Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3) Page 17

by Snow, Jessica

  “And questioning her about the Rangers?” I ask, trying to keep Liston off balance. There's something about his answers that seem just slightly too rehearsed, too perfect. I don't know why I just get that feeling.

  Liston looks at me in surprise, then shakes her head. “A mistake on my part. Our first day we met, Justine was so nervous to talk about herself that she spent most of the time talking about Lord Jensen and the Rangers. Honestly, I was more than a little jealous, I think Justine had a crush on Jensen, or maybe a case of hero worship. But I wanted to help her feel at ease with me, so I continued to ask her questions, just trying to let her know that I am interested in what she had to say. I'd have been much happier talking about music or her favorite books.”

  It's a reasonable answer, but I don't trust it. Still, I don't have evidence, and I shift again. “All right. Then, one more question, I'm sorry this talk has been so short, but I'm not sure I feel all that well and need some rest. When was the last time you were at Jensen's estate or spoke face to face with Justine?”

  “I stopped by two days ago to pick Justine up for a date. We were going to go to a museum and then have dinner, but we cut it short after she said that there was something going on at the estate. I'll admit I was a bit frustrated, Justine looked particularly beautiful that night and I may not have been a gentleman.”

  I hold my tongue, watching him, then nod. “All right then. I don't know about your father's opinion, but when Jensen and Kelbara hold a memorial service for Justine, I'll make sure you're informed of the time and place. You know Liston, sometimes children do have to break away from the ideas of their parents, no matter how painful that may be.”

  “Justine had me thinking the same thing,” Liston says, getting to his feet. “Thank you again for the invitation, Highness. I'll let you rest, have a good day.”

  Liston stands and leaves, and I watch him go. After he leaves I watch the door for another few minutes, trying to organize my thoughts. The fact is, I don't trust him. I don't know if it was that his answers were too quick, too perfect, or maybe it was something in his eyes. I wish I'd asked Mogar to watch my talk with Liston instead of poking around a burned-out parlor, but I can't change that now.

  Instead, I just must think and try to see the truth in the answers given to me.

  * * *

  It's dark before Tauren comes back, his body tired but his eyes even more exhausted. “How was your day?”

  I give my husband a hug, protocol for behavior in front of the staff ignored, and put my head on his chest. “I'm exhausted, confused, but glad that you're home. How was your day?”

  “I spent more time hypersonic than I really wanted to,” Tauren admits, hugging me back. “Four stops on different territories, with a lot of walking in between. I'm both tired and not tired at the same time. The worst part was the whole day I wanted to be here with you, or have you with me.”

  “I'm here now, and that's what matters,” I reply, letting go of our hug and stepping back, taking his hand. “Have a seat, and we can talk about the day.”

  “My body still has a lot of energy,” Tauren says apologetically. “Would you mind if maybe I used the exercise yard while we talked? I don't want to be up late, and I want to hear everything you have to say, but other than aching toes and an aching tailbone, I'm more mentally exhausted than anything else.”

  “Only if you do it shirtless,” I tease, and Tauren smiles, nodding. “Really?”

  “Next time push your luck, I might do it in just my underpants for you,” he replies, smiling. “We can get some dinner after that.”

  Tauren and I go to the exercise yard, where he strips out of his tunic and shirt, attaching the grav pods and control belt before starting his warmups. It's sensual entertainment to watch him move, his shoulder and chest muscles rippling as he does light calisthenics in the light from the palace windows before going to the parallel bars. “So what did you learn today?”

  “A lot of rumor and denials of any involvement in the bombing,” I admit, smiling as Tauren starts doing dips. He doesn't realize it, but for some reason, I've always found the almost horseshoe shape of the muscle on the back of his arms one of the sexiest parts of him, and in the shadows and light from the side it looks like a piece of living artwork. “I get the feeling that Gwyndolen's telling the truth, and to be honest I don't trust Liston. Regardless of if he's involved in this or not, in the future, I don't think he'll be on that list of people we trust outside of very specific areas.”

