responsibility and that suits me for now.” She drains the last drop of her drink, like she has been stuck in the desert for a week. “You know me Lu, can’t stay still for too long. I might get knocked-up and become domesticated; what a God- awful thought!”

  I shake my head and snort. “You are naughty Miss Jessica. I adore my son and won’t hear you dis domesticity. It’ll come to you one of these days. It comes to us all.”

  “Oh darling, Finn is a total superstar, but kids are not for me. You know that. I’m happy to be sexy Auntie Jess, but I’m too bloody selfish to be a full-time carer. How would I have the time to recover from my monstrous hangovers? Speaking of bottle feeding…”

  I take that as my cue and giggling further at her extreme bluntness I hold my hands up in submission. “OK. OK! Hint taken. My round, what does everyone want?”

  “Ooh, I’ll come with?” Abby’s bubbly voice interrupts, “I need to talk to you!” Her eyes, burrow into my face with such intensity, I know not to refuse.

  We head over to the fabulous Art Deco themed bar and squish as far to the front as is acceptable around the many thirsty customers. I smile at Abby as she practically bursts at the seams with her secret. She looks lovely tonight; very effervescent – I definitely sense something brewing.

  “Oh my God Lubedoo, I’m in LOVE!” she explodes the information, her big brown cow eyes are bright and her brow furrows in what could be pain or maybe excitement? I’m not sure, but I laugh at her dramatic exclamation.

  “Oh Darling, who is it this time?” Abby was well known for falling in love easily shall we say, and it was one of the things I loved about my best mate, that she never took life too seriously.

  She rolls her carefully purple lined eyes as if I’ve completely lost the plot “Nathan of course. He’s bloody gorgeous!”

  “Nathan Silver?”

  “Yes. Seb’s brother - he’s back and working with Sebastian now.”

  I let her words filter through and nod in understanding “I didn’t know he was home, it’s been a while since I saw him to be honest. He’s a super nice guy though.”

  “He’s soo dreamy! Suzie, Gino, Jess and I bumped into them at The Oracle just before we came here. You and Meg were late as per.”

  I ignore her late comment. I’m always late, but tonight I wish it had just been the old excuse my hair wouldn’t go and not the fact that I’d been an idiot and met up with my ex. I choose not to inform her of my silly faux pas at that time and instead file it away to enjoy my night. That way Niall didn’t win.

  Looking brightly back at her I ask, “Them?”

  “Nathan, Sebastian and his mate. Can’t remember his name, sorry, I was too in awe of my Greek God at that stage. They’re meeting us in here soon.”

  My tummy flips in expectant waves of the unknown and I swallow, giving the bar a quick recce - nope not here yet. Why am I getting all nervy? I try to hide my twitchiness from Abby and support her own crush. I’ve always had a feeling she and Nathan would hit it off if they met but they’d never been single at the same time. Maybe now was the right occasion?

  “He is a lovely guy Abby. To be honest, I haven’t caught up with him in a while. I think he’s been in Australia?”

  “Is he single? Shit, I hope he’s single.” She chews her lip in panic and I consider her pose. She’s not normally so on edge. Bless - she does really like him!

  “I honestly don’t know. I know he had a long-term girlfriend a year or so ago, think her name was Penelope or Poppy but don’t quote me on that - but not sure of late?” Shrugging my shoulders I shuffle between two male elbows on the black glossy bar, as a space frees up. It was packed and not a gentleman in sight at this bar – undoubtedly every man or woman for themselves, when it came to getting served here.

  “I could ask around if you want?”

  “Oh thanks Hun, but make it subtle won’t you? I really need to work my char
m here and not appear desperate. I honestly think if he asked me to, I’d bob on with him tonight - I would!” She looks disappointed at herself but at the same time resigned in the knowledge that she is powerless to it.

  I giggle at one of her favourite nicknames for sex and drolly reply. “Wow! He must be The One!”

  “Don’t be like that. I’m serious he’s…well he’s really nice. I think he would be good to me. God knows I need someone to be good to me.”

  I grab her in a cuddle. “Babe, you don’t need anyone to be good to you. I’m here!”

  We embrace in a messy swaying hug and are interrupted by the barman. I promptly order two bottles of our favourite tipple, Laurent-Perrier Cuvée Rosé Champagne, not willing to lose the place in the queue and turn back to Abs.

