The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 15

by Alexandra North

  “It wasn’t pretty. They haven’t seen each other since Niall walked. Niall kept saying he wanted to talk about something - he was really touchy-feely actually, thinking about it. I wonder if he and Karen aren’t getting on?”

  “Poor Niall - That would be awful for him if things didn’t go his way.”

  We giggle together cattily as only best girlfriends can when discussing their ex’s. Niall was nothing if not spoiled.

  “After Niall had gone Seb & I bathed Finn.” I continued but Abs interrupts me again, clicking her fingers.

  “Ooh very domesticated. That’s my girl.”

  I laugh at her. “Stop it naughty. He wanted to talk but I needed to get Finn to bed, so two birds, one stone blah blah.”

  “Two balls, one rock and drag him to bed, Flintstone style and just get on with it.” She mutters saucily and I belly laugh. This is why I needed to be with her today. She was a star and much more spontaneous than I’ve ever been.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter… I finally got Finn to sleep and we started to talk. Something we’ve always had no problem doing. One thing lead to another and we were bloody kissing… again!”

  “Did he make the first move or you?”

  I look at her face, intently focused on me and ponder her question, remembering back to last night, his hands on my body, electric currents fizzing along every nerve.

  “He did.” I didn’t put up much resistance though, I think inwardly.

  She just nods and encourages me to continue.

  “There were loads of mixed signals. He said it was me, and him, and that he was never here, made lots of excuses for the fuck-up that had been last weekend but at the same time kissed the socks off me. I was so turned on I made a move to take his t-shirt off, thinking sod it, we’re grown-ups, we’ve agreed to service one-another and he stopped me… again!”

  Her big liquid brown eyes mirrored my own confused expression and I wince.

  “I know right? All the men in my life want to do is talk to me… and all I want to do with him is touch. Now I’m getting flowers like it’s my birthday and Missing You messages and the latest in a long line of fuck buddy rules… look!”

  I thrust the handwritten note in front of her face and calmly she retracts it from my clutch and thoroughly examines the evidence.

  “Woah! - Rule number 4 - how many will there be?” she hands it back to me before adding. “All very illicit though - I like his train of thought. This should be done properly or not at all and you definitely need to go with the flow, if you go down this route; he’s the expert after all!” Her wink makes me grin and I chew my lip in thought.

  “Do you want my honest opinion though?”

  “Of course.”

  “Sebastian and you have unfinished business. There’s obviously something there; we know that, probably always has been. But… and I know you don’t want to hear this, you’ve been out of the game a while, he is and always has been a player and I don’t want you to get hurt. I’m proud of you for putting yourself out there and moving on from that dick Niall but I’m worried that you won’t be able to stop at a brief affair?”

  I nod mutely, it’s my one niggling fear too but I can’t just not do something for fear of getting hurt, and I repeat this to Abby, who agrees wholeheartedly.

  “OK. So you’re decided you are going to do this, go into it with open eyes and open legs Missy.” Her deep sexy laugh is contagious and I join in before she holds a hand up and adds,

  “Hey, what about Leo? Aren’t you supposed to be taking him on Saturday night?”

  Crap I’d forgotten all about him. “Yep.”

  “Well give him a chance, as date experience and worst case scenario you can use him to make Sebastian jealous. You’ll only be following rule number 4: Forget your history and act like strangers, to enhance the plea…suurreee.”

  Giggling as she puts on her sexy voice, I consider her words. “You’re a wise old bird Hun but what about all these FBR’s? No.1: He decides where and when, No.2: Not just one night but more, No.3: I need to trust him and be open to anything… blah blah blah.” I catch the glint of humour in her eyes.


  “You just don’t like the fact that he’s more in control than you are babe. Don’t drop everything for another man though. Your thong maybe but don’t let him have it all his way… unless you’re up for a bit of submission?”

  I shake my head at her excessively. I’d never really got all that Yes Sir. No Sir. Three bags full sir, bollocks.

