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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 24

by Alexandra North

  Waving Pete off, I close the door and we settle down to reflect on Finn’s time with that side of the family before I tell him my surprise. It’s not long before I can hear him Brumming and zooming with his favourite toys in his room and I smile at the comforting sounds, I hadn’t realised I’d missed them until now.

  “Finnster – would you pop into mummy’s room for a minute?” I call up to his bedroom on the top floor of our home.

  I begin to put the freshly pressed clothes away as I wait for him to join me. He lands on my bed and at least half of the hanger-free items tumble into a pile on the rug. He screws his face up and winces in apology. Smiling at his worry I shake my head to say its fine as I collect the fallen items and place them back onto the bed.

  “Poppet - how do you feel about mummy taking you to the cinema to see Despicable me 2?”

  I ask him already knowing what his reaction will be. I’m excited for him, as his giddiness is contagious. His little face lights up automatically in wonder.

  “Yaaay!” he bounces up and down all over the now rather crumpled laundry.

  “Whoa! Calm down tiger.” I enfold him in a huge cuddle and lift him off the bed to save what is left of my hard work.

  “Can we have popcorn?” his cute helium filled voice begs.

  “Of course - it wouldn’t be movie night without a bucket of popcorn my darling boy!

  Just give me a minute and we’ll go and then maybe grab something to eat on the way home? Sound good to you?”

  He nods his lovely cropped & quiffed head gleefully and grabbing his latest favourite hot wheel car, starts to make ‘brumm brumm’ car noises, driving the garishly coloured lime and purple flamed toy up and down my bedroom door. I wince at the grooves left in the wood. Oh well…this isn’t a show home; I remind myself!

  I’m so happy to have this time with him, the one true man in my life who never judges me. We are just about to leave when there’s a knock at the door. Finn, sneaks a peek out of the lounge window and shouts, “It’s Sub, its Sub,” thrilled at the sight of his Godfather.

  He practically dangles from the door handle, tugging it open and eventually Sebastian does indeed step inside. I’m rooted to the spot, unsure how to react with the combination of both Finn and Sebastian.

  “Hey little man.” Sebastian does the same complicated handshake as he’d done that morning with his brother – the amazing thing is that Finn achieves it. I laugh out loud as when they finish, Finn brushes away invisible dust, off one shoulder and then repeats the action on the other shoulder – how funny is my boy?

  Sebastian and I laugh together and at that moment he raises his eyes to mine and I get that goose bump feeling that he seems to create whenever I’m now near him.

  “A little bird told me that you were going to the movies Finnster?” Seb winks at me. Cheeky bastard!

  Finn nods smiling. “We’re going to see Depict..abull ME,’” he struggles over the words but pleased with himself rocks back on his feet, hands behind his back and points a finger at his chest, when he pronounces me.

  Seb ruffles his head in affection. “Do you think I could come with?”

  “Oh please, Mummy, please can Sub come - Pullleeese?” he yanks on my dress, leaving me in an impossible position – staring between the two pairs of pleading expectant eyes, Seb pouts like a child and I give in and chuckle.

  “OK sure – but we must go now, as it starts in 40 minutes.”

  “I’ll drive,” Seb drawls control stepping in again and then I realize he’d have to anyway, as I only have a two-seater.

  Its only as we climb into his new gunmetal Range Rover Sport that I notice that he’s already got a car seat in the back and he’s taken charge and plugged Finn in safely. That was so thoughtful. He just keeps continuing to surprise me.

  “Nice car!” I appraise, as the sharp scent of new leather fills my nostrils. It’s deep red interior is pure luxury. Trust Sebastian to always have the best.

  “She is isn’t she!” he is unapologetic for the 3litre drain on the environment “She’s my new company car – and belongs to Silver Construction but I had to have her!” His words are animalistic. “She called to me, to drive her home.” The statement is wicked and I catch a glimpse of his knowing smirk and decide to ignore it.

  Do all females call to him, to drive them home? It appears I am certainly in the majority, I summarise miserably, but now I understood why.

  The film lives up to the hype. It’s the perfect mix of children’s entertainment and adult humour. I can see it becoming a family treasure and mentally note to get it for Finn’s Christmas stocking when it’s released on DVD.

  Once I’d begun to relax, I could enjoy the time with Finn, listening to him giggling in all the right places and watching him open-mouthed in concentration when Gru tries to rescue his minions. However, the fact that I am sitting in the dark, with Sebastian so close is killing me. I have to keep reminding myself to breathe - there are children around for God’s sake!

  The fact that we have Finn firmly wedged between us, assists greatly and the only real contact we have is the occasional and accidental finger touch, when grabbing popcorn, from the huge tub in the middle of Finn’s lap. This causes delicious zaps of electric currents to travel up my arm, staying with me for most of the film.

  I was just pleased that as far as Finn was concerned it was just his Mum and Godfather taking him out - in his eyes, the norm. He didn’t pick up on the tension around us once, in fact seems to revel in our outing-of-three.

  My phone vibrates on my lap and I lift it to see who it is. It’s a text from him.

