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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 35

by Alexandra North

  You’re losing it mate.

  Sleep with them, treat them well and move them on, no ties - it had always worked for me in the past. I’d not really wanted to go back for more. Well maybe a few times and with my first love, who I’d dated for two turbulent teenage years. At 17 I had ended things, when I caught her getting off with one of my best mates at the time. Needless to say, trust didn’t come easy to me with women. I loved women I just didn’t love any one woman, apart from Bitzi; my Mum was a tough act to follow.

  My parents had the epitome of a great everlasting marriage; it sometimes made it harder, as a relationship would have to be bloody good to compete on a similar level to theirs. Lu had the same with her own Mum and Dad. Walking into Nina and Mac Myers house was like being in the twilight zone. Everywhere I looked, I saw my parents. From the Laura Ashley cushions in the lounge, to the Marks and Spencer’s food in the fridge, the similarities were uncanny. Our parents had the same taste and the same likes and dislikes. Even the Julio Iglesias crooning loudly that welcomed me the last time I arrived for a party at the Myers Senior, was the same god awful CD, my Dad used to play on a loop in his car when Nathan and I were young.

  I smile with fond memories. Our families had made no bones of informing us they thought we were perfect for each other; this had done nothing more, than force both our stubborn arses in opposite directions. Then Lu had become pregnant with Finn. I lick my bottom lip in thought.

  In Dubai I’d realised how much I missed Lu - missed being home and near her. I’ve always travelled with my work but never been away for a period of time so long, without visits home. I’d entertained myself out there with the odd tall blonde beauty, my usual type but that’s all it had been, entertainment. I’d craved meaningful, witty conversation with a petite, feisty, green eyed, brunette beauty. I’d craved intimacy and family.

  God I miss her.

  My cock springs to life at just the memory of what we shared in Room 22. She was magnificent. Open and uninhibited and bold. I couldn’t have asked for more. My hands twitch, desperate to knead her perfect tits and stroke her velvety skin, so soft against my own. Her confidence was definitely growing sexually and wasn’t that what this had all been about - this blasted proposition? Getting her back in the saddle with someone she trusted. I’d just encouraged her to delve deeper and bring out the wanton horny little devil that had lain dormant within her beautiful curvaceous body for some time - perhaps ever. The thought of her with Niall, giving herself openly, the way she had at Scarlet House made my blood boil. She is mine now.

  Fuck - the minute I feel like we’re connecting and it’s moving past the proposition part of our agreement - I sense her withdrawal and mine. We only work when we are together - once we part everything just gets murky. Isn’t that down to me though? Are you playing the game like always?

  I need to kiss the tip of her stubborn nose, watch her eyes deepen from lime, to forest to teal green and flicker with fire, whilst inhaling her perfume scent; Gucci - she’d worn it since Uni and I could still smell it on my shirt from the other night. I’d been reluctant to wash it. That’s how sad I’ve become!

  I swallow hard. Something wasn’t right. I felt it. But what? When we’d parted yesterday morning everything had been great - more than great - we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. I hadn’t wanted to leave her. I shouldn’t have left her.

  I’d sort things this weekend. This was her first night back with the Finnster and I wasn’t about to come between the lioness and her cub. Why had I decided to have a bloody housewarming, now of all times? I wanted her all to myself - the house free to fuck her in every room, in every position possible. You’ll have to get rid of Chris first. Yeah, think Mr. Booth might need to find somewhere else to live and sharpish!

  I grab my phone and text her. Then get on to my jeweller mate - time to try a different tactic; time to get creative and buy her something special.

  “Hey Mum where are you?” I shout up the open staircase in the direction of her bedroom.

  “Hi Darling – I didn’t hear you arrive. Where’s my favourite little bundle of joy?”

  “He’s out with Dad, feeding the swans on the pond – think they’ll have sunk by the morning. He just gave Ken, the male one, a full heel of bread!” I laugh alongside my lovely mum, who looks fresh and happy in a long floaty, Per Una M&S skirt, matching camisole and flowery cardigan, with chunky pearls adorning her neck. I give her a big hug and hold onto her Chanel no.5 scented frame, a little longer than normal.