  “Don’t quaff at it unless you tried it Hun; not so bad,” she raises her brows saucily at me.

  “Seriously too much information. What about you and Na?”

  “Oh God I’ve so much on with work, I didn’t think I had time for anything remotely related to a love life, then Nathan came along and boom - I’m a goner!” Her face shines with radiant excitement. “… and enough with the old!”

  “Talk about delayed-reaction!”

  We laugh together and start to gather up our things. It was unfortunately time to get back to our respective offices.

  “You know me Lu, caution is not my strong suit. He sent me a text asking me to go to S & G’s with him and I literally danced Gangnam style around my computer, I was so ecstatic. Hardly playing it cool - hey? Behind every frog…” she smiles coyly at our favourite analogy of finding a good man, amongst the many crappy ones and we shout in unison, “… is a horny toad!” and collapse, giggling like silly teenagers.

  “Seriously though, Nathan is most definitely not a frog. If it runs in the family I don’t think there’ll be anything cold-blooded about him. Rather so hot you’ll sizzle!”

  I correct her teasingly and feel for my best friend. She had it as bad as I did. These brothers had cast a spell over us both and within a week we were bobbing around in a wave of quick silver, clawing at any scrap they threw our way - disgustingly desperate and it worried the hell out of me.

  “I’m seriously going to have to be careful with this guy Lu.” Her face crumples at the inevitability of what is undoubtedly to come. “One kiss and I’m ready to let him delve in and fondle my fortune cookie!”

  It’s my turn to cough up the last remnants of my drink in shock but she continues,

  “Honestly! – It’s desperate to have its path crossed with silver.” Her dirty laugh fills the room. Eyes twinkling, aware of her bluntness and open mouthed with innocence she shrugs. “I can’t help it Chick. My cookie has turned into a monster!”

  We collapse in laughter until putting our jackets on Abs stops in her tracks, a familiar look upon her face. I knew that face; she was forming a plan.

  “Forget the bloody men - you and me Friday night - drinks at Rehab. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Her perfectly threaded arches dare me to decline and I sigh.

  “It is Niall’s weekend. Although he’s bringing Finn back Saturday morning and then taking him again in the afternoon, complete pain for Finn and I.”

  “God that man’s rubbish - I swear he does it on purpose! You know, so its impossible for you to have a man stay overnight?” I think she’s hit the nail on the head with her opinion; I’ve often thought the same thing myself.

  “But… I was going to chill, as we’re out for Suzie’s party the night after. Maybe give myself a mani-pedi.” Get myself prepared for seeing Seb tomorrow night.

  I feel her swat me on the arm. “You need to get out there babe - forget Mr. Silver and have some fun Abby-style.” Her wiggle tips me over the edge and I grin.

  As we make our way to the till, arguing over who’s shout it is, I reluctantly concede and allow Abby to pay our tab. “Thanks for being there Abs. Not sure I’m any further forward but certainly feel better for getting things off my chest.”

  “Well a problem shared and halved and all that.” She drops a tip in the bowl for the drippy little waitress we’d scared off with our sex talk.

in our case - brothers - at least they’re not twins, that would be way too weird!”

  Laughing cheerfully we hug each other goodbye and set off in opposite directions to settle back to the business of design. I head off feeling much lighter and brighter, turning back as I near the end of the cobbled street to wave happily at my Bezzi. Life was unsettled at present but I could always count on this best friend to boost me.

  I run like I’m being chased, by a serial killer; my feet pounding on the ground, sweat pouring from body, pushing my muscles to their limits. Continuing on the path, up past the local pub ‘The Babes in Arms’, through the snicket that takes me over the local farmers field and up a hill for another half a mile until I reach the reservoir. My music pumps from my earphones, Right here, right now by Fatboy Slim blasts out - fantastic tune! Each bloody song brings me back to Lu.

