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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

Page 2

by Snow, Jessica

  “There'll be time for me later,” Jensen says, stopping his head just over my right nipple. “First, though... I show you how beautiful you really are.”

  His lips lower over my nipple, and I throw my head back, the only thing I can see is the silver moonlight, the same color as the electric feelings of pleasure inside me.

  Oh, the moon.

  Chapter 2


  “You look exhausted, my King and husband. You should come to bed.”

  I turn from the flexi that I'm reading to see my lovely wife Audra come into my office in the palace, where I see behind her that the big clock on the wall says that it's just past midnight. “My Queen and love. I'll be there soon. What are you doing up?”

  “Our son seems to think that the best time to practice his kicking my bladder is around midnight,” Audra says, coming up behind me and rubbing my shoulders. It feels good, she's still taking her fitness very seriously and staying in tremendous shape. She wants to be a perfect mother and Queen, and I can't have asked for a better person to share my throne with. More importantly, my heart and my life. I hum happily, closing my eyes for a minute. “So what is it that keeps my husband from his bed at this hour, anyway?”

  “Farm reports for the most recent harvests,” I sigh, setting the flexi on my desk and leaning into my wife's shoulder rub. “Oooh, just a little over with your left hand? Yeah.... that feels good.”

  “Your shoulders feel like you've got jiconta balls in them,” she says, referring to the sport that's starting to replace gladiator fights around the planet as a past time. “You're all lumpy.”

  “So are you,” I tease. “I like your lumps, though.”

  Audra laughs quietly and steps around, rubbing her belly. “Yes well, this one only sticks around for another two months, then you're going to have to settle for the two up top and the big one in the back.”

  “Which are all beautiful,” I reply, taking her hand. Audra takes my hand and places it on her belly, where I can feel the remarkable sensation of our son squirming inside her. “He is active for this time of night. I hope he isn't this way after he's born.”

  “He'll settle down in a little bit,” Audra hums, smiling at me with concern in her eyes. “You look worried, Tauren. Talk with me, what's wrong?”

  “Nothing that's any different than last week,” I sigh, using my free hand to tap the flexi on my desk. “There's just barely enough food for our people, but with the Rebellion controlling a pretty big chunk of the far continent, there's been a lot of lost crops this year.”

  Audra nods, sitting down in the second chair that I keep next to my desk just for her. “Will anyone go hungry?”

  I shake my head, thankful for that at least. “No, but there's been an upward swing in food prices. Some of the lower and working classes are going to find it hard to pay for everything, and I doubt anyone's going to be getting fat until the summer crops start coming in.”

  “Have you thought of putting in price controls?” Audra asks, and I nod sighing. “The Noble Council is against it.”

  “They are. For good reason, too. If we start rationing or setting price controls, it chills the merchant class, and they are already screaming bloody tantrums over the difficulties the rebellion is causing them. We already have enough problems with the people's morale as it is, I don't need the merchants bitching too.”

  Audra shakes her head, then snorts in derision. “A lot of them are probably making an extra killing trying to sell to both sides. They might be complaining, but they're the ones getting rich.”

  I lift an eyebrow, surprised. “That's a rather pessimistic view on it.”

  “But true,” Audra says with a smirk. “Let's face it Tauren, you've bent over backward to try and juggle a million different things these past six months. And don't think I haven't noticed. You still run this palace at about what, one-quarter strength staffing?”

  “Thirty percent,” I correct her. “I hired a few more people last month.”

  “Yes, I noticed, the hallways are almost packed with servants,” Audra deadpans, her smile coming back. “And you've done it totally because you don't want the people to think you're living the easy life while you ask them to sacrifice for the war effort. You've led by example, Tauren. What more can you do?”

  “I can find my mother and put this damn rebellion into the ground,” I growl, nearly slamming a fist on the top of my desk before I restrain myself at the last instant. “I can bring peace to Tamaria.”

