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The Prince's Christmas Vow

Page 8

by Jennifer Faye

  Demetrius strode over to her. “Are you that disappointed at seeing me?”

  “What? Um. No. Just surprised is all.”

  “Well, if you keep frowning like that when we’re together, rumors are going to start.”

  “Oh.” She immediately smiled.

  “That’s much better.”

  He was so handsome. Her gaze moved from his strong jaw, to his kissable lips and up to his eyes that were staring back at her. Her heart tip-tapped. Remember to keep things light. Don’t ruin things.

  She swallowed hard. “What’s brought you here this morning?”

  “I was just notified that all of the invitations for the Royal Christmas Ball have gone out to the select group of guests. I need to make sure that everything here is progressing as planned. Are there any problems I should be aware of?”

  Again, she had the feeling she was being watched. She glanced around. Who was it? She grew frustrated, not being able to locate anyone. Maybe she was just being paranoid after her run-ins with that persistent reporter.

  “Zoe, did you hear me?”

  “Um, what?” She didn’t want to mention anything and sound paranoid. After all, it was just a feeling. Thankfully, she hadn’t seen the creepy reporter in a few weeks, not since the night Demetrius showed up at her apartment. Surely by now he’d given up.

  Demetrius’s brows drew together. “Zoe, what’s the matter? You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.”

  She gave the area one last glance before turning her full attention back to Demetrius. “The progress of the mansion is on schedule. As of right now, the administrative suite upstairs is painted and scheduled to be carpeted tomorrow. The furniture is being shipped express. The staff will be able to move in shortly. I know that’s a priority.” She started for the entrance. “As for the common rooms, I’ve been in daily contact with the various contractors. In fact, today the paint is already going up on the walls.”

  Demetrius stopped just outside the front door and turned to her. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to tell you that you’ve done a really good job with this project so far.”

  “Really?” His compliment made her heart do the tip-tap-tap rhythm again. “But you haven’t even seen it yet.”

  “I’ve seen the progression of your sketches and I know that you’ve been on top of the whole project. I’m certain that it’s going to turn heads.”

  “Grazie. And I don’t just mean for your kind words. I mean for giving me this great opportunity.”

  “It wasn’t altruistic. I needed the best, and you are it. A rising star.”

  It felt so strange to talk to him like this, but she eagerly welcomed the friendly words. “Shall we go inside and see how the color scheme is panning out?”

  He nodded. He pulled the door open for her.

  She stepped inside the foyer and was immediately greeted by the serenity of blue walls with a cloud-white trim. It all blended beautifully with the white marble floor woven with a gray-and-brown mineral pattern. She smiled. So far so good.

  A gentle breeze rushed past her carrying with it the scent of fresh paint. She loved the smell. It meant that one of her many sketches was being brought to life. Her hands clenched as a mixture of excitement and worry collided. There were times when projects didn’t turn out quite as expected. Please don’t let this be one of those times.

  She couldn’t wait to see the ballroom. It was to be the shimmering jewel of this entire project. She turned in that direction when she heard Demetrius clear his throat.

  She stifled a sigh and turned. “Did you have someplace in particular that you wanted to start?”

  He nodded in the opposite direction. “I thought we’d take a look at the garden. I know you weren’t in charge of it, but your vision for the interior greatly influenced the approach they took.”

  She had to admit that she was anxious to see the garden. Her mother had a fondness for them. In fact, Zoe thought her mother would approve of Residenza del Rosa. Now, if only Zoe could figure out how to get her mother a room in the exclusive and expensive center. She had a feeling a deep and honest conversation was on the horizon between her and the administrator of the facility. She wasn’t above begging if that’s what it took.

  She followed Demetrius down the hallway to a doorway that led to the courtyard surrounded in the distance by a low wall. They stepped out onto the freshly laid mosaic tiles. They were of earthy red tones offset by a bright blue-and-white pattern.

  The walkway led to a center patio with an old fountain that had been lovingly restored. The tiles there contained seashell outlines. Someone had the foresight to continue the theme by surrounding the edge of the patio with crushed shells.

  Demetrius pointed to the edge of the patio. “There will be benches added so people can come out here to enjoy a bit of the day or to entertain company.”

  “I love it.” Her gaze met his. Her heart picked up its pace. “They’re doing a fabulous job.”

  “I’m so glad you approve. I told the gardener that the courtyard would have to be extra special so it didn’t detract from the interior design.”

  Heat warmed her cheeks over his compliment. She turned away, glancing around as a few men were hard at work digging spots for a variety of plants, from olive trees to medium palms and citrus trees. There was other foliage that Zoe couldn’t name. But she liked it...a lot.

  Zoe’s gaze lingered over the potted plants with brilliant red, lemon yellow and spicy-orange blooms. All were waiting to be transplanted into the rich soil. She could already envision the garden completely finished. It would be wonderful. She would definitely spend some time here if given the opportunity. She hoped the residents would find it just as appealing.

  Demetrius turned to her. “I take it you approve of the decision to refurbish the fountain.”

