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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

Page 23

by Shvonne Latrice

  I was getting invited to shit that I never thought I’d be able to step foot in, and artists that I used to wish to work with, were hitting me up, giving me props and asking to do a song with me. The shit was crazy, but it felt good.

  I had my girl, who I loved more than I ever thought I could love anyone, my career, and my baby coming soon. It seemed like all my shit was falling in place, and at the right time; on God’s time like Laine said the first night I met her. Thinking about that shit had me smiling like a pussy, but like I told everybody, I didn’t care. I loved that girl and I would shout that shit from the rooftops if I wanted to, then pistol-whip a nigga if he had something to say about it.

  It was around 7 p.m., and I’d worked with my brothers, Nuzi, and this other artist, Beatty, earlier, so now I was taking some time to put some shit together for my album. I already had a list of people I wanted to do the songs, and of course, my brothers were on there. It wasn’t even because they were my brothers though, they were just great at this music shit, like myself. And since we were both flying high right now, us working together was a great idea.

  I started messing with the knobs on the soundboard just as someone walked in, and when I looked over I saw Aspen’s ass. She went on tour, came back for a little bit, then left again. She just returned a couple days ago, and Teagan wanted her and I to finish up her album since she requested that I do the entire project. That was a lot of work on my plate, considering I was working on some other albums, including my brothers’ whole shit, and now mine.

  “What’s up?” I stopped the music and turned my chair a little. She looked good in the thin material dress she had on, which clung to her body like a latex glove.

  “Hey. So my brother told me you robbed him.” She sat down at the soundboard next to me.

  “I don’t know your brother.”

  “Really, Mischief? He came to talk to you, and you took his jewelry, his phone, his wallet, and his shoes. You know now that you’re so big, he’s thinking of suing you.”

  Shrugging, I replied, “Like I said, I don’t know your brother and I don’t know what you’re talking about. And what would he be coming to talk to me for?”

  “You know what about, how you were treating me. I didn’t send him, my mom just called and told him what I’d told her, and he decided to handle it for me.”

  “I should have never let you suck my dick or anything.” I shook my head, exhaling.

  “Get over yourself, Mischief. It’s not deep like that.”

  “But you’re telling your mom about me. That’s funny. I guess you mention every nigga you fuck to ya mama.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Anyways, how are you? I know you got shot and all that stuff, and I was just wondering how you were doing. I heard it was like fifteen times or something.”

  “Nah, just nine.”

  “Just nine? Do you know who did it? Or are the police still looking?”

  “Police? I don’t associate with no fucking police. Don’t worry about who shot me though. I’m alive and that’s all that matters.”

  “Yes, I guess that is a good thing. I miss you though and can’t wait to get back to recording. On tour, I was so lonely.”

  “Aspen, please, man.” I ran my hands down my face. “My life is gravy right now and I don’t need you trying no shit. And I’m not interested. You got a lot of shit going for you and there are plenty of niggas who’d be more than willing.”

  “The guys you don’t want are always willing, and the guys you do want are always looking at somebody else.”

  “And I had that somebody else before I even met you. I told you from the beginning that I wanted to be back with her.”

  “I know. Ms. Laine Loren. She’s beautiful, I give you that. Every time I look up though, her face is somewhere.”

  “Because she’s getting that money.”

  “Went to this website to buy some bathing suits, and there she was. Pictures must be old though because I heard she got you to get her pregnant.”

  “Nah, I did that shit on purpose.”

  Aspen paused for a moment, staring at me. I guess my reply surprised her stupid ass.

  “You don’t strike me as the type to want any kind of commitment that’s long term. You do know a baby will keep you attached to her for at least eighteen years.” She chuckled, eyes bouncing all over me.

  “Yep, that’s what I was hoping for when I busted.” I checked my phone, but felt her watching me. “Yeah, but I was kind of in the middle of some shit, so if you don’t mind.” I nodded towards the door.