  It had taken every ounce of willpower I had to walk away the other night and only two things were keeping me sane right now - relentless exercise and cold showers! I wince as I’m haunted by memories of her beautiful hot body pressed up against mine, her tongue darting in and out temptingly, eyes shining with lust. I could have taken her right there on that God damned kitchen top but oh no - I had to be the knight in fucking shining Silver armour, all decent and respectable. I’m seriously regretting my offer of a special night of pleasure rather than just getting our freak on, on the floor - puts far too much pressure on us both now.

  I stop at the sty, to catch my breath and readjust my ever awakening cock - my stonking hard-on was making things rather comfortable - then head off to finish the final leg of my run.

  God she was stubborn!

  I thought I was stubborn but she was beyond the mule - I liked that she was independent and knew her own mind but together we were a pair of recalcitrant teenagers. Our arguments will not be pretty - I’ve already had a taste of that. At least she’d been agreeable to my offer of when and where and more than one night. If we were to venture down this untravelled path, we had to have some time to explore and now that we would be working on The Ashton together, I’d be able to fix things, so that was plentiful! One month of enjoying Lucia’s temptingly curvaceous form - my smile widens at the notion.

  As I reach the top of the hill, cows gently mooing at my right, greenery abundant I take a deep breath and enjoy the Yorkshire Dales, rolling in the distance, transferring my view over the resplendent reservoir. Tranquility at its best. Here things were simple.

  My thoughts drift back to Niall. What was his game? Lu’s so bloody innocent she can’t see how men look at her but I did; I saw his eyes and the territorial gleam there, when I grabbed her arse. He’d been seriously pissed that I was fucking things up for him. Well tough - you had your chance mate, now sling your hook!

  It’d been odd seeing him after all this time and sad really that I still held such contempt for him. Finn was such a little star, I’d winced was he’d launched himself at me, rather than his Dad but then again you get back what you put into relationships. Niall had, and always would do the bare minimum with any relationship. I feel myself chuckling as I’m reminded of Finn calling Niall ‘Lion’ and growling expressively and then the memory of the look of disdain on his father’s face stops my smile in its tracks. Arse!

  I take one last look at the lake, the sky mirrored within it and ripples, mesmerising as they form across the surface. I’d have to bring Lu up here with me for a run and maybe a picnic.

  The woods were dark and secretive and there’d be no chance of being seen within them - just the thought of ramming into her, outside, amongst nature, naked - Jesus Seb you’re not helping yourself here mate, an inner voice reminds me as I readjust my cock again.

  A quick stretch against an old tree trunk and I head back in the direction I’d come. My music switches to Roger Sanchez, I never knew and again I’m reminded of Lulu; the words are seriously spooky.

  I wouldn't press you wouldn't want to stress you, cause we're friends

  and I don't want that to change but last night when you kissed me goodbye

  don't know but I was feeling strange, like I didn't want to leave

  wanted to protect you, want to see you smile all night

  I thought maybe I was crazy baby.... but when you touched me it felt so right

  I need to get my head out of the clouds and back in the game - not like me to be so sentimental.

  I’d loved the domesticity at hers the other night, it had felt like coming home after a long day at work, to a home-cooked meal, a freshly bathed kid and sexy woman I couldn’t take my eyes off. I’d never craved that before, always enjoyed coming home to quiet after work, sport on the TV and a cold beer in the fridge, but I could get used to it. I roll my lips in frustration at myself; I know me, something deep within is stopping me from letting go.

  Tomorrow night we are S and G’s for their annual summer bash and Saturday is going to be the night - if I can hold out that long. Thank God I’d been away on business or I’d have had hell on keeping away. I’d sent her flowers on Wednesday; to accompany the latest FBR but to be honest I’d just wanted to be close to her. It was taking everything not to drive over to hers and seal the deal.

  FBR No.4 was spot on though; we definitely needed to be strangers to become lovers. We needed a second chance to meet for the first time, which was impossible so this was the next best thing.

  I’m nearly home as my phone snaps me out of my daydreaming and I answer. Gino.

  “Big G!” I answer pleased to hear from him.

  “Mate. How you doin? You ‘ome?” His Italian accent is much stronger on the phone and I smile at the familiarity of it.

