The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 14

by Alexandra North

  “Like I mentioned I’m going away on business for a few days. Think about my offer and say yes to all my rules when I return. I’ll forward the remaining FBR’s whilst I’m away.”

  It isn’t a question and his voice is remarkably calm, annoyingly so. His handsome face studies me, willing me to retaliate and then he makes a move towards the backdoor. I’m completely silent.

  “Right. Well I’ll be off then. I’ll see you at Suzie & Gino’s do. Saturday night?” he asks, stroking his head in thought. I nod, desperate for him to leave me to my embarrassment.

  “Lu…when it happens, the first time, its not going to be some quick fumble on the kitchen floor. You deserve better than that… than me really. But I promise you; I’ll drive you wild. After the first time we can get down and dirty wherever you please.” His voice lowers with the latter statement, causing me to look up at him with wide green eyes. I watch him head out through the backyard, stopping only to wave casually over his shoulder. If I hadn’t seen the huge bulge in his jeans, I’d think that this whole bizarre situation wasn’t affecting him at all?

  Like I concluded yesterday I’m in seriously big trouble. How had this started out feeling like I was the one controlling the terms and now Sebastian was at the helm of our agreement?

  The next few days in my Elysium diary are booked out solely for The Ashton. It deserved my full, undivided attention and as I juggle quotes and source materials with relish on Wednesday, I’m grateful for the distraction from my sex life. It only left every other waking moment to consider my discussions with Mr. Silver on Tuesday night. The man in question was in Manchester until the weekend, bidding for work on a large chain-project there, which was a major coup for Silver Construction, or so Nathan had mentioned the few times we chatted about Ashton work, this morning.

  He was never bloody home! To be fair to him, wasn’t that one of the excuses he’d used last night for us not taking it further?

  I suppose if I’m honest I am glad of the time to breathe and think clearly. I’ve pretty much made up my mind to forget anything ever happened between us, forget the bloody rules and offers, of amazing sex at all hours, and move on. Like it was as easy, as that. The man was total head fuck; I want you, I don’t want you. I want you, just not now. I’m going to drive you wild…

  Arrgghh!!! I’m thoroughly disappointed that since my stupid proposition, we don’t seem to be able to connect verbally. Before all this palaver, Seb would have told me about this Manchester gig. We’d have spent hours hashing out the tender together, be it on the phone or e-mail. We always asked one another for advice, in both our businesses. Now it appeared we’d stopped the small-talk altogether, stopped the banter, stopped anything… well in regards to everyday life. I missed it and I missed him as my friend.

  I’m glad I’d managed to fit in my yoga class this morning after dropping Finn off at Crèche - I’d never have had the energy after work. Plus it had given me some serious time to focus my thoughts and channel all this nervous energy.

  I’m about to sit down at my desk, when Jackie excitedly shouts across the room from her own office area, headset securely in place - very Madonna circa 1990.

  “New potential client alert!” pointing her well-manicured finger at the handset close to her ear. “I’ll punch it through to you?”

  I nod acceptance and clear my throat. “Hello Lucia Myers speaking - how may I help?”

  A polite woman with an infectious laugh and real verve for her small boutique public house, named Carolyn Walters is keen for Elysium to work our magic over her five bedrooms, with a potential to extend that number to ten, budget dependant. Twenty minutes of Mrs. Walter’s positivity and the day feels better already. I had a good gut instinct for people and I knew from one phone-call that we’d work well together. By the end of the call I have an appointment to visit a Country Inn in desperate need of refurbishment, all courtesy of James Marcell. Already it appeared that The Ashton was looking profitable and I hadn’t even waved my magic decorating wand over the rooms yet. I make a mental note to thank him for the referral and scribble down a few notes.

  Chewing the end of my pen, I mull the potential brief over. The Gilded Fox - What a fabulous name for a hotel. I’m already brimming with creative inspiration for themes, fabrics and colour schemes and couldn’t wait to go and site survey the venue.

  My phone buzzes next to me and I quickly take my eyes away from my work for a second to check the text. It’s from Leo. I try to ignore the slump of my shoulders in disappointment of it not being from a certain other male.

