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Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)

Page 48

by Fletcher, Penelope

  My eyes narrowed. “Oh?”

  Had she been snooping, worried he’d found her out?

  Had she been hoping they’d kill him first then ask later?

  I can’t put anything past her.

  I could not trust this female, I decided it’d be insane to try.

  “Does it matter?” Green scales leached into a dull, washed-out colour. “He had you pinned to the wall. His....” Her chest shuddered. “In your mouth.”

  Scandalised, her gaze met that of the Rä’Vek holding me captive, who had, I’d forgotten, been listening.

  He stiffened then made an expression of disgust and pity.

  I was so mad everything was blurry. “You’ve got to be kidding. I was gagging for it.”

  “Yesss, yesss.” A frantic nod. “You were choking.”

  I face palmed. “No, I let him do that to me. I let him.”

  Appalled, she stumbled back a pace.

  Cobra that Strikes stomped from the archway leading to the nest enclosure and headed straight to me.

  He placed his claws on my brow. “Do not fret. All is well.”

  Nope, all is not well, all is fucked.

  “Where is Venom?” I demanded my voice wobbling.


  At his vicious tone, I blanched.

  Whatever he did was serious because I couldn’t hear him fighting.

  What kind of measures would the Rä have to control a fully mated Rä of Venomous’ powerful anima?

  “Let him go,” I begged. “Whatever you’ve done or are doing stop. We were making love. That’s all.”


  “Clutch,” I snapped. “My Rä’Vek and I were mating. That’s all you saw.”

  Cobra spoke in a soothing tone, as if I were simple. “You are breeding, Lumen. There is no need to suffer clutch.”

  The stress of the situation overwhelmed my anger and I shook.

  Pale and sweaty, I grabbed Cobra’s arm.

  His grey hardsuit was sleeveless, so I touched, warm sapphire scales.

  “I get I’m a different species,” I said. “I do. But Cobra, you cannot freak out when you see Venomous and I doing something you don’t understand.”

  “This is not the first time he has acted destructively concerning you. What happened at the bonding ceremony–”

  “Happened,” I cut in and thrust a hand through my hair then held it off my nape to cool it. “He got mad during the gentling because he didn’t want you touching me, not because he was insane with lust. He’s protective. What your Rä’Na saw in there,” I hooked a thumb over my shoulder, “was consensual.”

  “I witnessed his abuse with my own brille. He had you on your back, and his face between your thighs.”

  “I saw him force his stem into her mouth,” Singing Water wailed. “Over and over again. I saw it happen.”

  “Keep,” I glanced around at the tense warriors, “your voices down.”

  “He was rough,” she cried. The volume of her outburst didn’t get quieter. “Snarling, and shoving, and growling such filth.”

  “They were, um, play words.”


  Cobra’s expression switched from concern to fury. He addressed the Rä holding me. “Slayer of Fearsome Beasts, take my lesser mate to my lair.”

  Slayer moved to comply.

  I exploded into a thrashing mass of arms and legs. “Don’t you dare step a toe out of this fucking room. Don’t you dare.”

  “Calm, Rä’Na.”

  “Shut it,” I spat feeling rude as hell. “Do as I say. I am pissed at you, and I don’t even know who you are.”

  Satisfied he wasn’t moving, I speared Cobra with a glare.

  He was scared for me, and yes, he had my best interest at heart.

  No, I wasn’t feeling reasonable, and no, I was not going to calm down until Venomous was back where he belonged.

  And where the hell is Fiercely?

  “I am done with this,” I declared. “This is none of your business.” I flailed an arm at the gathering of Rä filling my living space. “None of yours. My Rä’Vek and I are fine. We’re happy. Perfect. Put me down, let Venomous go then get out of our home.”

  “You do not understand,” Cobra whispered. “You are my lesser mate, and if Venomous One is unable to care for you, and Fiercely Comes the Night has been turning a blind eye to his abuse, it is my duty to see you from this place. Your safety is my utmost concern.”