  “I mean, do you care if I just sit in the back and listen? You won’t even know I’m here.”

  Why the fuck was she so on me? I was rude as fuck to her, but it seemed like she never got a muthafucking clue. I could call her a nasty hoe and tell her to suck my dick right now and she’d do the shit.

  I looked at her for a moment, disgusted by her eagerness to be in my presence. I didn’t even respond, I just turned back towards the soundboard, cut the music on, and continued working on the beat.

  “Oh, this is nice! What is this—”

  She stopped talking when I put my hand up and shook my head. I didn’t even look at her annoying ass, but she knew to shut the fuck up and act like she wasn’t here as promised.

  The door came open again, and I felt like my balls snapped off when I saw Laine. I don’t even know how she got in because you needed a key card to get in the building. I lowered the music as I kept my eyes on Laine’s beautiful ass. She, of course, had locked eyes with Aspen, and had yet to look away.

  “Baby, come here.” I nodded so she could come to me.

  She was pregnant and I didn’t need her ass fighting like she so badly wanted to. I think my baby inside of her made her ass a wee bit crazier. That just meant my kid was gon’ be out of their fucking mind, being created by two unhinged muthafuckas.

  “Are you guys working on something?” Laine quizzed Aspen as I cut the music off. She refused to step any further into the room.

  “Oh, well no, not this evening, but in two days. I just got back from tour and—”

  “Then why are you here?” Laine turned to me and asked, “Why is she here? Didn’t you fuck her?” Laine was frowning hard, pointing in Aspen’s direction.

  I prayed Aspen didn’t say shit because this was a fight she wanted no fucking parts of. I believe she said she was from West Virginia or somewhere like that, and I was positive she wasn’t ready for Laine.

  “That’s in the past, girl. We don’t even—”

  “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to my man and therefore I would like him to answer, not you.” She snapped her neck to look at me again, and raised her brow, finger still pointing in Aspen’s direction. She was so fucking sexy when she was mad.

  “I did fuck her, yeah, but it was when we were apart. And she’s just here listening, that’s it. She’s all the way over there on the couch, baby.”

  I could see Aspen watching me closely as I talked to Laine. I knew she was a bit taken aback by how different I was with Laine versus her.

  Smiling evilly, Laine turned to Aspen and calmly said, “I’d like you to leave.”

  Aspen began gathering her stuff, and then rose to her feet, staring at Laine and then me. It was obvious she didn’t want to pass Laine, because it looked like if she did, Laine would punch her or something. Standing up, I walked over to Laine and brought her body into mine, hugging her from behind.

  “Gon’ head,” I told Aspen, who briskly walked by us and left the studio room. Kissing down Laine’s pretty face and then on her neck, I inquired, “How the fuck did you get in the building?”

  “I told them I was your girlfriend Laine. They recognized me too, so they let me up.” She pulled from me, and turned to face me for a kiss. “I brought you some water and snacks.” She held up the plastic bag.

  “Thanks.” I took the bag, and grabbed a handful of her ass. “Aye, let’s do it right quick.” I set the plas
tic bag on the counter, and put Laine up against it to bend her over.

  “Oh my gosh, lock the door, Shai.”

  I quickly locked it, and tugged the door a little bit so that she’d see, and then got behind her to get her tights and underwear down. Once I got inside her, I had to pause so I wouldn’t nut immediately, as I kissed and sucked on her neck.

  Hopefully no cameras were in this bitch.


  The next morning…

  I walked inside of my aunt’s house, and when I heard my mother’s voice, I almost turned around to leave but decided against it. I followed the sounds of their voices, until I made it to the kitchen where they were clearly in a heated ass discussion.

  My aunt paused when she saw me, but then smiled softly, not really knowing why I was here and if I was happy or mad.

  “Hi, honey, I didn’t know you were coming.” My mother grinned so widely that I was sure her cheeks hurt. She moved towards me, but I put my hand up.

  “Are you thirsty? I made iced tea.” My aunt opened her cabinet to get a glass but I shook my head ‘no’.