  Really looking forward to our night out Lucia.

  Couldn’t remember if I’d text you but I’m happy to accept. x

  Poor guy. I’m really not that interested, especially now that I’m considering sexually exploring another man - even for a brief period. I’m a one-man kind of girl - always. I can’t even get excited by a text from him that shows he is really keen or be bothered to reply. I remind myself to reply to it later and settle down to catch up on the mountains of work, scattered across my desk. However after several minutes of unproductive paper pushing and post-it organisation, I sigh deeply and throw myself back in my chair dramatically. I need a serious pep talk and grabbing my phone I text Abs, hoping to grab her for lunch.

  Fancy lunch at The Velvet Cupcake;

  Man trouble. X

  Abby is a text maniac and the response flies through faster than it usually takes to push through the ethos.

  Sounds good. B there in 15. X

  “Right I’m nipping out for lunch. Won’t be long, I holler to no-one in particular.” Locating my purse, sunglasses and bag.

  “Slacker!” Colin shouts slyly from his desk in the corner of the studio and minces his way towards me. “Where’s your head at Lu? Certainly not here! Maybe giving a little too much head away elsewhere?”

  My attempt at disproval at his racy comment is hollow and instead I reply evenly. “I’m fine just a little preoccupied. How are you getting on with sourcing the flooring for The Ashton?”

  I try to remind him of our working relationship. Not necessary really as Colin was a star and usually his little risqué quips lifted me but I needed one of us to be on the ball with work.

  “Keep your sexy panties knot-free - s’all good. I’m now on with the lighting. Its bloody lush!” His eyes telescope dramatically, upon the last word, causing me to giggle. “There you go. That’s what we like. Now bugger off you crotchety bitch and eat cake or something - anything to chill out. You’re seriously wired tighter than a nun’s crotch!”

  I smirk at his silly analogy, only a gay man would feel comfortable talking about a woman’s vagina, with other women, but I nod in agreement and give him a pair of cheeky victory v’s in retaliation, stroked slowly up and down my face. His belly laugh makes me smile further.

  Patting Jackie’s shoulder tacitly in acknowledgement of my impending absence, so as not to disturb her current telephone conversation, I jump as she plants a firm grasp over mine. With her serious secretary face on she holds one slim finger up in front of me, mouthing the words silently but expressively. “It’s Mr. Silver for you.”

  Oh Shit, I’m not ready to speak to him yet - its been two days but the longer we leave it the bigger the divide is becoming. I’m waiting for amazing sex, with this amazing man but at every turn I feel like he’s doing me a favour.

  I shake my head and hands frantically, “No - no I’m out!” and wait silently until she’s managed to get rid of him.

  “Soz Jackie. I’m on my way out. I’ll ring Sebastian back when I’m at lunch.”

  “He is rather persuasive.” Jackie eyes widen with her comment.

  Oh if only you knew Jackie.

  “I think this is from him as well? She reaches under the desk and hands me another FWC box.

  My eyes light up in excitement. “I’ve waited for years to get anything from this florist and now twice in one week.”

  “Fuck me!”
Colin crudely shouts from across the room. “That’s two of these spectacular boxes now – Ms. Myers must be allowing her very own spectacular box to be de-flowered by the right man to warrant this type of attention! Monsieur is serving it up on a Silver platter me thinks?” The Kenneth Williams drawl is back.

  I swat his comment away in embarrassment. I still haven’t fully determined who sent the first rose, last week; I’d just presumed it was Sebastian but he’d never mentioned it and I hadn’t thanked him in return. Somehow it seemed to add to the mystery of our relationship and I admit that I like it.

  “Er that’s not all Lucia. There’s also these.” She wanders over to the small kitchenette area, whilst taking to me over her shoulder and disappears inside, promptly reappearing carrying the largest bouquet I’ve ever seen. She peeks her head around the side of the greenery and smiles cheekily.