  I can’t stop thinking about you

  I am a complete basket case at this about–turn, after this morning’s cold; send off, it was screwing with my head. He wasn’t playing fair, showcasing nice Sebastian, the family man and sexy Sebastian the lover – it made me wonder if maybe this could be how it would be if we were in a romantic relationship?

  I choose to ignore his games; now I’m supposed to switch it back on?

  Another text quickly follows.

  OK, ignore my text but you can’t ignore me forever.

  God that mouth turns me on; so fucking kissable.

  I can feel his eyes boring into me. Willing me to respond but I continue to watch the film with my profile to him at all times and when he’s relaxed and appears focused on the screen again, I reply at my own pace, without duress. There was no point denying it anymore - he was right on all counts. I had to be honest with myself, and him.

  I want you but… I’m scared - it was amazing but we are now

  so different together?

  I’m so bloody nervous my eyes burrow deep into the film but something wills me to look in his direction and when I do our eyes lock, over Finn’s head. The connection is so erotic and so full of pent up frustration, my entire body reacts, radiating shivers of lust, my core clenching. I know just looking at him he feels the same. I force myself to look away, swallowing to lubricate my now dehydrated mouth and gratefully before long the movie comes to an end.

  I agree - but you can’t deny the heat between us. I ache for you.

  Ohhh Jesus. Seriously dry-mouth tasty.

  In the cinema complex we decide to grab a couple of take away pizzas from Frankie & Benny’s, as Finn is starving and take them back to the Range Rover. I cringe as I visualize Finn dropping tomato sauce on the plush new interior but Sebastian, reads my mind… again, and gets a blanket from the boot to place it around my messy piggy’s car seat.

  I’m not hungry at all – in fact I honestly think that if I ate, it would taste like cardboard so I pass on Sebastian’s offered piece. Once the boys have worked their way through several slices each - the car filled with happy chewing noises - Sebastian dumps the boxes in the bin and casually climbs back into his new toy. I can tell that he is thrilled with it, the big kid, and I watch his hands grip the steering wheel. They are the epitome of manly. Big, strong and sli
ghtly roughened, with that developed muscle to the right of the top of the thumb joint, that I have always found so attractive on men. His hands ooze sex appeal and I’m immediately thinking about them on my breasts, working their magic on my waist, travelling over my tummy, dropping to cup my… Right enough of that Ms. Myers, enough!

  I fold my own hands in my lap, almost primly in defiance but inside I am burning with sexual awareness. I vaguely hear the roar of the engine, as Seb puts it into drive mode and I peer into the backseat, to see that Finn has given in to his tiredness and his sweet face is deep in sleep already, his pouty cherubic mouth trembling with each breath; little poppet. Sebastian immediately redirects the speakers ensuring that the music only sounds in the front, so as not to wake him.

  Oh he is killing me with these kind and simple gestures!

  Keane’s Someone to rely on surrounds us and we make our way home. I love this song but it’s as intense as we are right now and only adds to the pent-up frustration around us.

  I watch the world whizz by outside, as the light is fading and dusk begins to roll in. The sky is a beautiful purple blue and the scenery should be calming and tranquil, yet inside me, inside this beautiful car, next to this beautiful sexy man, the music playing, my internal workings are in absolute turmoil.

  We are silent for much of the journey. I can’t bring myself to look at him but out of the corner of my eye I see he rests one hand on the wheel, the other on his knee. God he is fit! My heart leaps into my throat. I am still so on edge.

  I almost jump when his deep voice cuts through my thoughts.

  “Thanks for this weekend Lu. It’s been really great. Just what I needed after being away for so long.” He looks over to me briefly and smiles, his gorgeous face, even more sexy now that he is in charge of this powerful machine. He returns his gaze to the road, adjusting to check his rear view mirror.

  “The boy is fast-on!” he comments shaking his head with the information. “Not a care in the world- lucky monkey!”

  “I’ve enjoyed this weekend too Sebastian.” I’m way too formal but am trying to mirror his own views without sounding like I’m too into him. It’s still all too fresh and uncertain.

  “Me too Lulu.”

  Looking across again at me, his eyes intense he grabs one of my hands and takes it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on my curled fingers. He puts our still lightly clasped hands back down onto the middle console and holds them there tightly.

  I can feel both our pulses beating in the pressure of our palms. It feels so natural to be connected like this, but at the same time that connection is sending those now familiar, tiny electric currents up my arm and all over my body.

  You are seriously losing it, Lucia Myers; he hardly has to have any contact with you for you to melt into a wanton puddle!

  As we pull into Rose Avenue, I am torn with the feeling of desperate relief to get away from him and the overwhelming disappointment that we won’t be together tonight… in my bed. At the same time, Mum-mode has clocked-in and at 7.30pm I am fully aware that Finn needs his own bed; as do I – I am suddenly hit by a wall of exhaustion and I ache everywhere, especially in my most secret places.

  Masterfully parking the monstrous penis extension in a very tight spot, outside our house with ease, I marvel at the irony again of my analogy. I have to admit that now that I’ve seen the evidence first hand there was no need for any extension in Sebastian Silver’s trouser department. Stop with the dirty mind Myers – you’re really not helping yourself here!

