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Playboy Ever After

Page 86

by Chance Carter

  Chapter 26


  “Nora, it’s me, let me come up and talk to you,” Leo begged.

  He had just finished working a long day shift and was in her lobby, pleading quietly into the intercom. He had prepared an apologetic speech just in case she told him to fuck off. She surprised him though, by buzzing him in, without so much as a word.

  He knew he had hurt her the day before. He just stood in front of her like a fucking moron, knowing full well that she knew he was lying to her. He wanted to invite her in, more than anything, but he had shared his bed with the cute little waitress he had met the day before and she was in his frigging shower! He didn’t blame Nora one bit for walking away, but he didn’t want their relationship to end that way. He owed her an explanation.

  She opened the door for him, expressionless, then walked away, expecting him to follow. He closed the door behind him and meandered slowly down the hallway. He found her sitting back down at her dining room table, her laptop open in front of her.

  “Have a seat,” she offered, her face unreadable. Leo sat down on the bench beside her, and waited for her to speak, unsure where to begin.

  “Why did you come?” she asked politely, closing the computer with a gentle thud.

  “I thought I should explain myself, and apologize for yesterday,” he began.

  He looked around anxiously, trying to summon the words that would make everything okay. She looked at him kindly, which made him feel even worse.

  “Jesus, Nora, I don’t know what to tell you. I spent the entire night sick about what happened. I never wanted to hurt you,” he insisted, holding his hand out for her.

  She looked down at it but didn’t accept it, so he placed it awkwardly back on his thigh.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching, trying to figure out what my problem is. I have been running from intimacy for so long, Nora, I’m so fucking tired. I just want to be with a woman who loves me. I honestly felt I was ready for that, that I finally found her. I love you Nora,” he confessed genuinely, his eyes filled with remorse.

  “Don’t say that Leo, you know it’s not true,” Nora protested, her tone permeated with doubt.

  “I want it to be true. I tried to make it true,” he insisted, this time just taking her hand in his without waiting for permission. “You deserve a guy that will give his whole heart to you, without question.”

  Nora nodded her head as though she truly believed that he was being sincere.

  “I’m going to be honest with you. I wish I could be a Jimmy Stewart, Nora, I really do, but it’s just not me. I’m not a sentimental guy, I don’t think I can ever change that,” Leo admitted.

  He looked down and caressed her hand, memorizing every crease, freckle and line, knowing he might never hold it again.

  “You don’t have to change, Leo,” Nora objected sweetly, her tone softening. “Not for me.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes, as though avoiding the sad, inevitable conclusion that faced them.

  Nora inhaled, slowly and thoughtfully.

  “I have to be honest with you too. Yesterday, when I received the delivery, as I was unwrapping the flowers and the gift, the entire time I was hoping they were from Gage,” she confessed, her eyes pleading with him to understand.

  He nodded at her, allowing her words to sink in, then slowly released her hand and sat back in his chair.

  “What confused me the most though, is how you could spend the night with another woman when you had just picked out flowers for me and bought me a plane ticket. You wrote in your note that you loved me.”

  “About that,” Leo grinned, pulling the ticket out of his pocket, “this isn’t from me.”

  Nora looked at him curiously, as though quickly trying to process his words. She leaned forward and snatched the ticket from his hand, a grateful smile on her face.

  “Oh my god!” she gushed, shaking the ticket in front of him in a gesture of disbelief. “I was coming to see you yesterday to give you back this plane ticket. I came over because I knew I had to say goodbye.”

  She reached for his hand again.

  “I fucking adore you, Leo! I probably always will and I don’t have any regrets, not a single one. You lit up my life and made me excited to dance again, but it’s Gage who has my heart. I love him,” she whispered.

  Leo was not surprised. Coop was a good guy, maybe one of the best. She deserved him. They deserved each other, and he knew it. He nodded at her, silently offering her his blessing. She pulled him gently into an embrace, kissing him on the cheek. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, allowing the moment to seal itself in his memory. He could never regret being with Nora either. She taught him how to open his heart again, and even though he wasn’t ready today, he would be ready someday.

  “I have to go!” Nora blurted, peeling herself out of Leo’s arms.

  “What time is it?” Leo chuckled and looked at his watch, “You have lots of time, it’s only six-thirty.”