  “What’s up my lovely girl? I sense a sadness about you.” Her face is enquiring, perfectly threaded brows raised but she shows genuine concern.

  “I’m good Mum, just having a few issues with men – that’s all!”

  “Honey if I knew how to handle the opposite sex I’d have whipped your father into shape years ago – never did figure out how the male mind worked so I just took to whipping him! He rather liked it!” She lifts her dainty shoulder in a saucy shrug and I roll my eyes.

  “Mum! Too much information!”

  The thought of my mum and dad deep in the act of S&M is a confusing one to say the least but I suppose I am happy that after 35years of marriage they actually still want to give it to one another and keep it interesting.

  “I better go I really need to go get ready for Sebastian’s housewarming.” I take a quick check through Finn’s overnight bag, to check I’ve packed everything he’ll need.

  “You go – have fun Darling. Anything you haven’t packed, I’ll no doubt have it upstairs. Just try and relax - you look tired.”

  Crap, always the truth with parents but she was right, I looked worn out and felt totally drained but it was nothing that some serious foundation and bronzer sculpting wouldn’t fix. My phone buzzes in my pocket for the umpteenth time and flicking a quick glimpse at the screen my frown deepens.

  I’ve missed seven calls from him!

  Angrily I shove the phone back into hiding and return to my Mum’s concerned gaze.

  “What are you wearing? Do you want to borrow anything of mine? Maybe some shoes – I have plenty of do-me-shoes!”

  The saucy look is back in her eyes and I smile, as my mum’s wardrobe would put Carrie Bradshaw’s shoe addiction to shame - she had it worse than me - I’d definitely inherited my fetish from her. Everything from Louboutins, to Kurt Geiger, filled the racks in a small extension off the main en-suite. It was a room that made me Ahhh upon entering and was pure indulgence.

  “No, I’m good”

  I’m going to wear the sexy new shoes Seb bought me; the ones I wore the other night when he took me from behind, as a fuck you to him.

  “But thanks Mum – you know me, once I’m in there, I’m done for and I need to go. Are you sure you’re OK with Finn…again? I’ve only had him back a night and now I’m shipping him off again.” I truly do feel like a terrible mother.

  “Darling – don’t be silly. He’s had a lovely little holiday in windy Wales with your Dad & I and Madam Tina of course and that useless biological father of his, seems to be making an effort at least. There was always going to come a time when you were ready to get out in the dating world again. It’s important that Finn isn’t the only male constant in your life. It’s a busy time for you with work but that’s what Grandparents are for.”

  She hugs me again and practically shoves me out into the drive. “Now get in that car, straight home, tittify and go wow them – Sebastian I presume?” she adds dryly and I wave her answer away, not ready to answer questions about him.

  “Thanks Mum. Love you.”

  I dash over to Finn who is aiming more bread at the Swan’s heads than mouths, and giggling madly as they contort their long necks to duck and catch. I wince at my Dad and he shrugs his shoulders, unconcerned.

  “Boys will be boys.”

  I kiss his salt and pepper hair and he squishes me to him, and awkwardly orders me to go have fun. Finn puckers up for a sloppy plant o
n my cheek and squishing his adorable bottom I leave, and guiltily slide into the car. Finn’s not bothered I know, but I do feel bad. Maybe this is the bone of contention with all parents, the constant guilt that you’re not doing enough - being there enough, for your child. My Mum is right though, I’ve spent the past year trying to be the model mother and it probably is time to enjoy some much needed me time, even if it’s just to tell Sebastian Silver where to stick it!

  I do the customary six-beep salute and head off to beautify. The deeply embedded nerves instinctively awaken and fly around like butterflies inside my tummy again.

  Why am I putting myself through this?

  Because, Lucia, you are not a pushover and you will go and make him see what he is missing! Remind him that you are the best he’ll ever know and he’ll never have you again. I can’t help but think that this is going to backfire on me and I’ll be the one seeing what I’m missing, in return. For fuck’s sake, just the thought of him is turning me on; the sight of him will no doubt reduce me to a wet puddle of lust and drool - I haven’t seen him since Scarlet House!