  “Did you talk to that girl about hitting me?” My mother looked up into my eyes.

  For the first time in my life, I was about to say some shit that a lot of people in this family should have said decades ago.

  “Ma, you need to talk to somebody or whatever the fuck people with your illness do.”

  “Shai!” my aunt exclaimed.

  “What the fuck you calling my damn name for? I’m tired of y’all sweeping this shit under the rug like something ain’t wrong with her! She needs some fucking help! Neither one of y’all will be around my kid, and especially not her!”

  “Here you go with that imagination, baby.” My mother chuckled and glanced at my aunt Doreen, then back to me.

  “Really?” I looked down at her.

  “Yes, really! Stop saying whatever you’re saying because that’s the reason that skank hit me! I am your mother! She needs to respect me and respect what you and I have!”

  “We don’t have shit! There is nothing between us! You’re not my fucking mother and you damn sure ain’t my bitch!”

  “Shai, stop it right now!” my aunt hollered.

  “And you, walking around here like you’re some damn angel. When the fuck was somebody gonna tell us that you had a baby by my father?” When her eyes widened, I said, “Oh what, you thought Ish wasn’t gon’ say shit?”

  “Shai, there was no need for you guys to know! Gordon is his father and that’s it! Gordon raised him, there is no need to even mention Mel!”

  Laughing angrily, I said, “The women in this family are delusional as fuck, man. Oh my fucking gosh, y’all are delusional!” I ran my hands over my fade before replacing my hat back on it. “Like I said before, until she gets some help,” pointing to my mom, “My baby will not come around and neither will I.” I started to leave the kitchen.

  “I don’t need help! That girlfriend of yours needs—”

  “You wanna fuck your own son and you don’t think you need help?” I turned around and roared down into my mother’s face, making her jump back and flinch. “You wanna be with me, Ma? Is that what you want? For it to be me and you?” I kept taking steps towards her as she backed away in fear.

  She gave no response, she just repeatedly shook her head ‘no’ as tears welled up in her pretty brown eyes, before toppling over her bottom lids. My aunt refused to look at me, keeping her head turned slightly, with her eyes fixated on the kitchen floor.

  I tittered lowly, shaking my head as I turned to leave again.

  “Shai…” my mother gripped my arm but then immediately let go.

  She didn’t have shit to say now, so I bounced.


  One week later…

  “How is everything out there? I miss you,” my father said. I was talking to him and my mother over speakerphone.

  “Great, I love it. My co-workers were a little ice cold to me at first, but now I like them. And also, I have my Laine of course.”

  “Yes, Laine… I miss her. Is the baby here yet?” my mom questioned.

  “No, of course it’s not here yet, ma,” I chuckled. “She has a few more months. Her belly is adorable though. I will send you pictures.”

  “Oh please do. Your mother and I will be coming out there next month because we need to meet this Chaz character. You know every guy has to go through my screening process.”

  “Yes, and I’m sticking to that so I won’t run across anymore guys like Risk.”

  “Well, he hasn’t been making much noise around town which is great. I hear the DEA was after him so he and his homie fled to another country,” my mom chimed in. I chuckled hearing her say homie in Japanese accent.

  I let out a sigh, mostly of relief because people obviously had no idea about what Laine and I had done. I was happy about that because I didn’t want to drag Laine, Mischief, and Chaz into my shit. The latter two helped clean the mess and get rid of the evidence, so they’d probably go down for just as long as Laine and I if caught. Things were smooth sailing so far though.

  “Hey, Erynne, your client Jasmine is here.” Salana peeked her head into the back room. She had her keys and purse in hand, so she was clearly leaving for the day. It was around 2 p.m. which was late for her.

  “Okay, thank you.” I turned away from her. “Hey, I have to go, but I can’t wait for you guys to meet him, you’re gonna love Chaz as much as I do.”

  “I better. We love you, sweetheart,” my father replied.