  “I have to pack, and call the car service, and stop at the bank, and shit! I have to call my sister,” Nora fretted, pushing her chair back.

  “Relax, I will drive you to the airport. Just go do what you need to do,” Leo offered politely.

  He may not be Prince Charming, he thought, but he could still do something to ensure a fairytale ending.

  They pulled into the airport, only thirty minutes late. Nevertheless, Nora was anxious and fidgeted nervously in the passenger seat. Leo looked over at her and grinned, easing the car into an empty space in the unloading zone.

  “Go get your man, baby,” Leo teased, “and remember, he’s going to need consoling after not making the play-offs. I’d do it myself, but he would probably prefer pity sex from you.”

  Nora giggled, hugging him tightly.

  “Thank you, Leo, this means a lot to me, that you’re being so good about all of this. I honestly hope we all stay friends, that you and Gage will be okay. You will won’t you?”

  “Of course we will, in fact the other day we enjoyed a beer together, hashed out our shit. I made a promise to him that if you picked me, he would still be my best man, and that I would do the same for him. I ran it by him just before he left for his game and he was completely on board. I’m not going anywhere. We’re cool,” Leo assured, caressing her cheek with his hand.

  A security guard knocked on Nora’s window, gesturing for them to hurry it along. Nora opened the car door and stepped out, meeting Leo at the trunk where he helped her unload her suitcase.

  “Goodbye, Leo.”

  Nora touched him softly on the face, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was tender, sweet, and final. Like closing the last page of a book, and completing the story of them.

  Chapter 27


  Nora’s eyes searched through the crowd at the United Airlines counter, desperate to find Gage. He was a tall and striking man so he would stand out, but she couldn’t find him. She searched through her purse for her cell phone to text him, but couldn’t find it. She set it down and checked again more thoroughly, but it still wasn’t fucking there!

  She walked around the terminal for a few more minutes, hoping he might see her and call out to her, but he was nowhere to be found. The thought crossed her mind that maybe he had left when he thought she might not be coming, but decided to dismiss the thought as fast as it came. If he had gone home, she would never know unless she checked in for the flight and searched at the gate.

  Nora waited in line to check her suitcase, which took forever, then slowly navigated through security. The airport was utter chaos, the line-ups unbearable, and she knew she was pushing the clock. As she was finally leaving the security point, she heard them announce the first boarding call for her flight, inviting business class and passengers with small children to board. No mention of frantic women meeting their lovers. She still had time!

  She knew she only had a few minutes to reach the plane and started running, frustrated that they were ta
king off from the furthest gate in the terminal.

  She anxiously skirted through hundreds of tourists and grumpy travelers, nearly tripping over a young toddler dragging a ‘Despicable Me’ suitcase that looked like a minion, but she finally arrived at the gate, just in time, perspiration soaking through her blouse and running down her thighs.

  Passengers were still lined up, but Gage was nowhere to be seen. She couldn’t hide her disappointment. There was still a small chance that he had already boarded the plane, but she hoped he would have been there to greet her, and set her mind at ease.

  She walked to the end of the line and followed the passengers forward as they shuffled towards the attendants. She wondered what the hell she would do if Gage wasn’t on the plane. Would they let her off the aircraft once she boarded? Would she have fly to New York alone, waiting five or six hours to call him? Fuck, she thought miserably, she didn’t even have his fucking phone number memorized!

  “Excuse me, miss, but are you wearing panties under that skirt?”

  She smiled widely when she heard that voice, and all her stress melted away. She turned around and fell into Gage’s arms, kissing him passionately.

  He pulled back and stared at her, his feelings completely transparent, an expression of joy mixed with utter relief. She giggled and kissed him again.

  “I was starting to think you might not come,” Gage admitted, pulling her under his arm as they got back in line.

  “Well, you didn’t make it easy. Why didn’t you just sign your damn note?” Nora scolded playfully, staring up at him in mock frustration.

  “What do you mean? I thought you would know it was from me. I told you I was going to New York to meet my agent after the final game of the season. To talk about my retirement,” he chimed in, stopping when he noticed her shaking her head. “No? I didn’t mention that?”

  He released a good natured belly-laugh, pulling her closer. She returned his laughter with a quiet chuckle of her own, the misunderstanding suddenly irrelevant.

  “Tell me later?” he inquired cautiously, no doubt concerned about Leo.

