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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 19

by Alexandra North

  “Lulu Sandwich!” the girls cry out giggling and abs adds. “To be fair you have got fantastic tits Babe - I’d brag about them if I’d ha a go in the ball pool.”

  We laugh consecutively again - she always cracks me up.

  “It doesn’t sound like Sebastian though,” Suzie ponders, calming herself down and smoothing down her dress.

  “That’s not the worst of it! Apparently Sebastian pulled a client last week, only a few nights, after our night together. I know we didn’t complete the act but still?”

  I look at my two dearest people for support. My desolation marking my, open-book face.

  “OOHHH!” Abby cringes, pulling a severe Wallace and Gromit mouth and spins around to grab another nibble. Mouth-full she’s mumbles, shaking her head, “That’s not good. I don’t know; you and Seb have always had unfinished business but you’re both too bloody stubborn to see it.”

  Suzie hmmm’s her total agreement. “But maybe you two are just meant to be friends?”

  “To be fair to Seb, you’re not a couple!” Abby rubs my shoulder in affection, wincing a little at her own bluntness. “Besides you’re dating again too. You came tonight with Leo?” she reminds me gently, “Even though he is soo not your type - at least you tried!” she giggles, more than little pissed.

  I glance towards Leo, who’s still deep in conversation with the others, Sebastian included and concur with her last comment. She was right but she’d encouraged me to go for it. She was also right about Seb; I had double standards.

  I was just annoyed that Sebastian wanted to do anyone else, after we had connected in that way. I suppose I had narcissistically thought that if we ever did get it on, I would be enough to change his philandering ways; that I would be special enough. Not looking likely.

  God he was turning me into a needy, desperate mess. How had that happened?

  A night of messed up, strung out emotional disaster and one amazing orgasm and I was talking about a relationship with him. Well he could go and jump. That would never happen!

  I look across to where he laughs happily with Nathan and my eyes are drawn to a pretty blonde at his side, draping her amazing body over him at every opportunity. He must have brought someone with him after all? Talk about double standards? At that moment the blonde locks eyes with me, and smiles smugly like a cat - reaching to whisper something intimately into Sebastian’s ear. I watch him lean in and smile, at her words.

  What had she said to make that smile reach his eyes?

  It had been enough for him to return the favour and draw her towards him, before they clinked glasses. In that moment I realise that I don’t see him as just a friend anymore - I’m too disturbed by his contact with another woman. I can practically feel my eyes glow kryptonite green and I realise that he was right, if we were to ever act upon my proposition, properly, we’d have to act as lovers before friends.

  I spend the next few hours, taking full advantage of the copious amounts of alcohol flowing freely and great company. I am determined to find strong fun Lulu and ignore the irritating blonde permanently glued to Seb’s side.

  Gino is singing to Suzie… again! She looks utterly exasperated with him. Funny! Dr. Alban’s Its my life is playing and I love this retro song but he’s altered the words to ‘She’s my wife’ and is happily regaling it in front of her at very turn of the repetitive lyrics. He’s certainly no shy retiring wallflower.

  I then double over in laughter as we watch Jess attempt the bull, ungainly climbing aboard, dress and all. She lasts less than a minute and flashes a brief menu of what she’d had for tea earlier, before being thrown like a rag doll onto the mattress below and sparking up a fag. She’s such a laugh but such a lad!

  Then Stu, one of Gino’s work mates loses a bet and the good sport that he is, submits to his dare. Riding the bucking bronco, full throttle, sliding around uncontrollably at every jerk and thrust, whilst wearing only a sock on his knob! Classic. Not surprisingly others are reluctant to sit on the bull after his stint there!

  It’s as I’m watching Stu, wander around, swinging his sock at anyone within a 5mile radius, I sense I’m not alone. To my left stands the clingy blonde, sipping her punch daintily, head tilted in my direction, eyes perusing. Her blond, artistically highlighted hair is worn similarly to my own, and falls in waves, around her shoulders, with caramels and honey lowlights woven in and amongst the more platinum shades – I want the name of her hairdresser; he or she, was an artiste.