  Singing Water shot him a furious glare at the last comment.

  Can’t say I blame her.

  Processing the possessive way he spoke of me, understanding he wasn’t going to back down unless something changed his mind, I returned his stare.

  Mumbled, “Right.”

  My temper wasn’t helping to clear this up.

  Taking a moment to compose myself, I forced my mind to think ‘Rä’. “Why do you believe my Rä’Vek unable to care for me?”

  “His behaviour is strange.”

  “How?” I demanded knowing to show weakness, or submissive behaviour would have Cobra thinking he needed to take control.

  “Since his return from slavery, he has been aggressive, possessive and irrational. When it comes to you, he is a savage.”

  “Warriors are aggressive by nature.”

  “Not to the point of insanity, not to where he harms his Rä’Na with deviant lusts.”

  “We were just mating.”

  “It was violent.”

  I sucked down a lie, because honestly, yes, it was.

  Passion was like that.

  Venomous was violent in his need for me, but he’d rather slice his own dick off than hurt me, especially knowing I was capable of pleasure at his touch, not discomfort or pain, as he’d been raised to accept.

  I bit my lip. “Cobra–”

  “Do not seek to protect him in his disgrace.” The warrior lifted his square chin, black eyes cold. “He will be punished. Stripped of honour. Blooded for restitution to you, and the sacred union he destroyed when he forced his perversion upon you.”

  “Oh,” I whispered at the rage twisting his features.

  I had to explain, make him see what he’d witnessed was joint pleasure, not a violation, but my hands were tied.

  Venomous and Fiercely told me, emphatically, I was not to reveal I enjoyed clutch.

  They feared the reaction of the Senate.

  I wasn’t biologically tied to them as the females of their species were, and, mated to them or not, it made me an anomaly Rä would not stand for.

  It would effect the way a’Rä viewed the Rä’Na of their species.

  The Elders were not stupid.

  Our relationship didn’t only work, it thrived.

  So much so, the result of our love grew inside me.

  We sexed, we loved, we bred.

  What my Rä’Veks had others would covet, want for their own.


  Rä leaving home world to seek a distant planet in hopes of mating alien females that enjoyed clutch?

  That was not tolerable, considering their savage history, and a threat to their culture they would shun me for.

  I’d been told not to speak, but what choice did I have? “Cobra, we have to talk in private.”


  “Please. If you hold any sort of affection for me ... as your lesser mate I’m begging you.”

  That was all it took for him to grant my request.

  He ordered Slayer of Beasts to put me on the divan then demanded the room cleared.

  Once Singing Water shuffled out, her face drawn and shades paler than normal, he turned to me and clicked his teeth. “Speak.”

  “I’m a human, different to Rä.”

  His head tossed, topknotted quills shaking. Impatient. “I know this.”

  “Listen,” I stressed then gnawed my inner cheek.

  This was going to mess with his head, but Venomous was being penalised unjustly, and that shit was just not

  “You’re the only Rä who’ll understand what I’m about to say, and take me by my word. I cannot believe I’m about to say this,” I glared upwards, “but it’s a good thing you and I had sex. Otherwise, I don’t think you’d believe me.”

  I stowed the humiliation at revealing such private details.

  This was my lesser mate.

  “Clutch isn’t painful to me,” I admitted. “I like it. Love it, in fact. When my mates touch me, I get excited.” At his aggravated expression, I expounded, “I get wet inside.”

  “I know how you feel,” he rasped body shifting in a way I realised meant the experience had affected him far more than he was comfortable with. “What does that have to do with Venomous One harming you?”

  “This is awkward, but listen to what I’m saying. He makes me wet. I’d be as dry as a Rä female if he didn’t arouse me, if I didn’t enjoy what he did. Do you understand?”

  “You expect me to believe you wanted him to do these things to you?”


  Cobra took a step back.

  A range of emotions passed his face, including repugnance, which hurt a bit, but he settled on aggrieved. “Lumen, I cannot believe this of you.”

