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Page 4

by K. T. Tomb

  “Will,” she replied, extending her hand courteously.

  They made their way straight into the bright drawing room and Will motioned the chair opposite John, indicating that Aurora should sit there, before taking his seat. Zach and Robin perched themselves like a matched set on the sofa like two spectators at a tennis final. As if on cue, Liz came in with a tea tray and set it down in front of Aurora and left. Silence fell over the room as she poured tea into five beautiful china cups. Suddenly John cleared his throat.

  “So Aurora, Will says you have good news?”

  “Yes, that’s quite true, Mr. G.,” she replied, turning to face the old man. “Yesterday when I got back to my hotel the copies of the D.A.’s documents on the case had already arrived from Alpharetta. It seems the police searched your car and office without valid warrants, Zach. Didn’t you check them?”

  “Well, they had one when they came to the house and they did show it to me, but I didn’t have an opportunity to scrutinize it.”

  “You mean the officer didn’t give it to you before entering?”

  “No, he kind of just flashed it and when they asked for the car key and where it was parked, I just assumed it was included in the warrant for them to search that too.”

  “Wow,” she said, leaning back into the chair and crossing her legs.

  Will’s eyebrows shot up in appreciation when he saw the five inch Christian Louboutin high heels she was wearing and the sexy arch of her foot in them. As he looked up again, their eyes met and she flashed him an admonishing look.

  “The warrants were not legal. They weren’t signed by a judge. It seems they were in a hurry to catch you off guard and they couldn’t convince the judge there was just cause to search, so they just went ahead anyway, thinking that no one would check.”

  “So what does that mean for us?” Zach asked.

  She was still mad at him for the night before. But she was a big girl. She’d been warned repeatedly about him and she had still decided to sleep with him. She shouldn’t have been surprised at all and now she was taking her medicine like a woman.

  “Well, it means that none of the evidence is admissible. Rebecca and Mr. Caplan are going to the judge’s chambers with the D.A. this afternoon to spring the bad news on them and get the case thrown out.”

  John put his hand over his heart in sheer relief and Robin hugged his brother excitedly. When the clamor was over, they all returned to look at Aurora. The look on her face sobered everyone in the room instantly.

  “There’s more, isn’t there?” Will asked.

  “Yes, there is.”

  “Well, go on,” Zach snapped impatiently.

  “The invalidity of the search warrants throws out the evidence, but it doesn’t give us a definite mistrial. Of course, that’s what I’ve asked Mr. Caplan to shoot for in chambers today, but if it’s not declared a mistrial, then double jeopardy doesn’t apply.”

  “They’ll be able to start the case against me all over again?” Zach said.

  “Yes, they will,” Aurora confirmed, “and this time they would already know about your secret weapon. Me.”

  “Well, aren’t you full of yourself, Miss Aldridge,” Will said sarcastically. Aurora looked at him for a moment and they both burst out laughing. It was obvious that he knew she’d slept with his brother. It was also obvious that he didn’t approve, but he wasn’t going to hold it against her either.

  ‘What are you two laughing about?” Zach asked.

  “The fun part,” Aurora said, turning to look him square in the eye.

  “Oh, the fun part. Hmmm, I wonder what that could be.”

  “It’s the part when you get to go to jail, little brother. Go pack a bag!”

  Aurora burst out laughing again at the look on Zach’s face, then she said, “Hey, Will, how about that drink now?”

  Zach didn’t like being the brunt of Aurora’s jokes. He sat in a corner chair and seethed the entire time, knowing that the Hamilton police would be showing up any minute to take him off to the central booking station. It was Friday, which meant that the longer they took, the more likely it was that he would be spending the weekend in jail.

  After a few drinks, John announced that he wanted to meet with everyone briefly before lunch. Aurora decided it was as good a time as any to relieve herself and freshen up a bit. She walked out into the spacious hallway and crossed the foyer toward the powder room door. As she stood at the sink looking into the mirror, the door opened and Zach stepped inside, locking the door behind him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I just thought I’d come get a quick version of that stuff you gave me last night. They are incarcerating me today, you know.”

  “Zach, don’t be stupid. You know that won’t ever happen again after how you treated me last night.”

  She wasn’t saying the words that Zach wanted to hear, so he decided to stop listening. Instead, he grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back while he used the weight of his body to pin her against the vanity.

  “You don’t have to give it to me, Aurora. It’s mine now, so I’ll take it if I want it,” he hissed into her ear.

  Aurora began to cry but it seemed he was hell bent on forcing himself on her. Pushed up against the powder room sink , unable to move and unsure what else to do, she started kicking the cabinet doors of the vanity in hopes of drawing some attention to what was about to happen in the tiny locked room. Just as she was about to give up and wait for it to be over, the door was pulled open and Will pulled Zach off her. Aurora was afraid to look, but she instantly realized the position she was in and she allowed herself to slide from the vanity and collapse onto the floor covering her face, eyes shut tight.

  Aurora was petrified, but relieved that Zach was no longer in the room; she finally opened her eyes to look. Liz was squatting down beside her. There was shouting and fighting outside the powder room, but Aurora couldn’t see what was happening. She just sat there and allowed Liz to tend to her. She heard the sirens approaching and went wild-eyed.