  She has large heavily made up deep blue doe eyes and a tall, lithe figure with a small waist and a good bust. Yes, definitely Sebastian’s type – I sulk to myself. I want to be a better person and try to warm to her but it’s unlikely to happen and I can tell she feels the same.

  You can’t get on with everyone, especially when a certain gorgeous male contractor was the common denominator and the ultimate goal – for her of course; I remind myself!

  “Lucia isn’t it? At last we meet. Sebastian and I have talked all about you.”

  How is that someone can make such a simple sentence sound so bitchy?

  How do I play this?

  “I’m sorry I’m on the back foot I’m afraid?” My nonchalant tone hopefully knocks her down a peg or two but it was true I didn’t have a clue who this woman was, other than the latest in a long line of Sebastian’s scores.

  “Really? I find that hard to believe but I’ll go with your play. I’m Toni. Sebastian’s…well his everything,” she ends her statement with a forced tinkly giggle.

  Ahhh of course– the cogs turn, and heavy the click of realisation kicks in – this must be the illusive Toni with an‘i’!

  Upon closer inspection, her face isn’t quite as pretty as I’d first thought, in fact was more angular and now spiteful in its glee of her branding of Seb. She’s very attractive though, in a Cameron Diaz kind of way. I consider her carefully, smiling back at her, never taking my eyes off her face, well maybe once to look her up and down condescendingly.

  Finally I speak. “And?”

  That floors her. I can tell by her narrowed glossy pout and the way she’s shaking her hair about ridiculously that she’s annoyed at my lack of emotion and attention.

  “Sebastian said you had a strange sense of humour. I just thought I’d introduce myself as we’ll be working together on The Ashton project.”

  Ugghh I’d forgotten about that.

  She continues snootily. “We spoke on the phone?”

  You mean when you spoke to me like a piece of crap?

  “Yeah I remember now. Toni with an ‘i’. You and Seb are very close.”

  Her eyes narrow, probably weighing up if I’m being genuine or sarcastic. “Sebastian said that you and I would get on famously but I’m not so sure. I don’t believe that men and women can be friends without sex and Sebastian does like sex.” She nods at her own assessment. “He doesn’t need a friend, when he has me. So maybe keep it professional, hey?”

  What was this chick on? Maybe it was the fact that I’d suddenly seen Sebastian as a sexual object, rather than a mate but Toni with an bloody ‘i’ was seriously pissing me off.

  “Look Toni, Seb and I have history both professionally and as best friends. I don’t like to be told who I can and can’t see, by anyone, let alone someone whom I’ve never met.” I add rather cattily, smug at her apparent irritation at my comeback.

  Why am I being so off?

  I can see Abby snapping her fingers in appreciation, rapper style behind Toni’s form and I smirk and return to my opponents steely gaze.

  “Well there’s no need to get your knickers in a twist about it, I just think that it’s best that you leave this project to me to sort. Sebastian really doesn’t have the time for these menial decorating jobs of yours and there won’t be any mates rates you know!”

  WTF? Menial decorating jobs? This woman was about to go down. I can’t stick her after only a few minutes in her cloying perfumed company. I’m thankfully saved
as Abby rescues me, introducing herself politely and asking the one thing I’d actually wanted to hear fall from the PA’s lips.

  “So Toni, who did you come with?”

  “Sebastian of course - oh and Chris.”

  “Nice - a kind of works outing?”

  “Well no but we all work together obviously.” Her nervous laugh is enough for me to see that she wasn’t truly with Sebastian tonight.

  “Right Lu it’s time for you and I to strut our stuff and throw some shapes. Nice to meet you Tory.”

  I smirk at the deliberate mistake and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Toni, if her narrowed blue eyes are anything to go by. We escape unscathed this time and I lick my finger and hold it up to Abby, stroking it through the air with a sizzle noise - definitely 1-0 to moi.

  It is during those next few hours, as I begin to relax, keeping a close eye on the PA from hell and Seb, and flirting outrageously with my date, that I conclude that lovely though he is, Leo is just not for me and never would be. We just don’t connect in anyway; we have no history, no spark and he’s dull as dishwater. It was time to end things before it went any further.

