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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 5

by Holly Vane

  He looked hesitant.

  “You would be saving me from sitting awkwardly in a dark corner.” She mused. “Then how can I say no.” He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up close to his. She closed her eyes.

  “I'm warning you Bitch! Stay away from him!” Jo's angry yell made Holly eyes involuntarily open. She looked over her shoulder just in time to see her lunge for Heather. “Jesus.” Holly muttered pulling against Caleb's grip.

  Holly raced over and grabbed Jo who was just about to smash a fist into Heather's face. Holly's momentum spun the two girls around so that Holly was the closet to Heather. She glimpsed Dominic grinning out the corner of her eye. Was he enjoying this?

  “You crazy troll!” Heather yelled at Jo. “You really think he wants you? You're just a skank!”

  Holly held Jo back. “Holly let me at her!” Jo implored. “Jo! You're not going to hit her.” Holly told her. Jo stopped pushing and looked at her, “and why not?” She asked.

  “Because I am!”

  Holly swung around. Fist clenched. She caught an unsuspecting Heather right on the nose and heard a sickening crack. Heather's hands flew to her face. “My nose!” She yelled out in pain. “She broke my nose!” By now they had attracted a crowd.

  Holly stood there mesmerized by the blood pouring from Heather's broken nose. Had she really just done that?

  Before she could apologize Heather flew at her in a rage. They both tumbled to the floor rolling along the polished tiles. Heather slamming her head off the floor while Holly had her hands around Heather's throat; then Heather was torn from her grasp. Holly, temper flaring at this point got to her feet and ran at Heather, who was being held at bay by Dominic.

  Hands grabbed Holly’s waist holding her back; no matter how much she fought she couldn't break the powerful grip.

  “I'll kill you! You bitch!” Heather yelled at her from across the hallway.

  “Bring it cheer-slut!” Holly tossed back at her.

  Miss Wilson was trying to get through the crowd that booed at the catfight being broke up. Holly stopped struggling against her captor who relaxed his grip. “Holly...” Caleb's voice said in her ear but she didn’t stick around to hear the rest; she charged forward with all her might

  taking Caleb by surprise.

  She was an arm’s length from Heather who was huddled in Dominic's arms when Caleb caught up to her. “Holly! Stop!” He told her forcefully. Holly sailed her hand forwards catching Heather in the face her head of flowing yellow hair snapped backwards and she would have fell if Dominic's arms hadn't been around her.

  Miss Mills managed to through the barrage of students; she looked at Caleb who was physically restraining Holly. “Get her out of here. Now!” She shouted to him. Caleb half-dragged-half-carried an uncooperative Holly down the corridor and out into the fresh air. Heather's voice followed them. Ringing out threats.

  Jo and Ricky burst through the doors after them a heartbeat later.

  “Let go of me!” Holly screamed at him. “Not until you've calmed down.” He said evenly. She took big breaths then stopped struggling with Caleb. He still held her by the waist tight, not falling for the same trick twice.

  “Holly!” Jo's voice pierced the air. “That was...”

  “Amazing!” Ricky finished. Caleb glared at them. “Don't encourage her.” He scolded. “She had it coming Caleb.” Jo muttered. “Yeah. No one calls Jo a skank and gets away with it.” Ricky told him. Caleb's attention centred on Holly who hadn't said a word since screaming at him to let her go. She looked more of herself but he wanted to be sure before he released her.

  “Holly. If I let you go will you promise not to go after Heather again?” He asked her slowly. She nodded.

  He released her and she slumped to the ground. “Guys,” Caleb faced Ricky and Jo. “Could you give us a minute?” They nodded and vanished back into the building. “Let me take a look at you.” He said quietly kneeling in front of her and holding her chin in one hand. Turning her head this way then the opposite way. Holly’s face was remarkably untouched.

  He ran his hand through her dark hair and she grimaced. Caleb traced her skull finding a lump the size of an orange starting to form on the back of her head; where Heather had slammed her into the tiled floor.

  “Well you'll have a hell of a bump there tomorrow.” He remarked. “Are you okay?”