  “Please, Liz, close the door. I don’t want anyone to see me like this. I don’t want to go through that.”

  When the police officers entered the foyer, Will finally let his brother go and angrily stepped back to allow the men to take Zach Thorn away.


  “So, now you’re keeping two secrets of mine,” Aurora said to Will as they stood on the terrace of the estate house looking out over the grounds.

  “I’m not keeping score and neither should you,” he replied. “In time, you’ll find that I’m a very trustworthy person, Aurora. For the past seven years, you’ve probably repeatedly wondered why my dad loves you so much. He raves about your work and he’s keen on you learning everything that he can possibly teach you. Everybody says it’s because you’re sleeping together or that you remind him of my mom, but the truth is that you remind him of me, Aurora. He sees everything he ever saw in me in you and has been so grateful to have a second chance to groom another person the way he did me. After Zach, I think he thought he’d lost his touch with young people. You’ve taught him that he’s just as good of a role model as he always was and that makes him extremely happy.”

  “I’d never have thought that I’d hear something like that from you, Will.”

  “That’s because I don’t make a habit of talking this openly with anyone. But I think after what you endured today, you deserved an encouraging word or two.”

  “Thank you for what you did for me. He’s your brother, I know it must have been hard.”

  “It was. Maybe next time you could help by not being such a shameless flirt.”

  Before she could answer him, Will turned and walked away. Aurora was left behind fighting back fresh tears.

  Just then, her phone rang. It was Mr. G. She cleared her throat quickly and answered it as she swept the tears from her eyes.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Aurora,” he bellowed. “Gather what’s left of my sons an
d get in the dining room. We have an emergency in Hong Kong.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Aurora ran into the house and found the two brothers lingering over by the bar in the entertainment room.

  “Mr. Thorn needs us in conference,” she said curtly and made her way down the hall to the huge dining room.

  As she stepped in, she saw John Thorn sitting in front of a large screen chattering animatedly with a small Chinese man who spoke only fair English. She only caught the last part of their conversation, but the Chinese man, who she found out was Lu Wei, the CEO of Tsang Wei Electronics, looked angry. And worried. A few moments later, they ended the call and John turned to face the three.

  “This is terrible. Lu Wei is adamant that he won’t do business with people who are accused of bad business practice. He claims that this hoo-hah with Zach has him convinced that selling to Xaoping is the right thing to do.”

  “Then offer him more money. I’m sure he’ll reconsider,” Robin said smugly.

  “Not everyone worships the almighty greenback like you, son,” his father retorted. “Lu Wei is not for sale.”

  “What would be the big deal if they sold out anyway? They’re our biggest competitors over there so wouldn’t that be a good thing if they didn’t exist anymore?” Robin asked.

  Before anyone else could respond, Aurora answered him.

  “That’s just it, Robin. The only reason we’ve been able to compete with them at all is because they aren’t very liquid. Had they the capital resources, they would have blown us out of the market ages ago. That’s not the case with Xaoping, though. They’re rumored to have Yakuza backing from Japan and loaded to the gills with money to burn. If Xaoping Exports is allowed to take over Tsang Wei, they would be in a market position to slowly absorb every business interest Thorn has in the region. With the skilled engineers from Tsang Wei working for them exclusively, Xaoping’s investors would throw money at Hong Kong until they were the only company left.”

  When she was done speaking, Aurora looked around the table to see Will staring at her with his jaw slack while John Thorn sported a huge grin.

  “Flipping genius, Precious! I hope you’ve learned something, Robin. You see why I take her everywhere?” he asked, turning to Will, who nodded slowly, still a little shocked at Aurora’s display of knowledge. “So tell me, what’s your plan? I’m sure you have one by now.”

  She smiled at her boss and took her phone from her pocket, quickly skimming over their schedules before replying.

  “Seeing as how Zach has completely fucked it for everyone and everything Thorn in Hong Kong right now, it’s too risky for any of us to fly there to try and settle things down. I suggest that we send a plane for Lu Wei immediately. Bring him to our own turf in Alpharetta and get him to negotiate a deal with us first.”

  She paused and there were nods of approval all around the room.

  “That would mean cutting the weekend short, wouldn’t it, Precious?”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary, Mr. Thorn. You said Lu Wei has high values. I’d assume he is a family man as well?”

  “Two children and a wife of fourteen years.”

  “Perfect! I’m willing to bet that with his busy schedule and demanding lifestyle, they don’t get much family time.”

  “What are you getting at, Aurora?” Will asked impatiently.

  She shot him a look and then cleared her throat before continuing. “I say we send G4 for him tonight. Mr. Thorn, you would have to get back on the phone with him and let him know you’re inviting him over and that you have a special treat planned for him and his family this weekend before we meet bright and early Monday in Alpharetta. Have the plane take them to Paris for a mini vacation. Hotel on the Champs Elysees, spa day for Mom and daughter, the launch of the International regatta for father and son, followed by some guided sightseeing and picnic lunch beneath the Eiffel Tower and of course shopping for all. By the time they get to Georgia, Lu Wei will be convinced that Thorn values are as solid as a rock and that we don’t dabble in anything that’s not above board.”

