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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 11

by Alexandra North

  “I’m not sure Hun but they did a fabulous job – although I think a lot of the inherent parts of the building should be grateful to the original regency designers; this floor for example – it aint new! It might have been re-vamped but the fundamentals were definitely already here.”

  Colin hmm’s his agreement and we continue to explore. We are happily surveying each nook and cranny and soaking up the inspiration, when we’re collected and taken into another room, branded on its plaque as The Library; a complete contrast to the hallway, where its clever use of colours and textures have created a hip boutique feel. It was all, sultry and decadent rather like its Owner, speak of the devil. There relaxing on a plush purple crushed velvet settee, with crystal haberdashery buttons and oodles of fur and silk cushions sat a cross-legged James Marcell. He looked like he was posing for a Sunday Times photo shoot. I feel Colin melt next to me. God help us.

  After a delicious and unexpected afternoon tea, with fluffy scones, thick strawberry-jam and clotted cream, accompanied by a steaming pot of Yorkshire Tea, I sigh in sheer delight. Then, reminding myself that we are not there as guests but to in fact work, I gently push my rather relaxed potential client to review our design mood boards. I’m starting to wonder if this may have been more of a tricky tea for James, as his ruddy cheeks flush deeper.

  “So James, what do you think?” I ask apprehensively, hoping that my keenness to obtain this project isn’t too apparent to the client.

  I watch his over-collagen enhanced face for any positive sign. I was hard to tell, as his obvious love of Botox has meant that his tanned but very smooth face, only really offered one expression. The presentation has been delivered really well, if I say so myself. The rich velvets, pewter’s, reds and grey’s appear to be a huge hit, going by the many Oooh’s and Ahh’s throughout the spiel. My suggestion to add a large open fire in the sitting room to the suite have been welcomed with enthusiasm and the only thing now we had to agree upon was the Designer’s Guild fabric for the furniture - oh and the budget, of course.

  Finally the boss speaks.

  “Simply put Lucia, it is wonderful and just what we are after here at The Ashton. You really have done a fabulous job.” He places a well-manicured hand on a thick swatch of Scarlet velvet and flicks his eyes back over the sample of £100 a roll, black-flocked wallpaper.

  “Perfect,” he mutters to himself, deep in thought.

  I glance at Colin who is now mouthing to me, “In the bag. In THE bag!” as though he’s suddenly working as a speech therapist. God he doesn’t do subtle!

  I nervously fiddle with a stray piece of hair that’s worked its way loose from my up-do and raise my eyes to focus on the beautiful ornate cornicing around the room. When at last, I hear him clear his throat and removing his red thick-framed designer glasses, he looks directly at me, and nods, straightening his back on the sofa.

  “When can we start?”

  I exhale the breath I’ve been unknowingly holding and stand up, smoothing out my navy Roland Mouret moon dress. Yes! We did it. In my head, I hi-five, someone, anyone, in utter triumph. Where was Finn when I needed to do a victory dance? He always joined me in a mutual admiration boogey.

  “I can have the builders in to knock things about within the next 2 days. I’ll finalize some building quotes for you this afternoon and re-check their company schedules, then e-mail them across. Providing everything goes to plan, and what’s behind those walls is what we think is behind those walls, we could be finished in the best part of four - six weeks.”

  James bobs his rather narrow head up and down, in all the right places. “Wonderful Lucia. You really are as good as Malcolm told me.”

  I make a mental note to thank Mal, for the referral. I’d recently completed refurbishing his small Bed and Breakfast, Rooks Hill and the three individually themed en-suite bedrooms are going down a storm with his customers. They are fully booked for the next six months. My own personal favourite is The Garden Room, with thousands of tiny twinkling lights installed into the hand painted ceiling to replicate a starry-night. The effect is breath- taking and exceedingly romantic.

  I return my attention to James who then nods at Colin, who is literally standing in a puddle of drool at James’ feet.

  “Right, now the tough part…budget. I love what you’ve planned but I’ll need to shave a bit off here and there to ensure there is enough in the kitty to enhance the other rooms in need of a facelift.”

