Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3) Page 18

by Snow, Jessica

  “Still... I'm so going to take it out on you when we go to bed,” I warn him, smiling. “I'm not always the submissive one you can order around roughly.”

  “Yet another reason why I love you.”

  * * *

  We're not in our bedroom, we've turned that over to Piedra and two of the other girls who are taking care of Olivia. In fact, there's nobody in this wing of the estate, none of the staff are coming to this area unless they need to. Not since the bombing.

  The room is immaculately cleaned, and as Jensen closes the door, locking it behind us, I look around at all the various toys that are hung on the walls in neat rows per size and usage. I can guess what some of them are for, but some of the others... “She really used all these?”

  “I don't know,” Jensen says, looking around. “Other than inspecting it to make sure there was nothing that was truly meant to be a torture or killing device, I haven't been in here since taking over. I trusted her and the rest of the staff to keep it clean and to respect each other with it. I just... on the flight back here, I couldn't think of any room in the estate that I wanted to celebrate this with you more than in here. No toys, none of that.... but to celebrate.”

  “She'd like it that way I bet,” I reply, reaching for the closure on my tunic and starting to take off my top. “There's a part of me that hopes that the old stories about something surviving afterward are true, that spirits are real, and that somewhere she's looking at us and smiling.”

  I take my clothes off carefully, putting each item on the hangers that I find in an open locker against the wall, wanting to honor not only the ring on my finger but the person that is on both of our minds as I turn around to find Jensen's also taken off all his clothes, using another clothes locker on the other side of the room. His skin is so pale compared to mine in the lights of the playroom, but still, I can see every line of muscle swelling underneath his skin, and I can't help it, he's the sexiest, most powerful man in the world.

  My knees quiver as I cross the room to Jensen, who takes me by the hand and leads me to the bed that's against the wall. It's not as big as the one in our suite, but still large enough for the two of us as he takes me in his arms and lays me on the bed, leaning down for a tender, gentle kiss.

  “As much as I like being rough.... this is better most of the time,” Jensen says, stroking his right hand down my arm and over my ribs, making me giggle. “You're so strong... but so gentle and beautiful too.”

  “And I'm yours forever and ever,” I coo, caressing the strong line of his jaw. “You have always made me feel like a beautiful woman.”

  “You are a beautiful woman,” Jensen murmurs before kissing me again, his tongue wrapping around mine as he presses me into the bed. His hand cradles my hip, lifting my leg and making me gasp as the cool air meets the hot moisture of my already dripping wet pussy. Squeezing my ass, Jensen kisses my neck, sucking and tasting my skin, galvanizing my nerves.

  I'm lost in a warm haze as Jensen kisses his way to my breasts, sucking on my nipples until I'm groaning, clutching his head to my breasts while his hands keep rubbing, our bodies pressing together and lighting every nerve in my body on fire, my pussy throbbing as I feel his hard cock pressing against my inner thigh. He's so hard, and I want him inside me. “Jensen.... my love...”

  “It's time,” Jensen says, and I start to lay back, but I'm surprised when Jensen pulls back, pushing my leg up and over his head, turning me onto my stomach. “I've always loved your ass.”

  “You've never tried it back there, though,” I tease. “You know this is the room to do that.”

  “How about we make that a wedding gift?” Jensen teases. “In the meantime, though... I do love your ass.”

  Before I can ask what he means Jensen leans down, kissing my left asscheek and making me purr. I'd thought of his thick cock in my ass, but this reminds me of the first times, that time in Cassel's fortress when I had to turn myself over to Jensen and he took care of me perfectly.... the first touch is warm and electric, making me mewl in pleasure as he brings a hand between my leg and rubs my pussy slowly while his tongue probes and flickers over my tight ring. I lower my head, watching as Jensen's fingers rub my pussy while his tongue does things that stir me deeper than I can admit to anyone except Jensen. It's naughty, it's dirty, and it feels amazing.

  I watch as my love juices coat Jensen's fingers, I'm opening myself more and more to him, knowing that I will be gladly looking forward to the pleasure of my wedding night when I'll feel more than just his tongue on my ass.

