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Playboy Ever After

Page 41

by Chance Carter

  “I'd be honored,” Joey told him.

  He was clearly thankful to the police commissioner for hearing out his case and agreeing to grant him his freedom. That he had his job back was just the icing on the cake.

  As Jenny watched Joey accept his weapon and police badge, she couldn't help but feel proud. He had come such a long way. He had overcome his rough past and was turning his life around for good. She truly believed there was nothing Joey Dale couldn't do now.

  She reached over and took Roy's hand tightly within her own. She was grateful he had been released from the hospital in time to make it to the ceremony. It wouldn't have felt right to be celebrating this special moment without him here.

  She could feel his gorgeous eyes on her and raised her eyes to meet his. She could tell he loved her and she couldn't imagine a better feeling. She couldn't imagine her life without him anymore. That he had survived was a miracle, and one for which she would be forever thankful.

  “I love you,” he murmured as he leaned in and softly kissed her lips.

  “I love you too,” Jenny whispered.

  Jenny already knew what was going to happen next. Ben had met with her at the cabin moments before she left to collect Roy from the hospital. She was eager to be on her way, but Ben told her it was important, so she had gave him her full attention.

  What Ben was about to say was the best thing she had heard since she had been told Joey would be released from jail.

  “Ombrea residents, there is one last piece of information I wish to share with you today. As you are aware, your town is now without a police chief. No police service should operate without a leader, and so I present to you today your new police chief.”

  Jenny was beaming

  “Roy Peters.”

  Roy couldn't believe what he was hearing.

  The crowd was cheering for him, calling him a hero. He was just happy to have it all behind him.

  Jenny took his hand and helped him to his feet. He could barely feel his legs, but he knew they were moving as she helped him onto the bandstand. He swallowed hard to steady his nerves as he walked across the stage towards the police commissioner.

  “Roy Peters, ladies and gentlemen.”

  Roy could hardly believe the cheering. He had been hiding out in his cabin for so long he had forgotten how many friends he had in Ombrea.

  “I know this must come as something of a surprise to you, Roy,” Ben began.

  “It’s a surprise, all right,” Roy said. You sure you’re doing the right thing?”

  “One hundred percent. I’ve always known the kind of man you are, Roy. There isn't a man here better suited for the position.”

  Roy was honored, but daunted. He had been off the force for a very long time.

  “Come on, son, say you’ll take the job.”

  Roy held the older man's gaze, still unsure of himself.

  “Roy! Roy! Roy! Roy!, the crowd chanted in unison.

  He glanced down to Jenny. She was his family now, and he would do whatever she thought was best for him. She nodded, and her gentle smile gave him the confidence he needed to go on.


  Roy held up his hands and the crowd's roar dulled down to a murmur.

  “I will accept the position. I would be honored to be your new police chief.”

  * * *

  Two weeks later, the dust had settled.

  The whole town looked brighter as Jenny and Isabelle drove to the police station. People raised their arms to wave to them as they passed. The once disapproving faces were now warm and friendly. She finally felt like she belonged.

  “We're here!”

  Isabelle's excitement broke her train of thought.

  Joey stood at the top of the stairs awaiting their arrival. He was dressed in full uniform, his short, blonde hair caught under a black police cap. He was no longer the scrawny, teenage boy with the permanent scowl. He was a respectable man with a solid career.

  Isabelle raced up the steps and jumped into his arms. Joey was a single father now. It would be challenging, but he was up for the task.

  “Hey, sis.” Joey said, beaming. “How do I look?”

  He spun around in a full circle with Isabelle still in his arms.

  “Meh. Not bad. You would look even better if you just...”

  She lifted off his police hat and ruffled up his hair with her hand until it stuck up at odd angles.

  “There. That's better.”

  “Dad!” Isabelle giggled as she struggled free of his arms, “Aunt Jenny made you look like a hedgehog.”

  * * *

  Roy looked up when he heard a knock at his office door.

  He was grateful to see Jenny there. It had felt like too much time had passed since he had left her in bed this morning.

  He walked across the room and took her into his arms. He kissed her gently at first and then more passionately.

  “Slow down there, Chief,” she said, giggling.

  “I came to see if you needed any help sorting out your new office.”

  Together, they looked over the room. He thought he had done a good job making it his own. He and Joey had thrown a new coat of white paint on the walls the night before. This morning, he had proudly hung up a few of his old service medals.

  “It looks great in here.”

  He pressed his lips to hers when she raised her head to meet his gaze.

  “You belong here. The people of Ombrea are lucky to have you.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Having this beautiful woman at his side was the best feeling in the world.

  Roy pushed the office door closed with one hand.

  His first line of duty would be to show Jenny Dale what it was like to have Roy Peters in charge.


  Jenny looked at Roy in his handsome new uniform and felt a wave of desire wash over her.

  "You look so official and confident,” she said, blushing.