  He muses placing his glasses back on to peruse the mood boards once again. “If we call it £80K for the Honeymoon Suite budget? Does that work?”

  I am so relieved that he is being realistic and I move to shake his outstretched hand immediately to seal the deal. “That is a healthy budget James and fair for the luxury that you expect and the room and hotel deserves. You’ve already had my quote for Elysium’s fee…Yes? That would be in addition to this budget, however.” I need to get this part in, as I’d been stung in the past.

  James agrees. “I’ll have my PA send you a completed, signed purchase order by the end of the day.”

  I mentally relax. Uncomfortable part is over. Now the hard work, but also best bit begins. I can put my designs into motion and create!

  “Colin, do you want to come… and help me stretch my tape measure around some of the other bedrooms? After the success of this meeting, I am going to place the balls… in your more-than capable hands.” James clears his throat and stands to leave.

  OMG the innuendos are endless.

  I do wish heterosexuals were as obvious. It would definitely make life easier all round. Sensing there is no need for me to stay I shake hands with James again and begin to gather up my work, as he and Colin disappear; Colin sending me the OK sign over his shoulder in glee. I’m not sure I’ll see him again this afternoon.

  I’m about to leave the library when I hear my name called. It is James’ PA, Debbie.

  “Ms. Myers, there is someone waiting for you in the drawing room. He says he is here to quote for the honeymoon suite’s building work?”

  I frown at this but smiling I thank her, and turn to follow her willowy figure, our heels clicking simultaneously upon the striking black and white checkerboard tiled floor, as we enter the reception area. She ushers me to a corner hidden from the doorway. There, sitting on a chaise longue, one leg resting casually upon the other knee, is Sebastian. He is reading the paper and looking entirely at ease in these luxury surroundings.

  As soon as he hears my shoes on the marble flooring, he looks up, locks eyes and stands to welcome me. If it isn’t enough shock that he is here, unexpectedly, he is wearing a fitted grey pinstriped suit, with crisp white shirt, open at the neck and a sexy smile. My mouth waters! I am in real trouble here. Deep breaths… Lucia!

  “Lucia, you look lovely,” he drawls appraisingly, his eyes sliding up and down my hourglass figure. I feel like I’m stripped bare in front of him and I twitch uncomfortably in my nude heels. It’s worse now that he’s seen what is under my dress but also that I’ve laid myself open to him with my proposal. Talk about vulnerable. Stop fidgeting!

  I’m distinctly aware that Debbie is long gone and remind myself that I’m blatantly gawking. We haven’t spoken since yesterday morning and I am acutely aware I hadn’t replied to his crappy ‘thanks’ text. But he had responded to mine. The Rose had been stunning.

  Suddenly I’m exceedingly aware that everything between us has changed and it’s making me really nervous.

  “Thanks. What are you doing here?” I respond a little too rudely.

  “Nice to see you too,” he laughs taking my elbow and manoeuvring me towards the ornate staircase. “You and I have a date in the honeymoon suite love and if you don’t hurry up, I’m going to carry you over the threshold to follow with tradition.”

  He arches a dark brow at me and I’m not sure if he’s kidding. Either way I practically glide up the immense steps and head full-throttle for our destination, leaving Seb to jog
alongside me to catch up. I can feel his eyes assessing me, boring into me - the skin at my neck burns from it, creating a buzz of friction all over my reactive body.

  “How did you know I was here Seb?” I question, continuing along the long corridor towards the back of the building.

  “I called your office and Jillie is it? She said you’d be here and I thought I’d meet you to measure up for this building quote you wanted doing.”

  I decide that I’m going to throttle Jackie when I return to the office. Then instantly berate myself - it wasn’t her fault.

  “Jackie not Jillie. I forgot how crap you are with names.” I can hear the annoyance in my voice and I’m disgusted at my shrewish attitude. The new seductive jovial Sebastian combo is certainly bringing out the worst in me.

  I try a calmer tactic. “You should have called me. I might not need you after all.”