  Jensen pulls away and I look back, whining. “Sir.... why'd you stop?”

  “Because I can't hold back any longer,” he says, lining his cock up with my pussy. “Unless you want to get married tonight, but I think our family would prefer we tell them first.”

  I chuckle, loving the fact that I can drive Jensen this wild, and grin. “So you're saying you like my body?”

  Jensen pushes forward, his cock stretching me open, his eyes twinkling in amusement as I moan. “What do you think?”

  My fingers curl up, tugging on the sheets as the sensation of his cock sinking all the way into me sends shivers up my spine, and I push back, wanting more already. “I think I need to come.”

  Jensen pulls back and pushes in again, reaching forward and grabbing my shoulders. It's controlling but still tender as he fucks me from behind, my pussy thrilled with every stroke of his cock. I feel each centimeter of each stroke, squeezing him and giving myself to him just as much as he gives to me, my body clenching around him. Jensen grunts, getting to his feet but keeping his cock buried deep into me as he pushes my chest into the mattress. I'm trapped, totally his as the electricity runs up my spine with every thrust.

  Jensen speeds up, powerfully stroking deep into my pussy and I'm moaning, calling out his name over and over as my body is plundered, my ass stinging as his hips smack into me over and over. I'm trembling, on the edge, when Jensen suddenly smacks my ass, driving the breath out of me.

  “Together!” he orders, and I grunt, counting backward as I feel my body trembling on the edge. My nerves are going from lighted up to overloaded, and tears are trickling from the sides of my eyes again when I feel him swell deep inside me and his breath grow ragged. “Now!”

  I cry out, my eyes rolling as I come hard and Jensen shudders, his cock burying deep inside me and filling my pussy as he groans. The world swims and I let myself go, knowing that I'm safe and protected because of Jensen being here.

  When I come to, Jensen's pulled me onto his chest, and I feel tiny, warm and totally, utterly cared for. “Wow....”

  Jensen chuckles, stroking my hair. “Just think, we'll have even more fun on our wedding night. And the night after that, and after that....”

  “Only after the war's over,” I interrupt him, turning to look him in the eyes. “You have me forever, but I don't want to get married in a war.”

  Jensen studies me for a moment, then nods. “Okay. We end the war, then we get married.”

  “And the toys in here?” I teasingly ask, looking around. Jensen laughs lightly, nodding. “Really?”

  “Really. If you want to.”

  I think about it, nodding. “Not always. You're more than enough for me... but it's fun to try new things sometimes.”

  Chapter 20


  “Are you sure about this?” Jensen asks me quietly as I greet him at the door to the palace. I can see that he wants to talk normally, but there are other people around, people that don't need to hear this conversation. “I mean, last time...”

  “Last time I forgot about the people that matter the most to me. I was taking a gamble. This time, though, we know most of the situation. We know who, and we know part of the how. This is a.... this time it's just a game,” I say with a smirk, and Jensen snorts derisive laughter. “By the way, before we begin, congratulations.”

  “Thanks. I'll be honest the Rangers gave me a ration of shit for doing it in front of them, but I
had to. She's my world, Tauren. No offense.”

  I laugh, clapping Jensen on the shoulder and turning. “No, none taken. Come on, let's go inside.”

  The Noble Council room is filled today, I made sure that I stressed the important nature of today's meeting, and every territory on Tamaria is represented, even the Rebel ones who have supposedly 'loyal' nobles here in the place of their Lords. I look around, then stand up, calling the meeting to order. “Thank you all for coming to such an irregular meeting. I would not have called it if I thought there was another way to do what needs to be done.”

  Jensen gives me a raised eyebrow, an ironic look that says Well, at least you're not lying yet, but says nothing. Instead, he watches impassively as I spring my first little surprise, the one I hadn't told him about. “Before we get into the difficult part of this meeting, I'd like to start off with some good news. Despite the tragedy that has struck his estate, I am happy to announce the engagement of my brother in law, Lord Jensen, to Lady Kelbara. The crown wishes them a long and happy marriage.”

