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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

Page 10

by Snow, Jessica

  Olivia snorts and squirms, adjusting herself as she falls asleep, and Justine smiles. “In any case, it was hard to not accept his offer tonight.”

  “Offer?” I ask, and Justine nods.

  “He... well, he invited me back to his estate to stay the night. If that happens...” Justine says, then shakes her head. “I'll handle that when it comes. In the meantime, I think Olivia and I will go back to our rooms. Thank you for watching her, Lady Kelbara.”

  “We had a delightful time with her, Justine,” Jensen says. “As for Liston's offer, we'll support you however you need us to. Just remember it's totally your decision.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. Have a good night,” Justine says, climbing to her feet and leaving the library. She closes the door behind her, leaving me and Jensen looking at each other with tenderness.

  “I enjoyed this evening,” Jensen says quietly, stretching out on the carpet and looking at me. “But I feel like our conversation was interrupted at just the wrong time.”

  I nod, moving over and stretching out next to Jensen, laying my head on his chest. “Jensen .... would you be upset with me if I said that I want to stop taking the pills?”

  Jensen thinks for a moment, then turns to look at me. “Do you mean just for now, or always?”

  “Until the end of the war,” I whisper, reaching up and putting my hand on his heart. “Jensen, I love you. I want to be with you forever. But I can't be a mother and a warrior and a noble and a mate for you. The idea of being pregnant while you go off to try and end the war...”

  “Shhh,” Jensen says, turning and stroking my face with his fingertips. “I understand.”

  Jensen leans down and kisses me, his mouth warm and comforting. Our lips caress one another, and I'm surprised when it's me who takes the initiative, pressing Jensen into the floor and crawling on top of him. Jensen's also surprised, but still smiling when I straddle his hips. “Frisky tonight?”

  “You always make me frisky,” I tease, reaching for the fastener on his tunic top and pulling, stripping his upper body for me. “Actually, I had an idea I'd like to run by you.”

  “What's that?” Jensen asks, and I feel a warm, large lump start to press up between my legs to rub against the crotch of my pants. “Investing in more tunics so you can tear them off me?”

  I laugh and shake my head, rolling my hips and feeling the hard bulge rub against my pussy maddeningly, teasing both of us. “No... I was thinking... heaven and stars, that feels good... I was thinking I'd like some play toys of our own.”

  “Play toys?” Jensen asks, reaching up and grabbing my wrists, pulling me down to kiss him again. His hand is large and strong enough to circle my wrists in one hand while he pulls me against him, nearly driving the breath out of me. “You want to tie me up?”

  “No sir,” I whisper, swallowing. “I want... I want to be bound up.”

  Jensen purrs and smiles at me with a glint in his eye. “I see. Well then my woman, we can certainly look at that. If you can do one thing tonight.”

  “What's that, my Lord?” I ask, seeing the teasing glint in his eye.

  “Ride me,” Jensen says, letting go of my wrists. “Show me how much you want to be bound.”

  I laugh, sitting up and wiggling down, climbing off Jensen to strip for him, watching his face as I slowly take off everything I'm wearing, trying to do my best to sway side to side and almost dance for him. When I finish I'm totally naked, all my clothes lying on the library chair, the bulge in Jensen's pants bigger than ever. I squat down, showing him my aching, wet pussy and undo his pants, easing his cock out to swallow it in one single swallow. Jensen's cock is hot and delicious, the deep intense flavor of his skin and his manliness making my pussy throb even more. I suck him lovingly, intentionally keeping my hips away from him to prevent him from pulling my pussy over his amazing tongue, this is all about him right now.

  Jensen lays his hand on my hair and guides me, forcing more of his cock down my throat and making me moan. I never knew that I could be submissive to someone, but maybe it's just Jensen because I feel totally secure even as his cock fills my mouth and throat. When he lets me off, my pussy is literally oozing down the inside of my leg and I climb on top, kissing his lips even as I push back, his cock filling me. “Mmmm.... my Lord.”