  I refer to both contracts; work and play.

  “Hey no probs, but whilst I’m here, I may as well take a look.”

  “Well if you’re sure - I thought now Silver Con had hit the big time, you would have employed a site manager to come survey these smaller jobs?”

  “I have. Several in fact, but this quote needed my… touch.”

  I quiver under his words and sigh in relief as we reach the end of the Alice in Wonderland style corridor, and with a deft flick of his wrists the double doors fling open.


  Glancing across at his gut reaction I can’t stop the simmering smile play over my mouth. Genuine excitement pours out of him and I get it; it’s exactly how I’d felt the first time I’d witnessed the room. Peering inside the en-suite space brings on more purrs of contentment.

  “This is a great space - all that natural light from the sash’s, and original moldings. What a project Lu! Yeah, this will definitely give you something to sink your teeth into – take a big bite of the creative pie.” I swear he purposely nips his lip for definition. “Get the juices flowing…” He has the decency to smirk at his sexual innuendos but I’m a mess and take a deep, slow releasing breath.

  Sebastian takes a notebook and pencil from his inside pocket and the laser measure he’d carried up with him, and begins to get serious; his face intent on renovation. I need immediate space and utilise this distraction to my advantage, pretending to do my own scribbles. It is as I lean against one of the floor to ceiling windows, my forehead touching a cool pane of glass, as I enjoy the beauty of the Italian garden beneath me that I sense him at my back.

  “Right I’m done – all measured up. You want a fireplace putting in here yeah? The re-fit of the bathroom, flooring, decorating, re-plastering - the Works?” he enquires, his head tilted in business mode. God this Sebastian was even more lethal than relaxed Sebastian.

  Speak woman, he’s asking you a question, I inwardly remind myself.

  “Yes. I have a copy of the plans and our requirements in the reception. If I give you that, you can review my notes and get me a quote? Soon-as though.” I cringe at the short notice, knowing it would be a tough call for anyone to achieve and part of me hopes that he won’t be able to accommodate me.

  “No probs Lu. For you, anything,” he says seriously, his genial mood and persona has changed in a flash. I sense we are bringing it back to the text I sent him.

  “No more business though…” The look in his eyes is devilish as he moves towards me, forcefully pushing my body backwards against the window again. “Now… its all about pleasure.”

  Cupping his hand roughly around my neck, he draws me to his mouth, planting his lips firmly and fiercely onto mine. The electric shock ignites and zaps through my body once again. Head to toe. I feel myself in his embrace, deepening the hungry kiss myself. I am so aroused, I feel like I could explode right there and then. I am not prepared to appear easy… yet again, but this is all I’ve wanted since yesterday. A low moan escapes from my lips, as we crush our mouths together. Hot and wet. The sound triggers something within me and I am brought back to reality, and sense myself fighting against his chest. We separate, chests heaving, both heavily panting. He looks as surprised as I am - at the effect we have on one another. I feel a small victory at his less than calm veneer but am adamant that he can’t just kiss me like this, at the drop of a hat… here! It needed to be planned and I needed to feel in control. Here and now I was neither.

  “We can’t do this here Sebastian.” I remind myself as much as him.

  “Like bloody hell we can’t.” His voice is husky.

  He isn’t as composed as he usually is and takes a minute to think, his hand rubbing his shaven head in thought. My own, still trembling hand is clasped in his warm male palm. I feel the tug, as I’m dragged firmly towards the doorway.

  “Fuck it. Let’s go and book a room and we’ll finish whatever…this is between us!” He lifts his free arm up and down in a dramatic demonstration of this.

  My blood begins to boil and I honestly don’t know if I could seriously clock the man over the head. I had asked him for one night of sex between friends, but that meant one amazing night, not some half-cocked tumble.

  What cave had he crawled out of today? Me Sebastian, you Lucia! I don’t think so!