  My phone bleeps, interrupting my nervous thoughts and alerts me to a text. Looking down, my face flushes in annoyance. He’d been calling and texting me since Thursday night and I’d not answered any of them. Even the one last night sent To Finn, from Sub - I just couldn’t. I’d been tempted - believe me I’d been desperate to pick up last night - just to hear his voice. But I knew that the second I did I’d be done for. The constant harassment must be because he knew he’d been caught. I’m presuming that by now Toni has informed him of my visit in glorified detail. I thought I’d deserved at least a face-to-facer, to explain his two timing crappy behaviour.

  Why won’t you answer your phone Lu?

  Call me… NOW!!!

  I immediately delete the text in anger.

  Who the hell does he think he is ordering me around like that? Fucking control freak. He can bloody do one! I’m not here to do as he wishes, - to be there at his beck and call and bend over backwards – well maybe once, thinking back to the lusty mirror sex… that once had been worth it but never again. The guy was seriously pissing me off - get the picture I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk. To. YOU. I shout into the empty car.

  I’ve too much shit going on to deal with a moody gorgeously handsome contractor, on a rampage - he’s worse than Finn, when he doesn’t get his own way! He couldn’t even last one week with the same woman, let alone one month!

  As I pull-up outside home, I zap the doors, and head up the path; blocking the top step is a now familiar looking, luxurious black box.

  That Shit!

  He actually thought after what had occurred last night, he could just send me flowers - beautiful flowers, but flowers none-the-less and I’d be fine with it all. Forget the Ho in the towel and her childlike lady-garden - or rather lady-beach.

  I’m tempted to kick the box to the curb and head inside and for a second can’t believe my own weakness at questioning such a decision. Annoyed at myself, I push the box aside with my foot, shove the door open and escape from all temptation, leaning back against the door for added measure. I last a couple of minutes - give or take, before I crumble.

  Yanking the handle inwards I sneak a glance each way up and down the street - no one there - and grab the black box to my chest. Just because I was pissed doesn’t mean to say I wasn’t keen to see what he could possibly think would be enough of a message… this time.

  Wading through oodles of tissue paper, I sigh at the scent of roses. I’m actually more of a fan of the tulips, lilies and peonies bouquet I’d received the week before, but I have to admit that the smell of these black roses is intoxicating. This would be the fifth single bud that I’d had in two weeks and like the others, it held a large diamante crystal, in its centre to mark this. I lift the flower and inhale deeply, stroking the velvety petal against my cheek. What I really want to do is smash it hard on the coffee table to my left, causing every petal to fall. I wanted to break it, the beauty of it - the way we were now broken.

  Taking a deep breath, I screw my eyes shut and wrestle with my inward voice as I pick up the thick cream envelope. Shaking my head I bite down hard on my lip and hurriedly slip a finger underneath the seal. My eyes scan the bold script font…

  … and then I launch the card in the direction of the bin, missing by a country mile. What planet was this guy on that he thought I’d be staying over at his tonight?


  “You look divine! Stop fussing.” I hear Suzie command under her breath.

  I nod my head at her and take a small sip of my Kir Royale. If I didn’t feel so apprehensive I’d agree wholeheartedly. Even I had to admit that the full-length black Body-con dress I’d selected earlier did my curves justice. The front was simply designed, with thicker satin straps that house shoulder pads, a round necked corset, which nipped in at the waist, allowing the dress to curve softly at the hips and fall slim line to the ankle; not forgetting the discreet split, baring a flash of thigh when walking.

  I loved the look but knew that the back would be what grabbed Seb’s attention. It dipped in an extremely low scoop, from the straps to the top of the crack of my arse - it was deliciously obscene really! But what was the pièce de résistance were the eight ropes of pearls that hung, stitched from each strap, and following the curve of my sides and waist, in the shape of a cello. They rested, descending in size, as a strings of necklaces, creating a kind of pearl cowl, at the top of my bottom, where the fabric hugged lovingly to enhance my hourglass figure.