  “My Lady,” Jensen whispers, taking a deep breath as my pussy squeezes him. “You're always so tight. It's amazing.”

  I moan, nodding as I wiggle myself back until his cock is totally filling me, deep inside and hot, both of us lost in the pleasure. I sit up, sighing happily as my hips move on their own, knowing exactly what to do and what I want to feel. “Mmmm... is this what you want, my Lord?” I ask softly, teasingly. “My pussy clamped around your thick... oh, stars... hard cock, riding you until you come deep inside me?”

  “It's a start,” Jensen replies, reaching up and cupping my breasts, his thumbs playing with my nipples. “But you have to come too.”

  I nod, riding Jensen's cock in total abandonment. I look down into his eyes as the sparks roll from my nipples to the deep throbbing beat of my pussy, and I reach down, taking his right hand and kissing the knuckles before placing it on my throat, looking deeply into his eyes. Jensen nods in understanding and his fingers squeeze, not totally cutting off the air but still adding a dark, thrilling beat to our pleasure, and I push myself harder, squeezing around his cock as his shaft grinds against the spot inside me that thrills me. “Sir...”

  Jensen's hand tightens a little more, cutting off my words and the pleasure grows, somehow deeper and red tinged. I'm trembling on the edge, my hips rising and falling totally on their own as I stare into Jensen's eyes, begging him silently to let me come. I'm so close, so close.

  Jensen lets go of my throat and the rush of blood combines with the sensations in my pussy to make me explode, my pussy clamping around Jensen as I groan, coming deep inside me, tears rolling from my eyes as I lose control. Jensen's hands hold my waist and support me, letting me ride it out to come back to reality feeling his hard cock still deep inside me, and Jensen smiling. “My Lord, why are you smiling?”

  “Because every time we've made love, you've had me be on top,” Jensen says, chuckling even as his hips start moving slowly, thrusting into me. “I knew you wanted to have me in charge, and I like that too. But to watch you this time; you were beautiful, perfect in every way. So yes, my beautiful Kelbara, we can get the play toys you want. And now ....”

  Jensen pulls me down and rolls me, pinning me to the carpet as he growls in my ear. “Now we get to both come.”

  Jensen's hips pull back and his cock drives into me, and I feel fresh heat shoot up my spine from my pussy, and I grin, right where I want to be. “Yes, my love.”

  Chapter 11


  “You've got a problem,” Gwyndolen says, coming into my library and handing me a flexi. Her face is grave and for maybe the first time since she became my advisor she looks like she's over forty and not twenty-eight. “Tauren's plan just became public.”

  I look up, shocked. “Wait, what happened?”

  Gwyndolen points to the flexi, and I look. The video is short, with the facts almost a blow by blow account of what happened inside the Council chamber. Of course, the source is anonymous, the Council chamber is supposed to be governed by two rules. The first rule is that anything said within the chamber is secret, never to be repeated to people outside the chamber. The second is that no acts of hostility are to be taken toward anything said within the chamber. Nobles can get heated, they can argue, but everything said in the chamber stays in the chamber.

  The idea is simple, and one that when Tauren explained it to me, I totally agreed with. To allow the nobles a chance to air their opinions openly, without reservation or concern about what others might think, secrecy and isolation are important. It was also the rule that Tauren was hinging his entire plan on those rules.

  Of course, the members of the Council would be expected to speak to each other about th
ings said in Council. That can't be avoided, as the Council listens to and advises on many of Tauren's decisions. But to repeat what was said to the public...

  “Sources claim that after nearly screaming at the Council, King Tauren stormed out of the chamber in what one source claimed was a 'childish display of tin pot dictatorship.' While this sort of rumor has been rare in relation to any actions by the King, it is still troubling to many people....”

  I turn off the flexi, setting it on my desk, I don't need to listen to individual hype stories. Instead, I look at Gwyndolen, who still hasn't taken a seat. “How old is this report?”

  “The transmission you saw is live, but the story broke about a half hour ago. What would you like me to do?” Gwyndolen asks, intense. She still doesn't know the reality behind Tauren's plan, but I can see it in her eyes, she wants to help find whoever did this.