  “Yes,” she nodded, patting the hand he had draped around her shoulder.

  “He’s okay, everything is okay,” she assured, understanding that Gage needed to hear the words.

  “Perfect,” he breathed, kissing the top of her head. “Now about those panties.”

  “Uh-huh,” Nora admitted, looking up at him seductively, her heart bursting with love for him, “ready to fly the friendly skies with you, sir.”

  “God, I love you,” he gushed, leaning down for another smooch.

  “I love you, too,” Nora whispered softly against his lips, just before accepting his kiss.


  “He’s beautiful,” Leo whispered, trying not to wake the baby in his arms.

  Nora looked up and smiled at him sweetly from her hospital bed, enjoying the tender moment.

  “What’s his name?”

  “Caleb Leonardo Cooper,” Gage offered proudly, gazing at his new son in Leo’s arms.

  “No shit, really?” Leo gushed quietly, smiling back and forth between Nora, Gage and Dana.

  “Yeah, buddy, do you like it?” Gage asked, slipping his wife’s hand in his own.

  Leo nodded, “Yes, it suits him! Maybe when he grows up he will be just like me. I’ll teach you everything Zio Leo knows about the ladies. Yes, I will,” he babbled, talking baby talk to the bundle of joy in his arms.

  “Oh, hell no!” Nora teased, holding out her arms for the baby. “Give me my son before you corrupt him,” she laughed.

  “No, give him to me,” Dana insisted, stepping around Gage. “It’s Auntie Dana’s turn!”

  Leo gently passed the baby to her, but not before kissing his forehead tenderly.

  “When do you think you’ll be on your feet again?” Leo asked Nora curiously, an impish smile on his face. “Like ready to party?”

  Nora rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head at Leo.

  “Not sure we’ll be partying much now that the wee lad is here,” Gage advised, sitting on the bed beside Nora.

  “Not even if it’s to dance at my wedding?” Leo asked suggestively.

  “What!” Nora exclaimed loudly, momentarily forgetting her sleeping child. “You asked Lori to marry you?”

  “Congratulations, Bro!” Gage stood up, shaking his friend’s hand, genuinely happy for him.

  “I sure did! We’re tying the knot the Saturday before Christmas,” Leo explained, looking at Nora with a wide grin.

  She couldn’t have been happier for him. Lori was an absolute gem.

  “That’s awesome, Leo. You’re a lucky man!” Dana congratulated, rocking baby Caleb gently in her arms. “Lori is perfect for you!”

  “Without a doubt,” Leo agreed. “Do you think you and Sam can fly back from New York for the wedding?”

  “Actually,” Dana said, keeping her voice hushed for the baby, “I have news of my own.”

  “What is it?” Nora asked, looking curiously at her sister, and hoping it was the good news she wanted to hear.

  “We’re moving back this way permanently. I’m expecting Caleb’s cousin in six and a half months,” Dana blushed, meeting her sister’s eyes.

  “For real?” Nora cheered, holding her arms out towards her twin.

  The sisters hugged each other tightly, mindful not to squish the baby.

  Leo pulled Gage to the side, and gave him a hug, a genuine, heartfelt bro to bro embrace.

  “I’m happy for you, man,” Gage offered, holding his friend close. “I love ya.”

  “I know, me too,” Leo agreed, chuckling softly. “Be my best man?”

  “You know it.” Gage assured, catching his wife’s eyes over Leo’s shoulder, his heart swelling with pride.

  Nora smiled back at him, her eyes brimming with tears. Things were unfolding just as they were meant to, and she was a sucker for a happy ending.

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  The Saragossa brothers are handsome, sexy billionaires who are heirs to the throne of a small European province. Their country is strictly conservative and they’re forbidden from having sex until their government finds them suitable matches from one of Europe’s royal families.

  The problem is that there are no eligible princesses, and there never will be. Added to this is the fact that both brothers have always fantasized about being with a normal, sexy, American girl they could trust. Privacy is vital to them and they’ve never been sure they could avoid scandal until they meet Baby Sinclair.

  Baby is the girl they’ve always wanted, the American girl who will accept them for who they are and share the greatest pleasure on earth with them. They want to taste her. They want to enjoy her. They want to share her.

  But most importantly of all, they want to keep her, Forever.

  This is a short MFM ménage story between two sexy European brothers and one innocent American girl with a guaranteed happy ending!

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