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Christmas Miracles: Mega Mail Order Bride 20-Book Box Set: Multi-Author Box Set

Page 32

by Jenny Creek Tanner

  "I'm so glad you're here, Lily."

  That was the last thing Lily heard before she sank into sleep.

  Chapter 10

  "How's your shoulder?"

  Kit looked up from his chair as Greg came onto the back porch. He touched his shoulder gingerly and winced as the tweak made his muscles spasm.

  "It's getting better," he admitted. "I still can't wield a hammer, but Kyle's optimistic that it won't be long before I can."

  A dislocation was painful. Very painful. Kit had had several sleepless nights due to the pain, and there was only so much pain relief Kyle was willing to give him. His ribs had virtually healed, so it was easier to breathe, but his shoulder still hurt.

  Greg sat on the porch and leaned against the post, looking out at the backyard. He nodded at the three children running around laughing as Lily and Mila chased them.

  "How are things with Lily?" Greg asked. "Is she doing alright with the children?"

  Kit smiled. Lily was doing more than alright. She had been an absolute trooper over the last two weeks, and the results of her hard work were showing.

  "She's amazing with them," Kit said warmly. "They all adore her, and their behavior is astonishing. None of them have done anything bad in two weeks… I haven't seen them smiling like this in a long time."

  Greg was looking at him curiously.

  "I haven't seen you smile in a long time, either. Could it be you're reconsidering your opinion of her?"

  Kit knew he couldn't lie. Lily had not only had a positive effect on the children—she had had a positive effect on him as well. Something had happened when she had slept on his bed. For some reason, Kit wanted to hold her, and it had felt comforting. Somehow, it had soothed him to sleep, and he slept better than he had since before Amie died. It amused him that she jumped up in the morning and ran from the room before anyone could find her there. The next few times she saw him, her cheeks would flush crimson and she would lower her eyes.

  After that, things between them improved over the days. Lily came to his room to talk to him while he ate his meals. They found out they had quite a few things in common that they hadn't spoken about in their letters, and Lily had a sharp wit that matched Kit's own. To Kit's surprise, he realized that Lily was even nicer than he had anticipated from her letters.

  She was an angel. Over the two weeks, she never complained about the children or looking after him. She took charge whenever necessary, and Kit found that he liked it. Everything that Lily did had Kit looking at her differently. She was good for him. And for the family.

  Lily Herod was a godsend.

  "I was hasty in my opinion of her, Greg." Kit sat back and watched as Lily scooped Caleb up and spun him around, tickling him so he squealed and wriggling in her arms. "I found out that she lied, and I saw her physical scar as an extension of her duplicity. I saw the scar and not what was underneath. That was uncalled for. She's one amazing woman."

  “It wasn’t like you, Kit,” Greg said. “We all think it was the grief talking. We think that you were pretty messed up... and that Lily has brought you back to the man you once were. Good job, really, ‘cos we were all thinking of disowning you.”

  Kit laughed and nodded. Maybe his brother was right. It didn’t matter he was ashamed of his behavior, and he had to make things right. Lily was wonderful, and he was so pleased she was in his life. He wasn't planning on letting her leave anytime soon. He had fallen for Lily well and truly. After that morning when he held her while she slept, Kit hadn't touched her inappropriately, hadn't kissed her. He had wanted to, but he didn't want to force anything onto Lily. She was still wary around him, she behaved like a beaten dog. Not one that was broken, but one that was wary and wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Kit couldn't blame her. His behavior at their first meeting was unfair, and it was still with her.

  As he sat there, he knew he had to tell her how he felt. Kit didn't want her walking away without looking back. That would break his heart. And his children's.

  "She seems to have softened you as well. You're not as uptight as before." Greg looked impressed. "And you've spent more time with the children."

  "I can't really work with a dud arm right now, can I?" Kit quipped. He sighed. "But I have realized what I've been missing with them. They weren't really wild. They were just trying to get my attention. But I was wrapped up in my own grief, and I didn't listen."