  If I’m honest I’d always known it but I had wanted to take the chance and test the theory that not all relationships were built on initial fireworks! The problem with Leo was his rocket had never left the soil. Whilst I’m powered with Dutch courage, courtesy of the lethal Pimm's punch Suzie had concocted this afternoon, I take the opportunity to grab Leo for a one-on-one. I feel very guilty. He had come to this party, at my request, mixed with everyone, most of whom he didn’t know and whilst he certainly hadn’t been the life and soul of the party, he’d at least tried.

  “Lucia. A moment alone at last,” he smiles genuinely at me.

  Oh bugger this was going to be harder than I thought.

  “Have you had a good time Leo?” I try to ease into my end game, soothingly. He even makes me sound dull.

  “Hell yes. I’ve had a real laugh. My mates are less – shall we say – expressive?” he laughs at me and I join him. I can imagine the banking world full of uptight, stressed out tech-geeks and sympathise with him.

  “I’m glad you had fun. I’m really sorry my head’s just not been in it tonight. I am glad you came though.” I look up at him, wishing that I felt something more for this rather simple undemanding man.

  “Wouldn’t have missed it but I’m enjoying every last part as I know it’ll probably be the last time that we do anything together again, as a couple. Am I right?” his voice softens and lifts in the hope that his assumption is incorrect.

  God I feel awful. I hated letting people down.

  No be firm Hun. Now’s your chance and he’s making it easy for you.

  I nod, scrunching my shoulders in and my head down, as though I’m about to duck for cover. “I’m so sorry Leo. Its not you…”

  “…it’s me,” he interrupts. “Thought you were more original Ms. Myers.” His comment is heavily laced with sarcasm but I can tell his feelings are hurt.

  “No it’s Ok really. I really like you but I can tell if a girl is into someone else and I’d rather be Numero Uno. Pretty much a deal breaker for me.” He shrugs amiably, “And I don’t mean your son.”

  I look up at that, screwing my nose up. “Someone else?”

  He smiles at me. “Your builder mate, Sebastian. I knew it the first minute I met him tonight. I’ve spent most of my time trying to avoid being visually hung, drawn and quartered.”

  I snigger at his last comment. “Sebastian and I are just friends. We have been for years.”

  “You may have been friends initially but I’m telling you now, from a male perspective, that man is in to you big time!” He says sadly but firmly.

  “Sebastian is a law unto himself, always likes a challenge – don’t let him make you uncomfortable. But I’m glad you understand that you and I are not meant to be. I’d like to remain friends.” I’m not about to tell him I’ve propositioned my best friend for sex. I’ve a feeling Leo would have gladly taken me up on the offer, had I posed it to him.

  “I’d like that too - when I’m around you, you relax me, I’d definitely like to see you more. Besides you and I have some serious hours to spend together, over the next quarter to ready your books and balance your sheets, so we need to get along.”


  I’d forgotten all about my tie with him and Elysium but business was business and he was taking this really well so I’m sure things would be fine. I’m suddenly grabbed in a cuddle and squeezing me slightly he leans me back and kisses me softly on the mouth, perhaps lingering a little more than I would have preferred. I feel his hot breath against me; he tastes of beer and antiseptic. There is no tingle, no buzz that heads straight for my greedy bits, its just rather… blah. The moment is entirely awkward but I’m reluctant to make him feel any worse than I have already, so just go with the flow and statuesque, wait from him to release me. As we part I look straight into the eyes of Sebastian, who’s watched the whole scene from afar. He doesn’t look impressed - his liquorice blacks narrowing in discontent.

  “Thanks Lu for your honesty. You’ve definitely got me back into the game. After my divorce I’ve found it hard to trust again but you’ve helped me. You’re special. Anyway, I’m going to make a move before the bull’s-eye on my back is hit by an angry jealous mate’s dart.”

