The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy Page 33

by Alexandra North

  “Ralph will take you home.”

  “In the limo?”



  “Now where were we Lady - let me start your day of with a bang.”

  Last nights illicit encounter is like a dream to me.

  Did it really happen? Had I really let myself go like that? Been so uninhibited?

  Oh to be able to go back in time and relive each delicious morsel over and over again. My lips curve in a knowing smile - it had been out of this world and utterly filthy. Sebastian had shown me a different world of pleasure and awakened a part of me I hadn’t known existed.

  After a hot shower and a quick change of clothes I head into the office. I had a meeting with the upholsterer at 11am and then at some point Colin and I would need to head over to Silver Construction. I’d taken him with me on the last few occasions, when dropping in deliveries for the re-fit. Not the best use of his time I’ll admit but I wasn’t prepared to risk bumping into Chris again - alone. Today I am alive and sexually charged and not in the right frame of mind for him - I was giving off way to many pheromones that would attract his tentacles from miles away.

  Its several hours later, and I’m rather less chilled out than I had been earlier morning, when Colin and I roll into the Silver Construction headquarters, for the third time that week. Jumping out, Col goes to collect the samples and decorative to-die-for glittery pewter tiles for the border of the bathroom, from the boot of my car. No Sooner, are we in the reception area to SC, when I’m met with a frosty stare from an extremely and now unfortunately familiar, well-put together female. Her pouty over glossed lips, showing her immediate disdain for me. I take a minute to peruse her as discreetly as possible, whilst Colin informs her of our deliveries.

  She was still very attractive. Shit.

  Today her hair shines in an artistic bun and wasp like waist is cleverly accentuated with a wide elastic belt, over her bright pink dress. She doesn’t shake my hand but reluctantly asks us to sit, showcasing the plush sitting area, to our right, with a graceful arm. Animosity coils in the pit of my stomach like barbed wire but I rise above it and return my focus to the reception area she is guiding us towards. It has a cool vibe, plenty of silver, gunmetal, black and white. The result is professional but masculine. It suited the construction industry perfectly and I could see Sebastian’s design stamp in every direction; it represented him to a tee. I take a seat.


  “Lu..chee..ahh,” she whines, her voice slicing right through me.

  “This is Colin Duttine – he is part of my design team and working with me on The Ashton project.”

  “Hmmmm. What seems to be the problem?”

  God this lady is annoying and sooo condescending. Isn’t she supposed to welcome clients and customers with a warm reception – First rule of PA duty?

  “We’ve brought a portion of the required tiles and the fireplace brochure, that Chris required?” I supply smiling through my gritted teeth. “I’ve narrowed it down to three options, but Chris is going to analyse them and advise which one will suit the existing chimney and flue. He knows my preferred option.”

  “Good. Good – yes I do believe that he mentioned that you had not provided him with information required yet.” She looks down her rather pointy nose at me. “We do need these tiles now, as the bathroom is taking shape very nicely but will not be finished if we are not supplied the fixtures and fittings on time.” She clasps her binder closely to her chest, with her mouth pursed and her eyes shrewd in their concentration on belittling me.

  Bitch! This woman was a total be…atch! Definitely someone you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of; someone who spoke over you to vent her power, and did not allow you the same privilege. She treated others like they were the hired help - well missy you’re in for a shock.

  “Well – that’s it for now. If you could let Chris have them today, and ask that he gives me a bell if there are any probs. I do need to know with regard to the fireplace by the end of today, however - you know - to ensure we meet deliveries on time,” I add mirroring her own patronizing tone.

  Colin chooses that in opportune moment to excuse himself to spend a penny – I could kill him for leaving me with her. The atmosphere is strangled – or maybe I just wanted to strangle her there and then!

  “Sebastian has been keeping me involved at every level Lucia and all is good at our end. If The Ashton is not ready on time, it will not be down to Silver Construction,” she smiles matter-of-factly. Urrgghhhh!

