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Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 27

by Fletcher, Penelope

  “Whatever you wish.”

  Face scrunching, I waddled through the happy miasma to sit up fully.

  Half because the conversation had to turn serious, and half because the many layers of gold wrapped around my neck began to choke me.

  Perhaps he’s right and thirteen necklaces is a tad excessive.

  I pushed hair out of my face. “Babe, seriously, won’t I need to work? On Earth we need money to buy food, clothes and put a roof over our heads. Now would be a good time to reveal your princely status to my angst and hidden joy.”

  He chuckled. “I will provide.”

  My mouth opened then closed as I impersonated a guppy.

  Rök wasn’t a male dominated planet that played at democracy while its leadership and social heartbeat encouraged gender inequality was it?

  Not that Earth wasn’t exactly that.

  Still, I wanted to go on to better, not be trapped in the same prison of materialism and passively support the illusion of ‘freedom’ so many thought they had in the western ‘civilised’ world.

  “It’s not.... Rök isn’t....” My mouth worked as panic made me sweat. “I’m allowed to work aren’t I? I am equal to a male?”

  Venomous gave me an odd look.

  He appraised me then said in a mystified tone, “Do whatever you wish. Work. Do not work. Who will stop you? Why would they?”

  “So females can do whatever males do? Even when they’re mated?”

  “Ye–” He stopped then nodded in a fast spasm of his neck and head.

  He seemed pleased to have remembered the gesticulation he viewed as part of another language.

  “It won’t matter that I’m different? That my culture and skin is not the same?” I sounded as dubious as my expression looked. “I’m going to have the same rights and privileges as a native? I could be, say, a warrior, or hold a position of rank?”


  “How can you say that? You don’t know how your people, how your leaders, will react. They might be prejudice because technically, I’m an immigrant, a flipping intergalactic refugee with nothing to offer. There are political parties on my world that treat such people like shit. I never cared before, I’m ashamed to say it didn’t affect me, but now I’m the one up shit creek without a paddle, and I don’t fucking like it.”


  “Do not sit there and pretend your people aren’t the same. Your world is closed to outsiders, babe. That isn’t a ringing endorsement for interspecies tolerance.”

  Venomous sighed. “I admit there will be those ... troubled and afraid of us, but the Rä who lead Rök are of different backgrounds, gender and rank. We have creative minds and logical thinkers who will approach any social disturbances because of our arrival with wisdom and fairness.”

  “I want to believe you. It just sounds too good to be true.”

  “It is how I say. Otherwise, how can justice be impartial, and, therefore, our world safe? How can the perspective of our Senate represent a balanced view of our society, and guide it wisely? If things were as you fear, my Lumen, we’d repeat an endless sequence of wars, and turn on those who are different merely because they were hatched in a different province.” He frowned. “Worse, we would never evolve. Rä with the same views retaining power throughout many generations would limit us to one note, one pallid shade. That is not a world of freedom and choice. That is a world shackled, its inhabitants willing slaves. Should Rök sink so low, I would fight for change.” He stared at me. “My Rä’Na, do not fear our home world. Should your voice not be treated with respect, I will stand with you, and for you until you are heard. I expect my Elders to heed, and fear us. If they do not they will lose my strength which feeds their power. With my loyalty withdrawn, I will not follow them. My obedience to their political views is a gift, not a right they may demand without cause, or abuse without repercussion.”

  “You really think they’d listen to you? That the people of Rök have that much influence over their government?”

  “True leaders serve the people. They have no power but what we lend, and what I give in good faith can be taken away.”

  “The wealthy own my world.”

  “Then it is broken.”

  Holding out both hands, fingers splayed, I shook my head, overwhelmed.

  Seeing my disbelief, my male mimicked a one-shouldered shrug that smacked of me in a snit.

  My eyes smiled.

  I dared not show my amusement in a more obvious manner.