  Audra shakes her head, taking my hand and giving my knuckles a kiss. “You're a man, Tauren. A great man, but still just a man. You're not the heaven and stars above. Tamaria will have peace when the time is right. But that time isn't tonight, and you making yourself an exhausted zombie isn't going to help matters either. Now come to bed.”

  I nod, standing up and gathering Audra into my arms, kissing her tenderly. “How'd you get so wise, anyway?”

  “The three men in my life. I have a great husband, a good brother, and a good mentor. But most of all, I love you. I guess that's enough for now.”

  I chuckle and kiss Audra tenderly. We're both too tired for intimacy, but she still feels good, and I stroke her hair as I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting her essence. “I can take that answer. You're right, tomorrow's another busy day, let's get some rest. And tomorrow....”

  “Yes?” Audra asks, and I hum.

  “Remind me that I'm not going to work late. Tomorrow night, I am going to make love with the Queen.”

  Audra laughs softly, nodding. “I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that.”

  * * *

  “King Tauren, while I understand your concerns about the effects of the war on the people in general, you have to remember that my lands are filled with people too,” Lord Imogen says from his seat at the Council table. He's one of the Lords that I'm trying to most keep on our side, mainly because his lands are on the far continent, and he oversees a lot of the food production for the still loyal parts of Tamaria. And his lands are close to the strongholds of the Rebels that we've identified, with the northern edge of his lands being rich in the halnocite that the Rebels love to build their camps near, since it negates the use of hover technology, making our advance more difficult.

  “Lord Imogen, I understand that many of the people who live in your area are farmers and that they are under risk of Rebel attack,” Jensen replies from his seat, not on my right hand (that position is reserved for Mogar), but instead on my left, next to Kelbara who is seated next to Audra in her position of honor as the Queen's most trusted advisor. Still, everyone knows Jensen's level of respect that he receives in my court, and would be a fool to think him any less important just because he chooses to sit next to Kelbara. “What you must remember is that here in the capital and in the manufacturing centers on the main continent, there are people who do not have the chance to grow their own food, but instead make the very machines and tools that your farmers depend on to run their farms.”

  “It's clear Lord Jensen that you do not understand the life of a farmer,” Imogen says with a trace of the hostility that some of the most stuck up nobles still use towards my brother-in-law. None of them dare take that tone with Audra, partially to avoid angering me, but mostly to avoid Audra's sharp mind. I'm not sure, but I think my wife might be the second most intelligent person on the planet. “Farmers have been getting by with a simple life for eons.”

  “And yet without the hovertractors, harvesters, and other materials made in the larger cities, your farmers couldn't produce a quarter of what they now produce,” Jensen shoots back, keeping his temper in check even though I could tell Imogen's comment pissed him off. “Just as the fishermen in Lord Mogar's territories couldn't make hauls without the factories. The fact is, Imogen, every territory and every industry on this planet are integrated, Tamaria was designed that way to ensure we don't make the same mistakes that ancient Earth made. So, while your farmers might feel they are independent, let's not delude oursel
ves. We're all pitching in and making sacrifices until the Rebels are brought to heel.”

  “So says the man with a room full of riches,” someone grumbles, and Kelbara slams her fist on the table, her eyes blazing.

  “If anyone wants to complain, then first look at your own estates. I've been to many of them, remember? And how many of you have purchased items from Lord Jensen that he uses not for himself, but for the good of those that this Council let be abused by Neyton for how many years?” she asks in a voice that would melt steel.

  Before an argument can break out, I raise my hand to Kelbara, invoking my royal right. Kelbara notices and immediately quiets down, giving me a nod of respect. “Lady Kelbara, while you raise a point, I do feel like we can shelve that line of discussion for another time. In the meantime, I have yet to decide on the price controls and will inform the Council when I reach that time. I feel it is time to adjourn for the time being. Anything last second someone feels they must raise?”

  Lord Imogen clears his throat and speaks. “Not a matter of business, Sire, but I regret to inform the Council that matters in my own territory including a long put off medical procedure for myself requires that for a while I must be absent from the capital. I have sent for my sons to attend in my place. They will keep me abreast, but in the Council, I have given them the full right to speak in my place.”