  “You think I look like a chief?”

  “You look like my chief,” she said.

  He took a step toward her and grabbed her in his arms, lifting her in his arms and spinning her around. Then he put her down on his office desk.

  “Oh, officer,” she cooed, “am I under arrest?”

  “That depends,” he teased. “Have you been naughty?”

  She nodded coyly as he ran his finger along her lips.

  He leaned in and crushed his lips against hers, kissing him with a passion that told her she was going to be with him forever. She had no doubt. There are certain things you can tell in a man’s kiss, and the way he was kissing her right then told her everything she needed to know.

  She was going to be his woman, now and forever, and there was no longer any doubt of that.

  “What if someone catches us,” she said, glancing toward the door.

  Roy went and shut the blinds, giving them more privacy. Then he walked determinedly across the room and grabbed her again, pushing her back on his desk and lifting her legs up onto it.

  “Now, I believe I was about to take you into protective custody,” he said.

  “Is that what you call it?”

  He smiled at her then, and began running his hands up over her thighs beneath her dress. He reached all the way to the pink lace panties she was wearing and ripped them off her.

  “Officer, is this a strip search?” she giggled.

  He laughed and leaned down between her legs, running his tongue along her calves, her thighs, all the way up to the bare lips of her pussy.

  “Oh god,” she moaned, lifting her feet up off the table and resting them on the backs of Roy’s shoulders.

  His tongue reached along her inner thighs and when she felt it reach her pussy, she stretched her legs open as wide as she could. He began to make out passionately with her pussy, kissing it as if he was kissing her mouth. His tongue slid over her clit, between every soft fold of her flesh, and then reached inside her.

  She squirmed and cried i
n pleasure.

  “Oh officer, please have mercy.”

  As he made out with her pussy, Roy reached for his handcuffs and took them from his belt.

  The thought of what he was going to do with them was too much for Jenny. She was overwhelmed with anticipation and excitement and began quivering in pleasure as the most excruciating orgasm of her left rushed through her body.

  “Oh, Roy.”

  “That’s officer Roy to you,” he said, smirking.

  He got down from the desk and grabbed her wrists.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she cooed.

  He handcuffed one wrist, then brought the other cuff through a metal bar that was attached to the desk and then cuffed her other wrist.

  She was firmly restrained, lying on her back on the desk. She wouldn’t have been able to escape even if she wanted.

  “You’re mine now,” he said grinning.

  She looked up at him, into his eyes, and he took out his taser.

  “Eh, Roy, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Roy laughed and put the taser away. “I was just kidding.”

  She flung her foot at him, kicking him playfully in the chest.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Sorry,” he said, still laughing to himself.

  “I suppose you think you’re very smart,” she said.

  “Well, the truth is, I think I might need some help.”

  “Help?” she said.

  "You know, like a partner?”

  “A police partner?”

  He walked back around to her feet and climbed up on the desk, leaning close over her.

  He opened his pants and pulled out that perfect, gorgeous cock. He pressed it against the wet lips of her pussy and she tried to thrust upward to make it slide in.

  He didn’t let it, preferring to keep it just touching her, teasing her, taunting her.

  “More like a life partner.”

  “A life partner?” she said, louder than she’d intended.

  She looked up at him, unsure what he was suggesting. Her heart pounded in her chest with excitement.

  “Jenny, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  She nodded furiously and tried to throw her arms around her, until she remembered she was firmly restrained against the desk.

  “Yes,” she squealed. “Yes, of course I will. A thousand times, YES.”

  Roy kissed her passionately, his lips pressing firmly against hers, his tongue entering her mouth and playing with her tongue like they were dancing. As his passionate kiss made Jenny’s head spin with desire, she felt his cock press against the lips of her pussy and then slide deeply into her.

  He slid in, further and further, making pleasure surge through every inch of her body. His cock was like magic, and every time he entered her, she felt so much love and happiness she didn’t know what to do with it.

  “Oh, Roy,” she cried out, “you feel so good.”

  She couldn’t believe how big he still felt, even after all the sex they’d already had together.

  He continued kissing her as his cock thrust in and pulled out, in and out, over and over, bringing her closer and closer to ecstasy.

  Eventually, when she thought she couldn’t bear it any longer, his cock exploded in orgasm.

  “Oh, Jenny,” he moaned. “I fucking love you.”

  His cock poured into her, pumping his semen into her pussy and the sensation of it brought her over the edge, sending wave after wave of orgasm through her body.

  She cried out, louder than she’d intended, and there was no doubt that people outside the office would have heard them.

  Roy laughed and covered her mouth with his hand tenderly.

  “Shh,” he said.

  “I can’t help it, Roy. I’m going to be your wife.”

  “Yes you are,” he said, leaning over her so that he could unlock the handcuffs and release her wrists.

  The two of them looked at each other and basked in the afterglow of their sex.