  “Brilliant!” John exclaimed. “Plan it and get it done, Aurora. I’ll get on the phone right away.”

  “Wait a minute!” Robin protested. “How much is this going to cost exactly? There’s no way we can possible afford to do...”

  “What the hell are you talking about, boy? Who can’t afford it? I’d hope you’re talking about yourself because the last time I checked, I don’t pay you enough for that. What I do pay you for is to sign the checks that make things happen for this company, so you’re gonna sign whatever checks Aurora needs you to sign. Understood?”

  Robin nodded, stunned, while John turned to Aurora.

  “Set up as much as you can on account; hotels and such. Then arrange a prepaid debit card for their shopping. Forgetting about the cost of the plane, try not to spend more than a half mil; we have to keep this lucrative after all.”

  When John dismissed them, they all went back down the hall toward the study. Aurora was fist bumping while Robin gave her looks of exasperation.

  When she stepped into the study, Aurora promptly announced that she would be taking her leave of them.

  “I have to get back to the hotel and wrap this thing up for tomorrow. Rebecca should have found some more out about the case and I’ll be eager to get started on the next phase just in case we don’t get the mistrial.”

  “Thank you so much for coming, Aurora,” Robin said, shaking her hand.

  “It’s my pleasure, Robin,” she replied.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Will blurted out quickly.

  She had wanted to avoid that. After the conversation she had just had with him, it was akin to the walk of shame for her. Outside, Aurora hit a button on the remote and the trunk opened up; she laid her briefcase inside and closed it. Will was holding her door open and giving the car a once over.

  “You have great taste in cars,” he said.

  She smiled when he said it; she had been enjoying it and she knew that it sent the exact message she intended. Tough as nails, sexy, professional, independent woman and a lover of fine things.

  “What can I say, Will? This company has always been good to me and I’m never short of little perks like this to keep me interested.”

  She laughed at the joke and Will joined in. When she regained composure, he was staring at her again and she still didn’t know what to do about it. Suddenly, Will took her by the hand and pulled her in for a hug. He pulled back and looked in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for what I said to you back there, Aurora I hope you can forgive me. I feel like I’ve known you for a hundred years and yet ever since I met you formally yesterday, you just keep showing me that I have no idea who you are.” He paused, then pulled her close again and whispered in her ear, “I’d like to get to know such things.”

  Just then Will bent to kiss her. Adroitly, Aurora turned her head so his lips met her cheek. He was surprised by her action, but she quickly defended it.

  “Will, you’re my boss’ son. Probably even my next boss. It’s unethical for us to be involved emotionally. Think of what that would do if it ever got out.”

  “You’re right. I’m so sorry, Aurora.”

  Aurora Aldridge couldn’t help herself at that point; she burst out laughing while Will stood there watching her awkwardly.

  “What’s so funny?” he finally asked.

  “I just heard the hypocrisy in my own words just then.”

  Will nodded. He knew only too well what she was referring to and the crimson blush rose in his cheeks. Aurora blushed at his reaction and turned her gaze to the ground to avoid any awkward embarrassment.

  “I’m sorry about trying to kiss you. Aurora; it won’t happen again.”

  “Thank you Will. Listen, I’ll talk to you later and let you know how it went in chambers.”

  “Okay, thanks again.”

  Aurora closed the car door and drove off down the driveway, leaving Will looking
at the tail lights. When she was through the gates, he turned and walked back into the house.


  Carraway Club,

  Hamilton, Bermuda

  The phone rang loudly from its cradle on the living room side table and it was accompanied by its little friends placed conveniently around the entire suite, even in the bathroom. Aurora grabbed the receiver, swearing at herself for not remembering to turn down the ringer.


  “Yes, Rebecca. It’s me.”

  “Aurora, I just got word that the D.A.’s office filed a motion yesterday to postpone today’s meeting in Judge Remington’s chambers. I think they’re trying to counter the bogus evidence we found.”

  “That sounds about right, but what could they possibly have that we don’t already know about?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Rebecca, the day is almost done now. We have to move fast even though it’s pretty obvious that Zach’s spending the weekend in jail. Maybe that’s for the better. File a motion of disclosure right away. By law, they’re required to disclose everything they have on our client to us as long as we request it in its entirety. I’m sure they didn’t expect us to find out about the postponement in order to buy themselves extra time.”

  “I’ll do that right away.”

  “We don’t have any time to lose, Rebecca. File it and call me right back.”

  “Yes, Miss Aldridge.”

  Aurora hung up the phone and thought for a while. If there was more evidence, the disclosure would take care of that but she couldn’t help thinking that there might be something they had overlooked. She closed her eyes and took a mental stock of everything they had so far on the case. It all seemed quite adequate and then it dawned on her. It had all fallen into place so seamlessly, both Aurora and Rebecca had forgotten the cardinal rule of criminal law: Do your own investigation. When it got right down to brass tacks, the only question they needed to answer irrefutably was who had set Zach up. She picked up her cell phone and speed dialed Rebecca’s number.

  “The police found flash drives with stolen corporate information in Zach’s office, right?”


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