  “Contact the broadcaster, invoking the royal privilege. I want to talk to the reporter who filed the original story personally. Tell them that I am granting them amnesty from prosecution, but I am going to talk with them. After that, I want to talk with Mogar, please ask him to come to the palace. He may not have liked what Tauren said, but I know Mogar, he's not the leak. Still, I want analysis on this,” I reply. “Do you have an update on where Tauren is?”

  “The King is out at the Ranger camp, actually. He said he wanted to see how they were doing, and maybe stretch his legs a little. If you'd like, I can contact the Royal Lancers with him, see if he can come back earlier today,” Gwyndolen says, and I shake my head. “Are you sure?”

  “One of my main jobs is dealing with scandal, Gwyndolen. So long as there is no direct threat to Tauren, then he can be notified by regular means. Leave a message with his Royal Lancers, telling him to contact me when he gets a chance,” I order, rubbing at my temples. “Oh, and tell someone I need an herbal tea. Heaven and stars, this is shaping up to be a headache-inducing day.”

  Gwyndolen nods and gets up, giving me a sympathetic look. “Audra, if you need to relax, I'll try to do as much as I can to take the stress off.”

  I lean back, giving her a grateful look. “I know, Gwyndolen. There might be a time that I'll call on you to do more. But for now, these are things that come with the crown. By the way, I did some research on you.... does Kelbara know?”

  “Know what?” Gwyndolen asks, and I raise an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Her bloodline. If anyone should understand the weight of the crown, it's you and your family.”

  Gwyndolen nods, smiling gently. “I have told her. However, I have no designs on regaining my family's former position. I just want my daughter to be happy, and for her sister to be a good queen. I think I'm helping with both of those things right now.”

  Gwyndolen leaves, and I let myself catch my breath before I let my tension loose. “Fuckshitheavenandstarsfuckcuntass!”

  Audren rolls in my stomach, and I chuckle, rubbing my belly. “Sorry baby, Mommy said some bad things. Relax, and I'll get you some herbal tea.”

  The tea comes quickly, with Gwyndolen bringing in the cup along with a flexi. “The story is quickly spreading, I asked for some analysis on my own, although I'm sure Mogar's going to be better than I am. Also, the network got back to me, they promised me that the reporter will be here in a half hour, but they would like a document with your personal seal guaranteeing no prosecution for breaking the story.”

  “Have it drawn up and I'll seal it right in front of them if they want,” I reassure Gwyndolen. “So thirty minutes. I think that's just enough time for me to drink my tea and hopefully get my head right before the storm hits. Any reply from Mogar?”

  “No, but I talked with the head of his household, he said that Lord Mogar will be notified right away. Honestly, he sounded more worried than I am,” Gwyndolen says, still not sitting down. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Well first, you can sit down, you're freaking me out with the nervous hovering,” I joke, and Gwyndolen sighs, plopping down in the chair on the other side of my desk. “Next, and this is more important, I'm going to need two things from you. First is your counsel on how to handle this. I'm not ignorant, but I don't think responding the way Neyilla would have is the best way to do this. Too many bodies would have to be buried afterward, and I regret to say that's not hyperbole at all. Secondly, I need your help in making sure I keep all the other things we have going on under control while I focus on this crisis. Gwyndolen, you're about to earn your title of Lady I think.”

  “I'm always at your service, Audra. If you want my advice first off, what you need to do is launch some baby-kissing work. If Tauren's on board with it, but even if he isn't, you should be viewed as the kind, generous side of the royal family, the velvet glove to Tauren's iron fist. Before you say it, I know it's not true, you're both neither fully one nor the other. But the people, they need to see that the crown cares for them, and with rumors of Tauren wanting to Q-out his own subjects, they need to be reassured that they don't have a mad king.”

  I sigh, knowing exactly what she means. “I understand. Okay then, while I talk with this reporter and with Mogar, come up with... oh, I don't know, some orphanages or a local civil group that I can meet with soon, maybe make a speech, do some charity work. So long as they realize my physical condition.”