  “Yes, we love you!”

  “I love you guys too.” I giggled, pulling my phone from my ear and hanging up.

  I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, and then switched to the front of the shop feeling good as hell. I had my man, my best friend, some new friends, and then I did hair for a living. I had no complaints.

  Every day I had clients, unless I scheduled the day off, so I was making a nice amount of money. People out here loved weaves and lace fronts, which was on the higher end of the price list, so I was getting $200 - $300 per head, sometimes three or four times a day. Not to mention, I’d moved in with Chaz who refused to take my money for rent or any other bills. So I just saved my money, or bought food for the house, and made sure I cooked breakfast and dinner almost every morning and night for him. I had to contribute something.

  I made it to the front, and almost lost my train of thought when I spotted only Jade sitting by the front, in a tight white dress. Her hair was in a curly puff on top of her head, and not in its usual long straight style, so that must have been her real hair. She looked cute with that. She also had a little glow to her, and I didn’t know why.

  “Hey, Sunny, Salana said my client Jasmine was here but I don’t see her.”

  “She’s right there, in the white.” Sunny pointed, chuckling because she already knew what was up. Salana was older and didn’t really mess with social media, so she didn’t recognize Jade.

  I nodded slowly at Sunny’s response, and then turned to make my way to the receptionist Derena, hoping she wasn’t gonna confirm what I knew. Before I could ask her anything, Jade beamed, “Erynne! I’m ready now!”

  “You’re Jasmine?” I almost groaned, rolling my eyes.

  “Wanted to keep my real name a secret. I knew you would have tried to turn me down if you found out it was me. Trust me, I don’t have an ulterior motive. I like the way you do hair, so I want you to do mine. My stylist is out of town, and I have to umm… travel, so I need my hair in tip top shape.” She led me to my station, running her mouth.

  “Just the weave with the top as leave out, right?” I quizzed, throwing the cape over her and adjusting the chair’s height with the foot lever. Shit, she was paying so I was gonna do it.

  “Yep! That’s it. Say, do you have any magazines?”

  “Yes, of course.” I went under my station and pulled my magazine rack out. Lifting it, I showed it to her and let her pull out what she wanted, before
placing it back under.

  “I figured we could at least be cordial now that you’re not fucking my husband anymore.” She spoke lowly and winked at me through the mirror.

  She was right though, I wasn’t fucking her husband anymore because the divorce had processed. They’d signed everything, and Chaz was pretty much a free agent. It felt good to finally lie next to and fuck a man that was all mine; no ifs, ands, or buts.

  “I can’t help but notice that you seem to be in a great mood.” I parted her hair, spraying on some scalp elixir and detox oil.

  “I am very happy, that’s why. It feels good to not be married anymore, and have that whole situation weighing you down. Right now I’m enjoying my life as a single woman I guess you could say.”

  “Single, nice.” I nodded.

  “Don’t you miss being single?”

  “I can’t say. I haven’t been single in a long time. I kind of had a situation before Chaz, and at that time, yes, I wished to be with someone else, but not single. Now, I’m very happy though.”

  “Hmm,” she exhaled, smiling at herself in the mirror.

  This bitch must have snorted a line of coke.

  I continued to do Jade’s hair, and the whole time I could feel the funny looks I was getting from a few of the other stylists’ clients, and my co-workers. Mostly everyone knew who Chaz’s wife was, and now everyone knew I was his girlfriend that he ‘left his wife for’.

  Those were the comments I always saw under my pictures on Instagram. Some random bitch would mention her friend and point me out as such. I knew the truth though, that Chaz would have left Jade regardless, and that I didn’t break up their marriage, so I didn’t let shit like that bother me. I was for real too blessed to be stressed.

  When I was done with Jade, I put my stuff up and went to the back for my purse. It was around 6 p.m., and Laine, Cassie, and Kady were coming over to watch movies and eat with me. Chaz would be in the studio with his brothers all night, so I was glad I had the girls to keep me company.


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