  Jensen gives me a surprised look but stands up with Kelbara, giving me an ironic bow while there's general applause around the table. They sit down, and I take a deep breath, and look out at the Council. “Unfortunately, the rest of this meeting will not be so pleasant, nor will it have good feelings for Lord Jensen and Lady Kelbara. As you know, five days ago Lord Jensen's estate was the site of a Rebel terrorist bombing. There was one casualty, and while that might seem like a small number compared to some of the attacks that the Rebels have carried out, the perpetrator has shaken me to my very core. I'll let Lord Mogar explain. Mogar?”

  Mogar gets to his feet, bowing slightly before picking up his flexi. “The bomb that was set off was crude, using the power cell of a Lancer Mark VII powerlance set to overload. There was no timer, no sort of delay built into the device. As such, the bomber had to set the bomb and then had a less than seven-minute window of opportunity to get away before the bomb detonated. In a review of the security recordings at Lord Jensen's estate, only one suspect presented itself... Lady Gwyndolen.”

  There're mutters of surprise, but not as much as would have been just a few days ago. The word's gotten out that Gwyndolen was being kept in a cell under the palace, most of the surprise is at the irony of the attack and my previous announcement.

  Down at the far end of the table, Sir Tryion speaks up. “Lord Mogar, I don't wish to cast doubt so quickly, but how can you be certain that it was Lady Gwyndolen?”

  “In addition to her being on the security video, over a dozen members of the estate, including Lord Jensen and Lady Kelbara, can put her at the estate near the time of the blast. In addition, Lady Gwyndolen had taken to wearing a Lancer Mark VII powerlance, like many of the King and Queen's advisors,” Mogar replies. “While in interviews the Lady Gwyndolen has maintained her innocence, the evidence points to only one conclusion.”

  “And what motive would Gwyndolen have to bomb her own daughter's home?” Tryion shoots back, more angrily. “Regardless of the evidence, what motive is there?”

  “We're not sure,” Mogar says, shrugging. “It was one of my questions as well, considering that the Lady pointed out in questioning that she had plenty of opportunities to inflict greater damage to the crown with her closeness to Queen Audra. If I were to posit an opinion, I'd say jealousy. There have been rumors that Lady Gwyndolen and Justine were both seen in the company of the same man. But it could have even just been bad luck.”

  “In any case, the evidence is clear,” I say, standing up and setting the bait on my trap. “Whether the bombing was in the palace or in a Lord's estate, whether it killed an innocent human servant or a noble, the fact is that Gwyndolen committed an act of terrorism and treason. The next step is clear.”

  “What's that, Highness?” Tryion asks, and I stare at him, playing my card.

  “Even though very soon Lady Kelbara will become a member of the royal family, and hence her mother as well, I will not and cannot show leniency simply because of that. And terrorism, especially attacking the estate of a member of the Noble Council, is a capital offense. As such, the Lady Gwyndolen will be publicly executed on the steps of the palace.”

  Tryion shoots to his feet, slamming his hands on the Council table. “You can't!”

  “I can.... and I will. Unless new evidence is presented that absolves Lady Gwyndolen of guilt, I must act in accordance with the law that we have all sworn to uphold. Does anyone have anything else to add?”

  The rest of the meeting goes along similar lines, with details being given to the Council about how the Rangers and Lancers are prepared to deal with an uptick in expected Rebel activity after the news of Gwyndolen's planned execution is made public.

  “Therefore I'm not making it public until twelve hours prior to the actual execution,” I add, looking around. “I can only hope that nobody has decided to let that little tidbit go out early as well.”

  There's no laughter, half the Council still thinks I'm slightly off my rocker. When the meeting is concluded, I wait in my chair, giving Audra a kiss as she's helped from the room by Mogar and Jensen. Kelbara takes the seat next to me, leaning in. “So.... what do you think?”

  “I think we have to have faith,” I reply in a whisper. “I know, that sounds strange on Tamaria, where most of the gods have been replaced by the heaven and stars. But I saw him, he's conflicted right now. Let's see.”

  Some of the nobles leave, heading back to their estates until Tryion gets up and approaches me at the front of the room. “Highness, can we talk?”