  “That was amazing,” Roy said.

  Jenny threw her arms around him and pulled him in close to her.

  “I love you so much, Roy. I can’t believe we’re getting married.”

  They straightened themselves out and cleaned up, and then Roy said, “I guess we should go out and announce the engagement.”

  Jenny smiled at him and took his hand in hers.

  Roy removed his hat and affectionately put it on Jenny’s head.

  She laughed and together they left the office to announce their engagement to the rest of the police force.

  Reverse Cowgirl


  Chapter 1


  Alice White was young, but she was no push over. People underestimated her all the time, especially men. She was a natural beauty, with silky blonde hair that landed just above her shoulders, and a smile that could halt a bull, if you were fortunate enough to receive one.

  Her deep blue eyes held the wisdom of a woman three times her age. She was one of those gals who was sexy without even trying, mainly because she wasn’t concerned with that sort of thing.

  Most of the time she wore jeans with a tank top, and a long-sleeved plaid shirt rolled up to her elbows. Her favorite cowboy boots were worn in, scuffed up, and comfortable as hell.

  She wore her confidence like an accessory. It shone from her like a precious stone. It was in the way she walked and talked. Her head was always held high, and she had a wit that spoke to her intelligence and humor. She was an all-American cowgirl, comfortable in her own skin.

  She had experienced more life in her twenty-nine years than most people her age, but it only made her more determined. She didn’t take crap from anyone, and she could smell bullshit a mile away. She was a straight shooter and expected the same from others.

  Alice was often tested by men trying to take advantage of her youth, but in a male dominated industry, it went with the territory. They often assumed she was soft or naive, but she was always quick to prove them wrong. She had earned the respect of all the old cowboys in her neck of the woods, because they admired her work ethic and grit, and she had plenty to spare.

  As feisty as Alice was, she was also fair and decent, and would give the shirt off her back to help anyone in need. She stayed out of trouble, and preferred to expend her energy on the ranch. She adored her life, and although it was a lot of hard work for very little pay, she loved the land and she loved her horses. She was a country girl and whether it was work or play, she liked the sun in her hair and dirt under her nails.

  She was not as comfortable in the city but she managed well enough. Sacramento was a beautiful place, but she was grateful she didn’t have to spend more than a few hours there. It always triggered sadness for her. She had found herself there only a few times in her life, and it was always unpleasant.

  The first time was a few days before her wedding, about six years earlier.

  * * *

  It had been the worst night of her life.

  She and her fiancé were there waiting for a flight to Puerto Vallarta, where they planned to wed. They had a hotel by the airport, and were spending the night before their early morning flight. Her parents and other guests were following a few days later, but she and Jerry wanted to arrive at the resort a few days ahead to make sure everything was in order.

  Her maid of honor, Lane, and Jerry’s best man, Josh, were traveling with them. Lane and Alice were sharing a room, obliging Josh and Jerry to bunk together. Although Alice and Jerry had already been intimate, they decided to stop having sex a few weeks earlier, so that their wedding night would be extra special and passionate.

  Alice was filled with excitement and anticipation. Young brides usually were. They arrived at the hotel just before dinner, and decided to stay nearby and enjoy a meal at the hotel restaurant. It was long and leisurely, with plenty of beer, laughing, and talking about their upcoming nuptials.

  Jerry excused himself, st
ating he needed to make some phone calls. He winked at his bride and promised to be back within the hour, encouraging everyone to stay behind and enjoy a few more drinks. Lane asked him if he would mind walking her back to her room because she had a headache and wanted to lay down. Alice didn’t mind. She was too excited to sleep and said she would hang out with Josh and watch the rest of the baseball game until Jerry returned.

  More than a half hour passed and Alice started to get restless. Although she and Josh were quite content in each other’s company, she wanted to see her groom, maybe tease him with hot kisses and well-placed caresses. She asked Josh if he would mind waiting twenty minutes or so before he made his way back to his room. He understood the intention, and with a hearty laugh agreed to give them some alone time. He promised to make an obnoxious amount of noise to signal his return, and gave her his room key.

  Alice gave him a friendly hug and stumbled her way through the hallways to find her groom. When she arrived there, she slipped the key card into the slot and stepped inside, expecting to see Jerry on his phone or relaxing on the bed. Instead, he was taking a shower. He had tossed his keys and cellphone on the mattress, and she carefully crawled over them and made herself comfortable on his bed, waiting for him to finish up. Jerry never took long showers, so she anticipated a short wait.

  His cell phone chirped, signaling a text message. Then it chirped a second and a third time.

  Alice wasn’t nosy by nature, but her curiosity pulled at her. It wasn’t typical for her and Jerry to read each other’s messages, but they never kept secrets from one another. She wondered if it was about the wedding, maybe a text from his Mom about the resort or their upcoming flights.

  She picked up his phone and opened the message icon. It was from Lane.


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