  "You just needed something to make you listen."

  "That I did." Kit sat forward and grinned at his brother. "What would you say about Lily becoming your sister-in-law?"

  "I'd love it," Greg said and grinned back. "She's a great lass." He jerked his head towards the playing group. "Go on. Go and ask her to marry you."

  Kit nodded. He would do it. He would ask Lily to marry him. But would she accept him? That was worrying Kit the most. She had every right to reject him, and it would make him truly understand how she had felt that first day. He stood up, squared his shoulders gingerly, and tried to ignore the pounding of his heart and the slight shake of his hands.

  "Wish me luck."

  "She loves you, bro." Greg slapped his brother's leg in teasing admonishment. "You don't need to be a genius to know that when she looks at you. You don't need luck."

  She loved him. Kit felt the weight lifting off his shoulders. Lily loved him.

  This would be a lot easier than he had anticipated.

  Chapter 11

  Lily laughed at Renee as she ran around the yard. Leaning close to Mila they talked of how much the girl had come out of her shell.

  Kit touched Lily's arm and she turned to him, just the sight of him took her breath away. Without warning he took her arms and leaned down and kissed her forehead. The soft touch sent a shudder through her and filled her heart with so much joy she thought it would burst.

  “I love you so much,” Kit said as he leaned into her ear.

  His breath tickled her skin but his words encased her heart and she wondered if she was dreaming. Pulling back, she looked at his face. It had a serious expression. “What did you say?”

  “I love you so much, will you marry me?”

  Lily felt her jaw drop down almost far enough to hit her chest. Was this happening?

  Kit nodded.

  Lily nodded in return and was engulfed in his arms. His lips found hers and opened the doors to heaven. With that kiss he sealed their love and healed both their hearts.

  Lily melted against him and enjoyed the kiss.

  Kit pulled back.

  “I love you too,” she said. “I think I always have and I would be honored to be your wife.

  Once more she was engulfed into his arms and lost in the sensations of love.

  Chapter 12

  From the sidelines Greg watched as his younger brother stepped out into the yard and walked across to Lily. At that moment, she was laughing and talking to Mila as the children chased each other around them. Just seeing her made his heart clench. She really was beautiful. The scar didn’t detract from that, in fact, if you knew her story it only made her more beautiful, for it told a story of courage and self-sacrifice beyond measure.

  Kit touched Lily's arm to get her attention, and when she turned to him, he drew her close and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He murmured something that Greg was sure was the proposal and the confession of love.

  For a moment, Greg thought Lily wasn't going to respond. She looked stunned at Kit's words. Then the biggest smile Greg had ever seen spread across Lily's face, and she nodded. Kit pulled her closer and kissed her.

  Lily was still smiling.

  Mila gave a whoop of delight, and the children came running up to see what was going on. Greg heard Dionne ask loudly if they were getting married, and he heard Kit say that they were. Then the children started jumping up and down, shrieking in delight.

  Greg was glad Kit had finally pulled his thumb out. He had seen signs of his brother falling for Lily ages before Kit had realized it himself but hadn't said anything. You
couldn't tell Kit what to do, he had to figure it out.

  "He's finally asked her, has he?"

  Greg looked up. Hattie was standing on the porch, looking out at the newly-made family. He couldn't be sure, but there was a certain wistful expression on her face.

  Greg scrambled to his feet, dusting his hands on his jeans.

  "Just now," he replied.

  Hattie grunted. "I was wondering when he'd finally do it. Lily had been beginning to wonder if anything would happen between them or if she was just fantasizing everything."

  "Kit's a stubborn one. It takes a lot longer for things to sink in."

  "I've noticed."

  Greg could feel the nerves setting in. The moment he had seen Hattie, moments before she walloped Kit, had been like he had been hit in the chest. He was attracted to Hattie, that much he would admit to himself. But going anything beyond that was pointless since his experiences with women weren’t good ones.