  I’d seen him practicing gestures like shrugging, nodding and thumbs up when he believed my attention elsewhere.

  What Venomous didn’t understand was I always watched him.

  Why did he hide it?

  I found my gruff male practicing how to communicate as I did adorable, and it was a help to know he didn’t look down on me for coming from a different civilization.

  Knowing he respected my background went a huge way to lessening my fear of the unknown.

  He was interested in my culture, questioned me on how I felt about my world, what I found abhorrent, and what I’d change for the better.

  Quick to point out similarities between our people, or comfort me if I appeared daunted by his, he never passed judgement when I spoke of humanities blood-soaked past, present and likely future.

  The effort made to ease me into my new existence made me hopeful he’d continue to be interested in my thoughts and opinions.

  This was my shiny new life, a chance to better myself.

  I had no intention of being relegated to ‘my hapless alien wife who does as I say,’ territory.

  Sensing I wasn’t done freaking, he added, “To be a warrior you must train. Same with other things. You choose, no one will stop you.”

  Undecided if sold on such a utopia existing, I pursed my lips.

  Turning over a new leaf to be a better person than I’d been on Earth, and make something of myself, I attempted to make smart, non-life threatening decisions.

  So, if I could make something of myself on Rök, training with alien warriors that could flatten me with a nonchalant slap wasn’t one of them.

  “Other things?” I prompted.

  “There are the Elders, the Warriors Guild, the Scholars, the Healers Caste and the Artisans.”

  Well, aside from the fact I couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag, so joining the Warriors Guild was not for me, reading sucked.

  I suspected to be a Scholar you’d have to do bookish things like reading.

  Blood made me faint or cry.

  Anyway, I doubted any sane being wanted my panicky, fumbling fingers digging around inside them.

  So that was a no to the Healers Caste, and did we really want me leading a bunch of people as an Elder?

  I asked, “What do Artisans do?”

  “Make beauty.”

  I clicked my tongue against my teeth. “Crystal clear as always, babe.” I thought about it. “Like painters and stuff?”

  “All kinds of beauty.” Venomous held up another morsel of roasted meat on its way to my mouth. “They play instruments, write verses of poetry and perform theatrics. Artisans tattoo and pierce with gold.” He touched his quills then fingered one of the shining rings there. “They dance.”

  Excitement coloured my voice. “Dance?”

  Venomous’ grin was devilish. “I never appreciated the Rä’Na dancers. I had no urge for clutch, but now I will find the act titillating, I think.” His black gaze sharpened. “You dance, my Lumen?”

  Averting my eyes, I fought a smile and eased from his hold, picking up on his predatory vibe and feeling playful.

  “A little,” I demurred.

  Dancing was something that came easy.

  If I’d had an once of ambition in my B.A.B.A (Before Abduction By Aliens) days, I could have gone to dance school and made a profession out of it.

  I wasn’t going to be miserable or directionless in my new life.

  I was determined to build a career, at the l
east do something I could be proud of that offered value to the world ... universe ... whatever.

  Naughty thoughts of dancing on my male’s lap slid from my mind.

  The muscled specimen inches from me roused like a slumbering beast scenting prey.

  Still sidling across the bedding, I tensed in anticipation.

  Venomous pushed up on his lower arms with his upper hands free to grab me, but he didn’t.

  My male was nothing if not adaptable.

  He’d learned fast I liked to play. “Don’t make me chase you.”

  “Don’t act like you don’t like it,” I shot back climbing off the platform the furs were bundled on. I backed up facing him, hands spread and waving back and forth in a taunt. “Look at you, all hard,” I paused to let that sink in and enjoyed his startled gawp, “and trembling.”

  His gaze shot to his crotch.

  He made an inarticulate sound of embarrassment at his tumescence.

  The near constant erected state of his dick since meeting me was something he confessed confounded, and, at times, bothered him.

  He’d been taught as an a’Rä lusty urges would be few, far between, and that release inside his Rä’Na would cure it until she came into season, her pheromones triggering his seeding.