  “Nothing that an aspirin won't cure.” She joked. “I don't know what came over me. I just felt really...angry all of a sudden.”

  Caleb looked away. “Don't worry about it. She was asking for it. Not that I condone your actions of course. You were pretty...merciless.”

  “I'm going to get expelled, aren't I?”

  Caleb pulled her to her feet she wobbled but his arms steadied her. Holding her against him Caleb slowly steered her back into school. “Not likely. I'm sure the principle won't kick you out. It was your first fight.”

  Holly looked up at him. “How did you know that?” She asked.

  “You don't seem like a girl who gets into fights very often. Although you can certainly handle yourself when you do.”

  Caleb held her all the way to class.


  After dropping Holly off Caleb made his way to the nurse's room and saw Dominic waiting outside. “We need to talk.” Caleb muttered as he walked past him with a sigh Dominic reluctantly followed.

  Caleb walked until he reached the school yard. The strong northerly wind wrapped around him making his jacket cling to him.

  It was glorious weather.

  He tossed his head back and looked up at the white fluffy clouds gliding by. He felt a deep-rooted craving to let out his wings. He felt so squashed inside this form.

  “How's Holly?” Dominic asked ruining the moment...

  “What do you care?”

  “That's not fair! How was I supposed to know Holly would lose it like that? I've never seen her....She was so fiery.” Caleb smirked. “You don't see do you? We are to blame. Our battle last night....” He trailed off when he saw it dawn on Dominic's face.

  “Dust.” He said simply. “I thought your side cleaned it up?” Caleb froze. Images flashed through his mind. Castillo, warning him the night before. Holly's face transformed with anger. That corridor had been the very same one that Caleb had had his fight with Dominic in last night. “Michael.” He said with an understanding groan.

  “Michael?” Dominic echoed. “is after Holly.” Caleb said simply. “I thought she was to be protected by your kind. What do you mean after her?” Caleb crossed to a wooden table. “Michael has never agreed with Heaven when it comes to Holly. He thinks she's too dangerous to let live.” Dominic snorted. “Angels.” He spat out. Caleb ignored him. “We have to be more careful Dominic. Our fight last night left behind 'dust' that somehow transferred to Holly and Heather. She could have been injured.”

  “Let's tell it like it is Caleb. Your Angels didn't clean up so well on the orders of Michael. He knew the dust off our battle would find an outlet; hoping Holly would come out worse for wear. She'd be easy pickings in a hospital bed.”

  Caleb hated to admit it but Dominic was right.

  Whenever Immortals had battles it left behind dust. Not normal household dust. But Angel dust. Whatever emotions Angels felt were magnified tenfold in battle. Hate, love, betrayal it didn't matter. It was recorded in the dust that they're blows against each other created. It would hang in the air for a while over the battle ground. It would eventually dissipate over time. But it could affect mortals. Flow into them. Making them feel whatever emotion had been absorbed into the dust.

  In this instance: the hate Caleb and Dominic had for one another.

  It had seeped into Holly and Heather enraging them. Fuelling their animosity towards each other. It was unlikely that the clean-up crew would have left it behind. Unless they had been ordered to. Heaven was very careful when it came to cleaning up its messes.

  That's what Castillo had been trying to tell him.

  But there was no way of knowing who it would effect. Michael had gotten lucky. Hundreds of students passed through that corridor every day, it could have been channelled into any-one of them. Caleb couldn't believe that Michael would be so careless in his cause.

  “If it is Michael....”

  “What do you mean if? This stunt reeks of him!”

  “It means we can't be giving him any-more ammunition. You need Holly alive as much as we do. It will take both of us to stop Michael!”

  “What do you mean by we? Can't your bosses take care of him? After all he is rebelling.”

  “Heaven will never send Angels after their own kind. It's not how we operate. Not after Lucifer.”

  “So they would just sit back and let him kill Holly!”

  “Look!” Caleb said getting to his feet. His temper steadily rising. “You and I are the only thing Holly has.” He couldn't bring himself to say what he had to say next but when it came to Holly there's nothing he wouldn't do. “I propose a truce. Just until we get rid of Michael.”