  “It’s different here,” I whispered. “I know you think it’s dirty, but on my planet there’s nothing wrong with what we did. Venom contacted Beowyn then watched a recording of Veraks and–” I stopped. Licked my lips. “He knows the customs of Veraks and humans are more similar than Rä when it comes to clutch, and figured out from what he saw, there are things we can do together that feel good.”

  “Venomous One is not Verak.”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “He is Rä. You are Rä.”

  My mouth worked as I sought the response he needed. “Yes, but I’m also human. I embrace what I am, and what I’ve been. Venom did what he did to be closer to me. You know there are ways I’m not like your females. Not all of these make him happy. My sexual freedom brings us pleasure, yes, but it’s a reminder I can’t bond my body to him as your females do. They can’t choose to leave you for another.” I sighed. “I can. I can choose to leave Venomous and Fiercely. I could take another male to nest, and bear that male offspring.”

  Cobra’s chest rose and fell, anima roused into dappled colour cascading over his scales. “No.”

  “Yes. It’s a reality he lives with, one he wasn’t raised to be prepared for. He’s dealing with it the best he can.”

  “You are his Rä’Na. You would not–”

  “Never, and he knows that. It’s the nature of love to make us vulnerable though.”

  Cobra drew closer then dropped into a squat.

  His brille reflected the glow from the glister creep wreathing the ceiling. “He fears losing you.”

  “I believe a part of him does, yes.”

  “He did these things to bind you to him?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “He was not hurting you, but giving you pleasure, so you would not seek others.”

  “I don’t think he consciously knows that was what he was doing. He’s just trying to make me happy.”

  “The Senate know of this?”

  I searched his face wondering if he meant to tell them. “Venom and Fiercely told me to keep it a secret. Our future here on Rök depends on it. You can’t tell anyone.”

  “Because the purist Elders do not want the a’Rä to seek offworlder Rä’Na as we did in aeons past.” He hissed a sigh. “You risk much telling me this.”

  “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my Rä’Vek.”

  I meant it down to the deepest depths of my soul.

  My place was at Venomous’ side with Fiercely, and the male before me with us.

  Strange I should feel that way, considering how hard I fought the lesser mating, but now it was done, Cobra was dear to me too.

  I couldn’t help it.

  I’d shared my body with him, and for me, sex and love were irrevocably tied.

  He wasn’t mine in the truest sense, but he was part of my clan.

  It’d have to be enough for both of us.

  His hand hovered over the round of my stomach. “Yesss, you risk much.”

  “For love,” I said because to me it explained every crazed deed.

  “I begin to understand what this means to you. Love. Loving.” His mouth wrapped around the words as if they were strange, strange and wondrous. “Fiercely loves you too, does he not? Both of them do.”

  “They do, even before Venomous knew such a thing existed, he gave it to me. It’s why he’s worth everything.”

  “You are easy to love.”

  I blinked.

  “You trust me. To tell me this, you must.”

  “I do.” I rubbed my lips together. “You’re special to me too, Cobra. It’s important you know that.”

  Pain of what would never be, and gratitude for what was, flashed across his expression.

  He bared fangs in a quick smile. “It feels good to be noticed.” He stood and stalked out.

  She does not deserve him, but I cannot, must not, interfere in their relationship.

  I wanted nothing more than to find my mate, but knew Cobra wanted me to stay where I was.

  Expression contrite, he returned.

  Venomous shoved past, limbs twitching, but unharmed.

  He snatched me off the divan.

  His hearts battered my chest through his hardsuit. “You are unharmed?” He laid a palm on my stomach. “Both of you?”

  “I’m fine, babe.” I pressed my forehead to his. “You are the one I’m worried about. You’re all twitchy.”

  “Lingering effects of the immobilising restraints.”

  The room again filled with warriors that now appeared annoyed.

  They’d gleaned their presence was an intrusion of their superior’s lair, meddling in a blameless, intimate matter rather than the mistreatment of a vulnerable female.