  “I Know. I mean. WOW! I think these are from him as well. Here’s the envelope but they were delivered from Silver Construction so no prizes for guessing who sent them.”

  I smile at the delicate pink peonies, white and pink lilies, and lime anthurium’s all wrapped in pearls and tied with a huge pink bow. They showed he’d really thought about the arrangement, and therefore moi.

  “Would you put them back in the sink Jack and I’ll grab them tonight.”

  “Of course I will. Don’t forget to open the box too,” she shakes her head and returns to her desk. “I’d be happy with one flower delivery. You really need to tell me your secret Lu. Josh is getting rather complacent.”

  The ringing bells of the work phone save me having to respond to her ascertaining gaze, as she switches back to receptionist mode and I turn to cast my eyes over the black velvet box next to me and lift the lid. The rose inside is practically the exact same, colour and position as its predecessor, with the same diamante pin added to its centre. It was beautiful, if a little gothic in comparison to the stunning peony bouquet I’d also received. They couldn’t be more different but I suppose they showed both of Sebastian’s sides.

  I check my watch and grabbing the accompanying envelope and the one from the peonies practically run out of the office. I was going to be late for Abby. It’s only as I check my phone in the lift that I realise I’ve had four missed calls and two texts from Sebastian. How had I not seen or heard them? It must have been whilst I was on with Carolyn Walters.

  His text reads.

  I can see that Elizabeth twitch from here – it’s making me hard!

  Licking my lips I quickly check behind me. Was he here? No stupid you’re in a lift!

  I quickly check the second text.

  Ahhh I made you look. Call me Lu! Stop ignoring me. Don’t back out now.

  In that instant I’m rendered useless! I was weak where sexy Sebastian was concerned but even weaker when he made me laugh. He knows me far too well. I remember the cards in my hand as the lift nears the ground level and roughly tear the flap open from the one that came with the rose, first. The bold printed script font spells a simple message that speaks volumes.

  Touched by the simple message, I turn to the other envelope and slide it out, unfolding the handwritten note. It couldn’t be more different.

  His raw sexuality is apparent even in his block capital scrawl; he’d always written in capitals and I smile at the sentimentality before shaking my head. He was right, for this to work I had to forget our history to enjoy the ride and just the thought of the possibility of such a ride made my sex clench in anticipation. So much for forgetting the whole proposition and moving on - try telling my bloody responsive body that!

  I quickly punch out a reply to his text and press send.

  I’m not ignoring you. I’m busy at work. I’ll see you when you get back. I like FBR 4 x

  Twenty minutes later and I’m watching Abby enjoying her bagel with gusto and I’m envious. I’ve found it difficult to concentrate on food since Sebastian has thrown me this curve ball of emotions. We’re cosied up in the corner of our favourite little cafe, famous for its cupcakes and quaint lunchtime treats. Cucumber sandwiches, smoked salmon and cream cheese fillings and delicious crab and mango salads. There was always something to tempt us. Usually anyhow. My appetite is non-existent but I order a pastry to fend off future dizziness and allow Abby to revel in her hmming moans, enjoying each morsel greedily.

  “Soz babe. If I don’t eat it now, I won’t later. I’ve got a feeling your news will put me off - am I right?”

  I shrug complacently.

  “So spill. Let me be the judge and jury.” Placing her scrunched napkin down, she chews her last bite slowly, focusing her full attention on me at all times. Bless I knew she was madly busy with an Ad Campaign for a national telecoms company and it touched me she’d take time out of her chaotic schedule to lend an ear.

  “Oh Abs I’m a mess. Its all such a wanton mess.” I add sweeteners to my tea and take a slurp, pathetically.

  “What’s happened?” she asks concerned, also taking a sip of her cappuccino. “Has he been in touch since the crappy ‘Thanks Pal’ text?”

  I close my eyes fleetingly in memory of a pair of hypnotic hazel flecked ebony pools and smile back at my lovely friend. She looked great -very trendy in black cigarette pants, green silk shirt and large turquoise statement necklace. Her signature sleek bob scraped back off her elfin face, Sharon Stone esc.