  Tauren hops down from the bar, giving me a sexy smirk. “You're learning well. As Queen, you're going to have to learn who you can trust, and in what situations. A lot of the nobles, I've figured out, you can trust in one way only. They're totally committed to whatever makes them more powerful or serves their best interest. The number that we can trust totally can be counted on one hand, sadly enough. But tell me more about your day.”

  Tauren hops up, this time doing an L-sit in between each dip, and even though I'm so close to giving birth I can barely even consider the idea of sex, watching him is arousing, and I know my nipples could use a lot of attention. I clear my throat, trying to focus, and continue. “Gwyndolen still asserts that she spent an hour in Jensen's library before she left the estate, so Mogar's going to look for another cause of the bombing, either someone who perhaps planted it long before or a secret entrance. I was thinking, maybe trying to find out a reason Justine was in the parlor might be chasing a phantom. It might have just been bad luck, or maybe she was in there looking at something she liked. A dress, a piece of jewelry, who knows?”

  “Perhaps, but from what Jensen and Kelbara told me, Justine never let Olivia out of her sight unless there was a very strong reason,” Tauren says. He continues with his workout, and I watch, enjoying the sight of my husband pushing himself. Why don't I do this more often?

  Tauren finishes his bar work and drops down, smiling as he comes over and gives me a searing kiss. “I like this. You watching helps me push harder.”

  “Mmmm.... pushing harder is exactly what's been going through my mind for the past five minutes,” I purr, cupping his cock. “What am I going to do to get through the next few days? My body says no, but my mind wants nothing more than to make love with you.”

  Tauren moans lightly as his cock hardens in his trousers, pulling away regretfully. “Tonight, after I finish this, I'll give you a long massage, maybe that'll help. Because I totally understand, you're so sexy right now it's mind-blowing.”

  “And what about you?” I ask, smiling as I lay back on the decking and turn my head. “Would you like my mouth again?”

  Tauren adjusts himself carefully, licking his lips. “No, as good as that sounds... I think I might have a very special massage oil for your skin if you'd like it.”

  I smile, nodding. “I'd like that very much. You know that after I give birth, we might be a little busy for things like this. Babies take up a lot of time, you know.”

  “We'll make the time when you are ready,” Tauren promises me, stepping back. “Now, let me exhaust my body so that I can keep it to just a massage tonight.”

  “I'll let you... if you strip to just your underwear,” I teasingly command, and Tauren nods, reaching for his belt. “Really?”

  “And my boots. Don't want to hurt my feet, but yes, my love.”

  Tauren pushes his pants down and I'm treated to the large, firm bulge of his cock pushing his underpants out, making my mouth water. Sure, he said that he wanted to use a 'special massage oil' on my skin tonight, but I'm hungry too, and I could use a sip of cream.

  I hope Tauren's up for a double dose.

  Chapter 19


  The Ranger across from me is one of the new guys, straight from the Royal Lancers. I remember his face, he tried out the last time and didn't make the cut, passing on all the tactical tests but just being edged out in some of the physical performance measurements. Now, he's back, and he's grinning as he squares off with his powerlance.
  “You might be the person who outranks almost everyone around here, but I've been using a lance since before you were born,” the rookie says, adjusting his grip slightly. “No offense, Sub-Commander.”

  I don't reply, and instead, swing my powerlance for his knees. He dodges, and I push harder, attacking the larger man relentlessly. He blocks over and over, using my own attacks against me to send me rolling or getting hit from counterattacks but I shrug them off.

  I'm in the black place again, I know it. It's the place beyond pain, beyond caring about my own well-being, where the hurt is helped by turning the emotional pain into physical pain. The rookie doesn't understand it, thinking he has the upper hand as I keep attacking even though I'm bleeding from three places already, but he's getting tired. Finally, though, he catches me with a leg sweep that sends me tumbling to the ground, my head bouncing and making me see stars.