  Greg wanted Hattie, scars and all, but he wasn't certain that Hattie would want him. She hadn't given any indication that she liked him in that way. And Greg wasn't about to ask her to find out that she was not interested. It was too much of a risk.

  Swallowing, he nodded at Kit, who was hugging Lily to him and laughing with her about something he had said.

  "Are you all right with him becoming your brother-in-law?"

  Hattie's relationship with Kit had improved somewhat, but Hattie had made it clear if he hurt Lily again she would be punching him once more. However, Kit had pointed out that Lily had knocked him out, and he was more scared of Lily hurting him if he hurt her. Things between Kit and Hattie moved on from then, and they were getting on in their friendship, slowly but surely.

  "I'm not marrying him. And Lily's happy with him, so I can handle it." Hattie looked sad, sighing as she looked at the couple. "At least one of us has a marriage in the works."

  Greg couldn't resist touching her. He reached out and touched her hand.

  "You'll be married one day, Hattie. Maybe sooner than later. You never know."

  "If you know anyone who is willing to marry a chubby maid with more than stretch marks on her body then send him my way," Hattie quipped.

  She drew her hand away and Greg watched as she stepped off the porch and walked towards her sister. Lily turned and hurried to Hattie, hugging her tightly as she laughed. Hattie had a smile on her face, but Greg wondered if it was strained. Many men were interested in the sisters but the ones who had come forward were the roughest of the bunch. For all their toughness, he knew the Herod sisters were still deeply hurt. Letting go and learning to love would not be easy. Greg knew she was hurting but Hattie hid her pain well.

  That just made him want to give her that wedding she wanted all the more. And not just because Hattie wanted it. The way she hid her pain made him want to protect her, want to keep her safe, and want to make her happy.

  He would marry her now, not because she wanted it but because he did.

  This book was originally part of a 2-book special offer. For a limited time, you can get both books for just $0.99 or FREE on Kindle Unlimited A Town Called Hope 2 Book Special Edition

  Book 5- Western Historical Romance: Mail Order Bride - Trust, Doubt, and a New Beginning

  Indiana Wake


  The moment Sheriff Phil Wallace rode into the front yard of the big house on the hill he knew that this was a bad one. One of his seasoned deputies was on the front stoop, collapsed in on himself as he buried his face in his hands. The man’s body was shaking.

  Dismounting and tying his horse to a nearby post, Phil approached the house. He had been born and raised in Philadelphia and had lived here all his life, yet he had never got this close to the elusive big house on the outskirts of town. The Haith family had owned the place, and the surrounding fifty acres of land since before Phil was born.

  Phil had vague recollections of Ashleigh and Christopher Haith and their only son, Michael. That was a long time ago. When Ashleigh and Christopher passed away within weeks of each other during a particularly bad flu epidemic, Michael had become a recluse and withdrew from society. There had been a rumor around town that he had married a young girl from New York City, only nobody had seen the wife. Their two daughters made occasional visits into town for groceries and to run errands, but they were just as elusive as their parents. Keeping their heads down and barely talking to anyone.

  The Haith family were a strange bunch of people, and that was for sure. Yet somehow Phil did not think they deserved what he would find when he went through that door.

  Taking a breath, Phil entered the house and moved through the vast rooms. They were huge but with minimal furniture. It was as if the house had gradually been stripped from the inside and it had an unused and almost derelict feel to it. The air was cold and stale. It was the height of summer, and yet the house was cold inside. As he glanced around him, he noticed the rooms were clean and tidy. They were looked after and yet there was still a rundown feeling to the residence, Phil wondered how three people could inhabit such a place, it certainly did not feel like a home to him. Following the sound of people working he moved through the rooms.

  The most activity was in the study at the back of the house. Papers were strewn everywhere, chairs were upended, and a few picture frames had crashed to the floor. A lot of it was covered in blood.