  I nod placating her. It really isn’t worth adding fuel to her fire - she’d probably relish the burn.

  “I’m sure things will be just fine Toni.”

  “Are you feeling better now Lucia? You look a little peaky.”

  I pause and watch her shrewd navy blue eyes crinkle in pleasure. How did she know I’d been ill?

  “Yes I’m fine thank you.” My tone wary.

  “Sebastian mentioned your little dash to the backstreet pharmacy.”

  My nostrils flare in anger. This woman was such a bitch! Why would he tell her that information?

  But then it hits me. He wouldn’t. Sebastian was the ultimate professional. He’d never gossip about personal things like this with his PA. The only reason she would be aware of my morning-after-pill debacle was if she’d seen it for herself. She had been the blonde in the black fur coat behind me that day. The one who’d left in a hurry and the one who’d took great pleasure in informing Sebastian. Total bitch! The term backstreet made it sound dirty and a mistake!

  “No he didn’t but thank you for your concern.”

  I move to stand and place my hand out to shake her own but she chooses to ignore it, looking me up and down with feigned boredom, instead focusing her attention on Colin’s return.

  “Sebastian and I go way back you know?” Her gold hoop earrings swing as she shakes her head, glossy hair swishing down her back.

  Don’t rise to it girl. Like you have already realized, it is not worth it!

  “Oh?” Colin places a loose arm at my back and dives right in - both he and I already know that Seb’s only known her a few months.

  “Yes. We met a few years back, when he was working on a new-build for my brother and we’ve been together since,” she supplies smugly. All of six months. God this woman was obsessed.

  Colin looks sheepishly in my direction. “At work you mean?”

  Trust Col to jump right in there.

  She screws her face up as if she has a bad smell under her nose. “Well yes but Sebastian and I are a good fit and are so much more than just colleagues.”

  Colin rolls his eyes, indiscreetly at me and pats Toni’s arm. “I think you’ll have to get in line Love – think Sebastian may have realised that the one is staring him right in the face.”

  He cricks his neck and hitchhikes his thumb in my direction. I could kill him for his indiscretion but at the same time appreciate his show of support. We are not even a couple. Fuck buddies, yes but not an item and I didn’t want to appear too desperate in front of this cow!

  She puckers up her face, so full of air I fear she’ll pop and blow across the room.

  “Well my Sebastian does like to play, and he just loves the chase but he always goes back to his roots,” her voice drips with spite.

  “Speaking about roots,” Colin mutters under his breath, discreetly air patting a fake hairdo and I giggle rudely. God, get me out of here – it’s unheard of for me to be so bitchy!

  “Nice to see you again Toni – I’m sure we’ll be in touch soon.”

  That’s as nice as I can muster. It’s not often I dislike a woman so abundantly but this one is a frigging nightmare. This is my friend’s business, not hers!

  “Hmmm. Well let’s hope that this little job is done and dusted soon and we can get back to working on the high-fee paying projects - I keep telling Sebastian that he’s out grown your little business!”

  I can see what she just tried to do and I’m annoyed at my own instinctive pathetic reaction to it. I hate the thought of the two of them discussing me, hate that he has anything to do with this silly blonde. My teeth are so tightly ground, I wince as my jaw crunches. I want to scream at her that this little job was the beginning of 40+ further little jobs on a similar level, at The Ashton and that meant great business and great profit, but I don’t give her the satisfaction. She is not important enough to know company information and just not worth it. Rise above - it’ll annoy her much more than if you’d retaliated and you know it - kill her with kindness.

  “I’ll be sure to tell Sebastian you’ve been, when I see him at home tonight – you should pop round - he’s been away all week and we’ve lots to catch up on but I’m sure he’d love to see you - maybe surprise him!” She plays her trump card well and smiling, disappears back towards the office at the rear, her petite figure wiggling, with an exaggeration that would make Marilyn Monroe proud.