  “Enough!” Jensen calls, breaking it up even as I try to struggle to my feet to try and continue the fight. Jensen watches me get up, then looks around at the group watching the fight. “The Sub-Commander showed both a good thing and a bad thing in this! On the bad side, she attacked without knowing her opponent, she didn't use her brain as well as she could have. On the good side, though, she never gave up. She took an ass whipping that I don't think anyone here could say they'd be able to shrug off, and she still got to her feet on her own. To never give up, to keep fighting even when you're pushed to your limits.... sometimes that's more important than size or skill. Remember it!”

  The group breaks up as Jensen comes over and tries to take my powerlance away, but I refuse, my grip locked. He peers into my eyes, then leans in, whispering in my ear. “Let go, Kelbara. That's an order. Then we'll go get you some treatment.”

  I let go reluctantly, limping next to Jensen as he helps me to my shelter, locking the door behind him. He turns and grabs me by the arms, pushing me to the ground and growling, angry. He gets down on his knees, staring into my face, his eyes blazing. “What the fuck was that?”

  “I... I....” I growl before grabbing his head, kissing him. Jensen resists but then kisses me back, fiercely pinning me to the ground and tearing at my uniform. I hear something rip but I don't care, we tear at each other's clothing and I feel his skin under my fingertips as we kiss more deeply. Jensen sits back, yanking at my boots until they come off before he throws them across the room, bouncing off the thin wall as I push my pants off. I start to lay back but Jensen grabs my hair, pulling me to my knees. He reaches for the belt on his trousers, yanking it open and pulling his cock out of his underpants where it stands out threateningly pointed at my face.

  “Open up,” he commands, and my body obeys, thrilling as his thick, hot cock is shoved between my lips. He's merciless, shoving more and more in even as my throat fills and I can't breathe, not stopping until my nose is jammed into the curly hairs at the base of his cock. He pulls back, and I cough, tears streaming from the corners of my eyes as he looks down at me, anger still in his eyes but tenderness too. “Your safe word is flutterfly, Kelbara. Or you tap out on my leg.”

  “Yes sir,” I whisper, the tears of pain being replaced by tears of gratitude. I open my mouth again and Jensen feeds me his cock, fucking my mouth hard, making me gag with every hard shove of his cock down my throat.

  Thank you. Thank you, Jensen, for releasing me. I reach around, grabbing his ass as he speeds up, his chest rumbling a warning but he lets me hold on as he keeps fucking my mouth. My pussy aches, I love it all, and I try my best to suck his perfect cock while Jensen erotically abuses my face. Tears keep trickling from my eyes but I don't know if they're pain or joy or a mix of both, I just know that I want to please him.

  “That's it, suck it good,” Jensen admonishes me, his voice shaky. “Suck it good, and I'll give you a present at the end. You want that, don't you?”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” I moan, my pussy thrilling at his words. I can hear the love in his voice even as his hand tightens in my hair and he speeds up, barely giving me a chance to breathe at all as his cock plunges in and out of my mouth. Jensen trembles, then pulls out, grabbing his cock and aiming it even as he starts coming, splattering on my face with spurt after warm spurt. I want it, taking it all and keeping my mouth open as he glazes my cheeks and mouth before the last few droplets go onto my hungry tongue.

  “Clean it,” he orders, and I nod, licking his softening cock and slurping the last bits of come out and down my throat. It's delicious, and I'm still crying, this time happy, purged of the blackness inside me for a moment. When he's fully clean I slide him back into his underpants, kissing his stomach as he lets me get to my feet. Jensen kisses my lips again, even though I can still feel his come drying on my face, but he doesn't care. “Did you get what you needed?”

  “Yes sir,” I whisper, hugging him. “Jensen.... thank you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too Kel,” Jensen says, stroking my back. “You scared me so much, seeing your face like that. So, deep in the darkness.”

  “But you knew just how to pull me back,” I reply thankfully. “You... I'll always come back for you.”

  Jensen kisses me again, then steps back. “Get washed up, let's actually get those cuts treated, and let you get some rest.”

  I shake my head, stroking his face. “Jensen, I don't need rest. I'm serious. Washing up, some food, a little bit of medical, and I'm fine.”

