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Red Planet: The Rebel War (Tamarians Book 3)

Page 23

by Snow, Jessica

  Audra cradles her son in her arms as we gather around, Tauren reaching out to stroke his head with a gentle finger. “He's... he's beautiful.”

  “He's got your chin, Dad,” Jensen says in total awe at the little miracle in his sister's arms. “And I think Audra's eyes.”

  “Not quite,” Audra whispers. “See? He's got the same eye shine as a full-blooded Tamarian.”

  “He is full blooded Tamarian, remember?” I remind Audra, and she looks over, nodding in understanding. It's not just a slogan Tauren says. We are all Tamarians now, Audren proves it. “You did good, sis.”

  There's a polite knock at the door, and Pretton comes in after a moment. “Highness, the news is reporting the results of the vote.”

  “So do I have to leave this house next month?” Tauren asks, glancing over. “Honestly right now Pretton, I don't care, but still... out or in?”

  Pretton shakes his head, smiling. “The people saw the same thing I've seen in you for eight months, sire. With just under eighty percent of the vote, you've been confidently reaffirmed as the monarch of Tamaria. Hail Tauren, long may he reign.”

  “Hail Audra,” I add, stroking her hair. “May she be Queen for a very long time.”

  Chapter 27


  Pants. It feels good to wear them again and to fit into them pretty much the same as I did before I got pregnant. Not quite the same, but close.

  “How do you feel?” Gwyndolen asks, watching me adjust my trousers. She's in a dress now about half the time, enjoying the freedom to wear whatever she wants whenever she wants.

  “Solid,” I jokingly reply, patting my hip. The bones are going to stay this way, I've got more curve to my hips than before, but I like it. I'm able to move still, and Gwyndolen and I are swimming together almost every day. I don't have my pre-pregnancy body back, but to be honest, I don't want it back. “You know, Tauren thinks the stretch marks are sexy?”

  “Why shouldn't they be?” Gwyndolen asks. “They'll fade in time, but they're a mark of you being amazing and a woman who did something remarkable. Tauren should find you the sexiest thing in the world.”

  “Hmm, I like the way you put things, Gwyn,” I reply, adjusting my tunic. Silver stripes still, but the color's different, a happier tone of blue than before. There's work to do, but this blue tells me that the future's brighter than today. “You want to be court flatterer?”

  “I can do that without a title,” Gwyndolen laughs, helping me with my hair. “Seriously though Audra, you look beautiful today.”

  I look back over my shoulder, smiling. “Thank you. I feel beautiful. But today's not about me, it's about Audren. Let's go see what my son is up to.”

  We leave the dressing room and go over to Tauren's office, where I find him holding Audren and smiling, just watching his son. Tauren looks up, then down as he realizes he still hasn't put his tunic on and is standing in his office bare-chested. “Ooops, sorry.”

  “Totally okay,” I confirm, taking Audren from him. “Isn't it, little boy?”

  Audren coos, smiling at his Mommy's voice, and I feel my throat catch as he snuggles against me, happy in his little white smock. Today's his day, and while he seems to sense it as much as everyone else does, he's perfectly content to snuggle still. Gwyndolen helps Tauren with his tunic and then holds out the powerlance holster, which Tauren ponders, then refuses. “Not today, Gwyndolen. Thank you though.”

  The ceremony is held indoors, it's raining and just not a good day for a newborn baby to be outside, and while there are two camera people there from the news media, most of the assembled guests are nobles, along with a few that Tauren invited personally, heroes from the war. This is Audren's first public 'appearance,' and it's an important one. Even Joren's flown in from his retirement, watching with proud eyes as Tauren holds up our son.

  “Audren, out of Audra by Tauren!” he declares, to the applause of the crowd. Audren looks around, squirming in his father's arms as he tries to figure out what the fuss and noise is about, but when he realizes it's about him, he grins his big toothless smile, getting a few 'aww's and 'how cute's from the group.

  Tauren lowers Audren down and we hold him together as we anoint his head with wine and oil, signifying that not only is he our son but a Prince of Tamaria. While there's a separate ceremony to declare him Crown Prince, that won't come until he's older, able to handle the duties that come with it.

  After that, I get to surprise Jensen as I take the golden chain from Audren's basket and approach my brother, putting the chain around his neck before retrieving another for Kelbara. “As Queen of Tamaria, I declare you both joint Guardians and High Regents of my son until the time that he is able to defend himself and assume the duties he is born to.”

  It's the second highest honor on Tamaria, since if something happens to Tauren and me, Jensen will act with the power of Kingship until Audren is old enough, but Jensen and Kelbara don't hesitate, kneeling in acceptance. “We pledge out lives to the defense and guidance of Prince Audren.”

  When the ceremony's over, there's a gap as the news media leaves, and the hall is rearranged for the celebratory banquet. While Tauren and Jensen fuss over Audren, Gwyndolen comes up to me, whispering in my ear. “Audra... would you mind if I left the banquet a little early?”

  “No, what's wrong?” I ask. “Are you feeling okay?”

  Gwyndolen nods, giving me a small chagrined smile. “I... I would like to visit Tryion in his cell, bring him some of the banquet food tonight.”

  “Tryion. He's still got two years left on his sentence, you know,” I note. “But I think he'd appreciate it.”

  “He appreciates the crown's leniency in his punishment. To give him so much credit for helping after his confession... he thanks you.”

  I nod and lean in to whisper in Gwyndolen's ear. “And you? Are you thinking to wait two years yourself?”

  Gwyndolen gives me a soft, secret smile, and shrugs. “We'll see. Thank you.”

  The private banquet starts, the hall filled with multiple tables to fit all two hundred guests, and Tauren stands up to give his thanks. This isn't a public event, there're no cameras, and we're able to relax protocol just a little bit. “My friends, fellow nobles, and heroes of Tamaria, it's been an honor....”

  The door to the hall opens and Mogar comes in, breathless. He's dressed in his best today at least, and his scholar's robe isn't all that rumpled. “Sire, sorry to interrupt, I just got some amazing news.”

  “Well, don't just keep us all in suspense man, spill it!” Tauren says in good humor, and I can understand. Mogar's body language isn't worried, it's excited, it's energetic.... he looks younger somehow.

  “Sire... I just got a message from a friend on the Castor moon base. One of our deep space probes just picked up a signal. An FTL unmanned satellite has entered our system.”

  There's a general rumble from the assembled group, and even Tauren's interested. “Really? One of our deep space missions?”

  Mogar's eyes gleam, and I can anticipate what he's going to say even as he opens his mouth. “No.... the satellite says it's from Earth. They want to re-establish contact with Tamaria. They said.... the satellite says it wants to talk.”

  Tauren gives me a look, and I shrug. “I guess we don't get a boring first year to our marriage either way.”

  Tauren nods then looked back to Mogar. “Well then, tomorrow we shall talk with Earth, or at least their satellite. Tonight, though... tonight we celebrate. Have a seat Lord Mogar, and let's toast the future of Tamaria.”

  Join my mailing list and you’ll be the first one to know when Book 4 releases!

  Red Planet Book 1 - The Slave Queen

  Red Planet Book 2 - The Revolt

  Also by Jessica Snow




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