  She nodded. “You can’t find that sort of detail these days. And the fish and seashell design will go splendidly with what I’m doing with the inside.”

  “I thought you might approve. There’s still quite a bit of work they need to do out here, but it should be completed in time for the big reveal.”

  “Good.” She glanced up. His gaze met hers causing her heart to thump rapidly.

  Ever since she’d learned that he was still her husband, it was as if she was seeing him differently. He was no longer the impulsive guy that she’d initially fallen for. There was so much more to Demetrius than she’d noticed before. And she found herself falling for him all over again.

  He had quite a brilliant head for business. He was a natural at taking control of not only his emotions but also emotional situations. He thought before he acted. This was a man she felt confident would one day be a good leader for their nation.

  He was also good for her—whether she wanted to admit it or not. Though he could make her heart race like no other, he could also put her at ease as though nothing in this world was insurmountable, which was ridiculous considering her mother’s irreversible diagnosis. But somehow, he still made her want to believe in dreams and the power of love.

  She knew she was setting herself up for a fall. Sooner, rather than later, this unconventional marriage would end—for real this time.

  She dreaded that quickly approaching day.

  * * *

  Demetrius escorted Zoe around Residenza del Rosa, paying her more attention than the restoration work being done on the historic mansion. But he couldn’t help it. Zoe kept sending him strange looks. He wanted to stop her and ask what was on her mind. Was she thinking about the fact they were still secretly married?

  He couldn’t tell if that knowledge came to her as good news or bad news. Not that he cared. Well, maybe he was just a bit curious. Okay, a lot curious.

  After inspecting the shell pink paint in the sunroom and the sandy shades in the library, they made their way bac
k to the reception area. He’d asked the foreman to gather the workmen together. He wanted to give them a word of encouragement.

  While waiting for everyone to be assembled, a few of the men approached him to discuss the revitalization project. The men were friendly and thankful for the work. Demetrius promised to do all he could to keep the revitalization project alive.

  When it came time for the talk, Demetrius motioned for Zoe to join him. She stepped forward. As strange as it sounded, it felt natural having her next to him. Dare he admit it, he liked having her back in his life.

  He cleared his throat. “Ms. Sarris and I would like to thank you all for doing such wonderful work. This place looks amazing. I know this isn’t the sort of place people want to end up, but I’m hoping Ms. Sarris’s vision will give the place a fresh and easy air. I know that we don’t have much time until the Christmas ball and the official opening in the New Year, but I personally appreciate all of the extra time and effort you’ve put into this very special project. Give yourselves a round of applause.”

  Demetrius started clapping. Zoe joined him and then one by one the men started clapping and smiling.

  When silence fell back over the room, Demetrius had one more announcement. “I’m so impressed that each of you will be receiving a Christmas bonus if the project is brought in a week early.”

  Another round of clapping. Cheers and whistles went up.

  “Okay, men, let’s get back to it,” the foreman said.

  “Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.” A soft chant started.

  What in the world? Demetrius’s first thought was to glance at Zoe to see if she had any clue what they were talking about, but he didn’t dare look in her direction. He didn’t want anyone to read anything in his expression.

  “Kiss. Kiss.” The chant grew louder and some started to clap. There were smiles all around.

  Demetrius turned a questioning look to the foreman. The man pointed upward. Demetrius tilted his head back, already suspecting what he’d find. Mistletoe.

  Something told him that the workers had a bit of holiday mischief going on as he recalled how they’d pointed out where he should stand to give this talk. He tried to figure out which man had suggested this particular spot. Demetrius was unable to locate him in the crowd.

  And still the chanting continued.

  Not seeing an easy way out of this awkward spot, he turned to Zoe to see if she’d been wise enough to make a hasty exist. This time he wouldn’t blame her for running away. But much to his surprise she was still standing there frozen. Worry, or was it panic, reflected in her eyes. A kiss certainly wasn’t going to help his resolve to keep their relationship on friendly terms.

  Still, he didn’t know how to just walk away without turning this awkward situation into a big deal. He glanced out at the sea of smiling faces. Their jolly moods were good for business. And if he walked out now, he knew there would be a distinct shift in attitude. Too bad he’d thrown out the Christmas bonuses before this mistletoe scene. He’d lost a very effective distraction.

  “Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.”

  This wasn’t a good idea. And yet...


  This was a really bad idea. But still...


  Demetrius leaned toward her and her eyes opened wide, but it was her glossy lips that beckoned to him. He wanted—no—he needed to once again feel her lips beneath his. He longed to taste her sweet kiss again. In fact, he’d never wanted something so much in his life.

  But at the last second, he moved, letting his lips land on her cheek. It definitely wasn’t what he’d had in mind, but it was for the best. The crowd went crazy. Applause made any attempt at conversation nearly impossible.

  The quick and simple kiss was over in a heartbeat. When Zoe’s gaze met his, his heart thumped hard. In fact, it was beating so loud that he was sure she could hear it. How was it that a woman who’d hurt him so deeply could have such a tremendous effect on him?