  Jensen studies me, then shakes his head and gives me a little smile. “I didn't make it a request, Kel. I said you need to get washed up and recover.... for later.”

  The gleam in his eyes tells me that my night hasn't even begun and I step back, saluting. “Yes, sir!”

  Sadly, Jensen doesn't join me for the shower, but he's waiting when I come out, fully dressed in his uniform again and watching me with appreciative eyes. “Do you know just how sexy your body is to me?”

  “I still sometimes don't understand why, but I'm glad it is,” I reply honestly, going to my small footlocker and taking out a fresh uniform. “Do you think any of the Rangers heard?”

  “Does it matter? Are you embarrassed?” he teases, watching me as I pull on my panties. “You know if I wanted, I'd do the same thing right in the middle of camp.”

  I smile, finding my undershirt and pulling it on. “I don't know if I'm into exhibitionism, but whatever you want to do to me, I'll never tap out,” I challenge him. “The best part is, we don't have to. You just... read me so well.”

  “And I can still see that you're sad,” Jensen responds. “Kelbara, the reason I can read you is because first off, I'm sad too. A good and honest friend of ours died, and we don't even have time to grieve properly because we both know that Tauria will use this as a chance to rip even more from us. But more importantly, you.... well, get dressed, and we can discuss it over dinner.”

  I obey, adjusting my thigh holster just as Jensen stands up, evaluating me. “You look good, Sub-Commander.”

  “I... I feel better, sir. Still sad, but better.”

  The mess hall is quiet, it's been a tough day of training and everyone is on edge knowing we could get the call to action at any moment, but still everyone gives me and Jensen respectful nods as we come in. The rookie who kicked my ass is on the serving line, and when I come through, he digs a little extra deeply into the fruit cobbler before putting it in the bowl. “Sub-Commander... I don't think it'll be quite the same next time.”

  I muster up a grin and shake my head, taking the bowl. “Nope. I plan on putting you flat on your ass next time.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Jensen and I sit down at our table, while quiet conversation continues around us. I try the main dish, a sort of rice and bean stew that isn't too bad, even if it is a little bland. Still, I'm hungry, and the way Jensen looks at me, I'm feeling warmth tingle in my chest. “So tomorrow...”

  “Tomorrow's a training holiday,” Jensen says, cutting me off. “The Rangers are trained up, everyone's on edge and needs to blow a little
steam off however they want to. Within reason, of course.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, it's only been a few days since we came back to camp and...”

  Jensen stands up, his eyes blazing. “Sub-Commander!”

  All motion in the mess hall stops, and every eye turns to me as Jensen stalks to the front of the mess hall, turning around. “Sub-Commander Kelbara, front and center!”

  “Oooh, she's gonna get her shit pushed in now,” someone jokes, but other than that you can hear a pin drop as I swallow my nerves and go up front, wondering what I said that angered Jensen so much. Jensen glares at me then turns to the assembled Rangers.

  “Rangers, the Sub-Commander here is opposed to my idea of you having a training holiday tomorrow. What's your opinion on that?”

  There's a general jeer, and Jensen holds up his hand. “Despite your opinions, I think she's right. You could use another day of training tomorrow, even though you are sharp. However, the Sub-Commander didn't think about another reason that I may want to grant the Rangers a training holiday.”

  I'm confused and shocked when Jensen gets down on his right knee, reaching into his tunic pocket. He takes out a ring, holding it out to me. “Kelbara.... would you become my wife?”

  “Well that's a good reason to cancel training,” someone in the back jokes and the whole mess hall laughs, the laughs turning to cheers as I nod, taking Jensen's ring and looking it over, amazed that he found something without me knowing about it. In a perfect nod to me in that it's not flashy, it's not jeweled or frilly. Still, it's elegant and strong, made of kolonite that gleams mellowly in the light of the mess hall. I slip it on to even louder cheers, and Jensen gets up, hugging me.

  “Sorry for the trick,” he whispers, smiling in a way that tells me he's not sorry at all. “I just realized that I can't separate everything so easily. You're more important than my Lordship, more important than the Rangers, more important than everything.”


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