  Dominic's eyes narrowed. “I'm not promising anything. But I will do everything in my power to keep Michael away from her. She's no use to my Father dead.”

  “Then we are agreed?”

  Dominic nodded his head.


  “So are you and Caleb official yet?” Holly buried her head further into the magazine that lay open on Jo's bed. Jo tossed a trainer at her. “No. We're just....taking it slow.” In truth they hadn't even shared a first kiss yet.

  Jo appeared from the mountain-sized pile of clothes on the floor and rolled her eyes. “For god sake. It's clear to everybody how much he's into you. He can't take his eyes off you.” She moved to the full length mirror that hung on the back of her bedroom door and checked out her reflection from different angles. “What about this one?” She asked Holly for the hundredth time.

  They had been at this for nearly two hours.

  Friday night had finally arrived. The room was set up. Jo's parents were out of town on a skiing trip and Jo had been trying on everything she owned; looking for the perfect outfit that would make Dominic go crazy with lust.

  Holly looked at her friend. Her blonde hair had been straightened to an inch of its life, and was piled on top of her head in a loose white band. She had showered, shaved, and even moisturised. She wore a pink boob tube and a short flared out white mini-skirt Holly would never have dared to wear such a loud short outfit. She just didn't have the guts.

  “You look...amazing.” She replied meaning every word. Jo had pulled out all the stops Holly just hoped that Dominic would make it worth her while.

  “I think so too.” Jo giggled nervously as Holly got off the bed. Jo gave her the once over. She had gone for the casual look with a black sleeved dress that stopped just before her knees. “That dress is hardly flattering Holly.”

  “It's comfortable.”

  Jo went to her closet and returned with a short black dress that glittered with sliver sequence and a plunging neck-line. “Live a little Holly. Try that on.” Holly was beginning to object but Jo shoved it at her. “Please!” She took the dress and moved behind one of the closet doors. The dress felt tight and was far too short for her liking but Jo gasped when she stepped out. Whoa!” You look beautiful.”

  Holly moved to the mirror. The dress did cling in all the right places accentuating her curves.

  It made her pale skin glow brighter in contrast to the black of the dress. “Well at least it's not as short as yours.” Jo laughed. “Easy access.” She said. “Ugh! Jo! I didn't need to know that.” Holly told her. “What? Tonight is my last as a virgin.”

  “You really want to do this?”

  “Hell yes!” Jo went to her bedside table and pulled something out from the drawer. “And I'm taking precautions.” She showed Holly a whole row of little yellow packets joined together.

  “Jo how many times do you plan on doing it?”

  Jo laughed. “Who knows?” She winked shoving them in her skirt pocket as the door-bell went and ran downstairs to answer it. From upstairs Holly heard Jo's voice welcoming the first of the guests. Holly looked at herself in the mirror again. Would Caleb like it?

  It was a drastic change from her jeans and sweaters. She heard the doorbell ring again and Jo's high pitched voice which seemed to reach a few decibels higher whenever Dominic was near. Holly crossed to the window. Cars covered Jo's lawn. Downstairs she heard music boom into life. The party was under way.

  “Holly!” Jo's voice called to her. “Caleb's here.”

  Holly's heart fluttered. Her chest restricted. She felt dizzy. Before she lost her nerve altogether she left the bedroom and stopped at the top of the stairs. The place was already crammed. People plugged up the hallway. Holly's nerves got the better of her; she turned intending to go back into the bedroom and change back into her original but not so stunning dress that fit like a tent. The black high heels Jo had lent her wobbled dangerously and she grabbed the bannister to steady herself and that was when she saw him.

  Caleb looked so good it physically hurt.

  He leaning against the kitchen wall; two girls in short skirts and matching boots were crowded round him. Holly felt jealousy rear its ugly head inside her. Full of fire she marched down the stairs ignoring the praising looks that were sent her way. She ignored Dominic and Jo who stood in the middle of the room. It wasn't until she reached Caleb and saw his eyes travel down her body that Holly realized what she was still wearing.