  “Of course, Sir Tryion,” I reply, pointing to the chair next to me on the other side of Kelbara. “I know today had to be difficult for you, I'd heard you and Lady Gwyndolen have grown friendly. Unfortunately, it must be done.”

  Tryion's eyes glance upward, and he blinks, swallowing. “What if... what if I could tell you someone else who did the bombing?”

  I lean in, lowering my voice. “Then I would need to have some very convincing details and evidence. Who?”

  Tryion swallows again then looks me in the eyes. “Liston set it off, Highness. He killed Justine, and he tried to get me to pin it on Gwyndolen.”

  I nod, while Kelbara gets to her feet. “Tryion, I think you need to come with me where we can talk in private. Agreed?”

  Tryion nods and gets to his feet. “Where?”

  “My study will work just fine,” I reply. “Kelbara, please escort Tyrion there. And don't shoot him.”

  Tryion goes pale but allows Kelbara lead him away. I take a deep breath, wanting to go to Audra and tell her, but this is a time to keep the pressure up. Instead, I go to my study, where Tryion is sitting in a chair, Kelbara across from him with her powerlance in her hand. “Please tell me that's just ceremonial,” Tryion says, gulping when Kelbara touches the stud that extends her staff halfway. “You don't need to do that.”

  “She won't,” I assure him, sitting down at my desk and setting up a flexi to record everything, “at least, not unless I tell her to. On the other hand, her mother is sitting in the cell block beneath our feet, apparently falsely accused of murdering one of Kelbara's friends. I suggest you talk fast, with no bullshit involved before Kelbara goes for the monowire lash that she keeps on her all the time. I've seen her carve fowl with that thing from three meters away, your ear is probably easy to her.”

  Tryion gives Kelbara a glance as she retracts her powerlance, but keeps it in her hand, her arms crossed over her chest. Without looking at me at all, he starts his confession. “Liston and I were sent to the capital by my father to try and work our way into positions where we could gain access to state secrets. We didn't have specific targets per se, just that we were to find a way to get access to the King's inner circle. Liston quickly moved on Justine, thinking that she could be turned more easily since she was a former sex slave with a broken history, but kept playing the field in secret. I.... I found Gwyndolen.”

  Kelbara's hand tightens around her powe
rlance, and I can understand why. To find out that your mother was just a pawn in someone's game of seduction is not something that makes anyone happy. Still, she knows how important this is. I raise a finger and she gives me a nod, she's under control. “Continue.”

  “Five nights ago, I was at home, trying to compose a letter to my father. You see, he's Tauria's main backer in the far continent, and she's been in his territory most of the time. All those leaks that let her slip away? They came from him or army officers from our lands, I'll give you the list later. Anyway, Liston comes in, and I could tell right away something had gone wrong. Liston's always been... Liston's always been the kind that doesn't like being told no, especially from women, and most especially from human women. Justine had been more resistant to his charisma than he thought, and apparently, he'd gone to the estate to try and force things on her. I'd told him not to, that even if she did give in and fuck him that he'd never turn her that way, but he didn't listen to me. He'd gone, using an old secret tunnel that Neyton had shown my father one time, it led to a space close to the parlor. He'd arranged to meet Justine there, and he said that when he tried to push the issue, she said no, and threatened to tell Jensen and Kelbara more specifically about his pressuring her, the types of questions he was asking. Liston.... Liston killed her, he said he broke her neck but I don't know for sure. He had only a few minutes to do something so he used a trick that we'd learned, how to convert a power cell into a crude bomb. We'd done it as teenagers for fun with things like camp cooking units or even a radio, but this time he used a powerlance.”

  “Where'd he get the powerlance?” Kelbara asks, and Tryion shrugs.

  “I don't know. Maybe Justine was more worried than he thought and she had it with her somehow, or maybe he had it with him. A Lancer Mark VII powerlance isn't that hard to get, we've used similar ones for years. I do know that when he came back, he had the powerlance body with him, I helped him discard it in the river the next day. Then I implanted the memory hack, not even looking at all the videos. I didn't know though that Gwyndolen would be implicated.”


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