  “Of course, Lord Imogen. I wish you a speedy recovery,” I reply, looking around. “Nothing else? Then Council adjourned.”

  The nobles start to rise, and I lean over, whispering in Audra's ear. “If you can, take Kelbara aside for some girl time. I'm going to pull Jensen aside for my own reasons.”

  “Oh?” Audra asks, curious, and I smile.

  “Kelbara needs to let off steam. I think I need to do the same, and can use a workout.”

  Audra nods, smiling. “You know Kelbara would probably prefer your methods too.”

  I shake my head. “No, I'm thinking some martial arts practice. And while Kelbara's skilled, I don't practice two on one. However, if you want, take Kelbara to the exercise yard, she's at home there.”

  Audra nods, patting my hand. “Stay safe.”

  I nod, standing up as Audra turns to speak to Kelbara while I get Jensen's attention with my eyes. He whispers to Kelbara before getting up and coming over to me, a small smirk on his face. “I always love these Council meetings.”

  “I know. Always fun for you to be taunted,” I sympathize, patting him on the shoulder. “Think you've got enough stress and frustration in you to do a couple of rounds on the mats with me?”

  “I think I've spent the past few months training nearly every day, while you've been getting throne room ass,” Jensen taunts lightly, making me laugh. Of all the nobles, Jensen's the only one who is willing to speak so bluntly to me, when the time is right.

  “Throne room ass, huh? What you call throne room ass I call proper rest and recovery, I'm not worn down,” I joke back, smiling. “Come on, let's go see who's right and who's going to need to see the autodoc.”

  Jensen and I make our way to the far side of the palace, the wing that is typically used by the Royal Lancers. Inside there is a small martial arts training gym that they use, and of course is always open to me as well. I think some of the Lancers respect me a little bit more actually, just because I do sometimes still mix it up with them, rank set aside on the mats.

  “You know Jensen, Kelbara looked a little heated today there at the end. Is everything okay?” I ask as Jensen as I change clothes. Looking at him, Jensen's in phenomenal shape, and while I haven't slacked off, perhaps I have bitten off more than I can chew today. It has been a while since I trained hard in the martial arts, while Jensen looks better than he did even when he was active in the Arena fighting, literally, for his life.

  “She's still carrying stress from yesterday I think,” Jensen says, pulling on his practice shorts. He puts in his mouthpiece and rolls his neck. “I can understand, shooting a human shield... that can fuck with your head.”

  “Is that all?” I ask, walking out onto the mats and starting my warm-ups. “I don't mean to make it sound like it's not a lot, but she got especially pissed when Imogen said something about you. You were pissed too, by the way.”

  “He's a stuck-up asshole,” Jensen says with a grunt as he rolls across the mat, limbering up. “But we can save the rest until after you're bleeding.”

  “Still think so, huh?” I ask, smirking. “Well, let's see.”

  We assume the starting lines and give each other a respectful bow, there's no need to discuss rules or limitations. We're not going to cripple or kill each other, and in general not go for anything that the autodoc can't fix in one or two days. There's a med kit on the wall if anything does happen accidentally anyway.

  With no gloves, no pads at all except our mouthpieces and the cups built into our shorts, we can't just go wild, shattering our fingers on each other's skulls. Instead of impressive punches and hand techniques, we use lots of kicks as well as elbows, open hand palm strikes, and slaps, all of it leading to grappling.

  Jensen gets the first throw in, sweeping my right leg away with a sneaky reap that sends me tumbling, but I get him off me with a foot to Jensen's gut that throws him over my head and we roll to our feet, equals again. “Nice reap.”

  “Nice counter,” Jensen compliments me. “Tight.”