  I’d accessorised with an emerald green cocktail ring and my shoes were the black suede Luby Lou’s from Sebastian. I’d drawn my hair back into a messy chignon and fastened small diamond earrings at my lobes. The effect was simple yet seductive. I felt dangerously naughty.

  I was not wearing any underwear, due to the constraints of the dress - thank God it had a built in corset bra, a good job as nothing would have worked with this get-up. The thought of my nakedness sent fizzles of excitement all over my body - with one slide, Sebastian could be inside me. Not that that would happen – I was dressed this way purely to get a rise out of him and make him regret his actions with Toni.

  That’s right you keep telling yourself that love if it helps protect your heart; shame you’ve forgotten to mention it to your overly-sensitized body.

  We’d entered the party a few minutes ago and selected a drink from the large, crisp white linen covered table to the right of the door. The house looked stunning; Sebastian’s Mum, Bitzi Silver had worked her green-fingered magic, sprinkling flower creations, more likened to pure works of art, across every surface. Candles glimmered from secluded nooks, only reminding me of the other night and I swallow my distaste - the remembrance of his indiscretion shrouds me. You can do this.

  The style of the house was very much like Sebastian himself, both traditional and modern, with a cool edge to it, a money can’t buy polish. The immense hallway, opened out into another large living area, perfect for the overflow of partygoers. It wrapped around towards the kitchen and had doors leading to three further reception rooms. There was a study to the left as you entered and a huge guest-suite to the back of the house on the lower level with bathroom. The house was light, airy, vast and exuded luxury at every level.

  The stairs however were the objet d’art in my opinion. I remember years ago Sebastian saying that he’d found the staircase he wanted to replicate in his house one day, on a Harry Potter movie and he’d redesigned it, with an additional modern twist to a tee. The steps were nestled towards the back of the hall and curled up majestically, before opening up and arriving on the opposite side of the room, directly above the entrance below. The effect was breathtaking. The balustrade was a deep pewter tone, with black spindles and the steps, they made from white marble, topped with a luxury thick soft grey runner, hemmed with black. Chunky silver stair rods nestled in the crook of each step, tipped with a glass ball, which gleamed
brightly underneath the immense bubble chandelier above. The result was luxurious, modern and homely; a difficult feat in interior design.

  I’m pleased he’d taken some of my advice though; I could see little creative touches of Lucia here and there. I smile sadly, as I recognise a huge abstract canvas I’d painted and given to Sebastian as a birthday gift some years ago, it was sitting pride of place above the open fireplace in the hallway, its colours working fantastically with the decor, like it had been commissioned for the space - blacks, pewters, grays and white, washed determinedly across the painting. I remember creating this and the exhaustion I’d felt upon completion. My eyes are drawn to where the light from the Chandelier is catching the metallic silver and Latin words inscribed across the oils.

  This was a phrase that we had lived by throughout our studying days and continued to this day.

  Knowledge itself is power!

  For a split second I am touched by the sentimentality, that he has chosen to adorn his walls with my work and not another expensive, more recognised artist but the fleeting memory of Toni in her towel, and the meaning of the words, which relate unquestionably to the sham of our current situation, sharply diminish any nostalgia I may have.

  Shaking myself out of it I plaster a fake smile upon my face and try to appear interested in what Suzie is chattering about with Gino and a few others. However that smile becomes genuine as I spot Abby making her way to join us, alongside a very dapper looking Nathan.

  “I’ve had my feelers out and no sign of the queen of all bitches… yet!” she whispers into my ear loyally.

  “Thanks Hun – what about Seb?”

  “He’s chatting with some friends in the lounge, said he’ll join us in a bit. Don’t think he’s realised you were here yet,” she adds protectively.

  I’d caught up with her last night about the Toni nightmare and I know she has my rather bare back tonight. I blow my mouth out in a huge calming yoga breath and shake my shoulders, like a boxer getting ready for a fight


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