  “That girl is a bloody psy…chohhh!” Colin twirls his finger next to his head in a spiral movement, spelling the last word out in slow, dragged-out syllables. I have to agree he’s not far off the mark on this occasion. Serious single-white-female tendencies here; Sebastian will need to watch out with this one.

  “She’s obviously got it into her head that she is going to be THE Mrs. Silver and they will run their construction empire in unison.” I laugh at his dramatic analogy.

  “Poor girl – I think she’s just another of Sebastian’s conquests and believe me I can see why she is so hooked. That man makes all men look like students in the bedroom,” I begrudgingly allow her.

  “What’s all that about talking to him back at home tonight? Are they living together?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but who am I to know. Seb and I don’t keep tabs on one another. I am starting to wonder if he and Toni ever had a thing or if it’s all in her extremely deluded head?”

  My stomach coils again with waves of nausea, a habitual process, recently developed.

  “Well he’s back home tonight apparently, so get every scrap of that lovely body of yours ready and be sure to have make-up and mints at hand.”

  “I suppose I could go around as Finn isn’t back from Wales until tomorrow.”

  And I really want to see him.

  I smile at his exceedingly expert advice. Bless him he really was very sweet and I didn’t have the heart to tell him I already knew he was home - had received my welcome home fuck last night in fact, and again this morning in Room 22. I can feel myself blush at the memory and it crosses my mind that that could be the reason for the chosen name of Scarlet House - how very appropriate.

  With that thought we head out to the car park and I half-listen to Colin waffle about how he and James are trying out sex toys, tonight for the first time together and shake my head in mock-surprise. With Colin there were no boundaries – it was full throttle, full disclosure or nothing at all; there was no middle ground with him. I just hoped that he wasn’t running before he could walk, where James was concerned. The little bunny was certainly more rampant than usual.

  I use the drive home to tame the mounting nervous bubbles threatening to pop in my stomach – it’s been less than 8hours since I saw Sebastian. I cannot begin to describe the sheer craving I have to catch the slightest glimpse of him. To think that only two weeks ago, I hadn’t seen him for months and I’d missed him but not this way, now it was a deep-rooted need that ripped through me 24hours a day. Now I was in way over my head. I am bordering on desperate, I think disgusted with myself. I really need to get a grip.

  He fills my every waking moment - so much for treating this like a mutually beneficial fuck buddy arrangement. I had to start being honest with myself. After only a brief affair, I wanted more. More than friends? We weren’t even that right now - something we’d always managed. Tonight I’d resolve that. Tonight we’d finally talk about a possible future. If he couldn’t offer me any, I’d walk away now, before he smashed my heart into silver pieces.

  Like it would be that easy.

  My phones vibrates noisily on my laptop, and glancing across at its position on the passenger seat I cringe. Niall. The last person I want to speak to - but it could be about Finn. I hit accept and his voice streams through the handsfree.

  “Lucia. Are you free tonight for a drink?”

  Of all the things, I never thought it would be that.

  “Not tonight I’m afraid. Why what’s wrong - do you want to discuss Finn?” Where the F was Karen?

  “No everything’s fine. I know he’s away at the moment with your parents so I figured you’d be lonely - thought we might go have a carvery at The Ring O Bells, for old times sake.”

  WTF? Oh fuck it - I’m fed up of this guy. We have history and Finn but this isn’t about Finn and I’m tired of him making me feel beholden to him. Besides I do have a life!

  “Sorry Niall I’m at Sebastian’s tonight.”

  The Silence lasts so long, I figure he’s hung up and glance back at the screen - nope still there.

  “So you and him…?”

  “What Niall?”

  “… are you… fucking now?”

  “Don’t be so crude. We are friends - as you well know. I am dating though - not that’s its any of your business. Look - I’m going to hang up now Niall. Let’s keep it civil for Finn’s sake but not get personal.”

