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Yes, Master (D'Amato Brothers/S&M Crossover Book 2)

Page 9

by Vera Roberts


  Krista never had a seven-course meal and quite honestly, she didn’t know they even existed. Just when she was overwhelmed by the flavors and display by one course, she was wowed by the next one. She was thankful for the sorbet between courses to cleanse her palate or she truly would’ve been overwhelmed.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, sugar?” Sir asked after he took a sip of his Glenfiddich.

  “This is…” Krista couldn’t find the appropriate adjective to describe how she was feeling. It almost felt like some fantasy. She now understood how some women feel when they’re treated to being Queen for a Day. “…I don’t think amazing is even the right word I’m looking for.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Your happiness makes me happy.” He noted.

  “You never did explain why you’re doing all of this, Sir,” Krista took a sip of wine, “you mentioned practice but you never did elaborate.”

  Scott knew what he meant and kept it vague for a reason. Still, He didn’t see the harm in letting Krista know his secret. “There’s another woman who has been picked out for Me to be my submissive and possibly life partner. But before I get her to submit to Me, I need to practice being a Dom on someone else first. “

  “Someone else meaning me?” Krista asked and Scott nodded. “So you benefit out of our arrangement just as much as I do?”

  “You can say that,” Scott’s eyes twinkled and his tongue quickly glided over his lips, “so while I’m evaluating you as a submissive, you’re evaluating me as a Dom.”

  “That’s fair,” Krista nodded, “I hope your future submissive girlfriend or wife works out for you.”

  Scott briefly thought of Mariana. He barely knew her and other than harboring a little schoolboy crush on her, he was still unsure about her. But Mistress specifically picked her out for Him and that was something She just didn’t do for anyone. “I hope so as well.”

  “Sir?” Krista caught His attention and He raised a brow. “You said you had a task for me over dinner, but we’re about halfway through our dinner. Did you forget?”

  “No, I didn’t forget.” Scott pulled out a vibrator that was attached to a remote control. He slid the vibrator to Krista, while he kept the remote control. “Slide that inside you and wait for My instruction.”

  Krista looked at the bullet-shaped vibrator. She was currently bone dry and Sir expected her to just slide a vibrator inside her honey over dinner? “I’m not aroused, Sir.” Sir took another sip of His whiskey and just stared at her. Krista read Him loud and clear.

  If she wasn’t aroused, it was her job to make it so.

  Krista took a long gulp of her wine and found her courage from the warm liquid. She was grateful they were in a private room where no one could see them, though she wouldn’t put it past Sir to do something more public. She stood up and eased off her panties, placing them in a tight ball on the table so He saw she wasn’t wearing any.

  She sat back down in the chair and spread her legs, showing her slit to Sir. She took another deep breath and licked two fingers before she inserted them inside. She closed her eyes and pretended it was Sir’s cock that was inside her. She loved how He stretched her out and filled her to the brim, over and over. She thought about how His balls banged against her folds as He relentlessly pounded into her without taking a break.

  A free hand reached up and played with her breasts through the expensive dress as she continued to get herself off. She was about to climax when she suddenly stopped. Sir explicitly said she just needed to make herself wet, not to get off.

  “Good girl,” He said, with a hint of being impressed in His voice. “I briefly wondered if you were going to climax.”

  “No, Sir,” Krista remembered the punishment Saint Nick gave her in His classroom, “I wouldn’t dare to disobey You.”

  Sir smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir.” Krista grabbed the bullet vibrator and inserted it. She closed her legs and sat normally, returning to her glass of wine. She made eye contact with Sir, who turned it on and a soft jolt awakened Krista’s senses. She wasn’t entirely sure what He was up to, but she had a feeling He was planning to get her off over the next several courses.

  “What is about the contract that you don’t like?” Sir asked.