  Oh God, he’s opened the door for me – really?

  Er yes, he did that before you slept together Lu, remember he’s always been a gentleman – Now you know he’s a good guy AND great in bed. Oh Bugger, I’m done for! He isn’t relationship material, remember FBR no. 5 - just go back to being friends afterwards. Guard your heart girl or you’re seriously going to get burned.

  He assists me out of the 4x4, which is much higher than I had remembered, with my petite height, I am grateful for the helping outstretched hand.

  “Come on Little One, I’ll have to purchase a step specially for your entrance and exits. Or I could just carry you in?” My horrified glare says it all and I hear him chuckle.

  “You get the door Lu and I’ll grab Finn.”

  The control is back but I just go with the flow at this stage. I don’t think I can take another perfect family man moment but I torture myself one last time and turn to watch him out the window. I’m undone as he folds my precious son into his body, protecting the back of his head with one of those big sexy hands, as he bends to miss the roof of the 4x4. Seriously the image should be used as a black and white poster.

  It’s in that moment it hits me. Fuck! I’m a goner. One night together and I am a goner!

  Placing him down on the sofa gently and covering him with a nearby throw, Seb offers to take Finn upstairs for me but I decline straight away. I need him to go – it’s all just too much. I’m in a spin. I can smell him, almost taste him and I’m a complete mess.

  “Right cheers Seb.”

  Frosty chick is back and I can tell he is unsure as to why. I am all over the place - poor guy. Making his way to the door he stops and looks back, first at Finn, then back to me, directly at me, boring his beautiful dark chocolate eyes into mine and with an arching an eyebrow he questions,

  “I’ll go then?”

  “Yeah, I think that’s best - I need to get him to bed.”

  “You and I need to talk Lu. You know and I know it.”

  He looks pained and I get a sick feeling in my gut, this doesn’t sound good.

  “I’ll be in touch Lady Lu,” and he’s gone.

  The sharp click of the door hitting the frame makes me jump slightly, and staring at my son, I lift his warm, sleepy body into my arms, loving his special Finn scent and switch off the lights. I am shattered and the sooner I sleep the sooner I can reason with myself and decipher what the bloody hell has happened in the last 48hrs!

  With Finn settled, I pad barefoot downstairs for a cool drink, and every intention of checking a few e-mails and my diary for the ensuing week before turning in. I’m just filling a glass from the filtered water-jug when I jump out of my skin, dropping the cup on the floor in the process. An angry male voice dominates the chaos.

  “For fucks sake Lu you really need to start locking the door! I could have been anyone!”

  “Bloody hell Sebastian – knock much?”

  He promptly moves towards me taking quick strides which force me to head backwards in response until I hit the fridge and its open door, the only light in the darkened kitchen and taking the water jug from my hand he places it on the island and turns to face me again.

  “I got home and realised I’d forgotten to do something,” his handsome face watches me keenly, his eyes never leaving mine. My eyes are soaking up his mouth and the carnal look in his black eyes.

  “What’s that?”

  I have an understanding, a hope, of what he is about to do as he lowers his head and I hold my breath in anticipation and excitement but when it happens it still takes me unawares as he moves that last step, so that we meet chest to chest, cocooned within the fridge; I grab the door for balance and placing a firm palm at the back of my neck, he draws me into him and swoops in connecting our mouths in a demanding, passionate kiss.

  The chemistry is unmistakable, fireworks, flashing lights, dizziness. I forget everything and anything but what his lips, are doing to mine, in that moment. Warm, wet, inviting and connected. Abruptly, Sebastian ends the kiss, leaving me off balance and looks intently at me, whilst I struggle back to reality.

  “That - I needed to do that. I’ve thought about your mouth all afternoon and couldn’t leave without tasting you again.” His voice cracks with emotion and heavily emphasises tasting. I lick my lips unknowingly and his eyes flicker to them as I melt. We connect once again, continuing to explore each other’s mouths, and tongues and lips, leisurely t
he pace increasing and our breath getting hotter by the second.

  “I can’t get enough of you!” he pants through broken breathes, reaching down to slide my maxi dress slowly up my smooth legs, creating electric shockwaves all over my body, instantly making my nipples point to attention.

  I instinctively try to move to try and stop the process, but using his free hand to restrain mine I’m trapped and I cave. Our tongues lock and tease madly as I pull him further into my body. I can feel his finger stroking small, figure eight movements on my now bare thigh and my skin burns hot at his touch, where my dress is still bunched in his grip. The chill from the open fridge is a welcome coolant as the temperature around us escalates to boiling point.

  I feel his finger dip further towards my inner thigh, its direction obvious and I jerk as he hits that ticklish dip in my groin and with a hook of his finger my panties are pulled to one side and his fingertip traces my already moist opening. The act is purely hedonistic and possessive and I’m surprised how needy I am for the contact.

  He deepens the kiss and I moan my pleasure into his mouth, as his fingers plunge inside me and begin to work their magic over my needy clit.

  “You’re so wet for me Lu - and incredibly hot.”

  I feel my sex throb against his fingers, at the sound of his words and hook a leg around his hips, allowing him better access.


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