  His second-in-command, Don Manning, was crouched down beside the body that was sprawled on the floor by the desk. Phil winced when he saw something that looked suspiciously like brain coming out of the back of the dead man's head and dripping onto the floor.

  "Well my, someone really did a number on him."

  At least he now understood his deputy's reaction. Phil was a hardened man, but this was making his stomach churn.

  "His head is completely caved in." Don stood, pushing his Stetson back on his head to reveal his thinning hairline. "Face is almost unrecognizable."

  "Is this the master of the house?"

  "I've spoken to the maid who found him, and it's definitely Michael Haith."

  Phil shook his head as he looked down at the mess. It was a frenzied attack. Someone had hit him and then lost control enough that his skull was completely split open. They had to be strong or frenzied or maybe even both.

  "Did he surprise some burglars?" Phil asked slowly. It was more to himself than to Don, but Don answered anyway.

  "It's possible. But they would've just hit him once and run. This seems a lot more personal, and it looks like there was a bigger fight."

  Don was right. This did look more personal. Phil felt his stomach turning and turned away.

  "Who was the maid who found him?"

  "The downstairs maid. Courtney Sewell."

  Phil knew Courtney. She lived with her parents, next door to him and his family. Courtney was a lovely young woman. The emotions she had to be going through after finding the body had to be crippling her.

  "I'll talk to her. You have a look around and see if anything else is out of place."

  "Yes, sir. Miss Sewell is in the kitchen."

  Phil left the study and hunted around the house, looking for the kitchen. After a few missed turns he found it and found Courtney sitting at the kitchen table. Her face was covered by her hands, and she was sobbing quietly. A short, buxom woman, Phil guessed was the cook, was sitting with her, an arm around the young girl's shoulders. She stood when Phil entered and curtsied before quietly leaving the room.

  Phil took her spot at the table and touched Courtney's shoulder.


  Courtney lowered her hands. She looked younger than her twenty-three years even with her dark hair held back in a severe bun and her thin frame dressed in her servant's uniform. Her face was pale and her eyes were red. Phil felt really sorry for her.

  "Sheriff Wallace."

  "I'm sorry about what you found." Phil didn't know why he was apologizing, but he felt better saying it. He liked Courtney and didn't like seeing
her like this, in truth, he didn’t like seeing anyone like this. "But, if you can, I want you to tell me what happened."

  "Of course." Courtney sniffed and blew her nose on a handkerchief she withdrew from her sleeve. "I came in as normal and found the front door unlocked. I didn't find that unusual since Mrs. Leath - she's the cook - often came in early and had a key. I went on with my jobs as usual and then I... I found him in there."

  Her shoulders began to shake, and Courtney teared up again. Phil waited for her to finish, rubbing her back in gentle circles, the way his wife often did when comforting a small child. Eventually, Courtney calmed down, dabbing her eyes with the handkerchief. She looked up at Phil with a pained expression.

  "I haven't ventured into the rest of the house... but I spoke to the upstairs maid, Nicole. She says Chantelle and Andrea are missing."

  "Chantelle and Andrea?"

  "Mr. Haith's daughters. They weren't in their rooms when she went in."

  Phil began to feel a sense of dread. He stiffened.

  "You think they've been kidnapped."

  "I hope they haven't." Courtney wiped her eyes again. "They're sweet girls, especially the younger sister, Andrea. She always had time for the servants when her father didn't. She's also very protective of her big sister and I can see her putting up a fight if they were burgled." Courtney bit her lip. "But from what I can see, barely anything has been touched, and the only place where there is any mess is in Mr. Haith's study."

  She had a point. The study was a complete mess, but the rest of the house was orderly. Evidently the fight had been contained to that room.

  Was it a burglary? Phil hoped it was. Because if not... it was looking like someone inside the house had committed murder. Maybe the daughters hadn’t been kidnapped. Maybe they were involved.

  This was starting to look more and more like murder, and the two missing daughters were at the top of the list of suspects.


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