  Besides we hadn’t even discussed it… yet. He is obviously used to getting his own way with women but he should know with me that I am more than a match for his stubbornness. I am not his typical subject and I would not just rollover and perform at his command. This had to be on my terms. I am furious with him and struggle to pull my hand out of his tight grasp, as it dawns on me that I am still connected to him. The minute that he succumbs, my hand falls loosely by my waist and I instantly regret the loss of contact.

  “Apart from the obvious point that I can’t just go and book a room in the hotel owned by my most affluent and important client to date – so that you can scratch a fucking sexual itch - I don’t want to go to bed with you now… I’ve changed my mind.” I fold my arms across my chest primly to stress my decision is final; nothing could be further from the truth so I hope I’m convincing. “After the other night I would have thought it obvious that we just aren’t a match and I don’t know what I was thinking sending you that stupid text yesterday. It was a ridiculous idea?”

  My mouth struggles to voice the words, as I hate telling lies and blush. Annoyingly, this only assists in encouraging the chase for him. I can see the fire in his beautiful eyes and know that the same embers burn hotly in his belly. His demeanour has become almost aggressive.

  “You’re a shit liar Lu. Besides I’ve already set the wheels in motion. I accept your proposition, challenge, whatever you want to call it. There’s no going back now. You are right - Saturday night did not end well but it did prove we are compatible and if you need a man to get you over that prick, I’d rather it was me.” His slow sensual smile is my undoing and I swallow as his dimple twitches. “You’re going to get the night of your life - but I’ll be the one in control and I’ll determine the time and place.”

  At my shocked furrowed expression he continues. “It’s a deal breaker. Agreed?”

  I stare open mouthed at his audacity, desperate to tell him to go fuck himself. He was so sure of himself; so overly confident. So fucking sexy. Oh God, what am I doing? There’s no point backing out now. I really want this; need this. Instead I just nod.


  “Good. Because when we fuck, and I mean when Lucia, we’ll do it properly, willingly, honestly and openly, with no holds barred!” His voice is seductively promising in its arrogance. Hypnotic almost, and with these last words he raises his hazel flecked ebony pools to my deep green ones, and smugly shrugs. “Be honest with yourself. You and I were always going to happen one day. It’s been in the post for over a decade. You knew it and I knew it; the only questions to consider now are, when, where, and how many times will you come?”

  Licking his tongue along his full bottom lip, sensually, he is back to his cool and collected manner – o
bviously incredibly impressed with his boldness. Self-indulgently he nods at his statement as if agreeing with himself and bending to kiss me lightly on my cheek, his bristles creating havoc with my soft skin, he whispers in my ear.

  “I’m going to show you how sex should really be. No ties, no commitments just pure unadulterated pleasure. I’ll be in touch with the FBR’s.”

  I withdraw from him and frowning mutter, “FBR’s?” in confusion.

  His sexy grin is back in flash. “Fuck Buddy Rules - a must, with this type of agreement Love. I’ve already given you FBR number 1: I decide where and when. You’ll know the rest in time.”

  Then he is gone. Leaving me standing in a mirage of lust and fury.

  My cheek tingles where his lips left their mark, and I touch the spot myself to capture it. The frustration rushing through my veins is bordering on violent; my mind is so numb, I couldn’t manage to respond with a sharp retaliation to his shocking questions and my body is so alive, that I don’t even know if I want to retaliate.

  That fucking man!

  He is infinitely different to any Sebastian I have ever known. This is a completely new side to him. Illicit, dangerous and controlling. This is the side that all his previous conquests have been party to.

  Now I understand why he’s had so many.

  He is magnetic - worryingly so. The combination of this extreme magnetism and sexual prowess with the friendly, funny, sensitive, loyal Sebastian that I’m already familiar with is deadly. I sense that I am in big trouble but as a sensual smile, plays across my lips, I also think I might be in for some delectable fun - if I could just let go and start thinking more with my bits than my brain!

  Back in the car I slide my phone from silent to accessible and I notice a missed call from my sister Suzie. I click her number, sending my phone automatically into dial mode and crunch the car into gear - I needed to head back to work. Within seconds her bubbly voice echoes through the hands-free system.


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