  Krista’s eyes widened as she took a gulp. Is He serious right now? The vibrator caused a light buzzing sensation; not too powerful where she couldn’t talk but strong enough where she was distracted. She immediately figured out what He was doing. He was testing her focus and concentration. “I have a hard limit. I don’t like to be spanked. I quickly realized that when Saint Nick spanked me.”

  “Childhood issues?” Sir asked and Krista nodded. Scott recognized the severity of the problem and decided to wait another appropriate time to discuss it. “What else?”

  “No bodily fluids. I’m not into scat play and whatever else people do with shit and piss.” Krista shook her head.

  “You will not get that here,” Scott assured her, “anything else?”

  “No cameras. Photographic memories only, please.” Krista said in an almost pleading tone.

  “Great. Now…” Scott turned up the vibration of the bullet and Krista immediately felt the effects. “…Do you have any questions for Me?”

  “What do I call You in public, Sir?” She asked.

  “Sir. When we’re around others, you will refer to Me as Sir.”

  “And in private?”

  “Master.” He directed.

  Sir said it with such intensity, Krista became more aroused. “Yes, Master.” She found she did like how it rolled off her tongue and He seemed appreciative of it as well. “I also decided on my safe word.”

  “Do tell.” He encouraged.

  “It’s after my favorite brand – Vuitton.” Krista blushed.

  “I see,” Scott nodded approvingly, “do you own any?”

  “Not yet. Well, I guess if you don’t count the knockoffs I get at the flea market every Saturday…?”

  “No,” He smiled and softly shook His head, “was there anything else, sugar?”

  Krista thought about anything else. Though she’d trusted Sir so far, she wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to take advantage of it. “I won’t be called a slut, be barking like a dog, and I refuse to be treated like an animal as well.”

  “I don’t call women I respect sluts,” Sir replied, “as far as the other things, I don’t do any of those, either.”

  “Do any Doms do that?” She asked.

  “Some do,” Scott nodded, “not all and not most. But some are into degradation and humiliation. Don’t feel bad for the slaves, though. It’s usually their ideas.”

  Krista was shocked. Why on earth would anyone want to do that, let alone encourage it? “I don’t get it.”

  “It’s usually people in power positions like executives, administrators, doctors, and lawyers. It’s usually people who are in charge most of the time and they want to be knocked down a peg or two.” Scott turned the vibrator to the next highest setting. “You might find it surprising that it’s men who want that treatment, rather than the women.”

  Krista’s eyes widened at both what Sir said and what He was doing. He was so calm and collected, speaking to her without a change in tone of His voice, while He was masturbating her. It was so hot, yet so brilliant to watch. “Wow,” was all she could squeak out.

  “Wow is correct.” He smiled. His lips curved and Krista recognized the familiar twinkle in His eyes. It only meant He was up to something. “Are you okay over there?”

  “I’m fine, Sir.” She nodded.

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Scott saw the waiters coming in with the next course. He decided to turn the vibrator to its highest setting. “I’m very glad to hear that.”

  Krista gasped and swallowed hard. She kept calm as she watched the servers set down their plates and go into seemingly long and explicit detail about what the next course was. She prob
ably would’ve enjoyed hearing the delicate care the chef used to prepare the shrimp dish that was before her, but she honestly didn’t care at that point.

  She was too busy trying to stave off an orgasm.

  “What wine would you recommend for this?” Sir asked.

  Is he fucking serious? Krista gasped and tightly squeezed her thighs, though that just made the sensation that much more intense. She knew the protocol before He’d even said anything – to act and conduct herself normally in public. She kept her eyes focused on Him and watched with burning desire, anticipation, and a little bit of annoyance as He made light conversation with the server.

  “Thank you. We’ll have a glass of that,” Sir smiled and the servers left their room. He took a bite of his seafood dish and closed His eyes in appreciation. “This is so good, sugar. You need to taste this.”

  “Sir…” Krista begged.

  “Oh yeah,” He took a sip of water, “you can come now.”

  “Oh shit! Oh fuck!” Krista gripped the table and felt the orgasm course through her. Her legs uncontrollably shook and she breathed hard through her mouth. She briefly closed her eyes and swore she saw stars and butterflies.