  Perhaps he’d been working too much—for far too many hours. That had to be it. Because he was over Zoe. He’d put her in his rearview mirror that dark, overcast night when she’d left without an explanation. They were friends now. Nothing more.

  He turned away from her. It was then that he noticed a number of phones pointed in their direction. So their little bit of fun had been photographed. That was a complication he hadn’t anticipated. It seemed that when Zoe was around, there were quite a few things that slipped his mind.

  But he didn’t have to worry. His security team was all over it. Demetrius breathed an easy breath as phones were confiscated and photos of himself and Zoe were deleted. Apparently the men had forgotten that upon being hired for this very special project—a project that he planned to oversee personally—that they’d signed confidentiality agreements.

  The part of this whole scenario that alarmed Demetrius was that after everything, Zoe still got to him. He’d have to be careful in the future. Keep more of a distance in their friendship.

  He wouldn’t give her a chance to hurt him again.


  TIME TO MAKE a hasty exit.

  Zoe didn’t even wait for Demetrius as she moved away—far away from the mistletoe. Her heart was still hammering. She’d thought for sure he was going to lay a real kiss on her—in front of everyone. And the truth was, she wouldn’t have stopped him. Did that make her desperate? Or was she just plain pathetic?

  She gave a shake of her head as she rushed past the newly erected registration desk toward the grand ballroom. She didn’t need any distractions right now—even if it was from the sexiest prince on the planet. She needed to concentrate on her work. Everything had to be perfect for the Royal Christmas Ball. She wouldn’t let Demetrius down this time. She owed him that much.

  Before she reached the ballroom, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She paused and turned, not quite ready to discuss what had happened back there.

  Demetrius stood before her with a frown on his face. “What are you running from?”

  “I wasn’t running.” Was she?

  “It sure looked like it to me.”

  Drat. She wanted to show Demetrius that she was changing. That she wasn’t the same person he used to know. She was done running. She was working hard at facing her problems head-on. At least most of them.

  “Well, you are mistaken.” She wondered how many people had the nerve to say that to the prince. “I was excited is all.” Then realizing that her words could be misconstrued, she added, “Excited to see how the ballroom turned out.”

  His eyes reflected disbelief. “You know, you don’t have to worry.”

  “Who said I was worried?” She forced a smile to her lips.

  “No one has to say it. It’s written all over your face. The thing you don’t know is that all of the people on this job site signed a confidentiality agreement. They can’t share any photos of me or talk to the press about what they witness here. In fact, my security team confiscated their phones and deleted the photos.”


  He nodded. “Do you feel better?”

  “Sì.” The worry of the paparazzi spinning one innocent holiday kiss out of control slid off her shoulders. “Come on. Let’s go see it.” She reached for his hand to pull him along with her.

  Her fingers slid over his warm palm. Her fingertips curled around his hand and she started toward the ballroom. Then she realized that she couldn’t be this familiar with the prince in public. Not unless she really did want people to talk. With much regret, she loosened her grip, but when she tried to withdraw her hand, he held on.

  Her pulse quickened and her heart raced. In her imagination, she envisioned turning to him. He’d gaze into her eyes just before his head dipped and he kissed her properly. This time there’d be no anger. Instead, there’d be a sweetness to
it—a yearning for two souls to blend as one.

  A frustrated sigh passed her lips.

  “What’s the matter?”

  He had heard her? She’d have to do better at concealing her thoughts. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He sent her an I-don’t-believe-you look, but before he could say more, she added, “Let’s go see the ballroom. When I checked on it yesterday, I thought it was coming along wonderfully.”

  The oversized, white doors with gold trim were propped open and she rushed past them. The breath caught in her throat as she took in the massive changes to the room. The Roman pillars she’d insisted Demetrius splurge on lined both sides of the room. On the far side, between the pillars, were two sets of French doors. They led to a private terrace.

  She turned to find Demetrius standing directly behind her. “What do you think?”

  “I think you are very good at your job.”

  A smile pulled at her lips. He liked it. He really liked it.

  “And best of all, after the ball is over there is furniture ordered to make this an all-purpose room. Couches will be added on the side with the French doors. A group of tables will be added at the far end for card or board games. And over at the other end will be a bunch of armchairs and end tables for families to get together and visit.”

  “It seems you’ve thought of everything.”

  “I doubt it, but I’ve really tried to make this place as comfortable for everyone as possible.”

  “I’m sure they’ll appreciate all of your hard work.”

  “But there’s something missing.” She stepped into the middle of the room and turned all around. The smile slipped from her lips. She turned around again. This time slower. There was definitely something missing.

  “What has you frowning? Is it the pillars, because I have to admit that you were right about them? They are exactly what a room this size needed.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not the pillars. It’s something else.”

  “Maybe it’s the paint. I think they only have up the first coat.”

  “No. That’s not it, either.” She turned in a circle again. This time her gaze stopped on the interior wall. It was blank. Empty. Boring. “That’s it.”


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