  “Oh, dear god.” She muttered under her breath. He came to her and wrapped her up in his arms. “You look....”She glanced up at him “Hideous. I know.” She buried her head against his chest hearing his heartbeat reverberate off her ear.

  His heart was racing.

  “Heartbreakingly beautiful.” His voice broke with emotion. She raised her head not wanting to look in he's eyes in case she had misheard him.

  When Caleb finally forced her to look up his lips came down on hers hungrily. The room disappeared and the noise was drowned out by the blood pounding in her eardrums. His lips traced hers lightly making her shiver with pleasure. Caleb pressed a hand to the small of her back pushing her tightly to him their bodies melted together. Holly's hands locked around his neck as his soft touch followed the contours of her body till he got to her hips. He grabbed them gently leaning her away so he could kiss her neck and collarbone; she let out a low moan as her hands fisted his hair.

  Their lips locked again.

  The urgent need Holly felt penetrate her from Caleb's lips left her breathless. She broke away from him panting from the force of his emotions; which he made her feel with every kiss every touch. He looked at her in shock as if his feelings scared him too. They were both breathing hard. Holly felt eyes on them.

  The room had grown quiet. Utter silence expect for the music. She looked over at Jo who had her hand over her heart and tears welling in her eyes. “That was so beautiful...” She cried.

  “Wow!” Holly heard a girl beside her whisper. Everyone in the room seemed as effected as Holly by Caleb's kiss. Dominic brushed past her grabbing Caleb by the shoulder leading him through the kitchen door to the backyard. As soon as Caleb was out of sight Holly slowly recovered as did the rest of the room. They went back to their drinking and the room buzzed with conversation again.


  “Have you lost your mind?” Dominic hissed trying to keep his tone low so that he wouldn't be overheard by the few people scattered around Jo's backyard. Caleb was still reeling. He shuffled over to the deck and dropped himself down on the top step. Dominic sat next to him. “That was the first time you've kissed anyone isn’t it?” He asked him solemnly.

  Caleb nodded not trusting himself to speak. He took in deep breathes trying to calm the hurricane that had built up inside him. “Does it always that?”

  Dominic smiled sadly. “No. That...happens once in a lifetime if you're lucky. What you're feeling Caleb is true love.” Heat rushing through
his body. He had to leave. Now.

  “Caleb! Not here!” Dominic's voice warned.

  “I can't stop it Dom!”

  Dominic rushed to his feet. “Leave, out the back way quick before you ignite!”

  “But Holly!” Caleb said. Trying to scramble upright.

  “You could both do with some time apart. Don't worry I'll make up an excuse. Caleb you have to leave!” Dominic helped him to his feet and practically pushed him to the back gate. Caleb stumbled through it leaving the gate swinging in his wake.

  Dominic let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been keeping in. From somewhere up above him in the dark starry night a light glowed brightly than any other; lighting up the heavens. Then went out.

  That had been close.

  If Caleb's glory had erupted while he'd still been in Jo's yard. Every single mortal in the house and within a five-mile radius would have burnt to a crisp. Mortals couldn't see an Angel's true form. It would overwhelm their senses. The sheer heat and light that was an Angel would melt their bodies leaving nothing behind. Not even ashes.

  Caleb was in very deep water and was in over his head.

  But then again he wasn't the only one. Dominic had had many couplings with mortal women over the millennia. Lucifer encouraged it unlike Heaven. After all a guy had needs. Mortal or otherwise. Keeping it bottled up didn't do any-one any-good.

  But Dominic had never felt for any of them. Sure they made him lustful but that was as far as it got. After the deed was done Dominic couldn't have given a damn about them.

  Until Holly.

  Just being near her made the hair on his skin stand up. That afternoon at the school when he had kissed her he had felt; had actually felt!

  Something long since dormant had stirred deep within him. Not just lust...desire. She had gotten under his skin. He hoped that once he had had her that it would pass in fact he was sure of it. He wasn't Caleb he didn't need 'feelings' clouding up his waters. He was here for a purpose and that's what he had to focus on.


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