  “Well I’m sure Karen will join me. She’s one, who likes to please me.”

  I bite my tongue, can practically see his cheesy wink down the phone. Oh yeah she’s bloody perfect.

  “Yes whilst we are on the subject of Karen - would you ask her not to talk about me to my son. Calling me a stupid bitch, around him, isn’t something I want him to hear happening and if it continues, he will not be staying over with you, when Karen is around.”

  I’m proud of the finality and calmness of my voice.

  “Sorry Lu - I didn’t know.” I can hear the sarcastic tone lacing through his voice and breathe deeply through my nose to refrain from losing it. “…I’ll have a word with her. She shouldn’t be saying things like that I agree, after all, one thing you’ve never been is stupid, after all you chose me. The other word…well?”


  I end the call before I get any more wound up. This was my huge concern about falling any deeper under the spell of Sebastian Silver. If things didn’t work out I’d lose everything; his friendship, his sexual prowess our connection and we just end up like Niall and I - two people who weren’t meant to be.

  Quickly checking my appearance in the rear view mirror I remove a smudge of stray red lipstick, flick my tongue over my teeth and take a deep calming breath. Both knees are literally knocking together due to such frayed nerves. Shaking myself to get a grip I smooth down the chosen fitted Cream peplum dress and head towards the door of Silver Birches, deluxe home to the most delicious and devilish man – Sebastian Silver himself.

  After hearing that Seb was to be in tonight, courtesy of the queen bitch herself, I knew that it was now or never - a chance to hash out the whole situation, move forward as more or end things as friends; both put the fear of God into me.

  Maybe it was the hormonal cocktail I’d downed at the beginning of the week but I’ve been a wreck - all over the place really and I needed to know if we are potentially going to continue as friends (and if so fix our friendship) or become… well… more! The lovely way he’d supported me on Monday night at first, was a distant reminder after the atmosphere had quickly burned with stubborn arrogance. Then he’d given me the night of my life, as promised at Scarlet House - my mind if filled with images of sexy Sebastian naked; strawberries, champagne and that sizzling hot mirror sex. I still can’t control my breathing at just the thought. We’d become distant to achieve great sexual peaks but now I’m not sure where we sit - we’re totally unbalanced. Great together - awful apart.

  The problem is that if thi
s had happened with any other man, we’d be taking it slow; I’d be going with the flow, certainly not being so overwhelmed by thoughts of the man in question at every bloody waking moment. I feel totally and utterly consumed by Sebastian.

  I haven’t yet decided if this is down to our history, our friendship and that is why my feelings have escalated so fast or if its just because the chemistry is so powerful with this one individual man. The latter scares me the most.

  Could he be The One? I think bloody so and it frightens the hell out of me!

  At the front door I pause for a moment and taking the plunge ring the doorbell.

  My heart is beating so fast as butterflies dance around my tummy. The light above the porch comes on, and I can hear someone scrabbling around inside when a voice hollers.

  “Just a minute!”

  Wait… didn’t that voice sound female and rather familiar?


  She’s here after all.

  My fears are confirmed as the door is yanked open and the shell shock on my face, must have been a picture, as I am now face to face with the navy blue doe eyes of Toni, the bitchy PA – but the biggest issue by far is that she is wrapped in nothing but a large fluffy graphite coloured towel.

  Appearing blasé, she drinks in my discomfort and smiling slyly blurts. “Yes?”

  “Oh hello Toni. Is Sebastian in?” I try to look past her scantily clad body, as she leans her wet head, against the frame, holding the door ajar just enough to let the light from the hallway protrude.

  Noticing my attempts to see inside, she opens the door further and sweeping her arm out in a gracious welcome, she steps aside.

  “Do come in Lucia.”

  God this woman was hardwork. She was acting like it was her bloody home and why was she just showered?

  I already know the answer to my question but I’m desperately trying to find another reasonable reason for this scenario - something, anything!


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