  “Good girl.” Sir took another bite of his dinner. “Now everyone outside the room will think you just had an orgasmic experience from the food.”


  Krista sat in the living room, flipping through channels as Sir prepared His bedroom for that night’s activities. When she heard the sound of large furniture being moved around, she wanted to inquire if He needed any assistance. She decided against for she truly didn’t want to know what He was doing. She was also afraid if she did see what He was doing, she would be on the next flight back to New York.

  So she stayed in the living room and waited like a good sub, replaying the memories of dinner back in her head. They had pleasant conversation throughout the dinner and she could honestly say that Sentiment had the best food she’d ever tasted in her life.

  She would also remember Sentiment for another reason – the time she had an orgasm over dinner. Sir wanted to see if she could have another one but Krista

  Sir was generous in letting her climax when she did and Krista wondered if it was just being nice or if He had a more sinister plan for her later that night. Krista somehow hoped it would’ve been the latter, instead of the former.

  She suddenly straightened out her back as the thought left her mind. She had a feeling but it was solidified by her newest thought – she was getting turned out. She liked it.

  “Sugar?” She heard Sir’s voice. “Strip and come back here now.”

  Krista hurriedly shed her clothing and hurried back to the bedroom where Sir was. Her eyes widened yet again when she saw the bed. Earlier it was soft and dressed in the softest sheets, comforter and pillows. What she saw before her was bare – all of the sheets were off, and the pillows were missing.

  What was disconcerting was the bed was completely covered in plastic and so was the carpet surrounding the bed. She immediately felt nervous and didn’t want to participate for nothing.

  “Get on the bed,” Sir ordered.

  The safe word was on the tip of Krista’s tongue. If she said it, all play would stop. She wasn’t sure what they would do for the rest of the night nor was she sure that Sir wouldn’t be annoyed with her. But she knew for damn sure, she wasn’t trying to get on that bed.


  Scott felt Krista’s nervousness the moment she entered the bedroom. When He finally did turn around to greet her, she looked like she was an Olympic sprint away from turning around and heading back to the living room.

  He couldn’t blame her; the last time she saw His bedroom, it looked like something out of a luxury showcase at a designer furniture store. Now the bed was completely stripped down and covered in plastic, with more plastic on the floor.

  He knew what it looked like – a murder scene waiting to happen – and He felt stupid that He didn’t realize it sooner. Now Scott had to take time out of His scene to reassure Krista that He wasn’t going to kill her. It was a good lesson for Him to learn – just because He saw the potential, it didn’t necessarily mean His sub would.

  “We’re going to have a lesson in multiple orgasms since you stated over dinner you never had any.” He finally spoke. He read her face to see if the fear and apprehension finally left it. It did.

  Good. Now He could fuck her until she couldn’t remember her name.


  Krista let out the obvious breath and sigh she’d been holding. A part of her was frustrated at Sir. Why couldn’t He just say that to begin with? “Yes, Sir,” was all she replied with and got on the bed.

  Scott strapped Krista’s legs and arms to each of the bed corners, making her into a perfect X. He once again blindfolded her and turned on soft music. Krista smiled as she recognized the sounds of Teddy Pendergrass playing in the background.

  She took another deep breath and finally relaxed. It was amazing how quickly she went from being scared to being aroused in just a matter of seconds.

  “Use your safe word if it gets too much,” Sir instructed and Krista nodded in agreement, “good girl. Now we shall begin.”

  Krista lay still on the bed and wondered what Sir was going to do to her. Though she was in a very vulnerable position, she trusted Him completely. There was a slight breeze in His bedroom and she felt her nipples hardened by the air. Though the bed was completely stripped down, it was still very soft and accommodating to her.

  She lightly gasped when she felt Sir’s oiled hands touch her flesh. He took gentle care in massaging her breasts, torso, and her thick thighs. The extra care Sir spent on her thighs told Krista He was secretly a leg man.