  So even Leo had felt Seb’s disdain. We laugh together, at his correct assumption and he quickly hugs me to him again. This time I immediately withdraw. I didn’t want to hug him; didn’t want to give him false hope.

  “You’re OK to get home?” he checks, ever the gent.

  “Don’t be daft, I’ll get a taxi, later on but thanks for asking. You’re a true gentleman Leo Peterson. You’ll make someone a very happy lady one of these days.”

  He smiles, waves off my comment and weaves his way to the gate at the bottom of the garden, car keys jangling, thanking G and Suzie en route. I’d forgotten he was driving. No wonder he’d found us all a little overbearing. Poor thing!

  After Leo has left I throw myself into having the fun I’d promised myself I’d have that night. Abby and I dance away, to the cool music beating around us. She is flushed and happy and I can tell that Nathan’s interest is having a good effect on her. They are really good together. It seems like they’d been a couple for some time, - all very natural.

  My friend’s brown eyes glint mischievously, her dark bob sleek, as she holds her nose and with her arms, wiggling in wavy lines, she dips in a sixties dance pose, similar to Mia Wallace in Pulp fiction. I copy her rhythm and before long Suzie, Jess and others have joined us, jiving like Travolta. We must look ridiculous but we don’t care, we just enjoy our carefree abandon. I feel relaxed and happy and at that moment I sense someone is watching me.

  I look over towards the fountain, where guests congregate around the seating area. Several are enjoying the games, twister in particular, some the music and many each other. My eyes are drawn to one couple in particular and I recognise the female, as one of Suzie’s friends. She and her husband are devouring one another with mouths, hands, everything, and taking full advantage of the huge bed of floor cushions. I am incredibly envious of them at their desperation to be together, never mind the voyeurs. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement and turn to focus more clearly.

  It is then that I see him.

  The object of my own confused state of mind and my need to be close to him overwhelms me. I have never felt such a driven desire to be with another man.

  He’s the one watching me.

  Smiling and enjoying my dance, as though it is just for him. I sheepishly shrug, slightly embarrassed but fuelled by wanton confidence. I seem to be providing him with a non-stop parade of exotic dancing recently, all free of monetary charge – the cost is to be determined later and I am concerned that it will be great but I don’t care. The courage of my lack of inhibitions, gently pushing me towards this infuria
ting but mesmerising man.

  I’m not sure whether it was the feisty argument we’d had earlier, the build-up since last Friday night, the fact that Leo was a definite no-no and on his way, or the sexy couple giving a live porn-show in the garden – whichever, I am consumed with such immense sexual need and drawn to Sebastian with a pull which is too irresistible to resist. All I want him to do is kiss me and we could figure out the rest.

  The small fizz of excitement forming low in my belly is enough to boost me but my mind is saying he should be pursuing you, not vice versa so I stay rooted to the spot. The music switches up, to something more current and as it starts Abby points to her ears and yells.

  “OMG listen!”

  As I hear first words begin, I recognise the latest track by Neon Trees, blasting throughout the garden and I laugh at the huge coincidence. What were the chances? Actually slim to none, as the wand of reality sprinkles over me and I clock my cheeky mates wink. She shrugs hers shoulders in time to the beat, while mouthing dramatically, ‘Cos this is trouble, yeah this is trouble… sleeping with a friend,” and in that moment I know she’d requested the song.

  I smile coyly at her to assure her I’m fine with it and let go, getting lost in the throng of fellow movers, smiling every so often at Abby, as we energetically throw ourselves into enjoying the DJ’s expert mixing. The beat of the dance music is loud in my ears and hums under my feet and for a short while I forget everything and just move, swaying rhythmically. It feels good. I feel sexy and know from the many admiring glances I’d received from other men, I looked good. I could feel my confidence growing, with the added boost of alcohol infused buoyancy.

  I suddenly jump when a firm hand grips my hip and I know instantly it’s Seb. I hadn’t seen him make his way over to us but I’d been oblivious to anything but the music ebbing around me. I continue to move, my arms in the air, as I looked at Abby and she winks at me, moving off in Nathan’s direction. Her work here was done.


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