  “I'll take care of it. How about a soup kitchen or an orphanage? There are still a lot of homeless in the capital, and with you already being known for Jonpel and his friends, it'd fit in well. Of course, the pessimists will say you're doing it just for the PR benefit, but with you pairing off with something you have a history with, it lessens their impact. And nobody like criticizing someone helping homeless kids.”

  I nod. “Regardless of the PR benefits, do some research for me on that. If I can't go to them, arrange for them to come to us. The palace has a big side lawn, right? I bet we could feed a thousand children or more there.”

  Gwyndolen tilts her head, nodding. “Maybe not the best move, but in the right line of thinking. Remember Audra, the people like their royals to be close, but not too close. They like imagining that you're somehow separate from the common people, somehow smarter or better, stronger, able to handle the pressure of running Tamaria better than they can. The factory worker, he might like to get a beer and bitch that he'd do things differently if he were king, but inside they're usually more than happy to not be king. Still, I'll see what I can do.”

  A Lancer arrived, saying that a hoverbike has requested clearance to land, and I get up, heading out to the landing area just in time to watch the Lancer running the pad finish a pat down of the reporter, who looks scared out of his mind.

  “Lancer! Let him pass,” I call out, and the Lancer immediately steps back. Gwyndolen gives me a nod and veers off while I step forward to greet the reporter.

  “Welcome to the palace.”

  “Highness, I came as soon as my editors could find me. I apologize if it was delayed,” he stammers. “I'm sorry I have to ask this; I know you are a woman of your word....”

  Gwyndolen appears as if by magic, a piece of old-fashioned parchment in her hand. “Highness, the paper you requested.”

  I make a quick show of reading it over and then affixing my seal to it, handing it to the reporter. “Here. You have no need to worry. Actually, may I have your name?”

  “I'm Reilly,” he says, doing a double take when I offer my hand, but he shakes carefully, his eyes going to my powerlance under my arm. I'm not going to take it off, but I want him reassured still. “You wanted to know about the report on the King's... words?”

  I nod, leading Reilly along the walkway, but instead of going into the palace we turn at the door, following a walking path that leads through a rock garden. “The sanctity of the Noble Council is one of those things that is very important to me, you must understand. As a human, as the first human to be Queen, after all, I need to know there's a place that I can vent, that I can get straight opinions and advice from people who are more experienced
at this than I am. And more importantly, I need to know there is a place that I can express myself, even if it's sometimes emotional or slightly beyond what my husband or I would eventually decide to do. Let me ask you, do you have a place where you just go to unwind and listen to the opinions of the people you respect?”

  “Of course, Highness. A little bar with a couple of other reporters, where we generally complain about things or do a little bit of jealous commentary about how we'd run things,” Reilly says. “Before you go on, though, I can't tell you what you want to know.”

  “Why not?” I ask, turning to him, keeping my hands behind my back. He doesn't need to think that I'm even thinking of reaching for my powerlance. “You know that source shield laws do not protect someone making a leak from the palace, and that includes the Council Chambers.”

  “Of course, Highness,” Reilly says. “The reason is... well, honestly I don't know who my source is. What came to me was anonymous, a flexi with an audio recording of the proceedings that was delivered anonymously to my desk. Of course, I didn't believe it at first, but I ran it through my computer, it said the recording wasn't doctored or manufactured. And I changed it enough that it still came across as rumor, I didn't want to make it sound worse than it is. I wanted to give you this as well. We got it just before you called, my editors said they wanted to hold off because of the war, but I figure someone else is going to put it out there soon enough.”

  Reilly hands me a flexi, and I see that it's a video. I tap the play button, and the screen dissolves to show Tauria sitting in a nondescript room, her clothes as resplendent as ever, her face etched with false concern. “People of Tamaria, this is Tauria, your true Queen. It has come to my attention that my son, the false King Tauren, has shown his true colors, threatening innocent people with obliteration, and using terror instead of true leadership to try and control Tamaria with an iron grip.


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