  “Don’t come until I say so,” He whispered in her ear.

  She felt the bed shift and smelled Sir next to her. He rubbed His cock across her lips and Krista opened her mouth to accommodate Him but He pulled back. “Beg Me to fuck your mouth.”

  “Please Sir, can you fuck my mouth?”


  “Please Sir, can you fuck my mouth?”

  Sir placed His cock inside Krista’s warm mouth and she greedily devoured it, sucking hard and fast, twirling her tongue along the underside, and suckling on the mushroom tip.

  “Jesus…” Sir groaned.

  Hearing Sir’s pleasure made Krista more aroused and she felt the moisture building between her thighs. She sucked Him harder and felt Him grow more rigid. She soon felt Sir’s fingers play with her swollen clit and moist heat. The harder she’d sucked on Him, the faster His fingers played with her, causing her to jerk her body upwards towards Him.

  “You don’t come,” He reminded.

  He gave a final low and guttural groan before He emptied in her mouth and Krista quickly swallowed. Sir removed His fingers from her and left the bed, making Krista wonder what was next. She ached for release but even if she wanted it now, there was no way for her to climax.

  Sir had her where He wanted her.

  “Don’t focus on the pain,” He warned her.

  Don’t focus on the pain? What in the blue hell? She wondered what He meant by that and she soon found out. “Ow!” She exclaimed.

  “I told you not to focus on the pain,” He reminded.

  If I knew what body part not to focus on, it would be easier. Krista grimaced as Sir attached the second clothespin to her other nipple. Her nipples were just the beginning as Sir attached other clothespins on different parts of her body.

  “How are you feeling?” Sir asked.

  “Unsure, Sir.” Krista replied honestly. “How am I supposed to not focus on the pain?”

  “Become one with it.” He advised. He grabbed a vibrator and turned it on. “You’re going to feel a lot of different sensations and you’re going to be taken to a level you’d never been to before. Just tell me the safe word and we’ll stop.”

  Krista wanted to feel everything. The hot, the cold, the pain, the anguish, and the deliriou
s orgasm that left her head spinning. “Yes, Sir. Please continue.”

  Sir rolled the vibrator over Krista’s body and she squirmed underneath it. He finally rolled it down to her sex and she gasped at the sensation. He inserted the vibrator inside her while He stroked her clit with His tongue, alternating between suckling and licking it.

  Krista moaned and cried as she thrashed against the bed. So many senses took over her body and she immediately felt overloaded. She was on the verge of climax and felt tortured. She wanted it to end but she didn’t want it to stop. It was a masterful mind-fuck.

  “Sir, can I please come?” She begged.

  “No.” He pulled away and kept the vibrator on her.

  Krista gasped and panted. She felt her toes curl into tight balls and her fingers dug into her palms. “Sir, can I please come?”

  “No.” He demanded.

  “Fuck!” She squealed and panted heavier, beads of sweat forming on her skin in the air-conditioned room. Her moans, once throaty and quiet, morphed into high-pitched squeaks and squeals.

  Krista didn’t know how much longer she could hold out. If she climaxed, Sir would punish her for disobeying Him. But she didn’t know if He would finally grant her the release, she so desperately needed. Swallowing her pride one last time, she was going to ask Him. If He said no and she ended up climaxing, so be it.

  There were worst punishments out there. “Please Sir, can I please come?”

  “You may come now.”

  Then it happened. The orgasm ripped through her body like a hard current and Krista convulsed uncontrollably as she screamed a flurry of profanities. She felt like she was floating on air, in a different time and place from anything she’d ever felt.

  It was a surreal feeling and she felt like she was reborn.


  Scott watched as Krista climaxed all over the bed. He was right in His assessment that he needed to cover the floor. It was her first lesson in female ejaculation.

  He always wanted to see if a woman could ejaculate. He’d studied it and read up on it a lot online, but he never attempted. Krista was such a trooper in letting him experiment with her.


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