  The intense desire bolting between us threw his world out of balance.

  Neither of us minded.

  While he found my physical differences perplexing, some of my cleansing and grooming rituals odd, he accepted me, unconditionally, and expected me to do the same.

  Frankly, I adored his sexual inexperience.

  He was confident about his sexuality, but not arrogant, grew dexterous at kink I introduced, but never jaded, and despite an endearing innocence in passion, he soaked up sexual play and innuendo with diabolical delight.

  He never made me feel immoral.

  He met my newfound need with a hunger all his own, and explored the physical connection as acutely as he did our emotional one.

  A heavy thump announced Venomous’ dismount from the nest.

  Shuffling back with a pronounced sway of my hips, I winked then spun to dash towards the seating area.

  Halfway to the divan, I threw myself to the side and dropped a squat.

  He was right on my ass.

  Arms swiped past my head in a hugging motion.

  He moved with such power, I felt the air shift.

  Scrambling to right himself, he did so in the time it took for me to blink in admiration.

  I leapt over a low table, screeching, “How you amuse me, tiny alien male.”

  Venomous tossed his head back and roared in outrage.

  He came at me in a blurred streak of colour.

  Next time I might evade capture for a whole minute, I thought proudly as my waist was snagged.

  Strong arms with a gentle hold enfolded me.

  His body trembled with laughter as I wriggled and squirmed.

  Ringing peals of delight escaped the heart of me.

  I was glad to know this male, I was so damned happy.

  “Impressive,” he rumbled. His nose burrowed into my neck. “But I claim my prize.”

  I heard a clink of teeth on metal.

  A tug at my throat and the weight at my neck lifted.

  Polished balls of gold fell to the floor in a shower of golden raindrops.

  The beads bounced and pinged off furniture.

  Top half of my softsuit bunched around my waist, my hands flew to cover my chest in false modesty. “I liked that one!”

  He murmured, “I will trade for another,” and lowered me to the floor, nudging aside my hands to bare my breasts.

  Liquid eyes devoured them greedily.

  His firm mouth followed.

  Arching into his caress, I grabbed the back of his head as he sucked and tongued my nipple.

  My eyes lost focus then rolled.

  I was consumed by the sheer deliciousness of the sucking sensation.

  Stomach cramping under another brutal flow of pleasure, I gasped. “I’ve created a monster.”

  Giving me a grin, Venomous lowered his body on mine then his hips shoved into the cradle of my thighs.

  He kissed me.

  I’d never get used to the drugging effect of his lips.

  He kissed as if each connection of his mouth to mine imparted a secret.

  I heard the static fizz of the haze as someone passed through it.

  Crouched over me, Venomous stiffened.

  His head lifted to consider the newcomer, and he confused me when he asked, “Again?”

  “I could say the same. The nest is but ten paces from you.”

  Arching my back, I strained my neck until the crown of my head touched the floor.

  I blinked at the upside down vision of Fiercely.

  He stood with his powerful arms crossed over his chest, expression closed, but his eyes....

  I pushed at the heaving chest shrouding me in warmth.

  Venomous bounded upright with an agile swiftness that belied his immense size to extend an arm.

  Covetous eyes locked onto my back like laser beams, and boy, I felt that burn.

  The nape of my neck prickled as I wrapped an arm over my breasts then clasped the proffered hand.

  Venomous pulled me up then drew me into his earthy heat.

  He wrapped his lower arms around me, covering my front, and most of my back.

  He hadn’t gotten around to ripping off my softsuit, so my backside was, at least, concealed, not that nudity mattered.

  Rä culture viewed the bare form differently to my own.

  They saw it as beautiful to decorate with gold.

  I was grateful Venomous cared enough to respect my sensibilities when it came to nakedness around others.

  He no longer viewed Fiercely as a stranger, but as part of our clan, and thought nothing of me being seen this way by his ‘nest mate’.