  “Just be yourself and he’ll be putty in your hands.”

  Her vulnerable side appears safely tucked away again, and cheeky Abby is back. “Don’t bloody think so, nothing soft there, that one would be 100% solid Silver!”

  I practically choke on my laugh, and shoulders shaking at her comment, we share out the glasses and ice bucket between us, manoeuvring our route between the hustle and bustle.

  “Seriously though, how are you going to feel about seeing Sebastian tonight - now that you’ve taken the blinkers off?”

  I barge her lightly with my shoulder to shut up. “Honestly? I’m shitting myself and I don’t really know why?”

  I notice a few neck cricks from admirers, as we snake a path to our friends and I‘m pleased I spent the extra time on myself earlier. It was paying off.

  “You’ll be fine Lu, you’re hot right now – you won’t need to do anything. It’s like you’re giving off some kind of vibe? Just go with it!” Her deep throaty laugh follows her as she leads the way. Yeah desperation!

  We finally reach the table, arms aching and remarkably not a drop of the good stuff spilt when we see that our party has expanded and I can acknowledge a further three men are chatting amiably with Gino. One of them I can tell is Sebastian, even from behind. Oh and what a behind. I feel a little buzz of excitement fizz its way around my body. Since Abs had mentioned he was on his way, I’d had nothing but him on my dirty little mind.

  Who am I kidding? I’d been watching the door for the past twenty minutes, trying to appear nonchalant in the hope that he’d make it, before confirmation that he was, in fact, already on his way.

  I can see that Sebastian is talking to a good-looking guy, with a very cute smile and cool messy hair and as I near, I realise its Nathan his brother, whom I haven’t seen in ages. Abby was right. He looked good and I send her a knowing smile, which she returns with a wink. The other male is standing, watching me as I walk towards them; his angular, stubbled face is difficult to read and I don’t recognise him at all. He is good-looking in harsh kind of way- rather brooding.

  Our arrival at the table is greeted with whoops and noisy cheers from Suzie for my choice of champers and I begin to dish out glasses to the many already out-stretched hands. I’m concentrating on the task, when Sebastian leans in and takes one of the bottles from the large mirrored ice bucket.

  “Here, let me Lu. Hmm, the good stuff - you always have had impeccable taste,” he approves, considering me from head to foot, his husky voice slicing through me. Double-entendre already?


  My response is barely a whisper. That’s all I can say. I sound reserved, although I don’t mean to, and force a sparkling smile. Why is the atmosphere so strained? I can’t believe how much has changed in twenty-four hours. This is my mate, I just need to relax and enjoy my time with him and our combined friends; it’s so infrequent these days that we are all out together.

  Either that or bloody ask him to fuck me and get it out the way. Lulu - you’re losing it!

  Sebastian hands out the good stuff to the many outstretched hands before saving the last glass for me and is about to release it into my fingers, when he’s jostled from behind by an eager punter and the whole contents of the flute, are emptied over my chest. The moment is lightening-quick but feels like a slow motion replay; bubbles fizzing and trickling down my neck, across my décolletage and disappearing beneath the low v of my dress.

  I’m transported back in time to a similar situation, ten years earlier - a walking talking cliché… again! At least I’m not wearing white on this occasion. My gasp of shock as the cold champagne hits my chest and soaks through to the skin, makes us both jump.

  “So here we are again. Always thrusting those assets in my face Lulu.”

  My immediate anger dissipates immediately as shock gives way to memories. I smile back at him, and then giggle. Ten years! Where did that time go? How different things could have been?

  “I seem to remember it being cheap watered-down beer. At least now its champagne.”

  “I seem to remember telling you I wouldn’t touch you again. That won’t be the case this time.” His deep voice is full of promise.

  I grab a serviette from the table and mop at my chest, remarkably, there is no stain and my cleavage has taken the majority of the hit and is now happily dry.

  “I think I prefer you wet.”

  My eyes fly up at that comment. His dark eyes twinkle with mirth, and I swallow deeply to control the effect he is unknowingly having on me - his words sending signals of desire directly between my thighs.