  Singing Water plodded in behind them. “All is well?”

  Venomous snarled, not cooling off at all.

  He looked a word away from gutting Cobra where he stood.

  The jealousy from seeing the male behind me during the bonding ceremony hadn’t dissipated.

  Amplifying his hostile response was knowing, yet again, the sacredness of our nest had been breached.

  The added insult of tearing me directly from his arms didn’t help.

  The fact it had been my lesser mate....

  Shit is about to go down.

  Cobra realised how thin a wire he dangled on, as he spoke slow, and with care. “I apologise for disturbing you and your mate, Rä’Vek. My Rä’Na comm called me in distress, saying you were abusing Lumen, perhaps killing her. I reacted with more force than warranted.”

  “You acted like a fool. I would rather die than harm a hair upon her head.”

  Cobra gritted his teeth. “You charged me with her protection and I–”

  “She needs no protection from the one who is devoted to her. Perhaps I made a mistake in thinking you were the one to safeguard this precious burden.”


  “I am not appeased.”

  Venomous was looking for a fight, and the conversation headed nowhere good.

  I sought to diffuse the situation the only way I knew how, by grabbing his attention so firmly, he’d forget everything else.

  Wilting, I moaned and fanned my face. “Babe, it’s too crowded. I need space and a drink to cool down.”

  Attention snapping to me, he hissed. “Get out. I must tend to my life mate.”

  Seconding the request for the lair to be cleared, Cobra himself hesitated to leave.

  He detained Slayer of Fearsome Beasts.

  “Take my Rä’Na back to our lair,” he ordered.

  Slayer inclined his head then gestured to Singing Water. “Rä’Na?”

  “Why are you not coming with me?” she asked ignoring the other male.

  I gave the lumbering R�
�’Vek a commiserating smile when he shot a long-suffering look at the ceiling.

  I wondered if his life mate was more biddable than us, as he seemed aggravated by my and Singing Water’s defiance.

  “I stay to see them settled,” Cobra replied frigidly. “We made this mess. I will clean it up.”

  Her brille narrowed then she waved Slayer of Fearsome Beasts away. “I, too, shall remain. I share a part in disturbing their ... activities.

  Venomous settled me on the divan as Cobra and Singing Water went into the cookery to bring us refreshments.

  They returned just as I coaxed a reluctant smile out of my brooding mate, making him chuckle as I scratched my nails up and down his throat.

  I nuzzled his lips, and reminded him of the fun we’d had before we’d been interrupted.

  Huskily, I promised a repeat if he was polite to our guests.

  Fiercely ran through the haze as Singing Water poured us bowls of water.

  His piercing gaze sought us out first, afterwards, registering the others present with a scowl.

  “Venomous,” he said, “we are called to conclave.”

  Lips pursing, I straightened. “Why?”

  Fiercely took my mouth in a hot, quick kiss then grinned. “Never you mind.” He stroked my stomach. “Are you well?”

  Venomous grumbled, “Well enough.”

  Conscious of our audience, he gave the other male a curtailed rundown of what transpired over the last span.

  “That explains why you comm called me,” Fiercely surmised his jaw tight at the affront on his nest mate’s behalf.

  “Again, I offer apologies,” Cobra said his brow scales gathering, lips downturned.

  Frustration loosened my tongue. “You aren’t the one who should be apologising.”

  Singing Water’s gaze clashed with mine then skittered.

  “Lumen,” Venomous admonished. He focused on Fiercely. “Is it urgent? We need to be here to settle our Rä’Na.”

  “It cannot wait. I have a feeling you want to be there for this.”

  “It will be a pronouncement of what to do in retaliation to my enslavement at the hands of the L’Odo, I think.”

  “Perhaps,” Fiercely replied with a menacing glint in his black pools.

  “Rä’Vek,” Singing Water murmured. “We have done what we can to see them well. Let us leave this clan in peace.”


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