  As we continue, the compliments disappear as we get more and more serious. Jensen lands a series of heavy kicks to my left thigh that leaves me limping, but I counter with a 1-2 combination of hard open handed slaps that swells up his right eye. We end up grappling, going move for move as we trade counters back and forth, the sweat just making things more difficult as our bodies become more and more slippery, sometimes stinging our eyes as we roll on the mat.

  Finally, the bell on the far wall rings another tradition of ours to make sure that exhaustion or feelings never get totally hurt in our sparring sessions, giving us an out. It doesn't happen every time, but today it does, the bell ringing after twenty-five minutes. Jensen looks over, his face still dripping in sweat. “Has it been full time already?”

  “Appears so. Maybe I have gotten throne room ass, because I feel a lot more tired than I remember being last time we went to a time limit draw,” I gasp, laying on the mat and wiping at my face. “Or have you learned to kick harder?”

  “Probably,” Jensen says with a chuckle. “Last time we went to a draw, I hadn't started working with the Rangers yet. I'm telling you, I've got some legitimate beasts in that group. I'm going to feel bad giving them up after this war's over.”

  “You really plan on that?” I ask, turning to watch Jensen roll up to a sitting position and start taking deep breaths. “We're both going to have to see the autodoc. I don't think I can walk tomorrow otherwise. How's the eye?”

  “It'll be fine. Just make sure Audra doesn't see us, or else our.... well, your wife is going to kick our asses even more, and I can't see well enough to avoid her with her powerlance.”

  I chuckle, laying my head back on the mat some. “So... Kelbara.”

  Jensen glances at me then chuckled. “What about her, Tauren?”

  “You said ‘our.’ Something you want to tell me?” I ask, looking over. “You know, like a formalization of the bond between you two?”

  Jensen shakes his head, then nods, then shrugs. I laugh, feeling good about it. “Crystal clear there, Jensen. So, which is it?”

  “It's a lot of stuff, Tauren. I mean, you know she and I are trying to conceive, and so far, no dice. I'm not stressing about it, but she is a little. But on my end... I guess I'm torn a little. I still think about how you told me how you knew when you asked Audra to marry you, how it was just totally all encompassing. And when I think of Kelbara, I feel the same way. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without her. Not trying to come off as disrespectful to you or your crown, but if it came down to a choice between Kelbara and keeping my Lordship, I'd tell you to shove the Lordship up you
r ass.”

  I nod, not offended at all. “Jensen, I want Lords like that on my Council. The fact is, one of the things I think that hurt my father the most was that he surrounded himself with people whose number one priority wasn't Tamaria, wasn't even something external. Their main priority was increasing their own power, in making the Lordship more and more powerful. You see, if you won't give up everything for your family, and for her, then, to be honest, I can't trust you as much as I can otherwise. So, what's the problem? Are you having second thoughts?”

  Jensen shakes his head, sweeping his hair back with a swipe of his hand. “No, it's not that. Every day I wake up, I love her more than the day before. I just... fuck Tauren, two days ago I led the Rangers on their first solo mission. Even our training is dangerous, and I could die any day now. How am I supposed to say that I'm fully committed to Kelbara when I'm charging off with the Rangers? Even if she is my Sub-Commander?”

  “We all could die any day now,” I reply, making Jensen look up in shock. “What? It's true. Jensen, we're both lead from the front kind of men. We're not going to sit on our asses and let others do the hard work, like some of those wastes of breath on the Council. So yeah, we're going to be putting our asses on the line. Why do you think I love Audra the way I do? Your sister's two months from giving birth and already talking about how she's going to get herself back into shape so that she can be right there with me. Kelbara as well.”

  “I... I know, Tauren. I guess I'm trying to figure out the timing of it all, that's all. I keep waiting for that time you mentioned, that moment you had on the steps of the palace, and I keep wondering if it's already there, or if it's in the future, or what.”

  I climb to my feet painfully, and offer my hand to Jensen, helping him up. “Well, when the time is right, you'll know. And I suspect that the time is going to be soon. Still, let's do what we can to make sure that you and Kelbara get to have a wedding without a combat operation being your honeymoon.”


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