  However, he was sensitive to my needs.

  He wanted me to feel comfortable with the other male, so he didn’t push.

  Venomous kneaded his hands into my curly hair to hold it off my face.

  Ebon eyes stared at me with a questioning gleam.

  I gave him a brave smile, as if my pounding heart didn’t batter heat against him.

  I had to get used to Fiercely.

  For all our sakes, I needed to stop unintentionally pitting them against each other.

  Venomous’ attention moved. His gentle hands never stopped petting. “Nest mate, you are needing us?”

  My grip tightened then relaxed with a twist of my lips.

  No, Venomous didn’t push me, but he’d made it known Fiercely was ours.

  He acknowledged the male as my second mate even though I had yet to.

  Fiercely didn’t speak, seemed unable to.

  Tension corded the muscles in his face and neck, his desire to close the distance and hold me suffocating.

  Back becoming ramrod straight, his shoulders squared as if preparing to suffer torture, and his hands fisted as he glared, but the surface anger failed to hide the yearning.

  Forcing myself to meet his hot stare, the lump in my throat grew from a pebble to a boulder.

  I offered him a conciliatory smile, nothing more.

  It left me feeling like a bitch.

  The male wanted what he’d been told his whole life would be the other half of his soul.

  Against the odds he’d found her, but not only was she already taken, she told him she didn’t want him.

  I was sympathetic, but I couldn’t bring myself to go along with what he decreed without serious consideration on my part.

  I felt as if I didn’t have a choice in what happened with my body.

  Fiercely had to be patient.

  I needed room to breathe.

  Too much had happened too fast.

  One alien mate was enough to keep me busy.

  Taking on another?


  The silence lengthened.

nbsp; I considered breaking away and returning to the nest, so they might talk alone, as him seeing me and my mate undressed, and in each others arms while his were empty seemed needlessly cruel.

  I tugged to free myself.

  Venomous resisted. “Fiercely?”

  “Krait that Shines eases us into orbit around home world as we speak.” His gravelly voice filled with effort as he restrained himself from saying what he obviously wanted; pleas for me to consider him worthy, demands asking why I spurned him.

  Fiercely’s fiery gaze swept over me.

  It cooled as it wandered back to Venomous, but genuine respect resided there.

  It relieved me to see it.

  My actions might cause strain, but they weren’t causing irreparable harm.

  Fiercely’s lower arms uncrossed and landed on his narrow hips.

  His upper limbs hung loose at his sides, but large hands fisted betraying how hard he found the situation. “The communications feed will be updated shortly.” He cleared his throat then spoke at a louder, more confident volume. “I thought to give you early warning, so you might prepare.” His gaze slid to me. “Does this please you?”

  Krait was a navigator turned pilot meaning we were landing, landing on Rök, my new home planet.

  Thunderstruck, I stared at nothing, face slack.

  “Our gratitude,” Venomous said as I balked.

  Fiercely’s shoulders tightened, dissatisfied.

  Venomous took advantage of my distraction to shuffle us forward.

  It put me within touching distance of the other male, but as I was distressed about our arrival on their birth planet, the furtive move didn’t bother me.

  No matter how frustrated, Fiercely would never harm me.

  Honestly, his reticence allowed me to keep him at arm’s length.

  Enslaved and with nothing to lose, Venomous had claimed me on the slave planet, his hold on me set in stone.

  He’d smashed through my emotional barriers with his blameless need for affection.

  Even when we communicated with the second-rate translators, and I made it known I didn’t appreciate his Neanderthal behaviour, he dismissed my knee-jerk reaction to hold back emotionally, leading and guiding our relationship as I wavered.

  He had forced me to bend, or be broken by his superior will.

  It chafed.

  I sometimes felt as if my acceptance of his heavy-handed dominance was an outbreak of itchy hives I’d never cure, but hadn’t I ultimately towed the line when it counted?


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