  “Yep just landed now. Why what’s up?”

  “Na and I are going to Rehab tonight for a couple of beers - you up for it. Si?”

  I consider the question. Maybe a night out with the boys is just what I need to take my mind of her.

  “Sounds great. Text me when your on your way down in the cab, you can slide by mine.”

  “Great. See you bout 7.30.”

  I click the red button, end the call and jog up the drive to the house, heading off upstairs to shower. Yeah a night out is just what I need, one without an annoying fuck buddy to invade my mind at every turn.

  The sweet sounds of Chris Brown’s latest hit ‘Don’t wake me up’ thrum through the doors as I walk inside our bar of choice Rehab. A trendy little bar, built from what was left of the old Bastian fire station. It’s main pull was the fact that only 25’s were allowed entry and two sturdy bouncers, watched the doors at all times, one of which we had nick-named Jerry-curl due to his uncanny resemblance to Daryl from the film Coming to America. This type of security kept it stylish and allowed a consistently high dress code.

  Its modern décor was designed in a hotel boutique theme, with plenty of dark segregated areas for good conversation and a dance floor, which appeased the more energetic punters. The best part was it was only five minutes from my house by taxi and although local, definitely competed with the inner city bars, which charged £10 more for a fancy cocktail. I’d been trying to meet with the manager for a few months now, to get in before they began work on converting the space above the Bar, into a restaurant - mental reminder to e-mail him again next week.

  I feel positive. The rest of the week has gone well. Colin & I had grafted on The Ashton and things were in place for next week’s construction to begin and I’d managed to get to the wholesalers last minute on the way home from work last night. I’d even managed to make a Paper Mâché alien mask for Finn to take to Futuristic Day at Crèche. Complete with googly eyes, tentacles and flared nostrils. Finn had promptly named him Cuthbert and declared me the best mummy ever! I felt like the model mother and I’d found it hard, to let him go to Niall’s tonight and would have been happy to cuddle up in front of the TV with Pizza and a movie.

  I’m glad I’d stuck to my plans though as although shattered the music is boosting me - I’m obsessed with this s
ong, so it’s a good start to the night. It makes me feel free and is one of my favourite driving songs on my ipod - on permanent repeat whilst I sing along.

  Everything has gone, as I’ve wanted it to with my appearance. My hair, is gleaming, my make-up sharp, I’d even put some false eyelashes on and my green-eyes now stand out piercingly from two dramatic black brushes. My clothes make me feel sexy and my new pony-skin stilettos, from Dune, (which are kindly assisting me in the height or lack-of-height department) and skinny ripped jeans-blazer combo work perfectly. The naughty no top under the blazer has added a great feminine touch to a relatively safe, boyish outfit and my cleavage is doing what it does best, peeking out, all bronzed and pert.

  I feel confident and confidence stands for sexiness, right? All is good and I’m glad I’ve come out at Abby’s insistence. She was right we needed to shake it all off and have some fun. As I reach the bar and ask Abby what tipple she fancies, I glance over my right shoulder. That’s when I see him.


  He is hidden by the central pillar, so he is not entirely visible but it is him and God he looks hot, dressed in a dark fitted t-shirt, jeans, and black thin skin leather jacket. He is with Nathan, and Gino.

  Oh crap! He sees me too.

  Our eyes meet for a long second and I immediately feel flustered and turn to put all of my energy, into the guy behind the bar.

  What was he doing here? Tonight was supposed to be Seb free?

  My heart is pounding as the music throbs around me. There’s no denying my disloyal emotions; I’m bloody excited! He’s home again.

  What did Abby say she wanted? My mouth is totally dry.

  “Hi. I’ll have 2 large penis’ please… oh and soda”. I add cheekily smiling at the good-looking young man. He knows I mean Pinot Grigio and I’m sure he’s fed up the in-house joke, we all use regularly, but like a good sport he chuckles anyway. I flirt outrageously with him, as I feel Sebastian’s eyes burning down on me.


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