  “Things have changed dramatically since then - you look hot by the way.”

  She wiggles her shoulders wickedly. ”I’m meeting Nathan after work for drinks but enough about him, stop changing the subject. We’re here for Senior Silver.”

  I laugh at her nickname for Sebastian. He was the older brother yes, but he was hardly ready for meals-on-wheels.

  “Well… I took the bull by the horns and propositioned him by text, but you know all that - basically after he’d tried it on with me I knew there was something there. I really need to move on sexually Abs, as you keep reminding me…” I pause and look up at her sly smirk. “…Anyway I thought why not and asked him for ‘one amazing night without ties!’ The next day he turned up at The Ashton, to quote for the building works looking bloody gorgeous in a designer suit, wearing a sexy smile; I was totally unprepared.”

  “Oh my word - how did it go? Did you get the project?” she side bars, back to work.

  “Yes. Yes - loads of work; going to be manic. Amazing project. James Marcell is fab… u… lous. But back to Seb.”

  She laughs at my bossiness and mutters ‘Sorry’ sarcastically, under her breath. I’m on a roll now and need to get the chaos that the past few days had been off my chest.

  “After the weekend I just thought that he didn't like me that way. We’d finally kissed; had a fumble in bed. Well actually it was soo hot, so much more than a quick fumble and I would have bobbed on then and there, slutty I know, but he’d changed his mind. I thought it was me - I completely froze when he went near my scar.”

  “Oh Lu - nasty Niall has a lot to bloody answer for.”

  “He does I agree but it was the first time another man had been near it and I just… well, froze. Turns out it was the perfect excuse for Seb to back out.”

  “I’ve told you before, the fact that you’ve got a zip, means your vajayjay is still in tact. Women pay a fortune to have it all tucked back up and trimmed.”

  We both shudder together at the thought.

  “Well - I decided the next day that if I didn’t sleep with someone soon, I’d always feel inferior, thanks Niall and after Seb came home last week, I knew I wanted him to be the one to ease me back into it. Seems to work for all the other bloody women out there - why not me?”

  I blow on my tea and taking a large gulp, shiver as the hot liquid slides down my throat. “Anyway on Monday I received a rose from Fresh Water Couture with a message that said ‘I Accept Your Offer!’ You should see this rose Hun, its stunning, all velvet box and diamante pin, really lovely.

  “Sounds amazing; so you’re on then?
” I smile at my friends rapt attention, her elbows on the table, hands cupping her face.

  “Well yeah - he turned up at The Ashton, and told me we were going to happen and it had been on the cards forever!”

  “Bloody hell! But he does have a point.” she wrinkles her brow softly in agreement.

  “I know but seriously the best is yet to come. He said the only things I should consider were when, where and how many times I’d come! I mean come on - the man doesn’t play fair!” I rub my hand frustratedly across my forehead. Just repeating it had brought home how shocking the moment had been.

  She nearly chokes on her coffee. “Sexy mother fucker!”

  “I. Know!” Sniggering at her crude language, I repeat my earlier comment more forcefully and relaxing take a nibble of my cinnamon whirl, the sweet pastry melts in my mouth. “Then, after driving me to the edge of wantonness…he…he just left me there!” I stammer the words annoyed at my own weakness and my friends knowing smile.

  “Don’t look at me like that Abs. I’m seriously pathetic around the man.”

  Patting my hand in a motherly fashion, Abby reapplies her lipstick and, smoothing back her hair, settles back into her tub chair. “I’ve never seen you like this Lu. Have you seen him since?”

  Through a mouthful of icing I nod. “Yesterday! I was cooking tea. Niall brought Finn back…”

  Abs interrupts my spiel by screwing up her pretty face at the mention of my ex’s name again and I flick her disapproval away with my hand.

  “Yeah I know, the knob himself. Anyway Niall brought Finn back from Crèche and ended up stopping a while. We were chatting when Seb turned up.” I can see from Abby’s raised eyebrows and dramatic ’o’ shaped mouth, how much she gets me and how much she realises that that kind of confrontation would be nasty.


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