  Accepting the second chilled champagne flute, he carefully hands over, I immediately take a large gulp to calm my nerves; the raspberry liquid fizzes in my mouth and the crisp vanilla tang of my favourite champagne slides coolly down my throat. It is delicious and I lick my lips to savour every last drop. I can feel the warm glow begin to emanate in my tummy.

  I lurve champagne; it is one of the few alcoholic beverages that didn’t make me feel ghastly the next day, providing I wasn’t too silly with my quantities. I look at Sebastian and he is watching me intently, with particular focus on my mouth.


  He clinks his glass to mine and our fingers brush gently. It’s as though we are in one of those Rosé bubbles, enclosed, away from everyone else. Whoa, this is heavy stuff! I can’t believe how I am seeing my friend. I can hear Gino telling a dirty joke to the group in the background and lots of laughing and bawdiness but in our intimate party of two, we are secluded. Sebastian plonks himself down on the stool next to me. He looks so hot, wearing dark fitted Replay jeans, which fit his muscled thighs snugly (thank you Replay designers) and a grey silk-knit v-neck jumper. His shoes are expensive brown dealer boots, manufactured to look worn. The combination is so simple; he just looks … devastating; effortless - like an advert for GQ. I can smell his signature scent and I know it is by Dolce & Gabbana, as I had bought some for him for Christmas one year, after his mum had given me his wish list. I remember it being called The One and I laugh now at the irony of it all.

  His face is stern, almost angry looking; his jaw strong, and arrogant. He’d cut his hair recently, probably for ease at work and now wore it shorter, not quite entirely shaved but cut short on the sides, and kept slightly longer on top, soldier style. It only adds to his raw sexuality. He has a fuck off nose, I’d always teased - it is slightly too long and angular but perfectly straight, despite having broken it on several occasions. It makes you want to run your finger along the edge of it, slowly, right to the tip. His colouring is so dark; he permanently has a shadow of stubble, which threatens to erupt at any moment and an olive tone to his fantastic skin. But it was his eyes that are now captivating me. They are slightly turned down in the outer corners and huge, almost black in shade, with sherry brown and hazel flecks if you caught them in a certain light, and eyelashes that any woman would die for, that fringed his bedroom gaze with full, sooty bluntness. The overall effect was one of power, arrogance, success and confidence, but ultimately, he commanded attention and women did not let him down. He was a great combination of Jason Statham, Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum, all mixed into o
ne delicious package - he quite literally oozed sex appeal and right at this moment I could eat him up with a cherry on top.

  How have I not seen how hot he is until now? You did - you’d just forgotten, my inner voice reminds me annoyingly.

  “Your brother’s here. I haven’t seen him since that party for your Nan’s 70th at your Mum and Dad’s last year.” Finally, I stop drooling and find my tongue.

  “Yeah, he got back from travelling in Oz recently and is now going to join me on site,” he nods his head towards Nathan’s direction. “It’s really good to have him home - soft lad that he is.” I can hear the affection in his voice.

  I’m not really listening to him, as I can’t stop ogling. I’ve spent years on and off with this man, hours sitting next to him in lecture theatres and cramming for exams. Why did I never see him in this way? My hand is itching to touch him. “Is he single?” I ask.

  Nice one Lu. Didn’t Abby ask you to be subtle?

  Sebastian considers my question watching me inquisitively. “He’s my brother Lu.”

  I’m confused by his disapproving response and my screwed up face and stutter probably show this, when he continues dryly.

  “Yes he’s single.”

  It suddenly dawns on me that he must realise that I am asking for myself and I laugh at his misconception. “Not for me, you ditz. I know a little bird who’s enquiring that’s all.”

  My information doesn’t appear to have lessened his scowl. Grumpy bastard – where’s fun-loving Sebastian gone? He’s become very intense. Taking a swig of champagne he brings his brooding focus back to me but we remain silent. God, this is awkward. I have to get out of here. I’d hoped to maybe take the moment to discuss my favour with him.

  “I’ll be back in a bit - off to the Ladies.”

  “Off you go an powder that cute little snub nose of yours.”

  It’s abrupt but I excuse myself and try to appear casual as I head in the direction of the toilets so that I can deep breathe in peace. I don’t look back, but can feel the burn of his gaze on my retreating form and I ensure he gets the complete Lulu wiggle. All these comments about my appearance are wreaking havoc with my nether regions.


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